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CentOS (linux) 启动错误 *** Run 'setenforce 1'to reenable. 解决

2014-03-20 11:58 741 查看
CentOS Server 由于机房断电,重启sever 启动报错:

*** An error occurred during the file system check.

*** Dropping you to a shell;the system will reboot

*** when you leave the shell.

*** Waring --SELinux is active

*** Disabling security enforcement for system recovery.

*** Run 'setenforce 1'to reenable.

*** Give root password for maintenace

(or type Control - D to continue):


输入root口令进入,再执行命令: fsck ,根据提示 输入 Y,确认修复,输入n次Y 后,reboot 问题解决。
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