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alps/frameworks/base/wifi/java/android/net/wifi/WifiManager.java , WifiConfiguration.java [v4.2.2]

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/** Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/package android.net.wifi;import android.annotation.SdkConstant;import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;import android.content.Context;import android.net.DhcpInfo;import android.os.Binder;import android.os.IBinder;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.HandlerThread;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.Message;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.os.WorkSource;import android.os.Messenger;import android.util.Log;import android.util.SparseArray;import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;import com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel;import com.android.internal.util.Protocol;import java.util.List;/*** This class provides the primary API for managing all aspects of Wi-Fi* connectivity. Get an instance of this class by calling* {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService(String) Context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE)}.* It deals with several categories of items:* <ul>* <li>The list of configured networks. The list can be viewed and updated,* and attributes of individual entries can be modified.</li>* <li>The currently active Wi-Fi network, if any. Connectivity can be* established or torn down, and dynamic information about the state of* the network can be queried.</li>* <li>Results of access point scans, containing enough information to* make decisions about what access point to connect to.</li>* <li>It defines the names of various Intent actions that are broadcast* upon any sort of change in Wi-Fi state.* </ul>* This is the API to use when performing Wi-Fi specific operations. To* perform operations that pertain to network connectivity at an abstract* level, use {@link android.net.ConnectivityManager}.*/public class WifiManager {private static final String TAG = "WifiManager";// Supplicant error codes:/*** The error code if there was a problem authenticating.*/public static final int ERROR_AUTHENTICATING = 1;/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that Wi-Fi has been enabled, disabled,* enabling, disabling, or unknown. One extra provides this state as an int.* Another extra provides the previous state, if available.** @see #EXTRA_WIFI_STATE* @see #EXTRA_PREVIOUS_WIFI_STATE*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED";/*** The lookup key for an int that indicates whether Wi-Fi is enabled,* disabled, enabling, disabling, or unknown.  Retrieve it with* {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String,int)}.** @see #WIFI_STATE_DISABLED* @see #WIFI_STATE_DISABLING* @see #WIFI_STATE_ENABLED* @see #WIFI_STATE_ENABLING* @see #WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN*/public static final String EXTRA_WIFI_STATE = "wifi_state";/*** The previous Wi-Fi state.** @see #EXTRA_WIFI_STATE*/public static final String EXTRA_PREVIOUS_WIFI_STATE = "previous_wifi_state";/*** Wi-Fi is currently being disabled. The state will change to {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLED} if* it finishes successfully.** @see #WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()*/public static final int WIFI_STATE_DISABLING = 0;/*** Wi-Fi is disabled.** @see #WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()*/public static final int WIFI_STATE_DISABLED = 1;/*** Wi-Fi is currently being enabled. The state will change to {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLED} if* it finishes successfully.** @see #WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()*/public static final int WIFI_STATE_ENABLING = 2;/*** Wi-Fi is enabled.** @see #WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()*/public static final int WIFI_STATE_ENABLED = 3;/*** Wi-Fi is in an unknown state. This state will occur when an error happens while enabling* or disabling.** @see #WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()*/public static final int WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN = 4;/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that Wi-Fi AP has been enabled, disabled,* enabling, disabling, or failed.** @hide*/public static final String WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED";/*** The lookup key for an int that indicates whether Wi-Fi AP is enabled,* disabled, enabling, disabling, or failed.  Retrieve it with* {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String,int)}.** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED* @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING* @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED* @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING* @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED** @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_WIFI_AP_STATE = "wifi_state";/*** The previous Wi-Fi state.** @see #EXTRA_WIFI_AP_STATE** @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_PREVIOUS_WIFI_AP_STATE = "previous_wifi_state";/*** Wi-Fi AP is currently being disabled. The state will change to* {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED} if it finishes successfully.** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiApState()** @hide*/public static final int WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING = 10;/*** Wi-Fi AP is disabled.** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiState()** @hide*/public static final int WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED = 11;/*** Wi-Fi AP is currently being enabled. The state will change to* {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED} if it finishes successfully.** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiApState()** @hide*/public static final int WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING = 12;/*** Wi-Fi AP is enabled.** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiApState()** @hide*/public static final int WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED = 13;/*** Wi-Fi AP is in a failed state. This state will occur when an error occurs during* enabling or disabling** @see #WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION* @see #getWifiApState()** @hide*/public static final int WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED = 14;/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that a connection to the supplicant has* been established (and it is now possible* to perform Wi-Fi operations) or the connection to the supplicant has been* lost. One extra provides the connection state as a boolean, where {@code true}* means CONNECTED.* @see #EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.supplicant.CONNECTION_CHANGE";/*** The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether a connection to* the supplicant daemon has been gained or lost. {@code true} means* a connection now exists.