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Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPM Processes

2014-06-04 11:14 543 查看

Archiving Audit
Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPM Processes

Filed under: BPELBPMJava, Oracle
Service Bus, SOA — Tags: Audit
Trail Image, Oracle BPM 11g, Oracle
BPM 11g API, Oracle SOA Suite 11gPAPI, Process
Audit Image in Oracle BPM 11g — Arun Pareek @ 4:10 pm

In my previous post I had described how we can create a custom Java Class to save
custom business indicators in a formatted PDF file. It might be useful in cases where businesses wants process data be presented in a meaningful way.

Another practical case that i had encountered in the past while designing business processes is to save the Audit diagram of the process once it is complete. The audit instance diagram can be viewed in the EM console by clicking on Flow Trace for any process

In the good all Oracle BPM 10g days (prior to Oracle SOA/BPM Suite 11g) we had a fully documented API’s for interacting with process instances. PAPI interfaces were available both as web service and java API’s to connect to a in-flight or completed instance
and retrieve all audit data from it.

Getting an audit image from a business process instance using PAPI was a cake walk. The below code sample shows its ease

Whoa! Pretty Simple and elegant.

However if we want to achieve something similar in Oracle SOA Suite 11g it is a lot more challenging.

Oracle BPM Suite 11g doesn’t have any published API’s that developers can refer. This makes it an even bigger nightmare.

The process instance data in Oracle SOA suite 11g is stored in the dehydration store in the SOA_INFRA schema. In all practical scenarios this store will be subjected to purging and maintenance. So many a people/project
might need to archive the flow trace of a process instance as an image. As we all know how significant is historical data for business process improvements and reengineering.

In this blog post I will show how the same functionality of getting an instance image from a process can be achieved using Oracle SOA Suite 11g and explain the code in steps.

Assuming we are using Oracle SOA Suite 11g PS3 that has a running domain and a BPM process deployed with a couple of running/completed instances.

Create a Generic Java project in JDeveloper say ArchiveInstanceImage. Create a Java class of the same name inside it. Right click on the project and add the following JAR’s to the project’s classpath.






















All these above JAR’s can be found at the following directories









You can created Wlfullclient.jar as under

Change directories to the 

cd <MiddlewareHome>wlserver_10.3/server/lib

Use the following command to create 
 in the 

java -jar wljarbuilder.jar

You can now copy and bundle the 
 with client applications.

Add the 
 to the client application’s 

See here for more information


First and foremost like any remote client we need to get an instance of the SOA server runtime to be able to gain access to any running processes inside it. This is pretty simple. The following lines of code demonstrates
how we can use BPMServiceClientFactory class to get an instance of the server runtime.

Next initialize an IBPMContext from BPMServiceClientFactory.

We also have to get a handle to the IBPMServiceClient interface. Create a self initializing constructor for our main class to get a hook to this interface.

Using the IBPMContext and a searchable instance id from the process we can get process data using the IProcessInstance interface.

See the code snippet below that shows how we can retrieve the audit diagram for a process instance


Finally to test the code that we had written add a main method to invoke getProcessAuditImage(iBPMContext, instanceId) to see the process audit image created.

Running the standalone Java program from inside JDeveloper creates the following process image in the target archive directory.

A quick look at the image and we will realize what it is lacking. Off course we have been quite able to get the image for the process (similar to what we used to get using PAPI in OBPM 10g). However we don’t see the flow trace i.e the sequence of activities
that the instance traversed in its flow.

To get that we have get a List of DiagramEvent and highlight the process image by passing this list to it.

Create another private function to get a list of all Events that the instance encountered in its flow as below.

Add these following line to the getProcessAuditImage(IBPMContext bpmContext, String instanceId) method before the return statement to highlight the image

Run the Java program once again and view the image created this time.

This time you can see that the activities and transitions that the instance took are highlighted in the image.

The complete Java Class can be found below

This was all about getting this Java API’s to work with SOA Suite 11g PS3. I also tried to test the same with a  PS2 domain and with PS2 libraries.

Everything was almost same except for a few things.

There is no class called IProcessModelPackage that I could find in PS2 BPM jar’s

So the process image was obtained using IProcessModelService class like below

The additional libraries that we need to put in the project’s classspath are

Oracle.bpm.project.io.jar                    <JDevHome>\soa\modules\oracle.bpm.project_11.1.1

Oracle.bpm.project.jar                         <JDevHome>\soa\modules\oracle.bpm.project_11.1.1

Oracle.bpm.project.compile.jar        <JDevHome>\soa\modules\oracle.bpm.project_11.1.1

Oracle.bpm.vfilesystem.jar                 <JDevHome>\soa\modules\oracle.bpm.runtime_11.1.1

In case you would need the entire class here is what you should use in case you are on Oracle SOA Suite 11g PS2

Now there are a couple of ways to use this Java Code in real practical cases

[align=justify]Use it from any Custom UI/ Workflow UI to access the process image if need be.[/align]

[align=justify]Create a Web service wrapper over the Java Class and use it as a WS API that can be invoked from any BPM process and hence it can be reused across multiple BPM processes.[/align]

[align=justify]In case you would want to limit the use inside a composite then create a Spring SCA component for this custom Java class and then invoke it from inside a BPM process[/align]

In my future blogs I will try to come up with more interesting utilities with these BPM API’s. This will probably be of great use to folks who have worked with the PAPI API’s and find it a great miss in Oracle SOA Suite 11g.

Meanwhile also wondering what is stopping Oracle to publish a well document API for these interfaces. :-)

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