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2014-03-31 23:50 218 查看
cocostudio 提供ui编辑工具,以及相应的控件,可以衔接到cocos2dx的引擎。











(2)CocoButton 按钮

(3)CocoTextButton  文本按钮

(4)CocoContainerWidget 控件管理容器

(5)CocoPanel 面板

(6)CocoScrollView 滚动列表

(7)CocoSlider 滑动条

2、BatchNodeManager 节点管理器


4、cocostudio ui编辑器的生成配置



class CocoWidget : public cocos2d::CCObject{



        virtual ~CocoWidget();

        virtual void releaseResoures();

        static CocoWidget* create(); 

        virtual bool init();

        virtual void initNodes();

        virtual bool addChild(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void addChildNode(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void addElementNode(UIElement* element);//添加到子控件

        virtual void activeToUIInputManager();

        virtual void cleanFromUIInputManager();

        virtual void setWidgetZOrder(int z);

        virtual int getWidgetZOrder();

        virtual void reorderChild(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void setNeedCheckVisibleDepandParent(bool need);

        virtual void setVisibleTouch(bool visible);

        virtual void addUIElement(UIElement* element);

        virtual bool removeChild(CocoWidget* child,bool cleanup);

        virtual void removeChildMoveToTrash(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void removeChildReferenceOnly(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void removeFromParentAndCleanup(bool cleanup);

        virtual void removeAllChildrenAndCleanUp(bool cleanup);

        virtual void removeAllUIElementsAndCleanUp(bool cleanup);

        int checkContainedChild(CocoWidget* child);

        void setBeTouchAble(bool able);

        bool getBeTouchAble();

        void setUpdateEnable(bool able);

        void setBeFocus(bool fucos);

        void didNotSelectSelf();


        virtual bool onTouchPressed(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchReleased(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchCanceled(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchLongClicked(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        void setPressState(int state);

        virtual void disable();

        virtual void active();

        virtual bool getActive();


        virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal();

        virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed();

        virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled();

        virtual cocos2d::CCRect getRect();//获取控件的大小

        virtual cocos2d::CCRect getRelativeRect();

        void getLocationInWindow();

        virtual CRenderNode* getValidNode();

        CRenderNode* getContainerNode();

        virtual bool pointAtSelfBody(cocos2d::CCPoint &pt);

        bool checkVisibleDependParent(cocos2d::CCPoint &pt);

        bool checkBeVisibleInParent();

        virtual void checkChildInfo(int handleState,CocoWidget* sender,cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        void setVisible(bool visible);

        bool getVisible();

        virtual float getRelativeLeftPos();

        virtual float getRelativeBottomPos();

        virtual float getRelativeRightPos();

        virtual float getRelativeTopPos();

        CocoWidget* getWidgetParent();

        virtual bool getClipAble(){return false;};

        virtual void update(float dt){};

        CocoWidget* getChildByName(const char* name);//获取子控件

        CocoWidget* getChildByTag(int tag);


        void pushDownEvent();

        void releaseUpEvent();

        void cancelUpEvent();

        void longClickEvent();


        virtual void addPushDownEvent(cocos2d::CCObject* target,SEL_PushEvent selector);

        virtual void addMoveEvent(cocos2d::CCObject* target,SEL_MoveEvent selector);

        virtual void addReleaseEvent(cocos2d::CCObject* target,SEL_ReleaseEvent selector);


        //cocos2d property

        void setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint pos);

        cocos2d::CCPoint getPosition();

        void setScale(float scale);

        float getScale();

        void setScaleX(float scaleX);

        float getScaleX();

        void setScaleY(float scaleY);

        float getScaleY();

        void setRotation(float rotation);

        float getRotation();

        virtual void setFlipX(bool flipX){this->m_pCContainerNode->setFlipX(flipX);};

        virtual bool isFlipX(){return this->getValidNode()->isFlipX();};

        virtual void setFlipY(bool flipY){this->m_pCContainerNode->setFlipY(flipY);};

        virtual bool isFlipY(){return this->getValidNode()->isFlipY();};

