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Project planning and scheduling with MS Project 2012

2014-03-20 13:05 459 查看
Project planning and scheduling

Objective: Project Planning & Scheduling using MicrosoftProject Professional 2010 or higher version


1. Practice FormalProject Planning for Software Projects

2. Utilize ProjectPlanning tools such as : Microsoft Project Professional 2010


(a) Use “Microsoft Project Professional 2010” to list all tasks andschedules. This should include various views/screens such as: task lists, dependencies,resource allocations, Gantt charts, activity diagrams, etc. All screens andfinal report must be submitted.

(b) A short document that explain your choices for productionselection, your assumption, and all other details. See “Points to Consider”below for more details

Points toConsider:

· You must select one of the two projects on the following projects,use this project for the entire semester:

o Project 1: Graduate Student ManagementSystem (GSMS)

o Project 2: Sporting Goods System (SGS)

· Assume you have 5 developers to complete all your tasks, excludingyourself, remember you are the manager and in charge of scheduling andestimation

· Each developer can be used in any capacity (i.e. develop webscreens, database design, do documentation, write test plans, anything that youasked them to do since you are the manager)

· Each developer receive $5000/month after all taxes have beendeducted

· You, the manager, will receive $10,000/month after all taxes havebeen deduced

· The duration of the project is 3 months: Feb. 1, 2014 to May 1,2014.

· Each developer will receive one week of vacation during this 3month-period (i.e. you will pay them, however they will not work; i.e. paidvacation)

· The project manager (i.e. you) will not receive a vacation duringthese 3 months since the delivery of the project has a tight schedule

· Your project plan must assume that you require drawing UML diagramsand generating requirements for your project. You must allocate sufficient timefor these activities even though you will not actually performing these tasks

· You must register for a 60-day trial version of “Microsoft ProjectProfessional 2010” and use this product to keep track of project tasks. This isa great product and hopefully you will continue using it at your company (allrights reserved for Microsoft)
or when you become a manger. You may access thisproduct through other legal means also.

· All cycles of development (i.e. Requirements, Design, Development,Testing) and documentation (i.e. user manual) must be accounted for

· You could use any testing framework such as generating test casesor using JUnit for testing portion of this project. Make sure to include thecost of the testing tool if you decide to use one.

· All software and hardware costs/purchases must be realistic withsufficient reference provided in the in the Appendix. Make sure to reviewmultiple products from various competitors when purchasing software or hardware.All pricing comparison and reasoning
for product selection must be submitted ondue date.

· Assume 25% of overhead cost (i.e. to cover heating, heating &air-conditioning & electric bill, rent, etc.)

· Assume your require 100% profit on the money spent. That is, if itcost you $100K to develop this project, you should charge client $200K to coveryour cost plus profit

· Extensive risk analysis and mitigation should be included

· Configuration management for source code and other productartifacts (e.g. requirements, documentation, source code) storage is required

· Security (i.e. data encryption/decryption) is required to maintainintegrity of your data. Make sure to include the cost of security softwarepackages

· Include all required software packages, hardware, databases, Webhosting costs and any other related capital expenditure

· Feel free to make reasonable assumptions anywhere necessary, justdocument and submit it

· 10% penalty per each day of being late after the due date/time.

Project1 (web-based application): Graduate Student Management System, GSMS

The Computer Science and Engineering department at UTA is need of aweb-based system to manage its current MS and PhD students. The system will bereferred to as the ”Graduate Student Management System”, GSMS, and its primaryfunction is to collect vital information
about all MS and PhD students andtrack their progress throughout their studies at UTA. This system willautomatically check the necessary progress of each graduate student and raisesalert when sufficient progress is not made. The system should be up and runningby
May 1, 2014. Below is the minimum set of requirements at this point:

MinimumFunctional Requirements:

The GSMS should be a web-based system that includes the followingfunctional components:

1. StudentInformation: The following data should be collected for each student:

Ø Name (Last, Middle, First)

Ø Student ID (10-digit MyMav ID)

Ø Start date (e.g. 8/24/2009)

Ø Start Semester (e.g. Fall 2009)

Ø E-mail address

Ø Phone number

Ø Supervisor’s Name (For PhD students only)

Ø Committee Formation Date (For PhD students only)

Ø Diagnostics Evaluation Date (For PhD students only)

Ø Comprehensive Exam Date (For PhD students only)

Ø Proposal Presentation Date (For PhD students only)

Ø Defense Date (For PhD students only)

Ø Overall Status (“Green” bar for on-track; “Yellow” bar for borderline, “Red” bar for way behind, “Graduated on mm/dd/yy”; “Resigned onmm/dd/yy”, “Postponed on mm/dd/yy)