* Retrieve it with {@link android.content.Intent#getBooleanExtra(String,boolean)}.*/public static final String EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED = "connected";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of Wi-Fi connectivity* has changed. One extra provides the new state* in the form of a {@link android.net.NetworkInfo} object. If the new* state is CONNECTED, additional extras may provide the BSSID and WifiInfo of* the access point.* as a {@code String}.* @see #EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO* @see #EXTRA_BSSID* @see #EXTRA_WIFI_INFO*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE";/*** The lookup key for a {@link android.net.NetworkInfo} object associated with the* Wi-Fi network. Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.*/public static final String EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO = "networkInfo";/*** The lookup key for a String giving the BSSID of the access point to which* we are connected. Only present when the new state is CONNECTED.* Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra(String)}.*/public static final String EXTRA_BSSID = "bssid";/*** The lookup key for a {@link android.net.wifi.WifiInfo} object giving the* information about the access point to which we are connected. Only present* when the new state is CONNECTED.  Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.*/public static final String EXTRA_WIFI_INFO = "wifiInfo";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of establishing a connection to* an access point has changed.One extra provides the new* {@link SupplicantState}. Note that the supplicant state is Wi-Fi specific, and* is not generally the most useful thing to look at if you are just interested in* the overall state of connectivity.* @see #EXTRA_NEW_STATE* @see #EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_ERROR*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE";/*** The lookup key for a {@link SupplicantState} describing the new state* Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.*/public static final String EXTRA_NEW_STATE = "newState";/*** The lookup key for a {@link SupplicantState} describing the supplicant* error code if any* Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String, int)}.* @see #ERROR_AUTHENTICATING*/public static final String EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_ERROR = "supplicantError";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the configured networks changed.* This can be as a result of adding/updating/deleting a network. If* {@link #EXTRA_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS_CHANGED} is set to true the new configuration* can be retreived with the {@link #EXTRA_WIFI_CONFIGURATION} extra. If multiple* Wi-Fi configurations changed, {@link #EXTRA_WIFI_CONFIGURATION} will not be present.* @hide*/public static final String CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGE";/*** The lookup key for a (@link android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration} object representing* the changed Wi-Fi configuration when the {@link #CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION}* broadcast is sent.* @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_WIFI_CONFIGURATION = "wifiConfiguration";/*** Multiple network configurations have changed.* @see #CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION** @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS_CHANGED = "multipleChanges";/*** The lookup key for an integer indicating the reason a Wi-Fi network configuration* has changed. Only present if {@link #EXTRA_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS_CHANGED} is {@code false}* @see #CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION* @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_CHANGE_REASON = "changeReason";/*** The configuration is new and was added.* @hide*/public static final int CHANGE_REASON_ADDED = 0;/*** The configuration was removed and is no longer present in the system's list of* configured networks.* @hide*/public static final int CHANGE_REASON_REMOVED = 1;/*** The configuration has changed as a result of explicit action or because the system* took an automated action such as disabling a malfunctioning configuration.* @hide*/public static final int CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE = 2;/*** An access point scan has completed, and results are available from the supplicant.* Call {@link #getScanResults()} to obtain the results.*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.SCAN_RESULTS";/*** The RSSI (signal strength) has changed.* @see #EXTRA_NEW_RSSI*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED";/*** The lookup key for an {@code int} giving the new RSSI in dBm.*/public static final String EXTRA_NEW_RSSI = "newRssi";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the link configuration* changed on wifi.* @hide*/public static final String LINK_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.LINK_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED";/*** The lookup key for a {@link android.net.LinkProperties} object associated with the* Wi-Fi network. Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.* @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_LINK_PROPERTIES = "linkProperties";/*** The lookup key for a {@link android.net.LinkCapabilities} object associated with the* Wi-Fi network. Retrieve with* {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.* @hide*/public static final String EXTRA_LINK_CAPABILITIES = "linkCapabilities";/*** The network IDs of the configured networks could have changed.*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String NETWORK_IDS_CHANGED_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.NETWORK_IDS_CHANGED";/*** Activity Action: Pick a Wi-Fi network to connect to.* <p>Input: Nothing.* <p>Output: Nothing.*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.ACTIVITY_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK = "android.net.wifi.PICK_WIFI_NETWORK";/*** In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active,* and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically* establish a connection to a remembered access point that is* within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered* access points but none are in range.*/public static final int WIFI_MODE_FULL = 1;/*** In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active,* but the only operation that will be supported is initiation of* scans, and the subsequent reporting of scan results. No attempts* will be made to automatically connect to remembered access points,* nor will periodic scans be automatically performed looking for* remembered access points. Scans must be explicitly requested by* an application in this mode.*/public static final int WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY = 2;/*** In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active as in mode* {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL} but it operates at high performance* with minimum packet loss and low packet latency even when* the device screen is off. This mode will consume more power* and hence should be used only when there is a need for such* an active connection.