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2014-07-01 22:18 134 查看





1.内部类和外部类的相互访问:首先,内部类(除非特别说明,内部类指非静态内部类)可以访问外部类的所有成员和函数,包括public, default, protected和private,而外部类内部可以访问内部类的所有成员,但必须通过内部类对象,代码如下:

* @author sunyiwei
* @2014年7月1日
* Note: Obviously, we can access  all objects from inner class of outer class, including private variable or private function
* since it implicitly stores an reference of its enclosed class. BUT WHAT IF WE DO IT REVERSELY?
* that is, can we call private function of inner class from outer class? This test
* say yes. we can treat inner class as a property of outer class, thus it can
* explain why we can call private function from enclose class
public class TestInnerClass {
public int m_nPublicValueOuter=2;
    class InnerClass{
private int m_nPrivateValue=1;
public int m_nPublicValue=-1;

private void privateFunc()
System.out.println("This is from private func of inner class");
System.out.println(TestInnerClass.this); //get enclosing object from inner class

public void func()
InnerClass innerClass=new InnerClass();
innerClass.privateFunc(); //here we call private function of innerclass
System.out.println(innerClass.m_nPrivateValue);//here we access private variable of inner class

public static void main(String[] args)
TestInnerClass testInnerClass=new TestInnerClass();

//		TestInnerClass.InnerClass innerClass=new TestInnerClass().new InnerClass();
//		innerClass.privateFunc();



* @author sunyiwei
* @2014年7月1日
*Note: we test static inner class in this example
* Results show that static inner class can only access static variables of its enclosing class
public class TestStaticInnerClass {
private static int m_nStaticValueOuter=2;
private int m_nNonStaticValueOuter=3;

private static class InnerClass
private int m_nNonStaticValue=-1;
private static int m_nStaticValue=1;

static void func()
System.out.println("This is a static function of inner class");
System.out.println(m_nStaticValueOuter);         //access static variable
//System.out.println(m_nNonStaticValueOuter); //compiler error, we cannot access non-static variable of enclosing class

public void func()

public static void main(String[] args) {
TestStaticInnerClass testStaticInnerClass=new TestStaticInnerClass();


* @author sunyiwei
* @2014年7月1日
*this simple example shows the usage of anonymous class
public class TestAnonymousClass {
//here we wanna get an abstract animal,that is, any class implementing the animal interface
//can be return here. Within this method, we create an anonymous class to implement animal
//interface and return it directly. we don't even know its exact name! With this support, we can
//easily create many different implements of animal interface.
static public Animal getAnimal()
return new Animal() {

public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("I'm an anonymous animal, i'm also running!");

//this method is designed to show that we can easily to create different implements
// with anonymous class. And also we try to explain that when the anonymous class
//need to access the arguments of enclosing method, these argument must be declared
//as final, otherwise compiler would complaint an error.
static public Animal getAnotherAnimal(final String szString) //here szString must be final
return new Animal() {

public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TestAnonymousClass.getAnotherAnimal("I'm another anonymous animal!").run();



4. 内部类的功能:之前说过,内部类的功能主要是能够方便地隐藏代码,并且能够在类中方便地实现同一个接口的不同实现,成为目前基于事件机制的框架的实现。这里,借用了“Thinking in Java”书中的关于“抽象工厂”和“迭代器”的两个例子,通过内部类的方式使得抽象工厂的实现变得很方便,也让我再次感受到了内部类的威力所在,代码如下:

interface AbstractService
void firstMethod();
void secondMethod();

interface AbstractFactory
AbstractService getService();

* @author sunyiwei
* @2014年7月1日
* this example implement the abstract-factory design pattern with inner class
* we can see the power of inner class here because it completly hide and simplify
* the implement of factory. this example is referenced from "Thinking in java", which
* is one of the best primer book to learn java.^-^
public class FactoryWithInnerClass {
public static void FactoryConsumer(AbstractFactory factory)
AbstractService service=factory.getService();

public static void main(String[] args)
AbstractFactory factory=FirstService.factory;

class SecondService implements AbstractService
//to avoid explicitly instantiate
private SecondService()

public void firstMethod()
System.out.println("SecondService:first method");

public void secondMethod()
System.out.println("SecondService:second method");

public static AbstractFactory factory=new AbstractFactory() {

public AbstractService getService() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return new SecondService();

class FirstService implements AbstractService
//to avoid explicitly instantiate
private FirstService()

public void firstMethod()
System.out.println("FirstService:first method");

public void secondMethod()
System.out.println("FirstService: second method");

public static AbstractFactory factory=
new AbstractFactory() {
public AbstractService getService() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return new FirstService();

interface Selector
Boolean end();
Object current();
void next();

* @author sunyiwei
* @2014年7月1日
* Inner class can be used to implement the iterator-pattern in design pattern
* In this example, we create a enclosing class and its iterators with usage of inner class
* this example also shows us that we can create not only one iterator
public class IteratorWithInnerClass {
private int[] m_nIntValues;
private int nNext=0;

public IteratorWithInnerClass(int nSize)
m_nIntValues=new int[nSize];

public void add(int n)

//here we implement iterator using inner class for this enclosing class
private class SequenceIterator implements Selector
private int nIndex=0;
public Boolean end()
return true;
return false;

public Object current()
return m_nIntValues[nIndex];
return null;

public void next()

//we implement another iterator class
private class RandomIterator implements Selector
private int nIndex=0;
public Boolean end()
return true;
return false;

public Object current()
Random random=new Random();
int nLenght=m_nIntValues.length;
return m_nIntValues[random.nextInt(nLenght)];

public void next()


//get selector, here we can hide our inner class and only expose this interface to our user
public Selector getSequenceSelector()
return new SequenceIterator();

public Selector getRandomSelector()
{return new RandomIterator();}

public static void main(String[] args)
int nSize=100;
IteratorWithInnerClass testClass=new IteratorWithInnerClass(nSize);
for(int i=0;i<nSize;i++)

//go through it with two different iterator
//Selector selector=testClass.getSequenceSelector(); //sequence one
Selector selector=testClass.getRandomSelector(); //random one
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