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2014-04-19 13:51 337 查看
第十一章:持有对象(Thinking in Java)







List<apple> apples = new ArrayList<Apple>();
List<Apple> apples = new LinkedList<Apple>();


package holding;
// thinking in java P220
//: holding/AddingGroups.java
// Adding groups of elements to Collection objects.
import java.util.*;

public class AddingGroups {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection<Integer> collection =
new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
Integer[] moreInts = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
// Runs significantly faster, but you can't
// construct a Collection this way:
Collections.addAll(collection, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
Collections.addAll(collection, moreInts);
// Produces a list "backed by" an array:
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(16, 17, 18, 19, 20);
list.set(1, 99); // OK -- modify an element
// list.add(21); // Runtime error because the
// underlying array cannot be resized.
} ///:~


package holding;
//thinking in java P221
//: holding/PrintingContainers.java
// Containers print themselves automatically.
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;

public class PrintingContainers {
static Collection fill(Collection<String> collection) {
return collection;
static Map fill(Map<String,String> map) {
map.put("rat", "Fuzzy");
map.put("cat", "Rags");
map.put("dog", "Bosco");
map.put("dog", "Spot");
return map;
public static void main(String[] args) {
print(fill(new ArrayList<String>()));
print(fill(new LinkedList<String>()));

print(fill(new HashSet<String>()));
print(fill(new TreeSet<String>()));
print(fill(new LinkedHashSet<String>()));

print(fill(new HashMap<String,String>()));
print(fill(new TreeMap<String,String>()));
print(fill(new LinkedHashMap<String,String>()));
} /* Output:
[rat, cat, dog, dog]
[rat, cat, dog, dog]
[dog, cat, rat]
[cat, dog, rat]
[rat, cat, dog]
{dog=Spot, cat=Rags, rat=Fuzzy}
{cat=Rags, dog=Spot, rat=Fuzzy}
{rat=Fuzzy, cat=Rags, dog=Spot}


package holding;
//thinking in java P223
//: holding/ListFeatures.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;

public class ListFeatures {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random(47);
List<Pet> pets = Pets.arrayList(7);
print("1: " + pets);
Hamster h = new Hamster();
pets.add(h); // Automatically resizes
print("2: " + pets);
print("3: " + pets.contains(h));
pets.remove(h); // Remove by object
Pet p = pets.get(2);
print("4: " +  p + " " + pets.indexOf(p));
Pet cymric = new Cymric();
print("5: " + pets.indexOf(cymric));
print("6: " + pets.remove(cymric));
// Must be the exact object:
print("7: " + pets.remove(p));
print("8: " + pets);
pets.add(3, new Mouse()); // Insert at an index
print("9: " + pets);
List<Pet> sub = pets.subList(1, 4);
print("subList: " + sub);
print("10: " + pets.containsAll(sub));
Collections.sort(sub); // In-place sort
print("sorted subList: " + sub);
// Order is not important in containsAll():
print("11: " + pets.containsAll(sub));
Collections.shuffle(sub, rand); // Mix it up
print("shuffled subList: " + sub);
print("12: " + pets.containsAll(sub));
List<Pet> copy = new ArrayList<Pet>(pets);
sub = Arrays.asList(pets.get(1), pets.get(4));
print("sub: " + sub);
print("13: " + copy);
copy = new ArrayList<Pet>(pets); // Get a fresh copy
copy.remove(2); // Remove by index
print("14: " + copy);
copy.removeAll(sub); // Only removes exact objects
print("15: " + copy);
copy.set(1, new Mouse()); // Replace an element
print("16: " + copy);
copy.addAll(2, sub); // Insert a list in the middle
print("17: " + copy);
print("18: " + pets.isEmpty());
pets.clear(); // Remove all elements
print("19: " + pets);
print("20: " + pets.isEmpty());
print("21: " + pets);
Object[] o = pets.toArray();
print("22: " + o[3]);
Pet[] pa = pets.toArray(new Pet[0]);
print("23: " + pa[3].id());
} /* Output:
1: [Rat, Manx, Cymric, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
2: [Rat, Manx, Cymric, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug, Hamster]
3: true
4: Cymric 2
5: -1
6: false
7: true
8: [Rat, Manx, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
9: [Rat, Manx, Mutt, Mouse, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
subList: [Manx, Mutt, Mouse]
10: true
sorted subList: [Manx, Mouse, Mutt]
11: true
shuffled subList: [Mouse, Manx, Mutt]
12: true
sub: [Mouse, Pug]
13: [Mouse, Pug]
14: [Rat, Mouse, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
15: [Rat, Mutt, Cymric, Pug]
16: [Rat, Mouse, Cymric, Pug]
17: [Rat, Mouse, Mouse, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
18: false
19: []
20: true
21: [Manx, Cymric, Rat, EgyptianMau]
22: EgyptianMau
23: 14


package holding;
//thinking in java P226
//: holding/SimpleIteration.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;

