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(3)SVD与 LSI教程(3): 计算矩阵的全部奇异值

(4)SVD 与 LSI 教程(4): LSI计算

(5)SVD 与 LSI教程(5):LSI关键字研究与协同理论


Dr. E. Garcia
Mi Islita.com

Email | Last Update: 01/07/07


Revisiting Matrix Transposition

In Part I of this tutorial you learned about the fundamental equation of the Singular Value Decomposition algorithm:

Equation 1: A = USVT

In Equation 1, the columns of U are the eigenvectors of the AAT matrix and the columns of V are the eigenvectors of the ATA matrix. VT is the
transpose of V and S is a diagonal matrix. By definition the nondiagonal elements of diagonal matrices are zero. The diagonal elements of Sare a special kind of values of the original matrix. These are termed
the singular values of A.

When Professor Gene Golub developed the SVD technique back in 1965 (1), one of his goals was to determine the singular values and pseudo-inverse of a matrix, compute the rank of a matrix by counting the number of nonzero singular values, and to expose hidden
properties and features of matrices under SVD (1-4).

Decomposing a matrix with Equation 1 is often referred to as computing its "Full SVD". Evidently, to compute an SVD we need to know about matrix transposition, so let's revisit this subject first.

As mentioned in Matrix Tutorial 1,
a transponse matrix AT is obtained by converting rows into columns and columns into rows. An example is given below.

Figure 1. A matrix and its transpose.

We can use these matrices to construct two new matrices. This is done by premultiplying A by AT and AT by A.

Figure 2. "Left" and "right" matrices.

That wasn't that hard. Right? You are now half-way to become an above the average search engine marketer.

A Practical Notation

Note that I have labeled these matrices using a practical left-right notation. This notation is just a mnemonic (memorization aid) based on the relative position of A and as follows:

AAT is a left matrix since A is at the left of AT
ATA is a right matrix since A is at the right of AT

This matrix is also obtained by making the transformation:

Equation 2: (ATA)T = AT(AT)T = ATA

Now for the sake of consistency I'm going to refer to their eigenvectors as the left and right eigenvectors. This left-right labeling system is trivial but very convenient. When plotted in the same space, these eigenvectors end at
the left and right of each other. Examples will be provided.

So, what kind of features can be exposed by decomposing a matrix?

The Frobenius Norm

Before proceeding any further, let's introduce an important feature of any matrix: the Frobenius Norm, also known as the Euclidean Norm. The Frobenius Norm of a matrix is defined as the square root of the sum of the absolute squares
of its elements.

Essentially, take a matrix, square its elements, add them together and square root the result. The computed number is the Frobenious Norm of the matrix.

Since a column vector is a one-column matrix and a row vector is a one-row matrix, the Frobenius Norm of these matrices equals the length (L) of the vectors. Thus, normalized unit vectors are vectors normalized in terms of their Frobenius Norm.

Great, but how does this relate to matrix decomposition?

Computing AT, AAT, and ATA

To answer this question let's consider the example given in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Defining A as in the figure and computing AT, AAT, and ATA, the following becomes evident.

Figure 3. Some exposed features.

We first note from Figure 3 that:

A and AT have same trace, determinant and Frobenius Norm
AAT and ATA have same trace, determinant and Frobenius Norm
in the absolute sense, the square root of the determinant of AAT or ATA equals the determinant of AT or AT.

Now if you recall from Matrix Tutorial
3: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, we mentioned that a matrix A and its transpose AT respond to the same characteristic equation and, therefore, have identical eigenvalues. Figure 4 confirms this for the example
at hand.

Figure 4. Common characteristic equations and eigenvalues.

Note that the product of the eigenvalues (in the absolute sense) equals the determinant of the corresponding matrix. Note also that ATA and AAT have the same characteristic equation and eigenvalues, too.
This is not surprising --considering the transformation given in Equation 2. To make this clear, I am providing the full proof below.

Figure 5. Characteristic equation and eigenvalues for [b]AAT and ATA.[/b]

These eigenvalues, being common to both matrices, are quite unique. So, what do we do with these?

Computing S

In the SVD technique, once eigenvalues from either the left or right matrix are obtained these are ordered in decreasing order (in the absolute sense) like this

| c1 | > | c2 | > | c3 | ... > | cn |

Then, taking their square roots yields

s1 > s2 > s3 ... > sn

which are the infamous singular values of the original matrix. These can be zero or nonzero values.

The number of nonzero singular values is defined as the Rank of a Matrix. Before SVD was introduced by Golub and Kahan (1), the old way of computing the Rank of a Matrix consisted in counting the number of rows or columns (whichever the lower number) of the
echolon form of the original matrix.

Retaking the example at hand, the singular values of A are

s1 = (c1)1/2 = (40)1/2 = 6.32...

s2 = (c2)1/2 = (10)1/2 = 3.16...

Thus, by virtue of Figure 5 we have demonstrated that one can safely compute the singular values of A with either ATA or AAT.

Despite the information uncovered from Figure 3, 4 and 5, there is no simple relation between eigenvalues from the A, ATpair and the AAT, ATA pair. One could
ask: which properties or features of AAT and ATA can be trace back to A?

Well, let's take a closer look at the singular values. These can be trace back to the original matrix A in three different ways:

the products of the singular values equals the absolute determinant of A; i.e., (s1 )(s2) = | -20 | (ignoring rounding errors).
the Frobenius Norm of A is the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of the singular values. Thus, only nonzero singular values contribute to a Frobenius Norm. In this case, Frobenius Norm = (s12 + s22)1/2 =
(6.322 + 3.162)1/2 = 20 = | - 20 | (ignoring rounding errors).
this is a matrix of Rank 2 since only two nonzero singular values were obtained, which turned out to be the only singular values of A.

Proceeding with the decomposition, now that we have computed the singular values we construct matrix S by placing values in descending order along its main diagonal, like this:

Figure 6. Singular matrix of A and its singular values, ordered in decreasing order.

Since this is a diagonal matrix, by definition its nondiagonal elements are zero. So now you know how to compute S. In Part III of this tutorial you will learn of an alternate way of computing S, just to convince yourself of
the nature of this matrix. You will also learned how to compute U and VT.


We have shown that given a matrix A this can be decomposed into several matrices so their features can be exposed. In particular, we have shown that its singular matrix can be computed by the following procedure:

compute its transpose AT and ATA.
determine the eigenvalues of ATA and sort these in descending order, in the absolute sense. Square roots these to obtain the singular values of A.
Construct diagonal matrix S by placing singular values in descending order along its diagonal.

In Part 3 of the tutorial I will show you how to complete the decomposition and reconstruction of A by computing U and VT. Believe it or not, this is easy to do.

Tutorial Review

Consider the following matrix

compute the Frobenius Norm, determinant, characteristic equation, and eigenvalues of A.
express AAT and ATA.
compute the Frobenius Norm, determinant, characteristic equation, and eigenvalues of AAT and ATA.
calculate singular values and express S.


Calculating the Singular Values and Pseudo-Inverse of a Matrix, by G. Golub and W.
Kahan, J. SIAM, Numer. Anal. Ser. B, p. 205-224, Vol 2, No. 2 (1965).
Linear Algebra for Intelligent Information Retrieval. SIAM Review 37(4): 573-595. Berry, M., S. Dumais, and G. O'Brien. (1995).
The Singular Value Decomposition: Its Computation and Some Applications,
V. C. Klema, A. J. Laub, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-25, NO. 2, April (1980).
An Improved Algorithm for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition, T. Chan, ACM Transactions on
Mathematical Software, Vol 8, No. 1 (1982).
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