* <p>* An example use case is when a voice connection needs to be* kept active even after the device screen goes off. Holding the* regular {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL} lock will keep the wifi* connection active, but the connection can be lossy.* Holding a {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF} lock for the* duration of the voice call will improve the call quality.* <p>* When there is no support from the hardware, this lock mode* will have the same behavior as {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL}*/public static final int WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF = 3;/** Anything worse than or equal to this will show 0 bars. */private static final int MIN_RSSI = -100;/** Anything better than or equal to this will show the max bars. */private static final int MAX_RSSI = -55;/*** Number of RSSI levels used in the framework to initiate* {@link #RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION} broadcast* @hide*/public static final int RSSI_LEVELS = 5;/*** Auto settings in the driver. The driver could choose to operate on both* 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz or make a dynamic decision on selecting the band.* @hide*/public static final int WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_AUTO = 0;/*** Operation on 5 GHz alone* @hide*/public static final int WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_5GHZ = 1;/*** Operation on 2.4 GHz alone* @hide*/public static final int WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_2GHZ = 2;/** List of asyncronous notifications* @hide*/public static final int DATA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION = 1;//Lowest bit indicates data reception and the second lowest//bit indicates data transmitted/** @hide */public static final int DATA_ACTIVITY_NONE         = 0x00;/** @hide */public static final int DATA_ACTIVITY_IN           = 0x01;/** @hide */public static final int DATA_ACTIVITY_OUT          = 0x02;/** @hide */public static final int DATA_ACTIVITY_INOUT        = 0x03;/* Maximum number of active locks we allow.* This limit was added to prevent apps from creating a ridiculous number* of locks and crashing the system by overflowing the global ref table.*/private static final int MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS = 50;/* Number of currently active WifiLocks and MulticastLocks */private int mActiveLockCount;// M: Added constant/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that no WAPI certification error.* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String NO_CERTIFICATION_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.NO_CERTIFICATION";/*** Broadcast intent action notifies WifiService to clear the notification show flag* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_CLEAR_NOTIFICATION_SHOW_FLAG_ACTION ="android.net.wifi.WIFI_CLEAR_NOTIFICATION_SHOW_FLAG_ACTION";/*** The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether the pick network activity* is triggered by the notification.* Retrieve with {@link android.content.Intent#getBooleanExtra(String,boolean)}.* @hide* @internal*/public static final String EXTRA_TRIGGERED_BY_NOTIFICATION = "notification";/*** Activity Action: Confirm with user if they want to connect to an AP.* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.ACTIVITY_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_NOTIFICATION_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.WIFI_NOTIFICATION";/*** The lookup key for a String indicates the SSID of the highest priority network.* Retrieve with {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra(String)}.* @hide* @internal*/public static final String EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_SSID = "ssid";/*** The lookup key for an int indicates the networkId of the highest priority network.* Retrieve with {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String,int)}.* @hide* @internal*/public static final String EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_NETWORKID = "network_id";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that WPS check pin fails.* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_WPS_CHECK_PIN_FAIL_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.WIFI_WPS_CHECK_PIN_FAIL";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the hotspot clients changed.* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_HOTSPOT_CLIENTS_CHANGED_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.WIFI_HOTSPOT_CLIENTS_CHANGED";/*** Broadcast intent action indicating that the hotspot overlap occurs.* @hide* @internal*/@SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)public static final String WIFI_HOTSPOT_OVERLAP_ACTION = "android.net.wifi.WIFI_HOTSPOT_OVERLAP";private Context mContext;IWifiManager mService;private static final int INVALID_KEY = 0;private static int mListenerKey = 1;private static final SparseArray mListenerMap = new SparseArray();private static final Object mListenerMapLock = new Object();private static AsyncChannel sAsyncChannel;private static ServiceHandler sHandler;private Messenger mWifiServiceMessenger;private static final CountDownLatch sConnected = new CountDownLatch(1);private static Object sThreadRefLock = new Object();private static int sThreadRefCount;private static HandlerThread sHandlerThread;/*** Create a new WifiManager instance.* Applications will almost always want to use* {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService Context.getSystemService()} to retrieve* the standard {@link android.content.Context#WIFI_SERVICE Context.WIFI_SERVICE}.* @param context the application context* @param service the Binder interface* @hide - hide this because it takes in a parameter of type IWifiManager, which* is a system private class.*/public WifiManager(Context context, IWifiManager service) {mContext = context;mService = service;init();}/*** Return a list of all the networks configured in the supplicant.* Not all fields of WifiConfiguration are returned. Only the following* fields are filled in:* <ul>* <li>networkId</li>* <li>SSID</li>* <li>BSSID</li>* <li>priority</li>* <li>allowedProtocols</li>* <li>allowedKeyManagement</li>* <li>allowedAuthAlgorithms</li>* <li>allowedPairwiseCiphers</li>* <li>allowedGroupCiphers</li>* </ul>* @return a list of network configurations in the form of a list* of {@link WifiConfiguration} objects. Upon failure to fetch or* when when Wi-Fi is turned off, it can be null.*/public List<WifiConfiguration> getConfiguredNetworks() {try {return mService.getConfiguredNetworks();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Add a new network description to the set of configured networks.* The {@code networkId} field of the supplied configuration object* is ignored.* <p/>* The new network will be marked DISABLED by default. To enable it,* called {@link #enableNetwork}.