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COCOS2D 学习笔记

2014-04-22 22:50 435 查看
cc.Node.scheduleUpdate:function ()

     * schedules the "update" method.                                                                         

     * It will use the order number 0. This method will be called every frame.                             

     * Scheduled methods with a lower order value will be called before the ones that have a higher order value

不断地执行 Update方法


scheduleUpdateWithPriority:function (priority)

schedules the "update" callback function with a custom priority.

unscheduleUpdate:function ()

unschedules the "update" method.



// Determine the length of how far you're shooting
var offset = cc.pSub(realDest, projectile.getPosition()); //求出offset,这是一个向量差值,比如realDest=(1,1),projectilePos=(3,4),求出结果应该是一个(2,3)的向量
var length = cc.pLength(offset);//Calculates distance between point an origin , 简单2维理解就是求出距离
var velocity = 480.0; //如在这里设置一个速度变量
var realMoveDuration = length / velocity;//简单的计算一个速度

今天,一个 错误,浪费了几个小时的时间。

在cocos2D.js里面。一定要注意令到main.js在最后加载,否则在其后面的文件都无法访问, prompt referenceError



// 2
//Please make sure main.js is the last loading item otherwise the js behind that will not take effective
//            './Src/Loading.js'

开启精灵的debug mode , 在main.js的 applicationDidFinishLaunching添加如下代码

//Here to enable the sprite debug draw mode
//0: not enable sprite debug draw
//1: draw bounding box
//2: draw texture box

//Here to enable the sprite debug draw mode //0: not enable sprite debug draw //1: draw bounding box //2: draw texture box cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW =
1; //load resources// cc.LoaderScene.preload(g_resources, function () {// RL00001 the default loading are there
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