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现在又在写Java代码,又在翻几年前的旧账,从同学那找来一本《INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING JAVA --AN OBJECT-ORIENTED APPROACH SECTION EDITION》(《Java 面向对象程序设计(第二版)(影印版)》),清华大学出版社出版的,都是英文,恰好公司现在都是英文字符,于是乎就开始翻这本书,本来无所谓Java知识的,我就当是复习,主要是锻炼锻炼读英语而已,可看了几页,发现还是有点收获,特别是对文件操作的这部分,还有对流的操作的介绍,读完之后,终于对流有了一定的了解,觉得收获挺大,于是就把它整理出来,虽然大部分都是对原书的照搬,可加一点自己的理解,就当时我的原创博文吧!

3.8 Introdution to Input


A computer’s input and output mechanism rely on many specialized pieces of hardware and software that must be carefully coordinated. As in any other large complex project, a reliable input/output
system must be structured so that responsibilities are clearly assigned and coordination channels universally agreed on. While every kind of input and output is fundamentally about transmitting data (e.g. from the keyboard to the processor, or from the processor
to disk storage), each different “flavor” (e.g. input from the keyboard versus input from the web) has particular characteristics that require the data to be processed differently. We will see that Java’s Input and output classes have been carefully designed
to reflect relationships.


Overview of File Input: from Disk to Program

We’ll see that this transfer requires the efforts of a handful of Java classes that take responsibility for different phases of the transfer process. Figure 3.4 diagrams the process of the reading
text data; the three unlabeled rectangles represent classes whose names and responsibilities we will discuss in the text few sections. The first step is to read data from the disk directly; this data is passed on a steam of bytes(that is, as the sequence of
numerical values—not text).Next , these characters are then combined to produce a String.

Raw data ->Stream of the bytes -> stream
of chars -> Stirng

Figure 3.4 Overview of the file Input process


From byte to char: The Case of for Unicode

Originally, most computer system recognized text based only on Latin characters—the English alphabet, punctuation, and a handful of European symbols. This character set, limited to about 120 characters,
become known as the American Standard Code for Information Interchage (ASCII) character set; this was standard for many years. The amount of memory required to hold a single ASCII character become known as a byte. One of the uses pf the Java’s byte primitive
type is to hold ASCII character values. Recall that byte value can store integer value from -128 to 127; ASCII values are represented by assigning character values to the number -128 to 127.


As the Internet proliferated, it became desirable to allow representations of other languages (such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, and so forth) and their associated alphabets. An expanded character
set, known as Unicode, was introduced to accommodate a wide variety of the palpable (including all characters in the ASCII set as well). Because there are many more possible Unicode characters than ASCII characters, a Unicode character requires a larger amount
of memory. The Java primitive type char is used to contain Unicode characters values, and the Java String class uses Unicode-based chars to store the characters that compose a String.


Char c = ‘A’;



Despite the attractiveness of the Unicode, most disk files are still composed of the bytes representing ASCII characters. These file may have been created by editor word processors, or other programs,
designed before Unicode was introduced that can manipulate only ASCII files. Alternatively, because ASCII takes up less room than Unicode, a file may be saved in ASCII for the sake of space efficiency. In either case, ASCII-based files contain their data as


3.9 The File Input Process

Class File: Accessing Disk File Information


public boolean renameTo(File dest)

Class FileInputStream: Reading bytes from a Disk File

While the File class provides access to information about the file residing on disk, it provides no support for transferring data from the file into memory. Classes that support the behavior of
transferring data from some source into memory are categorized as input stream. Java provides several such classes; for reading data from disk files, Java provides the FileInputStream class. A FileInputStream object is created by providing it with information
about the file to be read in. This is done by passing a File object as argument to the constructor:

File file = new File(String filePath);

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);

The class also provides another constructor that a filePath( as a String) that provides a convenient shortcut for the two statement:

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(“filePath”);


Class InputSteamReader: Tranforing bytes to chars

As we discussed in the overview, Java’s char type supports the Unicode character set rather the limited ASCII character set. Because many files stored in the disk are still represented in ASCII
(that is , as Bytes), Java provides the InputStreamReader class, whose responsibility it is to transform a stream of Unicode chars suitable for processing in a java application.

We create an InputStrem object by passing as an argument to its constructor an input strem object whose bytes we wish to turn into chars. With out FileInputStream fis object of the previous section,
we can write:

InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);


Class BufferReader:From Stream of the char to String

While an InputStramReader object does produce data in a form usable by a Java Program (a sequence of character), this is not necessary the form that is easier for us to use as programmer. Usually
we view text files not as sequences of character but as sequences of lines. The BufferedReader class is responsible for transforming a stream of chars (as provided by an InputStreamReader) into a sequence of String.

Creating a new BufferReader object object is very similar to creating the other objects in the chain we’ve been building : We pass an InputStreamReader object to its bonstructor, like this:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

The BuffferedReader class provides a method, redline(), that return a String corresponding to one whole line of the text in the associated file. We can then manipulate this String using any of the
String any of String methods we’ve studied already.



BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(

New InputStremReader(

New FileInputStream(File)));

String line = br.readLine();


3.10 KeyBoard Input


We said earlier that file input was the most complicated form of input; let’s look now at obtain input form the keyboard. This is of input is a bit simpler only because we don’t have to expend effort
identifying which of many input sources we wish to use – while there are many possible data files, there is only one keyboard. Moreover , just as java makes output to the monitor easy for us by predefined System.out, keyboard input is represented by the predefined
object System.in.

Java treats the keyboard as a stream if the bytes , which means that System.in is an InputStream oject (though not a FileInputStream object, because the keyboard is not a file). We can apply familiar
techniques to this object in order to create a BufferedReader object corresponding to the keyboard (see Figure 3.6):

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(

New InputStreamReader(System.in) )

Keyboard -> Stream of the bytes (System.in,Java
Provided) ->

(Programer provided) stream
of chars -> Stirng

Figure 3.6 Overview of the keyboard input



3.12 Network Computing: An Introduction

Network Input

Reading input from the World Wide Web resources in a Java program is as simple as reading input from a disk file. Again, the key is to obtain an InputStream that provides the fundamental behavior
a stream of input (in this case from Web site)

The Java class library provides a class ,URL, to model URLs, The URL class provides a constructor that takes a String argument (the URL as we would write it) as follows:

URL url = new URL(“www.hexun.com”);

It also provides a method , openStream(), which takes no arguments but returns an InputStream, as follow:

InputStream ins = url.openStream();


This methods does quite a bit of work behind the scenes: It sets up communication software on your site, imitates contact with the remote machine, waits for a response, sets up the connection, and
then constructs an InputStream object to model the connection, returning a reference to this object.

Once we have an InputStream like this, we are in business: we can easily construct a BufferedReader object(as we did for file and keyboard) and then read from the remote resource, as follow:

InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(ins);

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

String str = br.readLine();



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