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SmartHome Gateway solution With rich and various interfaces Supporting flexible access of appliances

2014-06-16 00:29 525 查看
SmartHomeGateway solution

With rich and various interfaces
Supporting flexible accessof appliances and

Fast customization of control scheme

Product Overview

The ARM9-basedplatform is designed for those applications such as SmartHome Controller Gatewayor other similar bus converters.


It contains rich andvarious communication interfaces which extend the access to controllers invarious buses of both wired and wireless, including wired Ethernet, WIFI,  GPRS, CAN bus, RS485 bus, Zigbee, RF 433MHz /315MHz, USB host/device, RS232, etc, which
facilitates the addition or removalof home appliances in a plug-and-play manner at the users end, to meet therequirement of flexible customization.


Rich and various interfacescover those mainstream communication and connection types, both simple andcomplex ones, both wired and wireless ones, which enables the capabilities of operationsto customize easily different tyre
.e.g. tocommunicate with user-end app or remote server, wired Ethernet, WIFI, or GPRSport could be selected with the internet access method, meanwhile, RF, wirelessdirect, can, or 485 ports could be used with deployment condition of thoseend-devices. Moreover,
the RF wireless interface supports not only normalmodulation communication for user-defined complex protocols, but also OOKmodulation for those cheap 2262 or 1527 devices. Those unused hardware sectionsfor a special market could be skipped during assembly
to save cost.


This solution hasa clear system division and hierarchical architecture to the smart home systemwith standard interface definitions and gets implemented in an ingenious way. Basedon an analytic, mapping, and regroup technologies, the models for thecontrollers
and appliances have been established and the user-customizablecontrolling schemes, or scenarios as normally called, are supported in aflexible, easy, and stable manner. Moreover, uniform access interface to bothlocal and remote user-end app minimizes the system
complexity and reduces themaintenance cost. Meanwhile, secure process covering code distribution/storageand communication channel enhances the users’ privacy, operators’ profit, andsystem operation’s security. These concepts have been implemented in thedesign,
test, and operation of product, and this solution has been requested tobe an invention patent.


1.AMR9 4-Layer Board, with mass production and live deployment verified

2.Real All-On-One-Board design

2.1 Careful design withComprehensive Signal Integrity, Power Integrity, RF matching and filter optimization,verified and optimized with comprehensive tests

2.2 Single layer Placement, facilitating the mass production

3. Flexible but simple system softwarearchitecture

3.1 Communication protocol definitionsverified and optimized by live operation

3.2. Optimized analysis andsynthesis models to the appliance

3.3. Hierarchical architecture

3.4 Rich interfaces capabilities, supportingthe flexible access of various appliances and bus/protocol conversion betweenany bus/interface types.

4. Modules subjective to complete testfrom both hardware or software points, and optimized for production

4.1 Testscovering design tests, filed validation and optimization

4.2 Most ICcomponents subjective to optimization on cost and performance

4.3 Designfollowing Deign For Testability and Design for Manufacturability

4.4 Design to production, other thanevaluation board or learning board, or combo boards of mother board and coreboard

5.Production and maintenance facilities, saving operation cost

5.1 Test toolkitsfor production

5.2 Remote debug and revision capabilities

6. Various encryption andauthentication capabilities embedded (optional)

6.1 Selectable in hardware or software tobalance among complexity, cost, and profit protection

7.Applications with mass deployment

7.1 Smart Home System

7.2 Industrial Control

7.3 Customized gateway (bus/protocolconverter)

Hardware Features

1. CPU

   - ARM9SOC

   -Working Frequency: 405MHz, max 530MHz

2. Memories

   - SDRAM: 64Mbytes, up-to 128Mbytes

             > Selected by jumping resistances, noneed to change PCB

             > Under analysis andoptimization of Signal Integrity and Live Test for Opt

   - NAND Flash: 64Mbytes, up-to 1GBytes

> Selected by jumping resistances, no need tochange PCB

   -EEPROM:   8Kbits, could be 1Kbits ~32Kbits

3.  WiredEthernet Connection

     - MAC: DM9000A

     - 10M/100M

     - Transformer + RJ45 + LED indicator3-in-1

    - Supporting DHCP, PPPOE, DNS, etc

4.  WIFIConnection

     - On-board WM-G-MR-09 modules, fast andstable 4-bit SDIO host-I/F

     -Supporting 802.11b/g, OPEN/WPA/WPA2 embedded with wireless-tool, wpa_supplicant,openssl etc

     - Selectable on-board chip antenna or SMAantenna

    - RF circuit subject to strict simulation and debug optimization

5.  CAN Bus Interface

     - CAN Controller: MCP2510, host I/F SPI0

     - Over-current and excess voltage protection,transient suppression, and isolation

     - Board rate: 5Kbps ~ 1Mbps selectable

    - Auto-recovery from fault, supported from both hardware and software

6.  RF433/315Wireless Interface

     - RF mod/demo: CC1101 by TI, Host I/F:SPI1

     - Extern PA, selectable and controllableby user

     - RF circuitry on the same board with mainboard

     - Capacitances/inductances and routes areoptimized via simulation and live test

     - Compatible with remote OOK transceiver(therefore, able to communicate with traditional 2262 or 1527 controllers)

    - On-line frequency Calibration capabilities, manually or automatically

7. UART(TTL / RS232 / RS485) Ports

      - A 3-pin TTL port,multiplexed with a 1 DB9 RS232 UART port

    - A 2-pin RS485 port, with over-current and excess voltage protection,transient suppression

