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HTML5 MSE(Media Source Extensions)

2014-04-04 11:17 465 查看


This specification extends HTMLMediaElement to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback. Allowing JavaScript to generate streams facilitates a variety of use cases like adaptive streaming and time shifting live streams.
If you wish to make comments or file bugs regarding this document in a manner that is tracked by the W3C, please submit them via our
public bug database.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical
report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.
The working groups maintains a list of all bug reports that the editors have not yet tried to address. This draft highlights some of the pending issues that are still to be discussed in the working group.
No decision has been taken on the outcome of these issues including whether they are valid.

Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing
this specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage should join the mailing list mentioned below and take part in the discussions.

The following features are at risk and may be removed due to lack of implementation.


This document was published by the HTML Working Group as an Editor's Draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to public-html-media@w3.org(subscribe, archives).
All comments are welcome.

Publication as an Editor's Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite
this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent
Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group;
that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must
disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Goals
1.2 Definitions

2. MediaSource Object

2.1 Attributes
2.2 Methods
2.3 Event Summary
2.4 Algorithms

2.4.1 Attaching to
a media element
2.4.2 Detaching from
a media element
2.4.3 Seeking
2.4.4 SourceBuffer
2.4.5 Changes
to selected/enabled track state
2.4.6 Duration
2.4.7 End of
stream algorithm

3. SourceBuffer Object

3.1 Attributes
3.2 Methods
3.3 Track Buffers
3.4 Event Summary
3.5 Algorithms

3.5.1 Segment
Parser Loop
3.5.2 Reset
Parser State
3.5.3 Append
Error Algorithm
3.5.4 Prepare
Append Algorithm
3.5.5 Buffer
Append Algorithm
3.5.6 Stream
Append Loop
3.5.7 Initialization
Segment Received
3.5.8 Coded
Frame Processing
3.5.9 Coded
Frame Removal Algorithm
3.5.10 Coded
Frame Eviction Algorithm
3.5.11 Audio
Splice Frame Algorithm
3.5.12 Audio
Splice Rendering Algorithm
3.5.13 Text
Splice Frame Algorithm

4. SourceBufferList

4.1 Attributes
4.2 Methods
4.3 Event Summary

5. VideoPlaybackQuality

5.1 Attributes

6. URL Object Extensions

6.1 Methods

7. HTMLMediaElement
8. HTMLVideoElement

8.1 Methods

9. AudioTrack

9.1 Attributes

10. VideoTrack

10.1 Attributes

11. TextTrack

11.1 Attributes

12. Byte Stream
13. Examples
14. Acknowledgments
15. Revision History
A. References

A.1 Normative references

1. Introduction

This specification allows JavaScript to dynamically construct media streams for <audio> and <video>. It defines objects that allow JavaScript to pass media segments to anHTMLMediaElement [HTML5].
A buffering model is also included to describe how the user agent acts when different media segments are appended at different times. Byte stream specifications used with these extensions are available in the byte
stream format registry.

1.1 Goals

This specification was designed with the following goals in mind:

Allow JavaScript to construct media streams independent of how the media is fetched.
Define a splicing and buffering model that facilitates use cases like adaptive streaming, ad-insertion, time-shifting, and video editing.
Minimize the need for media parsing in JavaScript.
Leverage the browser cache as much as possible.
Provide requirements for byte stream format specifications.
Not require support for any particular media format or codec.

This specification defines:

Normative behavior for user agents to enable interoperability between user agents and web applications when processing media data.
Normative requirements to enable other specifications to define media formats to be used within this specification.

1.2 Definitions

Active Track Buffers
The track buffers that provide coded
frames for the
and the
All these tracks are associated with
in the

Append Window
A presentation timestamp range used to filter out coded
frames while appending. The append window represents a single continuous time range with a single start time and end time. Coded frames with presentation
timestamp within this range are allowed to be appended to the
coded frames outside this range are filtered out. The append window start and end times are controlled by the

Coded Frame
A unit of media data that has a presentation timestamp, a decode
timestamp, and a coded frame duration.

