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2014-03-20 00:46 281 查看
日记月累第三天,今天公司开会同事分享了一些Android 的Notification的一些知识和java的面试的基础知





You are a mature man now;you are no longer a boy.你现在是成年人了,不在是孩子。

His character mature during these years.这些年他的性格成熟了

2.medium 中等的,适中的,中间物;媒介;手段;工具。

How do you want the beef rare,medium or well done;你要烧成什么样的牛肉?半熟的还是熟透的?

This toy soldier takes two medium sized batteries.这个玩具兵需要两个中型电池。

From an advertiser's point of view,TV is a wonderful medium。从广告人的观点来看,电视是很棒的媒体


The membership are very annoyed at your suggestion.会员们对你的建议甚为恼火。

4.dash 猛冲;飞奔;猛掷;使猛撞;破折号。

We dashed along the platform and just managed to catch the train 我们在站台上飞奔才来的及赶上火车。

5.decent 体面的;正派的;得体的;宽厚的;

Wearing ragged jeans are not very decent to match the party.穿着破旧的牛仔裤在宴会上显的很不得体。

He's a thoroughly decent man.他是一个极为正派的人。

6.defect 毛病;缺陷;缺点;变节;叛变;

All the cars are tested for defect before they leave the factory.所有的车在离厂前都要经过实验。看有没有缺陷。

7.pure 纯洁的;纯净的;抽象的;完全的;十足的;

The voices of the young boys singing in church were high and pure.在教堂唱歌的哪些小男孩们嗓音响亮而纯正。

By pure chance he found the book he needed.他纯属偶然发现了他需要那本书。

8.quantity 量;数量;

Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.数学是纯粹研究数量的科学。

It is often cheaper to buy things in quantity.东西买的多往往便宜。

They ordered a large quantity of goods 他们定了一大批货。

We've had quantity of rain this summer.今年夏天我们这里雨水很多。

9.independent 独立自主的;中立的;无关的。

Two independent studies have been carried out .已经开始了两项分开独自进行的工作。

10.ignorance 无知。愚昧。

Ignorance of the law excuses no man;不知法不能作为免罪的借口。

True science teaches ,above all to doubt and be ignorant.真正的科学首先是教人怀疑并无知。

11.mass produced 量产。
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