public class SimpleIteration {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Pet> pets = Pets.arrayList(12);
Iterator<Pet> it = pets.iterator();
* pets是arrayList的对象,arrayList已经实现了接口iterator,则
* it就可以直接使用.next()和.hasNext(().
while(it.hasNext()) {
Pet p = it.next();
System.out.print(p.id() + ":" + p + " ");
// A simpler approach, when possible:
for(Pet p : pets)//foreach也很好用
System.out.print(p.id() + ":" + p + " ");
// An Iterator can also remove elements:
it = pets.iterator();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
} /* Output:
0:Rat 1:Manx 2:Cymric 3:Mutt 4:Pug 5:Cymric 6:Pug 7:Manx 8:Cymric 9:Rat 10:EgyptianMau 11:Hamster
0:Rat 1:Manx 2:Cymric 3:Mutt 4:Pug 5:Cymric 6:Pug 7:Manx 8:Cymric 9:Rat 10:EgyptianMau 11:Hamster
[Pug, Manx, Cymric, Rat, EgyptianMau, Hamster]


package holding;
//thinking in java P228
//: holding/ListIteration.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ListIteration {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Pet> pets = Pets.arrayList(8);
ListIterator<Pet> it = pets.listIterator();//创建listIterator对象
System.out.print(it.next() + ", " + it.nextIndex() +
", " + it.previousIndex() + "; ");
// Backwards:
System.out.print(it.previous().id() + " ");
it = pets.listIterator(3);//直接指向索引为3的元素的ListIterator
while(it.hasNext()) {
} /* Output:
Rat, 1, 0; Manx, 2, 1; Cymric, 3, 2; Mutt, 4, 3; Pug, 5, 4; Cymric, 6, 5; Pug, 7, 6; Manx, 8, 7;
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
[Rat, Manx, Cymric, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug, Manx]
[Rat, Manx, Cymric, Cymric, Rat, EgyptianMau, Hamster, EgyptianMau]


package holding;
//thinking in java P229
//: holding/LinkedListFeatures.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;

public class LinkedListFeatures {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList<Pet> pets =
new LinkedList<Pet>(Pets.arrayList(5));
// Identical:
print("pets.getFirst(): " + pets.getFirst());//返回列表的头//空抛出异常
print("pets.element(): " + pets.element());
// Only differs in empty-list behavior:
print("pets.peek(): " + pets.peek());//空返回null
// Identical; remove and return the first element:

print("pets.remove(): " + pets.remove());//移除或返回列表的头//空抛出异常
print("pets.removeFirst(): " + pets.removeFirst());
// Only differs in empty-list behavior:
print("pets.poll(): " + pets.poll());//空返回null


pets.addFirst(new Rat());//将某元素插入到列表的尾部
print("After addFirst(): " + pets);
print("After offer(): " + pets);
print("After add(): " + pets);
pets.addLast(new Hamster());
print("After addLast(): " + pets);
print("pets.removeLast(): " + pets.removeLast());
} /* Output:
[Rat, Manx, Cymric, Mutt, Pug]
pets.getFirst(): Rat
pets.element(): Rat
pets.peek(): Rat
pets.remove(): Rat
pets.removeFirst(): Manx
pets.poll(): Cymric
[Mutt, Pug]
After addFirst(): [Rat, Mutt, Pug]
After offer(): [Rat, Mutt, Pug, Cymric]
After add(): [Rat, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug]
After addLast(): [Rat, Mutt, Pug, Cymric, Pug, Hamster]
pets.removeLast(): Hamster


package holding;
//thinking in java P232
//: holding/SortedSetOfInteger.java
import java.util.*;

public class SortedSetOfInteger {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random(47);
SortedSet<Integer> intset = new TreeSet<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
} /* Output:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]


package holding;
//thinking in java P234
//: holding/PetMap.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;

public class PetMap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String,Pet> petMap = new HashMap<String,Pet>();
petMap.put("My Cat", new Cat("Molly"));
petMap.put("My Dog", new Dog("Ginger"));
petMap.put("My Hamster", new Hamster("Bosco"));
Pet dog = petMap.get("My Dog");
print(petMap.containsKey("My Dog"));
} /* Output:
{My Cat=Cat Molly, My Hamster=Hamster Bosco, My Dog=Dog Ginger}
Dog Ginger


package holding;
//thinking in java P235
//: holding/MapOfList.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;

