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The analysis before&nb…

2014-05-06 17:34 337 查看
The analysis before designing a database system
for clothing company

The analysis before designing a
database system for clothing company 1
Inputs 1
Outputs 2
Processes 2
The connection between the data
The structure of the data
Controls 3
Summary 3

  When we design a database
system for clothing company,we must have a clear understanding of
the processes of the operation of the company,normal business and
the distribution of different workers,and so on.Before set out to
design the database system,we must do some research and analysis
about the company.The following list discuses that we have to
analyze before designing.
Inputs is the data we must put
in the database.
  In the normal operation of
the clothing company,lots of data will be produced.We must record
the quantity of the batches of raw material workers buy from other
company and the lists of customers want to buy.The managers must
know the data very well in order to grasp what is
happening.Obviously,we must take all of the data down.
  But what should we record
exactly in the database?We must master all of the
data and analyze whether it is useful to take down.Workers usually
don’t know the way of database working,so there will be some data
workers think useful but we don’t.In another case,we must add some
data workers ignored in order to let the database woke properly.In
these kind of situation,we should explain to workers and discuss
with them.
  In the management of the
company managers need to get information when dealing with
business.Such as managers want to get the information of the
customers when selling products or read the profit of the year when
they make the plan for next year’s.
  In the clothing company,all
of the processes are in the charge of different managers and
different managers need different data.So we must clearly know what
type of data managers are in need.
  All of the information is
obtained from the database,so we must analysis outputs before
designing the database.First of all, we should do some survey about
how many kinds of managers in the company.And then we should
analyze what type of data they need and the form of
  We should communicate with
managers and according to their position to determine the data they
need and the form of the data.
  In the clothing
company,workers get raw material from other companies,produce
clothes and sell the product to customs.A lot of the processes in
the day-to-day operations of the clothing company,and there are
lots of workers participate in each of processes.All kinds of var
material are processing by workers in the processes.Along with the
flow of var material,data is changing.According to the processes of
business,the worker also processing the data.In order to deep
understand how to deal with these data,we must know the workers how
to work clearly.
  Just listening to the
description of workers is not enough for in the process of our
communication,misunderstanding is inevitable.In order to record the
hole of the process exactly,we must go to the company and stay with
the workers when they are working.
The connection between the

  Most of the data is not
isolated.There are a lot of connections between the data.If
managers want to know the rest of the products,we must know
production and sales volume.Lots of data is the result of the
operations of several other data.
  The database system is
responsible for the operation between data.So if we want to get the
right data,we must know the connections between the data.According
to the complex connections,after set up the rules into the database
system,we can get the data we want.
  These data are also linked in
number.Such as in a sales slip,there may be several goods and all
kinds of goods are stored in several storages.
  As you can see,there are a
lot of complex connections between the data.After
comprehensive survey,we can use Entity-Relation
diagrams to show the connections between the data.When designing
the database system,we can easy decide the structure of data with
the help of E-R diagrams.
The structure of the

  Every of the flowing data has
some attributes.Even the data of a piece of clothing has many
attributes.Such as color,size and production date,and so on.We
should in-depth analysis all of the data and find the useful
attributes of them.
  When recording the attributes
of data,database system is also responsible for checking whether
the data fits the rules.Such as password must be in a certain
length range.So it is not enough to find out all attributes.We also
need to determine the specifications of the attributes.We can make
sure that the data in the database is right after set up the
specifications in the database system.
  In a big clothing
company,there must be lots of managers to control the normal
operation.But in most cases,different managers in charge of
different sections.Some of managers are responsible for sales
process and other for purchase process.Obviously there should be
some permissions when managers dealing with the data.
  First of all we should find
out how many kinds of users are using the database system.Second we
should define different permissions for different users.In the
corresponding permissions,the user only can read and operate the
corresponding data.In order to distinguish different users,we
should save the user’s name and password.All of the information
about the user,we also need to record in the database system.When
one of the users logs on to the system,there will be a pattern for
him to operate the data.
  Here is part of the content
to be considered in the design of the database before.In the
process of actual design database system,we have more need to be
considered.We consider the more comprehensive, the more smoothly in
the future designs.After designing a model of the database
system,we must communication with workers and managers.If there are
some errors we do modified accordingly.After some rounds of
communication and modification,we can start to design the database
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