2. Admission Type:Make the following available via checkbox (acceptable combinations are:“Unconditional” or “Probationary”, or “Provisional”, or “Probationary” &“Provisional”):

Ø Unconditional

Ø Probationary (allow entering up to 64 bytes of text of what theprobation is for: e.g. must get B or better in the first 9 hours, must passGESP English test, must take ESOL English class, must take CSE 3320 and 3315…)

Ø Provisional (allow entering up to 64 bytes of text of what theprovision is for: e.g. must provide official degree, must provide official GRE…)

3. Degree Type:Three degree types are supported (make degree types and anticipated durationsdynamic. i.e. in case a back office person wants to make the duration of MS to3 years it should easily be done):

Ø MS (Anticipated duration: 2 years)

Ø PhD (Anticipated duration: 4 years)

Ø PhD fast-track (anticipated duration: 5 years. This is BS to PhDfast track bypassing MS)

4. Funding Status:Make the following choices available via Checkboxes:



Ø Fellowship/Scholarship

Ø None

5. ProgressStatus: Allow entering the following text in the “Overall Status” if student isnot an active student:

Ø “Graduated”

Ø “Resigned”

Ø “Postponed”

Dynamically compute and displayingthe following status if student is an active student currently at school(compute by comparing the “Start date”, “current date”, and “anticipatedduration” for each degree type):

For MS students:

Ø “Green” Color: If at school less than or equal the Anticipatedduration

Ø “Yellow” Color: If no more than 6 months over the Anticipatedduration

Ø “Red” Color: If more than 6 months over the Anticipated duration

For PhDstudents:





1. Committee formation

=< start date + 1 Yr

> start date + 1.5 Yr

> start date + 2

2. Diagnostics Evaluation

=< start date + 1.5 Yr

> Start date + 2 Yr

> start date + 2.5 Yr

3. Comprehensive Exam

=< start date + 2.5 Yr

> Start date + 3 Yr

> start date + 3.5 Yr

4. Proposal

=< start date + 3 Yr

> Start date + 3.5 Yr

> start date + 4 Yr

5. Defense

=< start date + 4 Yr

> Start date + 4.5 Yr

> start date + 5 Yr

** Note1: Add an extra year to all dates in the above table for PhDfast-track students.

** Note 2: If no date available for any of the milestones thatmeans that milestone is not complete. Milestones must be completed in thesequential order above, i.e. M1 must be completed before M2, M2 before M3, etc.

6. GeneralComments: Allow entering up to 512 bytes of general comment about the student.No spell checking necessary.

7. Ad-HocSearch/Repot: Provide functionally to be able search, and possibly save andprint the results as a report in an ad-hoc style that includes the followingcriteria:

Search for all students based on:

Ø Degree Type (provide via checkbox: MS, PhD, PhD Fast-track, All)

Ø Status (Green, Yellow, Red, graduated, resigned, Postponed, All)

Select Display fields from the following for Search/Report viacheckbox:

Ø Name


Ø E-mail

Ø Degree Type

Ø Status

Ø Supervisor

Ø Start Date

Ø Start Semester

Ø Funding Status (i.e. GTA, GRA, Fellowship/Scholarship, None, All)

MinimumSystem Requirements:

The GSMS has the following minimum system requirements:

Ø Only authorized users should be able to access this system (i.e.Login to system is required)

Ø Graduate information should be maintained in an appropriatedatabase such as MS-Access, SQL, MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase, etc. The data cannotbe maintained in XLS sheets or files.

Ø System must be web-based.

Ø Authorized users should easily be able to send e-mails to studentsfrom this system.


Ø The primary function of this system is to track the progress ofgraduate students. Therefore, a quick “Overall Status” preferably graphical,should be readily visible next to the student’s name. For example,“Green”/“Yellow”/“Red” bar to indicate On-track/borderline/behind,
or othercomments such as “Graduated”, “Resigned”, “Postponed”, etc. should bedisplayed. Please see Progress status above.

Ø The users of this system are graduate advising and administrativestaff such as graduate advisors, graduate secretaries, department chair orassociate chair.


GraduateStudent Management System, GSMS


GSMS is aweb-based system that could manage the MS and PHD students of the ComputerScience and Engineering department at UTA.

Developmentlife cycle

This projectwould take agile development life cycle. A software system is delivered in smallincrements, thereby avoiding the Big Bang effect, the waterfall model isemployed in each phase, the user is closely involved in directing the nextsteps, incremental
development prevents over functionality. Meanwhile, this cansatisfy changing requirements. And this web-based application takes MVC model.


The durationof the project is 3 months (12weeks), from Feb 1, 2014 to May 1, 2014. SinceFeb 1 is Saturday, actually the project starts from Feb1, 2014. And there wouldbe two days left for some emergences that may happen. Each month has 4 weeks,every week
has 5 working days.