** @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,*            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.* @return the ID of the newly created network description. This is used in*         other operations to specified the network to be acted upon.*         Returns {@code -1} on failure.*/public int addNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {if (config == null) {return -1;}config.networkId = -1;return addOrUpdateNetwork(config);}/*** Update the network description of an existing configured network.** @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,*            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object. It may*            be sparse, so that only the items that are being changed*            are non-<code>null</code>. The {@code networkId} field*            must be set to the ID of the existing network being updated.* @return Returns the {@code networkId} of the supplied*         {@code WifiConfiguration} on success.*         <br/>*         Returns {@code -1} on failure, including when the {@code networkId}*         field of the {@code WifiConfiguration} does not refer to an*         existing network.*/public int updateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {if (config == null || config.networkId < 0) {return -1;}return addOrUpdateNetwork(config);}/*** Internal method for doing the RPC that creates a new network description* or updates an existing one.** @param config The possibly sparse object containing the variables that*         are to set or updated in the network description.* @return the ID of the network on success, {@code -1} on failure.*/private int addOrUpdateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {try {return mService.addOrUpdateNetwork(config);} catch (RemoteException e) {return -1;}}/*** Remove the specified network from the list of configured networks.* This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state change* events.* @param netId the integer that identifies the network configuration* to the supplicant* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean removeNetwork(int netId) {try {return mService.removeNetwork(netId);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Allow a previously configured network to be associated with. If* <code>disableOthers</code> is true, then all other configured* networks are disabled, and an attempt to connect to the selected* network is initiated. This may result in the asynchronous delivery* of state change events.* @param netId the ID of the network in the list of configured networks* @param disableOthers if true, disable all other networks. The way to* select a particular network to connect to is specify {@code true}* for this parameter.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean enableNetwork(int netId, boolean disableOthers) {try {return mService.enableNetwork(netId, disableOthers);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Disable a configured network. The specified network will not be* a candidate for associating. This may result in the asynchronous* delivery of state change events.* @param netId the ID of the network as returned by {@link #addNetwork}.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean disableNetwork(int netId) {try {return mService.disableNetwork(netId);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Disassociate from the currently active access point. This may result* in the asynchronous delivery of state change events.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean disconnect() {try {mService.disconnect();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Reconnect to the currently active access point, if we are currently* disconnected. This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state* change events.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean reconnect() {try {mService.reconnect();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Reconnect to the currently active access point, even if we are already* connected. This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state* change events.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean reassociate() {try {mService.reassociate();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Check that the supplicant daemon is responding to requests.* @return {@code true} if we were able to communicate with the supplicant and* it returned the expected response to the PING message.*/public boolean pingSupplicant() {if (mService == null)return false;try {return mService.pingSupplicant();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Request a scan for access points. Returns immediately. The availability* of the results is made known later by means of an asynchronous event sent* on completion of the scan.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, i.e., the scan was initiated*/public boolean startScan() {try {mService.startScan(false);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Request a scan for access points. Returns immediately. The availability* of the results is made known later by means of an asynchronous event sent* on completion of the scan.* This is a variant of startScan that forces an active scan, even if passive* scans are the current default* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, i.e., the scan was initiated** @hide*/public boolean startScanActive() {try {mService.startScan(true);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Return dynamic information about the current Wi-Fi connection, if any is active.* @return the Wi-Fi information, contained in {@link WifiInfo}.*/public WifiInfo getConnectionInfo() {try {return mService.getConnectionInfo();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Return the results of the latest access point scan.* @return the list of access points found in the most recent scan.*/public List<ScanResult> getScanResults() {try {return mService.getScanResults();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Tell the supplicant to persist the current list of configured networks.* <p>* Note: It is possible for this method to change the network IDs of* existing networks. You should assume the network IDs can be different* after calling this method.** @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded*/public boolean saveConfiguration() {try {return mService.saveConfiguration();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Set the country code.* @param countryCode country code in ISO 3166 format.* @param persist {@code true} if this needs to be remembered** @hide*/public void setCountryCode(String country, boolean persist) {try {mService.setCountryCode(country, persist);} catch (RemoteException e) { }}/*** Set the operational frequency band.* @param band  One of*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_AUTO},*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_5GHZ},*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_2GHZ},* @param persist {@code true} if this needs to be remembered* @hide*/public void setFrequencyBand(int band, boolean persist) {try {mService.setFrequencyBand(band, persist);} catch (RemoteException e) { }}/*** Get the operational frequency band.