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dll #pragma data_seg注意事项

2014-06-26 13:33 423 查看
#pragma data_seg("flag_data")

   int count=0;

#pragma data_seg()

#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:flag_data,RWS")






发表于 2008-04-08 23:56 ahuo 阅读(1554) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 网摘 所属分类: VC++API


在主文件中,用#pragma data_seg建立一 


#pragma data_seg ("shareddata") //名称可以 


HWND sharedwnd=NULL;//共享数据 

#pragma data_seg() 

仅定义一个数据段还不能达到共享数据的目的,还要告诉编译器该段的属性,有两种方法可以实现该目的 (其效果是相同的),一种方法是在.DEF文件中加入如下语句: SETCTIONS shareddata READ WRITE SHARED 另一种方法是在项目设置链接选项(Project Setting --〉Link)中加入如下语句: /SECTION:shareddata,rws 




#pragma data_seg预处理指令用于设置共享数据段。例如: 

#pragma data_seg("SharedDataName") HHOOK hHook=NULL; //必须在定义的同时进行初始化!!!!#pragma data_seg() 

在#pragma data_seg("SharedDataName")和#pragma data_seg()之间的所有变量将被访问该Dll的所有进程看到和共享。再加上一条指令#pragma comment(linker,"/section:.SharedDataName,rws"),[注意:数据节的名称is case sensitive]那么这个数据节中的数据可以在所有DLL的实例之间共享。所有对这些数据的操作都针对同一个实例的,而不是在每个进程的地址空间中都有一份。 

当进程隐式或显式调用一个动态库里的函数时,系统都要把这个动态库映射到这个进程的虚拟地址空间里(以下简称"地址空间")。这使得DLL成为进程的一部分,以这个进程的身份执行,使用这个进程的堆栈。(这项技术又叫code Injection技术,被广泛地应用在了病毒、黑客领域!呵呵^_^) 


Win32 DLLs are mapped into the address space of the calling process. By default, each process using a DLL has its own instance of all the DLLs global and static variables. (注意: 即使是全局变量和静态变量也都不是共享的!) If your DLL needs to share data with other instances of it
loaded by other applications, you can use either of the following approaches: 

· Create named data sections using the data_seg pragma. 

· Use memory mapped files. See the Win32 documentation about memory mapped files. 

Here is an example of using the data_seg pragma: 

#pragma data_seg (".myseg") 

int i = 0; 

char a[32] = "hello world"; 

#pragma data_seg() 

data_seg can be used to create a new named section (.myseg in this example). The most typical usage is to call the data segment .shared for clarity. You then must specify the correct sharing attributes for this new named data section in your .def file or with
the linker option /SECTION:.MYSEC,RWS. (这个编译参数既可以使用pragma指令来指定,也可以在VC的IDE中指定!) 

There are restrictions to consider before using a shared data segment: 

· Any variables in a shared data segment must be statically initialized. In the above example, i is initialized to 0 and a is 32 characters initialized to hello world. 

· All shared variables are placed in the compiled DLL in the specified data segment. Very large arrays can result in very large DLLs. This is true of all initialized global variables. 

· Never store process-specific information in a shared data segment. Most Win32 data structures or values (such as HANDLEs) are really valid only within the context of a single process. 

· Each process gets its own address space. It is very important that pointers are never stored in a variable contained in a shared data segment. A pointer might be perfectly valid in one application but not in another. 

· It is possible that the DLL itself could get loaded at a different address in the virtual address spaces of each process. It is not safe to have pointers to functions in the DLL or to other shared variables.
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