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Mac OS app, sandbox with command line tool?

2014-03-29 19:05 1221 查看


I've made an app which includes a command-line tool. I have enabled the app's sandbox, and tested that it works. I've also code-signed both the app and the command line tool.

But when I upload the app to iTunes, I received a email telling me "App sandbox not enabled".

Apparently I need to set entitlement file of key
and list the executables:

I'm sure I've enabled sandbox in Xcode, so I thought the problem was with the command line tool.

How can I enable sandbox for command line tool? Or is there a specific folder I should put the tool? Any suggestions welcome - I have been troubled by it for several days.

I had the same issue and after some search, trial & error, this is what worked for me:

1. create an entitlement file - for me it was just com.apple.security.inherit set to YES. I created this file in xcode itself.

2. Now sign this commandline tool using the command:
codesign --entitlements ./entitlements.plist -s "copy & paste your certificate from keychain" ./commandlinetool

3. Just to be sure, check using this command:
codesign --display --entitlements - ./commandlinetool

4. This tool was already included in the project. So just compile, archive & submit

The status is now 'waiting for review' :-) Hope this helps
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