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Cracking the coding interview--Q20.13

2014-04-28 21:05 309 查看


Given a dictionary of millions of words, give an algorithm to find the largest possible rectangle of letters such that every row forms a word (reading left to right) and every column forms a word
(reading top to bottom).





Many problems involving a dictionary can be solved by doing some preprocessing. Where can we do preprocessing?

Well, if we’re going to create a rectangle of words, we know that each row must be the same length and each column must have the same length. So, let’s group the words of the dictionary based on their sizes. Let’s call this grouping D, where D[i] provides a
list of words of length i.

Next, observe that we’re looking for the largest rectangle. What is the absolute largest rectangle that could be formed? It’s (length of largest word) * (length of largest word).



int max_rectangle = longest_word * longest_word;
for z = max_rectangle to 1 {
for each pair of numbers (i, j) where i*j = z {
// attempt to make rectangle. return if successful.

By iterating in this order, we ensure that the first rectangle we find will be the largest.

Now, for the hard part: make_rectangle. Our approach is to rearrange words in list1 into rows and check if the columns are valid words in list2. However, instead of creating, say, a particular 10x20 rectangle, we check if the columns created after inserting
the first two words are even valid pre-fixes. A trie becomes handy here.



WordGroup[] groupList = WordGroup.createWordGroups(list);
private int maxWordLength = groupList.length;
private Trie trieList[] = new Trie[maxWordLength];

public Rectangle maxRectangle() {
int maxSize = maxWordLength * maxWordLength;
for (int z = maxSize; z > 0; z--) {
for (int i = 1; i <= maxWordLength; i ++ ) {
if (z % i == 0) {
int j = z / i;
if (j <= maxWordLength) {
Rectangle rectangle = makeRectangle(i,j);
if (rectangle != null) {
return rectangle;
return null;

private Rectangle makeRectangle(int length, int height) {
if (groupList[length - 1] == null || groupList[height - 1] == null) {
return null;
if (trieList[height - 1] == null) {
LinkedList<String> words = groupList[height - 1].getWords();
trieList[height - 1] = new Trie(words);
return makePartialRectangle(length, height, new Rectangle(length));

private Rectangle makePartialRectangle(int l, int h, Rectangle rectangle) {
if (rectangle.height == h) { // Check if complete rectangle
if (rectangle.isComplete(l, h, groupList[h - 1])) {
return rectangle;
} else {
return null;

// Compare columns to trie to see if potentially valid rect */
if (!rectangle.isPartialOK(l, trieList[h - 1])) return null;

for (int i = 0; i < groupList[l-1].length(); i++) {
Rectangle org_plus = rectangle.append(groupList[l-1].getWord(i));
Rectangle rect = makePartialRectangle(l, h, org_plus);
if (rect != null) {
return rect;
return null;

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