* @return One of*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_AUTO},*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_5GHZ},*     {@link #WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND_2GHZ} or*     {@code -1} on failure.* @hide*/public int getFrequencyBand() {try {return mService.getFrequencyBand();} catch (RemoteException e) {return -1;}}/*** Check if the chipset supports dual frequency band (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz)* @return {@code true} if supported, {@code false} otherwise.* @hide*/public boolean isDualBandSupported() {try {return mService.isDualBandSupported();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Return the DHCP-assigned addresses from the last successful DHCP request,* if any.* @return the DHCP information*/public DhcpInfo getDhcpInfo() {try {return mService.getDhcpInfo();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Enable or disable Wi-Fi.* @param enabled {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds (or if the existing state*         is the same as the requested state).*/public boolean setWifiEnabled(boolean enabled) {try {return mService.setWifiEnabled(enabled);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Gets the Wi-Fi enabled state.* @return One of {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLED},*         {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLING}, {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLED},*         {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLING}, {@link #WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN}* @see #isWifiEnabled()*/public int getWifiState() {try {return mService.getWifiEnabledState();} catch (RemoteException e) {return WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN;}}/*** Return whether Wi-Fi is enabled or disabled.* @return {@code true} if Wi-Fi is enabled* @see #getWifiState()*/public boolean isWifiEnabled() {return getWifiState() == WIFI_STATE_ENABLED;}/*** Return TX packet counter, for CTS test of WiFi watchdog.* @param listener is the interface to receive result** @hide for CTS test only*/public void getTxPacketCount(TxPacketCountListener listener) {validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH, 0, putListener(listener));}/*** Calculates the level of the signal. This should be used any time a signal* is being shown.** @param rssi The power of the signal measured in RSSI.* @param numLevels The number of levels to consider in the calculated*            level.* @return A level of the signal, given in the range of 0 to numLevels-1*         (both inclusive).*/public static int calculateSignalLevel(int rssi, int numLevels) {if (rssi <= MIN_RSSI) {return 0;} else if (rssi >= MAX_RSSI) {return numLevels - 1;} else {float inputRange = (MAX_RSSI - MIN_RSSI);float outputRange = (numLevels - 1);return (int)((float)(rssi - MIN_RSSI) * outputRange / inputRange);}}/*** Compares two signal strengths.** @param rssiA The power of the first signal measured in RSSI.* @param rssiB The power of the second signal measured in RSSI.* @return Returns <0 if the first signal is weaker than the second signal,*         0 if the two signals have the same strength, and >0 if the first*         signal is stronger than the second signal.*/public static int compareSignalLevel(int rssiA, int rssiB) {return rssiA - rssiB;}/*** Start AccessPoint mode with the specified* configuration. If the radio is already running in* AP mode, update the new configuration* Note that starting in access point mode disables station* mode operation* @param wifiConfig SSID, security and channel details as*        part of WifiConfiguration* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds, {@code false} otherwise** @hide Dont open up yet*/public boolean setWifiApEnabled(WifiConfiguration wifiConfig, boolean enabled) {try {mService.setWifiApEnabled(wifiConfig, enabled);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Gets the Wi-Fi enabled state.* @return One of {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED},*         {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING}, {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED},*         {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING}, {@link #WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED}* @see #isWifiApEnabled()** @hide Dont open yet*/public int getWifiApState() {try {return mService.getWifiApEnabledState();} catch (RemoteException e) {return WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED;}}/*** Return whether Wi-Fi AP is enabled or disabled.* @return {@code true} if Wi-Fi AP is enabled* @see #getWifiApState()** @hide Dont open yet*/public boolean isWifiApEnabled() {return getWifiApState() == WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED;}/*** Gets the Wi-Fi AP Configuration.* @return AP details in WifiConfiguration** @hide Dont open yet*/public WifiConfiguration getWifiApConfiguration() {try {return mService.getWifiApConfiguration();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Sets the Wi-Fi AP Configuration.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, {@code false} otherwise** @hide Dont open yet*/public boolean setWifiApConfiguration(WifiConfiguration wifiConfig) {try {mService.setWifiApConfiguration(wifiConfig);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Start the driver and connect to network.** This function will over-ride WifiLock and device idle status. For example,* even if the device is idle or there is only a scan-only lock held,* a start wifi would mean that wifi connection is kept active until* a stopWifi() is sent.** This API is used by WifiStateTracker** @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide*/public boolean startWifi() {try {mService.startWifi();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Disconnect from a network (if any) and stop the driver.** This function will over-ride WifiLock and device idle status. Wi-Fi* stays inactive until a startWifi() is issued.