8.  USBInterfaces

    - A USB1.1 HOST port

    - A USB1.1Device port

9.  AudioLine In and Line out ports

    - Astereo audio line out connector, 3.5mm

    - A microphone line inconnector, 3.5mm

10. Customizable Hardware Secure IC forEncryption/Authentication

    - Multiplelevels of secure/encryption/authentication, selected by user

    - Someadditional hardware functionalities

    - Enable/Disablecapabilities controllered by customers

11. OtherPeripherals

   - A port of 8 TTL PIOs, supporting input,output, and interrupt mode

- Two 5mm in-line power indicator LEDs, for +5V and +3V3power

- Two 5mm in-line system indicator LEDs foruser-defined system indication

- An LED-PACK of 8 SMD LEDs foruser-defined purpose

    - ABeeper, controlled by PWM output

- A reset k


    - 20-pin JTAG (Embedded-ICE)connector,supporting debug and download in KeiluVision, ADS, SDT and flash burning.

12. Power Supply

   - 9V ~24V DC input,

Note: All above modules havepassed those comprehensive and careful tests and optimization via non-OS debugcodes, driver codes test routines, test applications, and system-levelvalidation, other than just a chip without validation.

Software Features

1. System software architecture

   - Bootloader + Kernel + File System

2.  BootloaderFeatures

2.1 Normal BootloaderFunctionalities including: burning, preliminary initialization, and kernelloading, etc

2.2 Burning supports partialburning and whole flash burning, latter of which facilitating production

2.3 boot-up authentication schemebased on hardware and software modules, controllable by user

2.4 Scrambling and interferingprocess during code generation, increasing the Reverse difficulty

2.5 Encrypting /Enable scheme to the debugport, controllable by administrator

3. Kernelfeatures

3.1 Based onstandard Linux kernel version 2.6.30

3.2 With some enhancefeatures for this platform

     -  Minimummodification introducing maximum improvement in performance and functionalities

    -  Modifications subjective to complete tests and validations

    -  Modificationscontrolled by MACROs and easy to be removed

3.3 Drivers subjective tocomprehensive tests and optimization

3.4 Encryption andAuthentication based on hardware IC

3.5 Encrypting /Enable scheme to thedebug port, controllable by administrator

4. rootfs

4.1 Customized busybox

4.2 With some practical Linux scripts,facilitating configurations, downloads, fault locating, maintenance, and someother similar functionalities

5. Applications and Algorithm

5.1 Some applications andalgorithm for the industrial control

       - Such as signalprocess, sampling, feedback controlling etc

5.2 Some applications and corealgorithm implementation in Smart Home area

      - Such as scenarios and secure zone, gateway functions, terminalcontrollers management and maintenance, automatic subtraction/category/addressing/identificationto the home appliances and controllers, communication protocols, remote maintenanceand upgrading,

5.3 Bus conversionapplications and algorithm implementations

      - such as those bus conversion with automatic bus identificationbetween wired Ethernet, can bus, RS485 bus, RF433/315 including 2262/1527protocols, SDIO-WIFI, USB-WIFI. Also carrier frequency scanning and calibrationetc

5.4 Uniform communicationtechnique on Ethernet, together with establishment of a secure communicationchannel

5.5 Quick Failure-locatingmechanism

      - Comprehensive and detailed error log table

       - Variouscombinations of LED display scheme, to indicate the executive stage, status,and error code

6. Hardware-based Encryption/Authenticationprotecting users’ privacy and customers’ profit

6.1 Objects to be encrypted including codes of Bootloader,kernel, file-system, applications, communication protocols, communicationchannels, and downloading, upgrading etc
6.2 Encryption featureenable/disable by customer

6.3 Image protection byEncryption covering code release, burning, boot-up, and running

      -  Codeencryption during release

      -  Bootloadercode encryption during burning and decryption during loading

     -  Kernel code encryption during burning and decryption duringloading

      -  rootfsand application encryption and decryption

6.4 Method used for imageencryption

-  Software-based uniform encryption, .i.e.all platforms using a same encryption/decryption method

    -  Hardware-based non-uniform encryption, i.e. images after burntinto the flash are different between either two of the platform. Therefore,even an image copied from a platform, it could not be used in another platform.

6.5 Dynamicshake-hands and asymmetric encryption/authentication scheme

- Mainly used in communication channel

- Advanced asymmetric plus customized and privatealgorithm

- Different parameters and scheme presentin different channels and different periods. Therefore, even if hacked on achannel or a platform during a period, it would not harm otherchannels/platforms, or other periods of the same channels/platforms

Cooperation Wanted

1. Terminal Controllers also available

1.1 Including those cheap2262/1527 devices such as door-sensors, gas-detectors, smoke-detectors,ir-detectors, wireless power-switch, wireless IR RCU forwarder, etc

- Available in mass production and deployment

- Supporting long-distance low power stablecommunications

1.2 Including those devices of customizedprotocols based on RF, CAN, RS485, wired Ethernet, GPRS, WIFI, Zigbee etc

2. Patent applied for the solution

1.1 An invention patent applied

3. Contact


Email: 1521340710#qq.com (please replace ‘#’with ‘@’)


QQ:  15#213#40#71#0     (please remove all ‘#’inside and note “smart home”)

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