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#The root element for the XML must be robot with aname attribute. XML namespaces are declared here——XML的根元素必须是robot,且带有一个名字属性ns,名字属性要在这儿声明

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   2 <robot xmlns:sensor="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#sensor"
   3        xmlns:controller="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#controller"
   4        xmlns:interface="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#interface"
   5        xmlns:xacro="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#interface"
   6        name="pr2" >
   8   <!-- The following included files set up definitions of parts of the robot body -->


#Include files containing
xacro macros for inidividual robot components. This is like including a header file in C: it sets up a bunch of definitions but doesn't actually call any of them



9   <!-- misc common stuff? -->
  10   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/common.xacro" />


11   <!-- PR2 Arm -->
  12   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/shoulder_v0/shoulder.urdf.xacro" />
  13   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/upper_arm_v0/upper_arm.urdf.xacro" />
  14   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/forearm_v0/forearm.urdf.xacro" />


15   <!-- PR2 gripper -->
  16   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/gripper_v0/gripper.urdf.xacro" />


17   <!-- PR2 head -->
  18   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/head_v0/head.urdf.xacro" />


19   <!-- PR2 tilting laser mount -->
  20   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/tilting_laser_v0/tilting_laser.urdf.xacro" />


21   <!-- PR2 torso -->
  22   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/torso_v0/torso.urdf.xacro" />


23   <!-- PR2 base -->
  24   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/base_v0/base.urdf.xacro" />


25   <!-- Head sensors -->
  26   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/sensors/head_sensor_package.urdf.xacro" />


27   <!-- Camera sensors -->
  28   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/sensors/wge100_camera.urdf.xacro" />


29   <!-- generic simulator_gazebo plugins for starting mechanism control, ros time, ros battery -->
  30   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/gazebo/gazebo.urdf.xacro" />


31   <!-- materials for visualization -->
  32   <include filename="$(find pr2_description)/urdf/materials.urdf.xacro" />


  34   <!-- Now we can start using the macros included above to define the actual PR2 -->


  36   <!-- The first use of a macro.  This one was defined in base.urdf.xacro above.
  37        A macro like this will expand to a set of link and joint definitions, and to additional
  38        Gazebo-related extensions (sensor plugins, etc).  The macro takes an argument, name,
  39        that equals "base", and uses it to generate names for its component links and joints
  40        (e.g., base_link).  The included origin block is also an argument to the macro.  By convention,
  41        the origin block defines where the component is w.r.t its parent (in this case the parent
  42        is the world frame). For more, see http://www.ros.org/wiki/xacro -->

#宏定义身体pr2_base_v0的方位origin tag

#Now we actually use the macros defined above. Here, we define PR2's base, using thexacro:pr2_base_v0 macro, with
name parameter equal to "base" and anorigin parameter block. After running the original file through the xacro preprocessor, this element will be replaced with a rather long URDF definition of the base and its components.现在我们来实际使用上面定义的macro,这儿我们首先定义PR2的身体,使用xacro:pr2_base_v0宏,带着一个名字参数,这个参数等同与base,和一个origin参数块,通过xacro预处理器后,这些元素将会用一个相当长的URDF的基本块和组成块定义(?)

43   <xacro:pr2_base_v0 name="base" >
  44     <origin xyz="0 0 0.051" rpy="0 0 0" /> <!-- 5.1cm is the height of the base when wheels contact ground -->
  45   </xacro:pr2_base_v0>


#Similarly, we define the PR2 torso, using the
macro, which can be found in the included file

  47   <xacro:pr2_torso_v0 name="torso_lift" parent="base_link">
  48     <origin xyz="-0.05 0 0.739675" rpy="0 0 0" />
  49   </xacro:pr2_torso_v0>



#Next we use xacro:pr2_head_v0 macro. It can be found in the included filepr2_description/urdf/head_v0/head.urdf.xacro. Note that
rather than hardcoded numbers for the origin, we're using constants (that were defined in the calibration file included above:pr2_description/urdf/common.xacro).我们定义宏xacro:pr2_head_v0,能够在head.urdf.xacro文件中找到,注意与其在origin中加入硬编码的数字,我们使用的常量参数,这些定义能够在common.xacro文件中找到

  51   <!-- The xacro preprocesser will replace the parameters below, such as ${cal_head_x}, with
  52        numerical values that were specified in common.xacro which was included above -->
  53   <xacro:pr2_head_v0 name="head" parent="torso_lift_link">
  54     <origin xyz="${cal_head_x}    ${cal_head_y}     ${0.3915+cal_head_z}"
  55             rpy="${cal_head_roll} ${cal_head_pitch} ${cal_head_yaw}" />
  56   </xacro:pr2_head_v0>


