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2014-04-17 16:17 501 查看










这里就通过一次write来跟踪整个代码的执行轨迹吧,首先来看看CoyoteOutputStream类型的write方法: //发送一个byte数组的一部分数据
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
boolean nonBlocking = checkNonBlockingWrite(); //判断是否支持非阻塞的发送数据,这里判断的标准其实是用户代码是否加入了WriteListener
ob.write(b, off, len); //将数据写到outputbuffer里面
if (nonBlocking) {
checkRegisterForWrite(); //如果是非阻塞的发送数据的话,需要确保channel有注册写事件
public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {

if (suspended) {

writeBytes(b, off, len);


private void writeBytes(byte b[], int off, int len)
throws IOException {

if (closed) { //如果已经关闭了,那么直接返回吧
bb.append(b, off, len);
bytesWritten += len;

// if called from within flush(), then immediately flush
// remaining bytes
if (doFlush) {

这里其实就是将数据直接放到当年的bytechunk就好了。。。但是这里如果数据比较多的话,会将数据直接写到下一层,也就是tomcat内置的response。。。来看看bytechunk的append方法吧: //加入一个字节数组的一部分数据
public void append( byte src[], int off, int len )
throws IOException
// will grow, up to limit
makeSpace( len ); //确保有这么多空间可以写

// if we don't have limit: makeSpace can grow as it wants
if( limit < 0 ) { //表示没有空间限制
// assert: makeSpace made enough space
System.arraycopy( src, off, buff, end, len ); //将数据复制过来
end+=len; //将end偏移加上len

// Optimize on a common case.
// If the buffer is empty and the source is going to fill up all the
// space in buffer, may as well write it directly to the output,
// and avoid an extra copy
if ( len == limit && end == start && out != null ) {
out.realWriteBytes( src, off, len ); //因为要写的数据比较大,所以直接写到更下层去
// if we have limit and we're below
if( len <= limit - end ) { //表示还有足够的空间可以写数据
// makeSpace will grow the buffer to the limit,
// so we have space
System.arraycopy( src, off, buff, end, len );

// need more space than we can afford, need to flush
// buffer

// the buffer is already at ( or bigger than ) limit

// We chunk the data into slices fitting in the buffer limit, although
// if the data is written directly if it doesn't fit

int avail=limit-end; //还剩下多大的空间可以写数据
System.arraycopy(src, off, buff, end, avail);
end += avail;


int remain = len - avail;

while (remain > (limit - end)) { //不断的尝试写数据到下面去
out.realWriteBytes( src, (off + len) - remain, limit - end );
remain = remain - (limit - end);

System.arraycopy(src, (off + len) - remain, buff, end, remain);
end += remain;

这里可以看到realWriteBytes方法,它其实就是外面的outputbuffer定义的方法,来看看吧: //这个才是真正的调用底层发送数据,其实又是调用tomcat的response来写数据
public void realWriteBytes(byte buf[], int off, int cnt)
throws IOException {

if (closed) {
if (coyoteResponse == null) {

// If we really have something to write
if (cnt > 0) {
// real write to the adapter
outputChunk.setBytes(buf, off, cnt); //设置outputchunk
try {
coyoteResponse.doWrite(outputChunk); //通过tomcat的response来写数据,其实是写到httpprocessor的buffer里面去了
} catch (IOException e) {
// An IOException on a write is almost always due to
// the remote client aborting the request. Wrap this
// so that it can be handled better by the error dispatcher.
throw new ClientAbortException(e);

嗯,这里就与上面的层次对应上了吧,其实就是写到tomcat内置的response。。好了,接下来继续。。 //在servlet的outputStream可能会调用这个方法来写数据
public void doWrite(ByteChunk chunk/*byte buffer[], int pos, int count*/)
throws IOException
outputBuffer.doWrite(chunk, this); //调用在httpprocessor里面创建的outputbuffer来写数据,这里会将数据写到niochannel的buffer,然后最终发送出去
contentWritten+=chunk.getLength(); //标记已经发送的数据量的大小
嗯,这里其实是写到internalNiobuffer里去。。。。继续看吧: public int doWrite(ByteChunk chunk, Response res) throws IOException {

int len = chunk.getLength();
int start = chunk.getStart();
byte[] b = chunk.getBuffer();
addToBB(b, start, len);
byteCount += chunk.getLength();
return chunk.getLength();
嗯,没啥意思,继续: private synchronized void addToBB(byte[] buf, int offset, int length)
throws IOException {

if (length == 0) return;

// Try to flush any data in the socket's write buffer first
boolean dataLeft = flushBuffer(isBlocking());

// Keep writing until all the data is written or a non-blocking write
// leaves data in the buffer
while (!dataLeft && length > 0) {
int thisTime = transfer(buf,offset,length,socket.getBufHandler().getWriteBuffer());
length = length - thisTime; //计算还剩下多少字节没有写到niochannel的buffer里面,其实这里也就当做将数据转移到了niochannel的buffer就算是写出去了
offset = offset + thisTime; //这里用于调整偏移量
int written = writeToSocket(socket.getBufHandler().getWriteBuffer(),
isBlocking(), true); //如果在tomcat的response里面有writelistener的话,可以异步的写
if (written == 0) { //都没有写出去字节
dataLeft = true;
} else {
dataLeft = flushBuffer(isBlocking()); //flush一下,看一下是否还会有数据剩余

NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment ka = (NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment)socket.getAttachment(false);
if (ka != null) ka.access();//prevent timeouts for just doing client writes

if (!isBlocking() && length > 0) { //在非阻塞的发送中,如果实在发送不出去,需要保存在额外的buffer里面
// Remaining data must be buffered
addToBuffers(buf, offset, length);

这里其实主要是调用flushBuffer方法,将数据传给下层的niochannel,而且可以看到对于过多的数据这里还会 做一层缓存。。。。 //这里其实是flush niochannel的buffer
protected boolean flushBuffer(boolean block) throws IOException {

//prevent timeout for async,
SelectionKey key = socket.getIOChannel().keyFor(socket.getPoller().getSelector());
if (key != null) {
NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment attach = (NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment) key.attachment();

boolean dataLeft = hasMoreDataToFlush(); //其实这里是判断niochannel的buffer里面是否还有数据要写

//write to the socket, if there is anything to write
if (dataLeft) { //如果niochannel的buffer里面还有数据发送,那么继续写
writeToSocket(socket.getBufHandler().getWriteBuffer(),block, !flipped);

dataLeft = hasMoreDataToFlush();

if (!dataLeft && bufferedWrites.size() > 0) {
Iterator<ByteBufferHolder> bufIter = bufferedWrites.iterator(); //遍历待发送的数据
while (!hasMoreDataToFlush() && bufIter.hasNext()) {
ByteBufferHolder buffer = bufIter.next();
while (!hasMoreDataToFlush() && buffer.getBuf().remaining()>0) {
transfer(buffer.getBuf(), socket.getBufHandler().getWriteBuffer());
if (buffer.getBuf().remaining() == 0) { //如果当前buffer里面的所有数据都已经转移到了niochannel的buffer里面,那么可以将这个buffer移除了
writeToSocket(socket.getBufHandler().getWriteBuffer(),block, true);
//here we must break if we didn't finish the write

return hasMoreDataToFlush();
嗯,这里其实主要是调用writeToSocket方法。。。来看看吧: //这里其实调用socket来写数据
private synchronized int writeToSocket(ByteBuffer bytebuffer, boolean block, boolean flip) throws IOException {
if ( flip ) {
flipped = true;

int written = 0;
NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment att = (NioEndpoint.KeyAttachment)socket.getAttachment(false);
if ( att == null ) throw new IOException("Key must be cancelled");
long writeTimeout = att.getWriteTimeout();
Selector selector = null;
try {
selector = pool.get();
} catch ( IOException x ) {
try {
written = pool.write(bytebuffer, socket, selector, writeTimeout, block);
//make sure we are flushed
do {
if (socket.flush(true,selector,writeTimeout)) break;
}while ( true );
}finally {
if ( selector != null ) {
if ( block || bytebuffer.remaining()==0) {
//blocking writes must empty the buffer
//and if remaining==0 then we did empty it
flipped = false;
// If there is data left in the buffer the socket will be registered for
// write further up the stack. This is to ensure the socket is only
// registered for write once as both container and user code can trigger
// write registration.
return written;

这里因为涉及到了一些阻塞的或者非阻塞的发送数据。。所以可能会用到selector。。。 public int write(ByteBuffer buf, NioChannel socket, Selector selector,
long writeTimeout, boolean block) throws IOException {
if ( SHARED && block ) { //对于写数据,一般都是这里
return blockingSelector.write(buf,socket,writeTimeout);
SelectionKey key = null;
int written = 0;
boolean timedout = false;
int keycount = 1; //assume we can write //假装刚开始是可以写的
long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); //start the timeout timer
try {
while ( (!timedout) && buf.hasRemaining() ) {
int cnt = 0;
if ( keycount > 0 ) { //only write if we were registered for a write
cnt = socket.write(buf); //write the data
if (cnt == -1) throw new EOFException(); //出错了

written += cnt;
if (cnt > 0) {
time = System.currentTimeMillis(); //reset our timeout timer
continue; //we successfully wrote, try again without a selector
if (cnt==0 && (!block)) { //这里对于非阻塞的写,就直接返回了
break; //don't block
if ( selector != null ) {
//register OP_WRITE to the selector
if (key==null) key = socket.getIOChannel().register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
else key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
if (writeTimeout==0) {
timedout = buf.hasRemaining();
} else if (writeTimeout<0) {
keycount = selector.select();
} else {
keycount = selector.select(writeTimeout);
if (writeTimeout > 0 && (selector == null || keycount == 0) ) timedout = (System.currentTimeMillis()-time)>=writeTimeout;
if ( timedout ) throw new SocketTimeoutException();
} finally {
if (key != null) {
if (selector != null) selector.selectNow();//removes the key from this selector
return written;

到这里整个数据的流动层次对照着上面的图形应该就算是 比较明白了吧。。。。
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