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CCActionTween(可以时间上连续的改变某个对象指定key对应的属性 改变方式需要自定义 cocos2dx未定义 )

2014-05-21 17:46 609 查看

///怎么通过精灵属性得到相应值啊 ????????

#include "CCActionInterval.h"


class CC_DLL CCActionTweenDelegate
public: //太不规范了 不写构造函数(虽然会隐式声明)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
virtual ~CCActionTweenDelegate() {}
virtual void updateTweenAction(float value, const char* key) = 0;

/** CCActionTween

CCActionTween is an action that lets you update any property of an object

//.ActionTween 是一个 action 让允许你更新任何对象的属性

For example, if you want to modify the "width" property of a target from 200 to 300 in 2 seconds, then:

id modifyWidth = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"width" from:200 to:300];
[target runAction:modifyWidth];

Another example: CCScaleTo action could be rewritten using CCPropertyAction:

// scaleA and scaleB are equivalents
id scaleA = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:2 scale:3];
id scaleB = [CCActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"scale" from:1 to:3];

@since v0.99.2
class CC_DLL CCActionTween : public CCActionInterval
/** creates an initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to(从xx到) parameters(参数). */
static CCActionTween* create(float aDuration, const char* key, float from, float to);
/** initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters. */
bool initWithDuration(float aDuration, const char* key, float from, float to);

void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);
void update(float dt);
CCActionInterval* reverse();

std::string m_strKey;
float m_fFrom, m_fTo;
float m_fDelta;

// end of actions group
/// @}


#endif /* __CCACTIONTWEEN_H__ */



void CCActionTween::startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget)


CCAssert(dynamic_cast<CCActionTweenDelegate*>(pTarget), "target must implement CCActionTweenDelegate");


m_fDelta = m_fTo - m_fFrom;


void CCActionTween::update(float dt)


dynamic_cast<CCActionTweenDelegate*>(m_pTarget)->updateTweenAction(m_fTo - m_fDelta * (1 - dt), m_strKey.c_str());




class originalTargeted



originalTargeted(){ m_map["width"] = 18; }


map<string, int> m_map;


class CCActionTweenDelegate02 :public cocos2d::CCActionTweenDelegate, public cocos2d::CCNode



CCActionTweenDelegate02(originalTargeted* d){ ot = d; }

virtual ~CCActionTweenDelegate02() {}

virtual void updateTweenAction(float value, const char* key);

originalTargeted* ot;





originalTargeted* test = new originalTargeted;

CCActionTweenDelegate02* s = new CCActionTweenDelegate02(test);

CCActionTween* testaction = CCActionTween::create(2, "width", 1, 2);


testaction->update(1); //???为什么runaction 不执行update


void CCActionTweenDelegate02::updateTweenAction(float value, const char* key)


this->ot->m_map[key] = 12;

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