** This API is used by WifiStateTracker** @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide*/public boolean stopWifi() {try {mService.stopWifi();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Add a bssid to the supplicant blacklist** This API is used by WifiWatchdogService** @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide*/public boolean addToBlacklist(String bssid) {try {mService.addToBlacklist(bssid);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Clear the supplicant blacklist** This API is used by WifiWatchdogService** @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide*/public boolean clearBlacklist() {try {mService.clearBlacklist();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/* TODO: deprecate synchronous API and open up the following API */private static final int BASE = Protocol.BASE_WIFI_MANAGER;/* Commands to WifiService *//** @hide */public static final int CONNECT_NETWORK                 = BASE + 1;/** @hide */public static final int CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED          = BASE + 2;/** @hide */public static final int CONNECT_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED       = BASE + 3;/** @hide */public static final int FORGET_NETWORK                  = BASE + 4;/** @hide */public static final int FORGET_NETWORK_FAILED           = BASE + 5;/** @hide */public static final int FORGET_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED        = BASE + 6;/** @hide */public static final int SAVE_NETWORK                    = BASE + 7;/** @hide */public static final int SAVE_NETWORK_FAILED             = BASE + 8;/** @hide */public static final int SAVE_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED          = BASE + 9;/** @hide */public static final int START_WPS                       = BASE + 10;/** @hide */public static final int START_WPS_SUCCEEDED             = BASE + 11;/** @hide */public static final int WPS_FAILED                      = BASE + 12;/** @hide */public static final int WPS_COMPLETED                   = BASE + 13;/** @hide */public static final int CANCEL_WPS                      = BASE + 14;/** @hide */public static final int CANCEL_WPS_FAILED               = BASE + 15;/** @hide */public static final int CANCEL_WPS_SUCCEDED             = BASE + 16;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLE_NETWORK                 = BASE + 17;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLE_NETWORK_FAILED          = BASE + 18;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLE_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED       = BASE + 19;/** @hide */public static final int RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH               = BASE + 20;/** @hide */public static final int RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH_SUCCEEDED     = BASE + 21;/** @hide */public static final int RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH_FAILED        = BASE + 22;/* For system use only *//** @hide */public static final int ENABLE_TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL       = BASE + 31;/** @hide */public static final int TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL              = BASE + 32;/*** Passed with {@link ActionListener#onFailure}.* Indicates that the operation failed due to an internal error.* @hide*/public static final int ERROR                       = 0;/*** Passed with {@link ActionListener#onFailure}.* Indicates that the operation is already in progress* @hide*/public static final int IN_PROGRESS                 = 1;/*** Passed with {@link ActionListener#onFailure}.* Indicates that the operation failed because the framework is busy and* unable to service the request* @hide*/public static final int BUSY                        = 2;/* WPS specific errors *//** WPS overlap detected {@hide} */public static final int WPS_OVERLAP_ERROR           = 3;/** WEP on WPS is prohibited {@hide} */public static final int WPS_WEP_PROHIBITED          = 4;/** TKIP only prohibited {@hide} */public static final int WPS_TKIP_ONLY_PROHIBITED    = 5;/** Authentication failure on WPS {@hide} */public static final int WPS_AUTH_FAILURE            = 6;/** WPS timed out {@hide} */public static final int WPS_TIMED_OUT               = 7;/** Interface for callback invocation on an application action {@hide} */public interface ActionListener {/** The operation succeeded */public void onSuccess();/*** The operation failed* @param reason The reason for failure could be one of* {@link #ERROR}, {@link #IN_PROGRESS} or {@link #BUSY}*/public void onFailure(int reason);}/** Interface for callback invocation on a start WPS action {@hide} */public interface WpsListener {/** WPS start succeeded */public void onStartSuccess(String pin);/** WPS operation completed succesfully */public void onCompletion();/*** WPS operation failed* @param reason The reason for failure could be one of* {@link #IN_PROGRESS}, {@link #WPS_OVERLAP_ERROR},{@link #ERROR} or {@link #BUSY}*/public void onFailure(int reason);}/** Interface for callback invocation on a TX packet count poll action {@hide} */public interface TxPacketCountListener {/*** The operation succeeded* @param count TX packet counter*/public void onSuccess(int count);/*** The operation failed* @param reason The reason for failure could be one of* {@link #ERROR}, {@link #IN_PROGRESS} or {@link #BUSY}*/public void onFailure(int reason);}private static class ServiceHandler extends Handler {ServiceHandler(Looper looper) {super(looper);}@Overridepublic void handleMessage(Message message) {Object listener = removeListener(message.arg2);switch (message.what) {case AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_HALF_CONNECTED:if (message.arg1 == AsyncChannel.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) {sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_FULL_CONNECTION);} else {Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up channel connection");// This will cause all further async API calls on the WifiManager// to fail and throw an exceptionif (sAsyncChannel != null) {Log.d(TAG, "Disconnect sAsyncChannel for failed to set up!");sAsyncChannel.disconnect();sAsyncChannel = null;} else {Log.d(TAG, "sAsyncChannel is null when failed to set up!");}}sConnected.countDown();break;case AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_FULLY_CONNECTED:// Ignorebreak;case AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_DISCONNECTED:Log.e(TAG, "Channel connection lost");// This will cause all further async API calls on the WifiManager// to fail and throw an exceptionif (sAsyncChannel != null) {Log.d(TAG, "Disconnect sAsyncChannel for channel connection lost!");sAsyncChannel.disconnect();sAsyncChannel = null;} else {Log.d(TAG, "sAsyncChannel is null when channel connection lost!");}getLooper().quit();break;/* ActionListeners grouped together */case WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED:case WifiManager.FORGET_NETWORK_FAILED:case WifiManager.SAVE_NETWORK_FAILED:case WifiManager.CANCEL_WPS_FAILED:case WifiManager.DISABLE_NETWORK_FAILED:if (listener != null) {((ActionListener) listener).onFailure(message.arg1);}break;/* ActionListeners grouped together */case WifiManager.CONNECT_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED:case WifiManager.FORGET_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED:case WifiManager.SAVE_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED:case WifiManager.CANCEL_WPS_SUCCEDED:case WifiManager.DISABLE_NETWORK_SUCCEEDED:if (listener != null) {((ActionListener) listener).onSuccess();}break;case WifiManager.START_WPS_SUCCEEDED:if (listener != null) {WpsResult result = (WpsResult) message.obj;((WpsListener) listener).onStartSuccess(result.pin);//Listener needs to stay until completion or failuresynchronized(mListenerMapLock) {mListenerMap.put(message.arg2, listener);}}break;case WifiManager.WPS_COMPLETED:if (listener != null) {((WpsListener) listener).onCompletion();}break;case WifiManager.WPS_FAILED:if (listener != null) {((WpsListener) listener).onFailure(message.arg1);}break;case