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奇葩的SQL*Net more data from client等待,导致批处理巨慢

2014-05-24 09:27 501 查看
<pre name="code" class="sql"><pre name="code" class="sql">UPDATE Business_Duebill
SET RelativeSerialNo1 = :1,
RelativeSerialNo2 = :2,
CustomerID        = :3,
BusinessType      = :4,
MFCustomerID      = :5,
CustomerName      = :6,
SubjectNo          = :7,
BusinessSum        = :8,
BusinessCurrency   = :9,
ActualBusinessRate = :10,
Balance            = :11,
NormalBalance      = :12,
OverdueBalance     = :13,
DullBalance      = :14,
BadBalance       = :15,
InterestBalance1 = :16,
InterestBalance2 = :17,
FineBalance1     = :18,
FineBalance2     = :19,
ActualMaturity   = :20,
FinishDate        = :21,
TABalance         = :22,
TAInterestBalance = :23,
TATimes           = :24,
LcaTimes          = :25,
ExtendTimes       = :26,
AdvanceFlag       = :27,
PayBackAccount    = :28,
PayInterestAccount = :29,
BailAccount        = :30,
PutOutAccount      = :31,
OperateOrgID       = :32,
MfOrgID            = :33,
UpdateDate         = :34,
Classify4          = :35,
ReturnType         = :36,
BailPercent        = :37,
PaymentType        = :38,
TermsFreq          = :39,
BusinessStatus     = :40,
OperateUserID      = :41,
OverdueDate        = :42,
BillType           = :43,
RateFloat          = :44,
RateFloatType  = :45,
AdjustRateType = :46,
FinishType     = :48
WHERE SerialNo = :49

出现了大量的SQL*Net more data from client

p1         p2
1	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	5	0	0	-1	0	0
2	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	4	0	0	-1	0	0
3	24-5?? -14 	361	enq: WF - contention	1464205318	70	0	0	-1	0	0
4	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	1	0	0	-1	0	0
5	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	1	0	0	-1	0	0
6	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	4	0	0	-1	0	0
7	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	3	0	0	-1	0	0
8	24-5?? -14 	361	db file sequential read	2	164307	1	0	-1	0	0
9	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	11	0	0	-1	0	0
10	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	2	0	0	-1	0	0
11	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	3	0	0	-1	0	0
12	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	1	0	0	-1	0	0
13	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	5	0	0	-1	0	0
14	24-5?? -14 	1571	SQL*Net more data from client	1952673792	2	0	0	-1	0	0

当会话等待一个来自客户端的消息的到达时提交的SQL*Net more data from client(来自客户端的SQL*NET的消息)等待事件。一般而言,这意味着会话处于空闲状态。



P1 :Driver id: 服务器端和客户端连接使用的协议信息。

P2: #bytes: 服务器端接收到的来自客户端消息的字节数(通常是1,即使接收到的数据包中包含多余1字节的内容).

SQL*Net more data from client
A while ago, OEM report some alert messages to us:

Wait class "Network" was consuming significant database time.
Wait event "SQL*Net more data from client" in wait class "Network"
was consuming significant database time.
We also see a 30ms slower to render our web pages.

According to Oracle doc,

SQL*Net more data from client
The server is performing another send to the client. The previous operation was also a send to the client.

It is not of much help.

The OEM gives a more clear indication:

Investigate the cause for high “SQL*Net more data from client” waits in Module “JDBC Thin Client”.

It is telling us that something is wrong with the JDBC drivers.

Chris May find a good article here

The cause of this event was a sequence of parse calls that passed excessively long SQL text strings through SQL*Net from the client to the server (instead of

using stored procedure calls to accomplish the same thing). The long SQL text strings wouldn’t fit into a single SQL*Net packet, so the Oracle kernel spent

a considerable amount of time awaiting second and subsequent SQL*Net packets during parse calls.

Hibernate, the ORM tools used by our application, generates long SQLs. Instead of select * from table, it use select col_1, col_2 from table.

After upgrading to latest JDBC driver, the problem fixed.

可以看到光wait就有将近13分钟,占CPU TIME的84%,而且平均等待事件达到177毫秒

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