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Visual Studio 开源控件扩展 NuGet 常用命令及常用组件

2014-05-30 05:13 423 查看

Visual Studio 开源控件扩展 NuGet 常用命令,整理如下:



Get-Package -ListAvailable


Install-Package 组件名


Install-Package 组件名 -Version 版本号


Uninstall-Package 组件名


Uninstall-Package 组件名 ‑Force


Update-Package 组件名

Visual Studio 开源控件扩展 NuGet 常用组件安装命令,整理如下:


1、jQuery 安装命令


Install-Package jQuery

1.2-jQuery Visual Studio 2010(智能感知)

Install-Package jQuery.vsdoc

1.3-jQuery Validation(验证)

Install-Package jQuery.Validation


Install-Package jquery.datatables

1.5-jQuery UI(合并版本)

Install-Package jQuery.UI.Combined

1.6-jQuery UI i18n(语言包)

Install-Package jQuery.UI.i18n

2、mvc 安装命令


Install-Package T4MVC


Install-Package MvcContrib


Install-Package MvcContrib.Mvc3-ci


Install-Package MvcContrib.Mvc3.FluentHtml-ci


Install-Package MvcContrib.Mvc3.TestHelper-ci


Install-Package MvcSiteMapProvider-MVC3


Install-Package AddMvc3ToWebForms

3、EntityFramework 安装命令

3.1-EntityFramework – 4.1.10331.0

Install-Package EntityFramework


Install-Package EFCodeFirst


Install-Package EFCodeFirst.Sample


Install-Package DynamicData.EFCodeFirstProvider

4、表格分页 安装命令

4.1-Table Pager

Install-Package TablePager


Install-Package PagedList


Install-Package PagedList.Mvc



5、压缩优化 nuGet 安装命令

5.1-YUICompressor .NET –

Install-Package YUICompressor.NET


Install-Package AjaxMin


Install-Package Optimization.Framework


Install-Package UrlShortener.Helper


Install-Package SharpZipLib


Install-Package SquishIt


Install-Package SquishIt.Contrib.Mvc

6、ActiveMQ 安装命令

6.1-Apache.NMS – 1.4.0

Install-Package Apache.NMS

6.2-Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ – 1.4.1

Install-Package Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ



Gets the set of packages that are available from the package source. By default, this command returns installed packages.
‑SourcesourceUrlOrPath(Optional) Specifies the package source (feed). Typically this is the URL of an OData service or the path of a folder that
contains a set of packages.
‑Updates(Optional) Lists packages that have an update available from the package source.
‑Remote(Optional) Lists packages that are available from the feed specified in the Package
source list of the Package Manager Console window.
‑FilterfilterSpecification(Optional) Specifies a filter that is used to narrow down the list of packages returned. Filtering applies to the package
ID and description.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to list all packages in the feed that is specified in the Package Source list.
PM> Get‑Package -Remote


Installs a package and its dependencies into the project or the solution. For project packages, this installs the package and applies it to a specific project. Files are copied to the project, assembly references added, theapp.config or web.config file
is updated, etc.
‑Id packageName(Required) Specifies the package to install. Including the ‑Id flag is optional, because the value for this flag is always
the first parameter for this command.
‑IgnoreDependencies(Optional) Specifies that only this package (not its dependencies) is installed.
‑ProjectprojectName(Optional) The project to install the package into. This option applies only to project packages. If a project is specified
in the Default project list of the Package
Manager Console window, this option is not required. If no default project is selected, this option is required.
‑Source sourceURL(Optional) Specifies the URL of the package to install. The default is to look in the feed to find the corresponding package
‑VersionversionNumber(Optional) Specifies the version of the package to install. The default is the latest version.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to install the package that has the ID elmah.
PM> Install‑Package elmah

The following example shows how to install a package named my.pack that is in a local directory.
PM> Install‑Package my.pack ‑Source c:\my‑packages


Uninstalls a package. If other packages depend on this package, the command will fail unless the ‑Forceoption is specified.
‑Id packageName(Required) Specifies the package to uninstall. Including the -Id flag is optional, because the value for this flag is always
the first parameter for this command.
‑RemoveDependencies(Optional) Specifies that unused dependencies of the package are also uninstalled.
‑Force(Optional) Forces the package to uninstall even if another package depends on it.
‑VersionversionNumber(Optional) Specifies the version of the package to uninstall. The default is the latest version.
‑ProjectprojectName(Optional) Specifies the project to uninstall the package from. This applies only to project packages. If a project is specified
in the Default project list of the Package
Manager Console window, this option is not required.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to remove the elmah package. The two commands are equivalent; the second command explicitly includes the Id argument.
PM> Uninstall-Package elmah

PM> Uninstall-Package ‑Id elmah

The following example shows how to remove the GuEditor package and any dependencies only if no other packages are using those dependencies or are dependent on the package being removed. If GuEditordepends on Log4Net and elmah, but another installed package
depends on Log4Net, this command will fail because it cannot remove Log4Net. (It is planned that in a future release the user will be prompted to resolve this conflict.)
PM> Uninstall-Package GuEditor -RemoveDependencies

The following example shows how to remove GuEditor the package even if other installed packages are dependent on it. (If you add ‑RemoveDependencies, any dependencies of GuEditor are also removed, even if other packages are dependent on them.)
PM> Uninstall-Package GuEditor -Force


Updates a package and its dependencies. If the new version of the package has new dependencies, the dependency packages are also installed. If the updated version no longer depends on a package and if no other packages depend on it, the dependency package is
‑Id packageName(Required) Specifies the package to update. Including the ‑Id flag is optional, because the value for this flag is always
the first parameter for this command.
‑UpdateDependencies(Optional) Updates all of the package’s dependencies to the latest version of each dependency.
‑ProjectprojectName(Optional) Specifies the project to install the package into. This option applies only to project packages. If a project
is specified in the Default project list of thePackage
Manager Console window, this option is not required. If no default project is selected, this option is required.
‑Source sourceURL(Optional) Specifies the URL of the package to install. The default is to look in the feed for the corresponding package
‑VersionversionNumber(Optional) Specifies the version that the package will be upgraded to. The default is the latest version.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to update the elmah package to the latest version.
PM> Update-Package elmah

The following example shows how to update the elmah package from a specific package source.
PM> Update-Package elmah ‑Source http://packages.example.com/packages/elmah.nupack[/code] 
The following example shows how to update the elmah package to a specific version.
PM> Update-Package elmah ‑Version 1.0.1


Returns a reference to the DTE (Development Tools Environment) for the active or specified project.
‑Name(Optional) Specifies the project to return. The default is the active project.
‑All(Optional) Returns every project in the solution.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to get a reference to a project named MyClassLib1.
PM> Get‑Project MyClassLib1


Examines all assemblies in the output path for a project and adds binding redirects to the application configuration (app.config)
file or to the web configuration (web.config) file where required.
‑Project(Optional) Specifies the project to analyze and add binding redirects to.
‑All(Optional) Specifies every project in the solution.
Sample Usage

The following example shows how to add binding redirects to a project named MyMvcApplication1.
PM> Add‑BindingRedirects MyMvcApplication1


Opens a browser displaying the project website specified in the
of the package’s manifest.
‑Whatif(Optional) Prints out just the URL for the project page, without actually opening it.
Sample Usage

The following opens a package page for a given package
PM> Open-PackagePage Elmah
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