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b){this->m_pCContainerNode->setColor(r, g, b);};

        virtual cocos2d::ccColor3B getColor(){return this->getValidNode()->getColor();};

        virtual void setOpacity(int opacity){this->m_pCContainerNode->setOpacity(opacity);};

        virtual int getOpacity(){return this->getValidNode()->getOpacity();};


        //widget prop   控件的属性

        float getAbsoluteScaleX();

        float getAbsoluteScaleY();

        void updateChildrenScaleXDirty(bool dirty);

        void updateChildrenScaleYDirty(bool dirty);

        bool getAbsoluteVisible();

        void updateChildrenVisibleDirty(bool dirty);


        //cocos action

        virtual void setActionManager(cocos2d::CCActionManager* actionManager);


         * Gets the CCActionManager object that is used by all actions.

         * @see setActionManager(CCActionManager*)

         * @return A CCActionManager object.


        virtual cocos2d::CCActionManager* getActionManager();


         * Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed.


         * This node becomes the action's target. Refer to CCAction::getTarget()

         * @warning Actions don't retain their target.


         * @return An Action pointer


        cocos2d::CCAction* runAction(cocos2d::CCAction* action);


         * Stops and removes all actions from the running action list .


        void stopAllActions(void);


         * Stops and removes an action from the running action list.


         * @param An action object to be removed.


        void stopAction(cocos2d::CCAction* action);


         * Removes an action from the running action list by its tag.


         * @param A tag that indicates the action to be removed.


        void stopActionByTag(int tag);


         * Gets an action from the running action list by its tag.


         * @see setTag(int), getTag().


         * @return The action object with the given tag.


        cocos2d::CCAction* getActionByTag(int tag);


        bool m_bEnabled;

        bool m_bVisible;

        bool m_bActived;

        bool m_bFocus;

        bool m_bBeTouchEnabled;

        int m_nWidgetZOrder;


        CocoWidget* m_pWidgetParent;


        int m_nCurPressState;

        int m_nPrevPressstate;

        bool m_bUpdateAble;

        CRenderNode* m_pCContainerNode;

        float m_fContentSizeWidth;

        float m_fContentSizeHeight;


        cocos2d::CCPoint m_locationInWindow;

        cocos2d::CCSize m_contentSize;

        cocos2d::CCRect m_rect;

        cocos2d::CCRect m_relativeRect;


        cocos2d::CCArray* m_UIElements;

        bool m_bNeedCheckVisibleDependParent;

        bool m_bVisibleTouch;

        CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(cocos2d::CCArray*, m_children, Children);



        CC_SYNTHESIZE(int, m_nWidgetTag, WidgetTag)

        CC_SYNTHESIZE(std::string, m_strName, Name)


        CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(int, m_nWidgetType, WidgetType)

        cocos2d::CCObject*       m_pPushListener;

        SEL_PushEvent    m_pfnPushSelector;

        cocos2d::CCObject*       m_pMoveListener;

        SEL_MoveEvent    m_pfnMoveSelector;

        cocos2d::CCObject*       m_pReleaseListener;//释放的监听器

        SEL_ReleaseEvent    m_pfnReleaseSelector;

        float m_fAbsoluteScaleX;

        float m_fAbsoluteScaleY;

        bool m_bAbsoluteVisible;

        bool m_bScaleXDirty;

        bool m_bScaleYDirty;

        bool m_bVisibleDirty;


