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在.NET中使用EPPlus生成Excel报表 .

2014-06-21 04:29 429 查看

  在介绍EPPlus之前,首先要介绍一下Office Open XML。以下文字来自于维基百科(网址:维基百科中Office Open XML的介绍,有删节):
  Office Open XML(缩写:Open XML、OpenXML或OOXML),是由Microsoft开发的一种以XML为基础并以ZIP格式压缩的电子文件,支持Word、Excel、Office Note、PPT等文件格式。OOXML在2006年12月成为了ECMA规范的一部分,编号为ECMA-376;并于2008年4月国际标准化组织(ISO)的表決,在两个月公布为ISO/IEC 29500国际标准。从Microsoft Office 2007开始,Office Open XML文件格式已经成为Microsoft Office默认的文件格式。Microsoft Office 2010支持对ECMA-376标准文档的读操作,ISO/IEC 29500 Transitional的读/写,ISO/IEC 29500 Strict的读取。Microsoft Office 2013同时支持ISO/IEC 29500 Strict的读写操作。
  EPPlus就是一个通过Open XML方式来读写Office文件的开源.NET类库,所以使用它生成Office文件完全不需要Microsoft Office(当然如果你需需要查看生成的文件就需要Office了)。它的官方网址是:http://epplus.codeplex.com/。如果需要体验本文中提到的效果,需要从这个网址下载最新版本的类库,我现在使用的这个名为EPPlus.dll类库仅658K,非常方便部署。


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   * Project A report project

   * Module Name Excel Report

   * Author Zhou, Jin-Qiao (周金桥)

   * Creation Date [11/03/2013]

   * Description Generate Excel Report with Chat demo by Epplus


   * © Copyright 2013 zhoufoxcn.




  using System;

  using System.Data;

  using System.Drawing;

  using System.IO;

  using OfficeOpenXml;

  using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart;

  using OfficeOpenXml.Style;


  namespace ExcelReportApplication


   /// <summary>

   /// 使用EPPlus生成带图表(Chart)的Excel文件的例子,注意在运行的机器上无需安装Office,因为EPPlus是使用基于OpenXML技术生成的Excel文件。

   /// 任何网站和个人均可在不对本代码做任何修改的情况下转载本文及本文中示例的代码用于非商业用途,任何除去版权的行为均为侵权。

   /// 作者:周公(周金桥)

   /// 创建日期:2013-11-03

   /// 博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/zhoufoxcn http://zhoufoxcn.blog.51cto.com
   /// 新浪微博地址:http://weibo.com/zhoufoxcn

   public class ExcelExportPage


   private static readonly string[] MonthNames = new string[] { "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"};

   //private static readonly string[] CommpanyNames = new string[] { "Microsoft", "IBM", "Oracle", "Amazon", "Google", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Paypal", "Yahoo", "HP" };

   private static readonly string[] CommpanyNames = new string[] { "Microsoft", "IBM", "Oracle", "Google","Yahoo", "HP" };


   static void Main(string[] args)





   /// <summary>

   /// 周公(周金桥)说明:这个方法就是主要演示如何生成带图表(Chart)的Excel文件的例子

   /// </summary>

   public static void GenerateExcelReport()


   string fileName = "ExcelReport-"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss") + ".xlsx";

   string reportTitle = "2013年度五大公司实际情况与原计划的百分比";

   FileInfo file = new FileInfo("C:\\"+fileName);

   using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))


   ExcelWorksheet worksheet = null;

   ExcelChartSerie chartSerie = null;

   ExcelLineChart chart = null;

   #region research

   worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Data");

   DataTable dataPercent = GetDataPercent();

   //chart = Worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("ColumnStackedChart", eChartType.Line) as ExcelLineChart;

   chart = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("ColumnStackedChart", eChartType.LineMarkers) as ExcelLineChart;//设置图表样式

   chart.Legend.Position = eLegendPosition.Right;


   chart.Title.Text = reportTitle;//设置图表的名称

   //chart.SetPosition(200, 50);//设置图表位置

   chart.SetSize(800, 400);//设置图表大小

   chart.ShowHiddenData = true;