Totallythree increments of this project, first increment from 1th to 5thweek, second increment from 6th to 9th week, thirdincrement from 10th to 12th week.

The incrementalphase contains: Requirements Analysis, design, implement, testing &debugging, project management. When the project is done, there would be adeployment phase. Each takes about 10%, 25%, 25%, 35% and 5% totally.

InRequirement Analysis phase, it contains Function Requirements, SystemRequirements, Risk Analysis, Deriving use cases and Domain Modeling.

The Designprocess consists of Deriving Architectural design, UML Sequence Diagram includingclass diagram, Database Design, and User Interface Design.

In Implementphase, there would be building database, making coding standard and ensurequality assurance.

In Testing& Debugging phase, there would be Unit Testing, Integration testing,debugging sub-phases.

InDeployment phase, there would be installed, handover sub-phases.


5developers, 1 manager. Manager is in charge of scheduling and estimation. Fivedevelopers can be used in any capacities. They can be called: Allen, Bruce,Caroline, Dick, Elena. Manager can be called Mike.

Developersand manager will be paid by dollars/ hour, developer is $32/hour, which equalsto $5000/month; manager is $64/hour which equals to $10000/month. This paymentmethod is convenient to calculate and manage. Working time in each day from8:00 AM to 12:00PM,
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, lunch time from 12:00PM to 1:00 PM.

Eachdeveloper will receive one week of vacation during this 3 month-period.Considering about the software development life cycle, the first increment inthe agile development is very important. We assume that the one vacation wouldbe valid in the second or
third increment phase. From the 6th weekto 10th week, Allen, Bruce, Caroline, Dick and Elena will have oneweek vacation.

Software& Hardware

· PHP develop IDE






Refactoring Support

VCS Support




Windows, Liux, Mac OS, JVM




CVS, Git



Sun/ Oracle





CVS, Git, SVN, etc.



PHPEclipse project team

Window, Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD, JVM, Solaris






Zend Studio[3]






CVS, Git, SVN, etc.


Based on thefunction and price, choose NetBeans.

· Hosting server operation system: Considerationabout the security, performance and price, taking Linux with Red Hat EnterpriseLinux Server for IBM POWER, standard subscription 1 year. Price is $2,700 peryear. [5]

· Database: Oracle Database EnterpriseEdition. Price is $1,944.00 per year. And use this software to design database.[7]

· Server hardware: Consideration aboutcollaborating with operating system, choose IBM Power 710 Express server. Ahigh-performance, energy efficient, reliable and secure infrastructure andapplication server in a compact 2U package. Price is $6,255.00.

· Software testing framework: PHPUnitis a unit testing framework for the PHP programming language. It is an instanceof the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks that originated withSUnit and became popular with JUnit. PHPUnit was created by
Sebastian Bergmannand its development is hosted on GitHub. It is free. [9]

· Configuration management tool:SourceForge is a web-based source code repository. It acts as a centralizedlocation for software developers to control and manage free and open sourcesoftware development. It is free. [8]

· Document sharing: Google Drive, whichis a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google. It enables.

· Project planning tool: A 60-day trialversion of Microsoft Project Professional 2013, use this to keep track ofproject tasks. It is free.

· UML tool: ArgoUML is the leading opensource UML modeling tool and includes support for all standard UML 1.4 diagrams.It is free. [10]

· UI design tool: Adobe Dreamweaver isa web design and development application that provides a visual WYSIWYG editor(colloquially referred to as the Design view) and a code editor with standardfeatures such as syntax highlighting, code completion,
and code collapsing aswell as more sophisticated features such as real-time syntax checking and codeintrospection for generating code hints to assist the user in writing code. TheDesign view facilitates rapid layout design and code generation as it allowsusers
to quickly create and manipulate the layout of HTML elements. The priceis $49.99 per month. We need three months here. [11]

Cost Estimation


Price ($)

IBM Power 710 Express server


Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server


Oracle Database Enterprise Edition




Developer salary


Manager salary


Overhead cost




[1]Assume25% of overhead cost.

Gantt Chart

Resource sheet

请见下一篇 -- MS project view chart

1. http://www.codelobster.com/download.html

2. https://netbeans.org/

3. http://shop.zend.com/en/zend-studio-for-eclipse.html

4. https://www.eclipse.org/

5. https://www.redhat.com/wapps/store/catalog.html

6. http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/710/browse_linux.html

7. https://shop.oracle.com/pls/ostore/f?p=dstore:product:0::NO:RP,6:P6_LPI,P6_PROD_HIER_ID:4509382199341805719938,4509958287721805720011

8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SourceForge

9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHPUnit

10. http://argouml.tigris.org/

11. http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver/buying-guide.html
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