WifiManager.RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH_SUCCEEDED:if (listener != null) {RssiPacketCountInfo info = (RssiPacketCountInfo) message.obj;if (info != null)((TxPacketCountListener) listener).onSuccess(info.txgood + info.txbad);else((TxPacketCountListener) listener).onFailure(ERROR);}break;case WifiManager.RSSI_PKTCNT_FETCH_FAILED:if (listener != null) {((TxPacketCountListener) listener).onFailure(message.arg1);}break;default://ignorebreak;}}}private static int putListener(Object listener) {if (listener == null) return INVALID_KEY;int key;synchronized (mListenerMapLock) {do {key = mListenerKey++;} while (key == INVALID_KEY);mListenerMap.put(key, listener);}return key;}private static Object removeListener(int key) {if (key == INVALID_KEY) return null;synchronized (mListenerMapLock) {Object listener = mListenerMap.get(key);mListenerMap.remove(key);return listener;}}private void init() {Log.d(TAG, "Enter init, sThreadRefCount:" + sThreadRefCount);mWifiServiceMessenger = getWifiServiceMessenger();if (mWifiServiceMessenger == null) {sAsyncChannel = null;Log.e(TAG, "mWifiServiceMessenger == null");return;}synchronized (sThreadRefLock) {if (++sThreadRefCount == 1) {sHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("WifiManager");Log.d(TAG, "Create WifiManager handlerthread");sHandlerThread.start();sHandler = new ServiceHandler(sHandlerThread.getLooper());sAsyncChannel = new AsyncChannel();sAsyncChannel.connect(mContext, sHandler, mWifiServiceMessenger);try {sConnected.await();} catch (InterruptedException e) {Log.e(TAG, "interrupted wait at init");}}}}private void validateChannel() {if (sAsyncChannel == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No permission to access and change wifi or a bad initialization");}/*** Connect to a network with the given configuration. The network also* gets added to the supplicant configuration.** For a new network, this function is used instead of a* sequence of addNetwork(), enableNetwork(), saveConfiguration() and* reconnect()** @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,*            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again** @hide*/public void connect(WifiConfiguration config, ActionListener listener) {if (config == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("config cannot be null");validateChannel();// Use INVALID_NETWORK_ID for arg1 when passing a config object// arg1 is used to pass network id when the network already existssAsyncChannel.sendMessage(CONNECT_NETWORK, WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID,putListener(listener), config);}/*** Connect to a network with the given networkId.** This function is used instead of a enableNetwork(), saveConfiguration() and* reconnect()** @param networkId the network id identifiying the network in the*                supplicant configuration list* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void connect(int networkId, ActionListener listener) {if (networkId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Network id cannot be negative");validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(CONNECT_NETWORK, networkId, putListener(listener));}/*** Save the given network in the supplicant config. If the network already* exists, the configuration is updated. A new network is enabled* by default.** For a new network, this function is used instead of a* sequence of addNetwork(), enableNetwork() and saveConfiguration().** For an existing network, it accomplishes the task of updateNetwork()* and saveConfiguration()** @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,*            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void save(WifiConfiguration config, ActionListener listener) {if (config == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("config cannot be null");validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(SAVE_NETWORK, 0, putListener(listener), config);}/*** Delete the network in the supplicant config.** This function is used instead of a sequence of removeNetwork()* and saveConfiguration().** @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,*            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void forget(int netId, ActionListener listener) {if (netId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Network id cannot be negative");validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(FORGET_NETWORK, netId, putListener(listener));}/*** Disable network** @param netId is the network Id* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void disable(int netId, ActionListener listener) {if (netId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Network id cannot be negative");validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(DISABLE_NETWORK, netId, putListener(listener));}/*** Start Wi-fi Protected Setup** @param config WPS configuration* @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void startWps(WpsInfo config, WpsListener listener) {if (config == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("config cannot be null");validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(START_WPS, 0, putListener(listener), config);}/*** Cancel any ongoing Wi-fi Protected Setup** @param listener for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.* @throws IllegalStateException if the WifiManager instance needs to be* initialized again* @hide*/public void cancelWps(ActionListener listener) {validateChannel();sAsyncChannel.sendMessage(CANCEL_WPS, 0, putListener(listener));}/*** Get a reference to WifiService handler. This is used by a client to establish* an AsyncChannel communication with WifiService** @return Messenger pointing to the WifiService handler* @hide*/public Messenger getWifiServiceMessenger() {try {return mService.getWifiServiceMessenger();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;} catch (SecurityException e) {return null;}}/*** Get a reference to WifiStateMachine handler.* @return Messenger pointing to the WifiService handler* @hide*/public Messenger getWifiStateMachineMessenger() {try {return mService.getWifiStateMachineMessenger();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Returns the file in which IP and proxy configuration data is stored* @hide*/public String getConfigFile() {try {return mService.getConfigFile();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Allows an application to keep the Wi-Fi radio awake.* Normally the Wi-Fi radio may turn off when the user has not used the device in a while.* Acquiring a WifiLock will keep the radio on until the lock is released.  Multiple* applications may hold WifiLocks, and the radio will only be allowed to turn off when no* WifiLocks are held in any application.* <p>* Before using a WifiLock, consider carefully if your application requires Wi-Fi access, or* could function over a mobile network, if available.  A program that needs to download large* files should hold a WifiLock to ensure that the download will complete, but a program whose* network usage is occasional or low-bandwidth should not hold a WifiLock to avoid adversely* affecting battery life.