   //chart.YAxis.MinorUnit = 1;

   chart.XAxis.MinorUnit = 1;//设置X轴的最小刻度

   //chart.DataLabel.ShowCategory = true;

   chart.DataLabel.ShowPercent = true;//显示百分比



   for (int col = 1; col <= dataPercent.Columns.Count; col++)


   worksheet.Cells[1, col].Value = dataPercent.Columns[col - 1].ColumnName;



   for (int row = 1; row <= dataPercent.Rows.Count; row++)


   for (int col = 1; col <= dataPercent.Columns.Count; col++)


   string strValue = dataPercent.Rows[row - 1][col - 1].ToString();

   if (col == 1)


   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Value = strValue;




   double realValue = double.Parse(strValue);

   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#0\\.00%";//设置数据的格式为百分比

   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Value = realValue;

   if (realValue< 0.90d)//如果小于90%则该单元格底色显示为红色



   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Red);


   else if (realValue>= 0.90d && realValue <= 0.95d)//如果在90%与95%之间则该单元格底色显示为黄色


   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Yellow);




   worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Green);//如果大于95%则该单元格底色显示为绿色




   //chartSerie = chart.Series.Add(worksheet.Cells["A2:M2"], worksheet.Cells["B1:M1"]);

   //chartSerie.HeaderAddress = worksheet.Cells["A2"];


   chartSerie = chart.Series.Add(worksheet.Cells[row + 1, 2, row + 1, 2 + dataPercent.Columns.Count - 2], worksheet.Cells["B1:M1"]);

   chartSerie.HeaderAddress = worksheet.Cells[row + 1, 1];//设置每条线的名称



   chart.YAxis.MinValue = 0.8d;

   //chart.SetPosition(200, 50);//可以通过制定左上角坐标来设置图表位置


   //这里CommpanyNames.Length + 1及3分别表示行和列

   chart.SetPosition(CommpanyNames.Length + 1, 10, 3, 20);

   #endregion research





   /// <summary>

   /// 生成数据,由于这一步不是主要逻辑,所以采用随机生成数据的方式,实际中可根据需要从数据库或其它数据源中读取需要的数据

   /// </summary>

   /// <returns></returns>

   private static DataTable GetDataPercent()


   DataTable data = new DataTable();

   DataRow row = null;

   Random random=new Random();

   data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("公司名", typeof(string)));

   foreach(string monthName in MonthNames){

   data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(monthName, typeof(double)));



   for (int i = 0; i < CommpanyNames.Length; i++)


   row = data.NewRow();

   row[0] = CommpanyNames[i];

   for (int j = 1; j <= MonthNames.Length; j++)



   row[j] = 0.85d + random.Next(0, 15) / 100d;






   return data;




