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HDU 2895 Edit distance(数学+模拟)

2014-05-02 15:33 369 查看


Edit distance

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 256 Accepted Submission(s): 123

Problem Description

Given a string, an edit script is a set of instructions to turn it into another string. There are

four kinds of instructions in an edit script:

Add (‘a’): Output one character. This instruction does not consume any characters

from the source string.

Delete (‘d’): Delete one character. That is, consume one character from the source string and output nothing.

Modify (‘m’): Modify one character. That is, consume one character from the source string and output a character.

Copy (‘c’): Copy one character. That is, consume one character from the source string and output the same character.

Now, We define that A shortest edit script is an edit script that minimizes the total number of adds and deletes.

Given two strings, generate a shortest edit script that changes the first into the second.


The input consists of two strings on separate lines. The strings contain only alphanumeric

characters. Each string has length between 1 and 10000, inclusive.


The output is a shortest edit script. Each line is one instruction, given by the one-letter code of the instruction (a, d, m, or c), followed by a space, followed by the character written (or deleted if the instruction is a deletion).

In case of a tie, you must generate shortest edit script, and must sort in order of a , d, m, c.

Therefore, there is only one answer.

Sample Input


Sample Output

a x
a a
m b
m z
m d
m e
m y


2009 Multi-University
Training Contest 10 - Host by NIT


C 完全可以不用的;



a # 表示将字符#加入字符串2中

d # 表示删除字串1中的一个字符

m # 表示删除串1中一个字符并将#加入字符串2中


实际上产生距离的就只有add 和 delete,因为modify是不算距离的,那么两个字符串之间的最小编辑距离就一定是他们之间的长度差,可以先通过add或者delete,然后再通过modify完成,题目最后还要求排序,其实,就是要保证这种方法。


abcde和xabzdey 长度差为2,那么先add x, a, 然后modify b, z, d, e, y

xabzdey和abcde 长度差为2, 那么先delete x, a, 然后modify a, b, c, d, e


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
int main()
	char s1[10047],s2[10047];
	int len1,len2,t,i,j,l,k;
	//	getchar();
		len1 = strlen(s1);
		len2 = strlen(s2);
		t = len1 - len2;
		if(t  == 0 )
			for( i = 0 ; i < len2 ; i++ )
				printf("m %c\n",s2[i]);
		else if( t > 0)
			for( i = 0 ; i < t ; i++)
				printf("d %c\n",s1[i]);
			for(i = 0 ; i < len2 ; i++)
				printf("m %c\n",s2[i]);
		else if( t < 0 )
			t = -t;
			for( i = 0 ; i < t ; i++ )
				printf("a %c\n",s2[i]);
			for( i = t ; i < len2 ; i++ )
				printf("m %c\n",s2[i]);
	return 0;
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