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JQuery learning notes.

2014-04-12 08:43 369 查看
1. Import jq

<script src="jquery.js"></script> // Need download.

<script src="url"></script> // Refer from online source. Recommended

where url are:


2. Grammer

basic format: $(selector).action

3. Selector: this-current element, "tag", ".class", "#id".

"p.intro" - <p> of intro class.

$("[href]" - select all elements with href

$("[href='#']) - select elements equal to #

$("[href$='.jpg']") - select all elements contains .jpg

$("ul li:first") - first entry in each <ul>

$("div#head.head") - elements of class in div which id is head.

for example, $("p").css("background-color","red"); // Changed color at the action part.

4. Run only after page is fully loaded.



5. Event example




// This event can be put into a js file and imported when used.

Other events:

ready, click, dbclick, focus, mouseover.

6. An example for slide toggle.

First, define functions that will be called when event happens


$(".flip").click(function(){ //defin event as click

$(".panel").slideToggle(100); //select class panel and define event slide.



Then, define div for slide.

Put display:none; in the attributes to hide it.

7. Get content 

$("selector").text();    $("selector").html();  Former one get the plain text and the latter one also get the html tags.

get value from input box.


get attributes


8. Modify content

$("selector").action(value); where actions = text, val, html...

Modify according to original content:

$("selector").click(function () {

   $("selector").text(function(i, origText ){

      return "Old text:" + origText + "xxx";



Modify attr

$("selector").attr("href", " new url");

9. Adding elements


Add inside a element

$("selector").append("sth"); - add at end.

$("selector").prepend("sth"); - add at top.


Add before / after an element



10. Delete an element




Also, delete with selector


11. Modify class.

$("selector").addClass("className"); // Can put several names there.

$("selector").removeClass("className"); // Remove class.


12. CSS

$("selector").css("property","value(optional)") if there is no value, the value will be returned. Or the value will be set.

We could also set multiple values:

$("selector").css({"proterty":"value", ...});

13. Use JQ to get / set element width / height

For element size:




For inside border




For outside border




set multiple


14. Upwards.

$("selector").parent(); select parent.

$("selector").parents(); select all parents.

$("selector").parentsUntil(); select a parents path.

15. Downwards.

$("selector").children(); - only select direct child.

$("selector").find() - all children and their children.

16. Same level

$("selector").siblings(); - All elements in the same level.

$("selector").next() - The next sibling.

$("selector")..nextAll() - Next all

$("selector").nextUntil() - to some element.


$("selector").prev() / prevAll() / prevUntil()

17. Filter

The first / last

$("selector").first() / last();

By index

$("selector").eq(0); // The first element.

By filter

$("selector").filter("some criteria");

On the contrary,

$("selector").not("some criteria");

18. AJAX

Mainly about 

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息