(2)CocoButton 按钮

class CocoButton : public CocoWidget




        virtual ~CocoButton();

        static CocoButton* create();


        virtual bool init();


        void setTextures(const char* normal,const char* selected,const char* disabled,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setTexturesScale9(const char* normal,const char* selected,const char* disabled,cocos2d::CCRect capInsets,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setNormalTexture(const char* normal,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setPressedTexture(const char* selected,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setDisabledTexture(const char* disabled,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setNormalTextureScale9(const char* normal,cocos2d::CCRect capInsets,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setPressedTextureScale9(const char* selected,cocos2d::CCRect capInsets,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setDisabledTextureScale9(const char* disabled,cocos2d::CCRect capInsets,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal();

        virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed();

        virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled();

        virtual CRenderNode* getValidNode();//获取按钮的当前状态下的按钮的渲染节点

        void setScale9Enable(bool able);

        void setScale9Size(float width,float height);

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b);//设置按钮的颜色

        virtual void setOpacity(int opcity);

        virtual void setFlipX(bool flipX);

        virtual void setFlipY(bool flipY);


        UIElement* m_pButtonNormal;//正常的按钮(UIElement cocoWeget的封装)

        UIElement* m_pButtonClicked;//按下的按钮

        UIElement* m_pButtonDisable;//失效的按钮


        bool m_bScale9Enable;//设置9宫格按钮


(3)CocoTextButton  文本按钮

class CocoTextButton : public CocoButton




        virtual ~CocoTextButton();

        static CocoTextButton* create();

        virtual bool init();

        void setText(const char* text);

        void setTextColor(int r,int g,int b);

        void setFontSize(int size);

        void setFontName(const char* fontName);

        virtual void setFlipX(bool flipX);//x坐标按中心线反过来

        virtual void setFlipY(bool flipY);

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b);

        virtual void setOpacity(int opcity);//设置所有子节点的透明度


        UIText * m_pTextLable;//文本标签



(4)CocoContainerWidget 控件管理容器

class CocoContainerWidget : public CocoWidget




        virtual ~CocoContainerWidget();

        static CocoContainerWidget* create();

        virtual bool init();

        virtual void initNodes();

        virtual bool addChild(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void setClipAble(bool able);

        virtual void setClipRect(cocos2d::CCRect rect);

        virtual void updateWidth();

        virtual void updateHeight();

        virtual void setColorAndSize(int r,int g,int b,int o,float width,float height);

        virtual void setSize(float width,float height);

        virtual void setWidth(float width);

        virtual float getWidth();

        virtual void setHeight(float height);

        virtual float getHeight();

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b);

        virtual void setOpcity(int opcity);


        virtual bool getClipAble();

        virtual bool pointAtSelfBody(cocos2d::CCPoint &pt);


        float m_fWidth;

        float m_fHeight;

        float m_bClipAble;


(5)CocoPanel 面板

class CocoPanel : public CocoContainerWidget




        virtual ~CocoPanel();

        static CocoPanel* create();

        virtual bool init();

        void setBackGroundImage(const char* fileName,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setBackGroundImageScale9(const char* fileName,cocos2d::CCRect capInsets,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        virtual void setColorAndSize(int r,int g,int b,int o,float width,float height);

        virtual void setSize(float width,float height);

        void setBackGroundImageScale9Enable(bool able);

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b);

        virtual void setOpacity(int opcity);


        bool m_bBackGroundScale9Enable;

        UIElement* m_pBackGroundImage;//背景控件(渲染节点)


(6)CocoScrollView 滚动列表

class CocoScrollView : public CocoPanel




        virtual ~CocoScrollView();

        static CocoScrollView* create();

        virtual bool init();

        virtual bool addChild(CocoWidget* widget);

        virtual void removeChildMoveToTrash(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void removeChildReferenceOnly(CocoWidget* child);

        virtual void removeAllChildrenAndCleanUp(bool cleanup);

        void resortChildren();

        void moveChildren(float offset);

        void autoScrollChildren(float dt);

        void startAutoScrollChildren(float v);

        void stopAutoScrollChildren();

        float getCurAutoScrollDistance(float time);

        void setDirection(int direction);

        bool scrollChildren(float touchOffset);

        void scrollToBottom();

        void scrollToTop();