public class MapOfList {
public static Map<Person, List<? extends Pet>>
petPeople = new HashMap<Person, List<? extends Pet>>();
static {
petPeople.put(new Person("Dawn"),
Arrays.asList(new Cymric("Molly"),new Mutt("Spot")));
petPeople.put(new Person("Kate"),
Arrays.asList(new Cat("Shackleton"),
new Cat("Elsie May"), new Dog("Margrett")));
petPeople.put(new Person("Marilyn"),
new Pug("Louie aka Louis Snorkelstein Dupree"),
new Cat("Stanford aka Stinky el Negro"),
new Cat("Pinkola")));
petPeople.put(new Person("Luke"),
Arrays.asList(new Rat("Fuzzy"), new Rat("Fizzy")));
petPeople.put(new Person("Isaac"),
Arrays.asList(new Rat("Freckly")));
public static void main(String[] args) {
print("People: " + petPeople.keySet());
print("Pets: " + petPeople.values());
for(Person person : petPeople.keySet()) {
print(person + " has:");
for(Pet pet : petPeople.get(person))
print("    " + pet);
} /* Output:
People: [Person Luke, Person Marilyn, Person Isaac, Person Dawn, Person Kate]
Pets: [[Rat Fuzzy, Rat Fizzy], [Pug Louie aka Louis Snorkelstein Dupree, Cat Stanford aka Stinky el Negro, Cat Pinkola], [Rat Freckly], [Cymric Molly, Mutt Spot], [Cat Shackleton, Cat Elsie May, Dog Margrett]]
Person Luke has:
Rat Fuzzy
Rat Fizzy
Person Marilyn has:
Pug Louie aka Louis Snorkelstein Dupree
Cat Stanford aka Stinky el Negro
Cat Pinkola
Person Isaac has:
Rat Freckly
Person Dawn has:
Cymric Molly
Mutt Spot
Person Kate has:
Cat Shackleton
Cat Elsie May
Dog Margrett

package holding;
//thinking in java P236
//: holding/QueueDemo.java
// Upcasting to a Queue from a LinkedList.
import java.util.*;

public class QueueDemo {
public static void printQ(Queue<?> queue) {
while(queue.peek() != null)
System.out.print(queue.remove() + " ");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Random rand = new Random(47);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
queue.offer(rand.nextInt(i + 10));
Queue<Character> qc = new LinkedList<Character>();
for(char c : "Brontosaurus".toCharArray())
} /* Output:
8 1 1 1 5 14 3 1 0 1
B r o n t o s a u r u s


package holding;
//thinking in java P240
//: holding/CollectionSequence.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;

public class CollectionSequence
extends AbstractCollection<Pet> {
private Pet[] pets = Pets.createArray(8);
public int size() { return pets.length; }//必须要实现iterator()和size()
public Iterator<Pet> iterator() {
return new Iterator<Pet>() {
private int index = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < pets.length;
public Pet next() { return pets[index++]; }
public void remove() { // Not implemented
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static void main(String[] args) {
CollectionSequence c = new CollectionSequence();
} /* Output:
0:Rat 1:Manx 2:Cymric 3:Mutt 4:Pug 5:Cymric 6:Pug 7:Manx
0:Rat 1:Manx 2:Cymric 3:Mutt 4:Pug 5:Cymric 6:Pug 7:Manx
package holding;
//thinking in java P240
//: holding/NonCollectionSequence.java
import typeinfo.pets.*;
import java.util.*;

class PetSequence {
protected Pet[] pets = Pets.createArray(8);

public class NonCollectionSequence extends PetSequence {
public Iterator<Pet> iterator() {
return new Iterator<Pet>() {
private int index = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < pets.length;
public Pet next() { return pets[index++]; }
public void remove() { // Not implemented
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static void main(String[] args) {
NonCollectionSequence nc = new NonCollectionSequence();
} /* Output:
0:Rat 1:Manx 2:Cymric 3:Mutt 4:Pug 5:Cymric 6:Pug 7:Manx


package holding;
//thinking in java P241
//: holding/IterableClass.java
// Anything Iterable works with foreach.
import java.util.*;

public class IterableClass implements Iterable<String> {
protected String[] words = ("And that is how " +
"we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.").split(" ");
public Iterator<String> iterator() {
return new Iterator<String>() {
private int index = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < words.length;
public String next() { return words[index++]; }
public void remove() { // Not implemented
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(String s : new IterableClass())
System.out.print(s + " ");
} /* Output:
And that is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.


package holding;
//thinking in java P243
//: holding/AdapterMethodIdiom.java
// The "Adapter Method" idiom allows you to use foreach
// with additional kinds of Iterables.
import java.util.*;

class ReversibleArrayList<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
public ReversibleArrayList(Collection<T> c) { super(c); }
public Iterable<T> reversed() {
return new Iterable<T>() {
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new Iterator<T>() {
int current = size() - 1;
public boolean hasNext() { return current > -1; }
public T next() { return get(current--); }
public void remove() { // Not implemented
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

public class AdapterMethodIdiom {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ReversibleArrayList<String> ral =
new ReversibleArrayList<String>(
Arrays.asList("To be or not to be".split(" ")));
// Grabs the ordinary iterator via iterator():
for(String s : ral)
System.out.print(s + " ");
// Hand it the Iterable of your choice
for(String s : ral.reversed())
System.out.print(s + " ");
} /* Output:
To be or not to be
be to not or be To
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