  58   <!-- Camera package: double stereo, prosilica -->
  59   <xacro:pr2_head_sensor_package_v0 name="sensor_mount" hd_name="high_def"
  60                            stereo_name="double_stereo"
  61                            parent="head_plate_frame">
  62     <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0 0 0" />
  63   </xacro:pr2_head_sensor_package_v0>


  65   <xacro:pr2_tilting_laser_v0 name="laser_tilt" parent="torso_lift_link" laser_calib_ref="-0.35">
  66     <origin xyz="0.1 0 0.235" rpy="0 0 0" />
  67   </xacro:pr2_tilting_laser_v0>


  69   <!-- This is a common convention, to use a reflect parameter that equals +-1 to distinguish left from right -->
  70   <xacro:pr2_shoulder_v0 side="r" reflect="-1" parent="torso_lift_link">
  71     <origin xyz="0.0 -0.188 0.0" rpy="0 0 0" />
  72   </xacro:pr2_shoulder_v0>
  73   <xacro:pr2_upper_arm_v0 side="r" reflect="-1" parent="r_upper_arm_roll_link"/>
  74   <xacro:pr2_forearm_v0 side="r" reflect="-1" parent="r_forearm_roll_link"/>


  76   <xacro:pr2_gripper_v0 side="r" parent="r_wrist_roll_link"
  77                screw_reduction="${4.0/1000.0}"
  78                gear_ratio="${(729.0/25.0)*(22.0/16.0)}"
  79                theta0="${3.6029*M_PI/180.0}"
  80                phi0="${29.7089*M_PI/180.0}"
  81                t0="${-0.1914/1000.0}"
  82                L0="${37.5528/1000.0}"
  83                h="${0.0/1000.0}"
  84                a="${68.3698/1000.0}"
  85                b="${43.3849/1000.0}"
  86                r="${91.5/1000.0}" >
  87     <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
  88   </xacro:pr2_gripper_v0>


  90   <xacro:pr2_shoulder_v0 side="l" reflect="1" parent="torso_lift_link">
  91     <origin xyz="0.0 0.188 0.0" rpy="0 0 0" />
  92   </xacro:pr2_shoulder_v0>
  93   <xacro:pr2_upper_arm_v0 side="l" reflect="1" parent="l_upper_arm_roll_link"/>
  94   <xacro:pr2_forearm_v0 side="l" reflect="1" parent="l_forearm_roll_link"/>


  96   <xacro:pr2_gripper_v0 side="l" parent="l_wrist_roll_link"
  97                screw_reduction="${4.0/1000.0}"
  98                gear_ratio="${(729.0/25.0)*(22.0/16.0)}"
  99                theta0="${3.6029*M_PI/180.0}"
 100                phi0="${29.7089*M_PI/180.0}"
 101                t0="${-0.1914/1000.0}"
 102                L0="${37.5528/1000.0}"
 103                h="${0.0/1000.0}"
 104                a="${68.3698/1000.0}"
 105                b="${43.3849/1000.0}"
 106                r="${91.5/1000.0}" >
 107     <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
 108   </xacro:pr2_gripper_v0>


 110   <!-- Forearm Cam (Hand approximated values) -->
 111   <xacro:wge100_camera_v0 name="l_forearm_cam" image_format="L8" image_topic_name="l_forearm_cam/image_raw"
 112                           camera_info_topic_name="l_forearm_cam/camera_info"
 113                           parent="l_forearm_roll_link" hfov="90" focal_length="320"
 114                           frame_id="l_forearm_cam_frame" hack_baseline="0"
 115                           image_width="640" image_height="480">
 116     <origin xyz=".15 0 .07" rpy="${ M_PI/2} ${-45*M_PI/180} 0" />
 117   </xacro:wge100_camera_v0>
 118   <xacro:wge100_camera_v0 name="r_forearm_cam" image_format="L8" image_topic_name="r_forearm_cam/image_raw"
 119                           camera_info_topic_name="r_forearm_cam/camera_info"
 120                           parent="r_forearm_roll_link" hfov="90" focal_length="320"
 121                           frame_id="r_forearm_cam_frame" hack_baseline="0"
 122                           image_width="640" image_height="480">
 123     <origin xyz=".15 0 .07" rpy="${-M_PI/2} ${-45*M_PI/180} 0" />
 124   </xacro:wge100_camera_v0>
 126 </robot>
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