        void startRecordSlidAction();

        void endRecordSlidAction();

        void handlePressLogic(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);//处理按下时的逻辑

        void handleMoveLogic(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        void handleReleaseLogic(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchPressed(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchReleased(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchCanceled(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchLongClicked(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual void update(float dt);//(所有子节点)处理自动返回运动

        void recordSlidTime(float dt);//滑动时间

        virtual void checkChildInfo(int handleState,CocoWidget* sender,cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual void setColorAndSize(int r,int g,int b,int o,float width,float height);

        virtual void setSize(float width,float height);//设置限制大小,面板大小


        int m_nDirection;

        float m_fTouchStartLocation;

        float m_fTouchEndLocation;

        float m_fTouchMoveStartLocation;

        float m_fTopBoundary;//test

        float m_fBottomBoundary;//test

        float m_fLeftBoundary;

        float m_fRightBoundary;

        CocoWidget* m_pTopChild;//记录上下左右控件(按添加时的位置来记录)

        CocoWidget* m_pBottomChild;

        CocoWidget* m_pLeftChild;

        CocoWidget* m_pRightChild;


        int m_nHandleState;//0 normal, 1 top boundary, 2 bottom boundary

        int m_nMoveDirection;//0 pull down, 1 push up


        bool m_bTopEnd;

        bool m_bBottomEnd;


        bool m_bAutoScroll;


        float m_fAutoScrollOriginalSpeed;

        float m_fAutoScrollAcceleration;


        bool m_bBePressed;

        float m_fSlidTime;

        cocos2d::CCPoint moveChildPoint;

        float m_fChildrenSizeHeight;

        float m_fChildrenSizeWidth;

        float m_fChildFocusCancelOffset;


(7)CocoSlider 滑动条

class CocoSlider : public CocoWidget




        virtual ~CocoSlider();

        static CocoSlider* create();

        virtual bool init();

        void setBarTexture(const char* fileName,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setBarTextureScale9(const char* fileName,float x,float y,float width,float height,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setBarTextureScale9Enable(bool able);

        void setSlidBallTextures(const char* normal,const char* pressed,const char* disabled,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setSlidBallNormalTexture(const char* normal,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setSlidBallPressedTexture(const char* pressed,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setSlidBallDisabledTexture(const char* disabled,bool useSpriteFrame = false);

        void setBarLength(float length);

        void setSlidBallPercent(int percent);

        int getClickPercent(float location);

        void checkSlidBoundary();

        virtual bool onTouchPressed(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);//设置滚动球位置,滚动球的状态,触发百分比改变后的事件

        virtual bool onTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchReleased(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        virtual bool onTouchCanceled(cocos2d::CCPoint &touchPoint);

        float getPercentWithBallPos(float px,float py);

        virtual bool pointAtSelfBody(cocos2d::CCPoint &pt);

        virtual CRenderNode* getValidNode();

        virtual void addPercentChangedEvent(cocos2d::CCObject* target,SEL_PushEvent selector);

        void percentChangedEvent();

        int getPercent();

        virtual void setColor(int r,int g,int b);

        virtual void setOpacity(int opcity);


        UIElement*  m_pBarNode;

        float m_fMinLength;

        float m_fBarLength;

        int m_nDirection;

        int m_nBarPercent;

        CocoButton* m_pSlidBall;

        float m_fBarNodeScaleValue;

        float m_fTouchMoveStartLocation;

        bool m_bBarScale9Enable;

        cocos2d::CCObject*       m_pPercentListener;

        SEL_PushEvent    m_pfnPercentSelector;//百分比改变回调函数


2、BatchNodeManager 节点管理器

缓存管理当前层的所有CCNode 节点。

class BatchNodeManager {



     * If you want to reset the AlphaTestValue, you can use this method.