   *    Project           A report project
   *    Module Name       Excel Report
   *    Author            Zhou, Jin-Qiao (周金桥)
   *    Creation Date     [11/03/2013]
   *    Description       Generate Excel Report with Chat demo by Epplus
   *    © Copyright 2013 zhoufoxcn.
  using System;
  using System.Data;
  using System.Drawing;
  using System.IO;
  using OfficeOpenXml;
  using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart;
  using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
  namespace ExcelReportApplication
      /// <summary>
      /// 使用EPPlus生成带图表(Chart)的Excel文件的例子,注意在运行的机器上无需安装Office,因为EPPlus是使用基于OpenXML技术生成的Excel文件。
      /// 任何网站和个人均可在不对本代码做任何修改的情况下转载本文及本文中示例的代码用于非商业用途,任何除去版权的行为均为侵权。
      /// 作者:周公(周金桥)
      /// 创建日期:2013-11-03
      /// 博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/zhoufoxcn http://zhoufoxcn.blog.51cto.com       /// 新浪微博地址:http://weibo.com/zhoufoxcn
      public class ExcelExportPage
          private static readonly string[] MonthNames = new string[] { "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"};
          //private static readonly string[] CommpanyNames = new string[] { "Microsoft", "IBM", "Oracle", "Amazon", "Google", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Paypal", "Yahoo", "HP" };
          private static readonly string[] CommpanyNames = new string[] { "Microsoft", "IBM", "Oracle", "Google","Yahoo", "HP" };
          static void Main(string[] args)
          /// <summary>
          /// 周公(周金桥)说明:这个方法就是主要演示如何生成带图表(Chart)的Excel文件的例子
          /// </summary>
          public static void GenerateExcelReport()
              string fileName = "ExcelReport-"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss") + ".xlsx";
              string reportTitle = "2013年度五大公司实际情况与原计划的百分比";
              FileInfo file = new FileInfo("C:\\"+fileName);
              using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
                  ExcelWorksheet worksheet = null;
                  ExcelChartSerie chartSerie = null;
                  ExcelLineChart chart = null;
                  #region research
                  worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Data");
                  DataTable dataPercent = GetDataPercent();
                  //chart = Worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("ColumnStackedChart", eChartType.Line) as ExcelLineChart;
                  chart = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("ColumnStackedChart", eChartType.LineMarkers) as ExcelLineChart;//设置图表样式
                  chart.Legend.Position = eLegendPosition.Right;
                  chart.Title.Text = reportTitle;//设置图表的名称
                  //chart.SetPosition(200, 50);//设置图表位置
                  chart.SetSize(800, 400);//设置图表大小
                  chart.ShowHiddenData = true;
                  //chart.YAxis.MinorUnit = 1;
                  chart.XAxis.MinorUnit = 1;//设置X轴的最小刻度
                  //chart.DataLabel.ShowCategory = true;
                  chart.DataLabel.ShowPercent = true;//显示百分比
                  for (int col = 1; col <= dataPercent.Columns.Count; col++)
                      worksheet.Cells[1, col].Value = dataPercent.Columns[col - 1].ColumnName;
                  for (int row = 1; row <= dataPercent.Rows.Count; row++)
                      for (int col = 1; col <= dataPercent.Columns.Count; col++)
                          string strValue = dataPercent.Rows[row - 1][col - 1].ToString();
                          if (col == 1)
                              worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Value = strValue;
                              double realValue = double.Parse(strValue);
                              worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                              worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#0\\.00%";//设置数据的格式为百分比
                              worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Value = realValue;
                              if (realValue< 0.90d)//如果小于90%则该单元格底色显示为红色
                                  worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Red);
                              else if (realValue>= 0.90d && realValue <= 0.95d)//如果在90%与95%之间则该单元格底色显示为黄色
                                  worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Yellow);
                                  worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Green);//如果大于95%则该单元格底色显示为绿色
                      //chartSerie = chart.Series.Add(worksheet.Cells["A2:M2"], worksheet.Cells["B1:M1"]);
                      //chartSerie.HeaderAddress = worksheet.Cells["A2"];
                      chartSerie = chart.Series.Add(worksheet.Cells[row + 1, 2, row + 1, 2 + dataPercent.Columns.Count - 2], worksheet.Cells["B1:M1"]);
                      chartSerie.HeaderAddress = worksheet.Cells[row + 1, 1];//设置每条线的名称
                  chart.YAxis.MinValue = 0.8d;
                  //chart.SetPosition(200, 50);//可以通过制定左上角坐标来设置图表位置
                  //这里CommpanyNames.Length + 1及3分别表示行和列
                  chart.SetPosition(CommpanyNames.Length + 1, 10, 3, 20);
                  #endregion research
          /// <summary>
          /// 生成数据,由于这一步不是主要逻辑,所以采用随机生成数据的方式,实际中可根据需要从数据库或其它数据源中读取需要的数据
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns></returns>
          private static DataTable GetDataPercent()
              DataTable data = new DataTable();
              DataRow row = null;
              Random random=new Random();
              data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("公司名", typeof(string)));
              foreach(string monthName in MonthNames){
                  data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(monthName, typeof(double)));
              for (int i = 0; i < CommpanyNames.Length; i++)
                  row = data.NewRow();
                  row[0] = CommpanyNames[i];
                  for (int j = 1; j <= MonthNames.Length; j++)
                      row[j] = 0.85d + random.Next(0, 15) / 100d;
              return data;


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