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2014-04-22 21:30 197 查看
首先贴出c函数库里的atoi函数, 其实是atol函数, 因为atoi调用了atol函数. 函数很简单,相信大家一看就懂.

isspace函数是判断传入字符是否为空白符, 空白符指空格, 水平制表, 垂直制表, 换页, 回车和换行符.

函数首先跳过空白字符, 之后判断正负号, 判断完正负号后判断字符是否为数字, 如果是则循环, 直到遇到非数字为止, 如果第一次循环就不是数字则直接返回 total ,此时 total为 0.


*long atol(char *nptr) - Convert string to long
*       Converts ASCII string pointed to by nptr to binary.
*       Overflow is not detected.
*       nptr = ptr to string to convert
*       return long int value of the string
*       None - overflow is not detected.

long __cdecl atol(
const char *nptr
int c;              /* current char */
long total;         /* current total */
int sign;           /* if '-', then negative, otherwise positive */

/* skip whitespace */
while ( isspace((int)(unsigned char)*nptr) )

c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++;
sign = c;           /* save sign indication */
if (c == '-' || c == '+')
c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++;    /* skip sign */

total = 0;

while (isdigit(c)) {
total = 10 * total + (c - '0');     /* accumulate digit */
c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++;    /* get next char */

if (sign == '-')
return -total;
return total;   /* return result, negated if necessary */

*int atoi(char *nptr) - Convert string to long
*       Converts ASCII string pointed to by nptr to binary.
*       Overflow is not detected.  Because of this, we can just use
*       atol().
*       nptr = ptr to string to convert
*       return int value of the string
*       None - overflow is not detected.

int __cdecl atoi(
const char *nptr
return (int)atol(nptr);

关于itoa函数, 我会贴出三个版本, 第一个是网上找的, 第二个是c函数库里的, 第三个我自己写的(利用<<c陷阱和缺陷>>里的一段代码改的).


char * my_itoa( int num, char*str, int radix )
const char table[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ;
char*ptr=str ;
bool negative=false ;
*ptr++='0' ;
*ptr='/0' ;
// don`t forget the end of the string is '/0'!!!!!!!!!
return str ;
//if num is negative ,the add '-'and change num to positive
*ptr++='-' ;
num*=-1 ;
negative=true ;
num/=radix ;
*ptr='/0' ;
//if num is negative ,the add '-'and change num to positive
// in the below, we have to converse the string
//now start points the head of the string
//now prt points the end of the string
char temp=*start ;
*start=*ptr ;
*ptr=temp ;
return str ;
其实, 这个版本的itoa函数有个很明显的错误, 相信看过 <<c陷阱和缺陷>> 的朋友已经看出来了, 那就是溢出的问题, 代码中有这么一句话 num* = -1,这句话是在num为负数时将num转化为正数, 但问题是计算机存储整数用的是补码形式, 这就导致负数的表示范围比正数大一点. 我们以 int 占4字节为例, 其中负数最小可以为 -2^31 = -2147483648. 而正数最大为 2^31-1 = 2147483647. 所以如果不幸的是我们传入函数的num是负数,并且是最小的负数,那么程序就会出问题了.
比如说如果num = -2147483648, 那么num*=-1,之后num的值还是为-2147483648, 没有变化, 大家可以查看汇编imul之后的结果. 这就导致之后求得的索引是乱码. 所以最后输出的字符串也是乱码.  那如何修改程序呢, 其实很简单,我们再定义一个unsigned int num_neagtive; 将num*=-1; 这句话换成 num_negative = (unsigned int )(-num_negative); , 并且将之后的num换成num_negative就好了.


static void __cdecl xtoa (
unsigned long val,
char *buf,
unsigned radix,
int is_neg
char *p;                /* pointer to traverse string */
char *firstdig;         /* pointer to first digit */
char temp;              /* temp char */
unsigned digval;        /* value of digit */

p = buf;

if (is_neg) {
/* negative, so output '-' and negate */
*p++ = '-';
val = (unsigned long)(-(long)val);

firstdig = p;           /* save pointer to first digit */

do {
digval = (unsigned) (val % radix);
val /= radix;       /* get next digit */

/* convert to ascii and store */
if (digval > 9)
*p++ = (char) (digval - 10 + 'a');  /* a letter */
*p++ = (char) (digval + '0');       /* a digit */
} while (val > 0);

/* We now have the digit of the number in the buffer, but in reverse
order.  Thus we reverse them now. */

*p-- = '\0';            /* terminate string; p points to last digit */

do {
temp = *p;
*p = *firstdig;
*firstdig = temp;   /* swap *p and *firstdig */
++firstdig;         /* advance to next two digits */
} while (firstdig < p); /* repeat until halfway */

/* Actual functions just call conversion helper with neg flag set correctly,
and return pointer to buffer. */

char * __cdecl _itoa (
int val,
char *buf,
int radix
if (radix == 10 && val < 0)
xtoa((unsigned long)val, buf, radix, 1);
xtoa((unsigned long)(unsigned int)val, buf, radix, 0);
return buf;


char * itoa_modified( int val,
char *buf,
int radix )
char *p, *firstdig;
char temp; /* temp char */

p = buf;
if ( val < 0 ) {
*p++ = '-';
if ( val > 0 ) {
val = -val;
firstdig = p;
do {
*p++ = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-( val % radix )];
val = val / radix;
} while ( val );
*p-- = '\0';
do {
temp = *p;
*p = *firstdig;
*firstdig = temp; /* swap *p and *firstdig */
++firstdig; /* advance to next two digits */
} while ( firstdig < p ); /* repeat until halfway */
return ( buf );

这里如果val是正数则将它转换为负数, 之后统一按负数处理. 这样就不会出现溢出问题了.
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