     * You should note this method will effect all CCNode used cocos2dx's Alpha Test Shader


     * @param  _value  the value you want to set to Alpha Test, 


    static void setBatchNodeAlphaTestValue(float _value);


    static BatchNodeManager *sharedBatchNodeManager();



     * Init members with a CCLayer


    virtual bool initWithLayer(CCLayer *_layer, std::string _layerName);


     * Add a BatchNode to current layer


     * @param  name The image name used by _batchNode, used for a key

     * @param  batchNode  The BatchNode you want to added to current layer

     * @param  zOrder BatchNode's zorder, defualt is 0


    void addBatchNode(const std::string &name, BatchNode *batchNode, int zOrder = 0);


     * Get a BatchNode which used a image named _name from current layer. 

     * If do not exsit, create a new BatchNode named _name and add to current layer


    BatchNode *getBatchNode(const std::string &name);


     * Set the zorder of BatchNode named _name


     * @param name BatchNode's name

     * @param zOrder The zorder you want to set


    void setBatchNodeZOrder(const std::string &name, int zOrder);


    void setBatchNodeBlendFunc(const std::string &name, unsigned int src, unsigned int dst);


     * Remove all BatchNodes added to the layer named _layerName

     * @param name The layer's name


    void removeBatchNodes(const std::string &layerName);


    CCLayer *getCurrentLayer();



     * When create a BatchNodeManager, it will set Alpha Test to 0.5





    static BatchNodeManager *m_sBatchNodeManager;



     * @key The image name the CCSpriteBatchNode use

     * @value  CCSpriteBatchNode*


    CCDictionary *m_pBatchNodeDic;



     * @key Layer's name

     * @value  BatchNode dictionary


    CCDictionary *m_pLayer2BatchNodeDic;


    CCLayer *m_pLayer; //! Current CCLayer


    CCDictionary *m_pLayerMap; //! a map used to judge if a layer with a name is the same with the layer in the map named with the same name.




bool HelloWorld::init()

// 初始化层的大小、不可触碰等
if ( !CCLayer::init() )
return false;





//重置当前场景的ui系统,重置所有控件,添加ui系统触摸层到当前的容器层,replaceUISceneWithFile 会调用resetSystem




COCOUISYSTEM->replaceUISceneWithFile(this, "CocoGUISample.json", 1, false);



CocoGUI::CocoButton* closeButton = CocoGUI::CocoButton::create();
closeButton->setTextures("CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png", "");
closeButton->setPosition(ccp(430, 40));


closeButton->addReleaseEvent((CCObject*)this, coco_releaseselector(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback));







//COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget() 是当前场景的所有控件的根节点



CocoGUI::CocoScrollView* sc =

 (CocoGUI::CocoScrollView*)(COCOUISYSTEM->checkWidgetByName(COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget(), "scrollview"));




CocoGUI::CocoTextButton* bt =

 (CocoGUI::CocoTextButton*)(COCOUISYSTEM->checkWidgetByName(COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget(), "backtotopbutton"));


bt->addReleaseEvent(this, coco_releaseselector(HelloWorld::backToTop));

CocoGUI::CocoSlider* sld = (CocoGUI::CocoSlider*)(COCOUISYSTEM->checkWidgetByName(COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget(), "slider"));


sld->addPercentChangedEvent(this, coco_percentchangedselector(HelloWorld::sliderPercentChanged));


CocoGUI::CocoButton* anib = (CocoGUI::CocoButton*)(COCOUISYSTEM->checkWidgetByName(COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget(), "animationbutton"));


//添加以TEST_LAYER 命名的字典容器到批量节点管理器,用来管理BatchNode类(继承于CCSpriteBatchNode),也就是该层的批量节点对象

cs::BatchNodeManager::sharedBatchNodeManager()->initWithLayer(this, "TEST_LAYER");


return true;

4、cocostudio ui编辑器的生成配置


    "version" : 1.0,

    "textures" : [],

    "designWidth" : 480.0,

    "designHeight" : 320.0,

    "widgetTree" : {

        "classname" : "Panel",//面板

        "options" :