Coded Frame Duration
The duration of a coded frame. For video and text, the duration indicates how long the video frame or text should be displayed. For audio,
the duration represents the sum of all the samples contained within the coded frame. For example, if an audio frame contained 441 samples @44100Hz the frame duration would be 10 milliseconds.

Coded Frame End Timestamp
The sum of a coded frame presentation
timestamp and its coded frame duration. It represents the presentation
timestamp that immediately follows the coded frame.

Coded Frame Group
A group of coded frames that are adjacent and have monotonically increasing decode
timestamps without any gaps. Discontinuities detected by the coded frame processing algorithm and
trigger the start of a new coded frame group.

Decode Timestamp
The decode timestamp indicates the latest time at which the frame needs to be decoded assuming instantaneous decoding and rendering of this and any dependant frames (this is equal to the presentation
timestamp of the earliest frame, in presentation order, that is dependant on this frame). If frames can be decoded out of presentation
order, then the decode timestamp must be present in or derivable from the byte stream. The user agent must run the end of stream
algorithm with the error parameter set to
if this is
not the case. If frames cannot be decoded out of presentation order and a decode timestamp is not present in the byte stream, then
the decode timestamp is equal to the presentation timestamp.

Displayed Frame Delay
The delay between a frame's presentation time and the actual time it was displayed, in a double-precision value in seconds & rounded to the nearest display refresh interval. This delay is always greater than or equal to zero since frames must never be displayed
before their presentation time. Non-zero delays are a sign of playback jitter and possible loss of A/V sync.

Initialization Segment
A sequence of bytes that contain all of the initialization information required to decode a sequence of media segments. This includes
codec initialization data, Track IDmappings for multiplexed segments, and timestamp offsets (e.g. edit lists).

The byte stream format specifications in the byte
stream format registry contain format specific examples.

Media Segment
A sequence of bytes that contain packetized & timestamped media data for a portion of the media timeline. Media segments are always associated with the most recently
appended initialization segment.

The byte stream format specifications in the byte
stream format registry contain format specific examples.

MediaSource object URL
A MediaSource object URL is a unique Blob URI [FILE-API]
created by
. It is used to attach
object to an HTMLMediaElement.

These URLs are the same as a Blob URI, except that anything in the definition of that feature that refers to File and Blob objects
is hereby extended to also apply to

The origin of the MediaSource object URL is the effective script origin of the
document that called

For example, the origin of the MediaSource object URL affects the way that the media element is consumed
by canvas.

Parent Media Source
The parent media source of a
is the
object that
created it.

Presentation Start Time
The presentation start time is the earliest time point in the presentation and specifies the initial playback position and earliest
possible position. All presentations created using this specification have a presentation start time of 0.

Presentation Interval
The presentation interval of a coded frame is the time interval from its presentation
timestamp to the presentation timestamp plus the coded
frame's duration. For example, if a coded frame has a presentation timestamp of 10 seconds and a coded frame duration of 100
milliseconds, then the presentation interval would be [10-10.1). Note that the start of the range is inclusive, but the end of the range is exclusive.

Presentation Order
The order that coded frames are rendered in the presentation. The presentation order is achieved by ordering coded
frames in monotonically increasing order by theirpresentation timestamps.

Presentation Timestamp
A reference to a specific time in the presentation. The presentation timestamp in a coded frame indicates when the frame must be rendered.

Random Access Point
A position in a media segment where decoding and continuous playback can begin without relying on any previous data in the segment.
For video this tends to be the location of I-frames. In the case of audio, most audio frames can be treated as a random access point. Since video tracks tend to have a more sparse distribution of random access points, the location of these points are usually
considered the random access points for multiplexed streams.

SourceBuffer byte stream format specification
The specific byte stream format specification that describes the format of the byte stream accepted by a
The byte stream format specification, for a
is selected based on the type passed to the
that created the object.

Track Description
A byte stream format specific structure that provides the Track ID, codec configuration, and other metadata for a single track. Each track
description inside a singleinitialization segment has a unique Track
ID. The user agent must run the end of stream algorithm with the error parameter set to
the Track ID is not unique within the initialization
segment .

Track ID
A Track ID is a byte stream format specific identifier that marks sections of the byte stream as being part of a specific track. The Track ID in a track
descriptionidentifies which sections of a media segment belong to that track.
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