            "width" : 480,

            "height" : 320


        "children" :



         "classname" : "ScrollView", //滑动列表

         "options" :


         "x" : 330,

         "y" : 220,

         "width" : 150,

         "height" : 100,

         "backGroundScale9Enable" : true,

         "clipAble" : true,

         "touchAble" : true,

         "backGroundImage" : "scrollviewbg.png",

         "name" : "scrollview"


 "children" :



          "classname" : "Label",//滑动列表上的标签

          "options" : {

          "x" : 75,//x轴

          "y" : 90,//y轴

          "text" : "Anchor:"


          "children" : []//没有子节点



          "classname" : "TextButton",//滑动列表上的返回顶部按钮

          "options" : {

          "x" : 75,

          "y" : -170,

          "text" : "返回顶部",

          "normal" : "backtotopnormal.png",

          "pressed" : "backtotoppressed.png",

          "touchAble" : true,

          "name" : "backtotopbutton"


          "children" : []





         "classname" : "ImageView",//静态图片

         "options" :


         "x" : 30,

         "y" : 290,

         "fileName" : "ccicon.png"


         "children" :[]



         "classname" : "Label",//文本标签

         "options" :


         "x" : 70,

         "y" : 300,

         "gravity" : 1,

         "text" : "name : CocoStudio"


"children" :[]



         "classname" : "LabelAtlas",

         "options" :


         "x" : 150,

         "y" : 270,

         "stringValue" : "3256",

         "charMapFile" : "labelatlas.png",

         "itemWidth" : 17,

         "itemHeight" : 22,

         "startCharMap" : "0"


         "children" :[]



         "classname" : "LoadingBar",

         "options" :


         "x" : 70,

         "y" : 200,

         "texture" : "loadingbar.png",

         "percent" : 50,

         "name" : "loadingbar"


         "children" :[]



         "classname" : "Slider",//滑动条

         "options" :


         "x" : 70,

         "y" : 160,

         "barFileName" : "slidbar.png",//滑动条名称

         "ballNormal" : "sliderballnormal.png", //正常状态的滑动条

         "ballPressed" :"sliderballpressed.png",//按下状态的滑动条

         "percent" : 50,

         "touchAble" : true,

         "name" : "slider"


         "children" :[]



         "classname" : "Label",//可触摸的文本框

         "options" :


         "x" : 70,

         "y" : 230,

         "text" : "播放速度",

         "touchAble" : true,

         "touchSacleEnable" : true


         "children" :[]



         "classname" : "CheckBox",//复选框

         "options" :


         "x" : 250,

         "y" : 290,

         "backGroundBox" : "check_box_normal.png",//正常状态的复选框

         "backGroundBoxSelected" : "check_box_normal_press.png",//选中状态的复选框 

         "frontCross" : "check_box_active.png",//复选框的激活的叉型图片

         "backGroundBoxDisabled" : "check_box_normal_disable.png",//复选框失效图片

         "frontCrossDisabled" : "check_box_active_disable.png",//复选框激活状态下的失效图片

         "touchAble" : true//可否触摸


         "children" :[]




CocoGUI::CocoButton* anib = (CocoGUI::CocoButton*)(COCOUISYSTEM->checkWidgetByName(COCOUISYSTEM->getCurScene()->getRootWidget(), "animationbutton"));
anib->addReleaseEvent(this, coco_releaseselector(HelloWorld::playUIAnimation));

void HelloWorld::playUIAnimation(cocos2d::CCObject *pSender)

CocoGUI::CocoWidget* widget = (CocoGUI::CocoWidget*)pSender;
CCSequence* seq = CCSequence::create(CCMoveTo::create(1.0, ccp(300, 300)),CCScaleTo::create(1, 0.5),CCMoveTo::create(1.0, ccp(127, 96)),CCScaleTo::create(1.0, 1.0),CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 720),CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 0),NULL);

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息