* <p>* Note that WifiLocks cannot override the user-level "Wi-Fi Enabled" setting, nor Airplane* Mode.  They simply keep the radio from turning off when Wi-Fi is already on but the device* is idle.* <p>* Any application using a WifiLock must request the {@code android.permission.WAKE_LOCK}* permission in an {@code <uses-permission>} element of the application's manifest.*/public class WifiLock {private String mTag;private final IBinder mBinder;private int mRefCount;int mLockType;private boolean mRefCounted;private boolean mHeld;private WorkSource mWorkSource;private WifiLock(int lockType, String tag) {mTag = tag;mLockType = lockType;mBinder = new Binder();mRefCount = 0;mRefCounted = true;mHeld = false;}/*** Locks the Wi-Fi radio on until {@link #release} is called.** If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to {@code acquire} will increment the* reference count, and the radio will remain locked as long as the reference count is* above zero.** If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to {@code acquire} will lock* the radio, but subsequent calls will be ignored.  Only one call to {@link #release}* will be required, regardless of the number of times that {@code acquire} is called.*/public void acquire() {synchronized (mBinder) {if (mRefCounted ? (++mRefCount == 1) : (!mHeld)) {try {mService.acquireWifiLock(mBinder, mLockType, mTag, mWorkSource);synchronized (WifiManager.this) {if (mActiveLockCount >= MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS) {mService.releaseWifiLock(mBinder);throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Exceeded maximum number of wifi locks");}mActiveLockCount++;}} catch (RemoteException ignore) {}mHeld = true;}}}/*** Unlocks the Wi-Fi radio, allowing it to turn off when the device is idle.** If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to {@code release} will decrement the* reference count, and the radio will be unlocked only when the reference count reaches* zero.  If the reference count goes below zero (that is, if {@code release} is called* a greater number of times than {@link #acquire}), an exception is thrown.** If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to {@code release} (after* the radio was locked using {@link #acquire}) will unlock the radio, and subsequent* calls will be ignored.*/public void release() {synchronized (mBinder) {if (mRefCounted ? (--mRefCount == 0) : (mHeld)) {try {mService.releaseWifiLock(mBinder);synchronized (WifiManager.this) {mActiveLockCount--;}} catch (RemoteException ignore) {}mHeld = false;}if (mRefCount < 0) {throw new RuntimeException("WifiLock under-locked " + mTag);}}}/*** Controls whether this is a reference-counted or non-reference-counted WifiLock.** Reference-counted WifiLocks keep track of the number of calls to {@link #acquire} and* {@link #release}, and only allow the radio to sleep when every call to {@link #acquire}* has been balanced with a call to {@link #release}.  Non-reference-counted WifiLocks* lock the radio whenever {@link #acquire} is called and it is unlocked, and unlock the* radio whenever {@link #release} is called and it is locked.** @param refCounted true if this WifiLock should keep a reference count*/public void setReferenceCounted(boolean refCounted) {mRefCounted = refCounted;}/*** Checks whether this WifiLock is currently held.** @return true if this WifiLock is held, false otherwise*/public boolean isHeld() {synchronized (mBinder) {return mHeld;}}public void setWorkSource(WorkSource ws) {synchronized (mBinder) {if (ws != null && ws.size() == 0) {ws = null;}boolean changed = true;if (ws == null) {mWorkSource = null;} else if (mWorkSource == null) {changed = mWorkSource != null;mWorkSource = new WorkSource(ws);} else {changed = mWorkSource.diff(ws);if (changed) {mWorkSource.set(ws);}}if (changed && mHeld) {try {mService.updateWifiLockWorkSource(mBinder, mWorkSource);} catch (RemoteException e) {}}}}public String toString() {String s1, s2, s3;synchronized (mBinder) {s1 = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));s2 = mHeld ? "held; " : "";if (mRefCounted) {s3 = "refcounted: refcount = " + mRefCount;} else {s3 = "not refcounted";}return "WifiLock{ " + s1 + "; " + s2 + s3 + " }";}}@Overrideprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {super.finalize();synchronized (mBinder) {if (mHeld) {try {mService.releaseWifiLock(mBinder);synchronized (WifiManager.this) {mActiveLockCount--;}} catch (RemoteException ignore) {}}}}}/*** Creates a new WifiLock.** @param lockType the type of lock to create. See {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL},* {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF} and {@link #WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY} for* descriptions of the types of Wi-Fi locks.* @param tag a tag for the WifiLock to identify it in debugging messages.  This string is*            never shown to the user under normal conditions, but should be descriptive*            enough to identify your application and the specific WifiLock within it, if it*            holds multiple WifiLocks.** @return a new, unacquired WifiLock with the given tag.** @see WifiLock*/public WifiLock createWifiLock(int lockType, String tag) {return new WifiLock(lockType, tag);}/*** Creates a new WifiLock.** @param tag a tag for the WifiLock to identify it in debugging messages.  This string is*            never shown to the user under normal conditions, but should be descriptive*            enough to identify your application and the specific WifiLock within it, if it*            holds multiple WifiLocks.** @return a new, unacquired WifiLock with the given tag.** @see WifiLock*/public WifiLock createWifiLock(String tag) {return new WifiLock(WIFI_MODE_FULL, tag);}/*** Create a new MulticastLock** @param tag a tag for the MulticastLock to identify it in debugging*            messages.  This string is never shown to the user under*            normal conditions, but should be descriptive enough to*            identify your application and the specific MulticastLock*            within it, if it holds multiple MulticastLocks.** @return a new, unacquired MulticastLock with the given tag.** @see MulticastLock*/public MulticastLock createMulticastLock(String tag) {return new MulticastLock(tag);}/*** Allows an application to receive Wifi Multicast packets.* Normally the Wifi stack filters out packets not explicitly* addressed to this device.  Acquring a MulticastLock will* cause the stack to receive packets addressed to multicast* addresses.  Processing these extra packets can cause a noticable* battery drain and should be disabled when not needed.*/public class MulticastLock {private String mTag;private final IBinder mBinder;private int mRefCount;private boolean mRefCounted;private boolean mHeld;private MulticastLock(String tag) {mTag = tag;mBinder = new Binder();mRefCount = 0;mRefCounted = true;mHeld = false;}/*** Locks Wifi Multicast on until {@link #release} is called.** If this MulticastLock is reference-counted each call to* {@code acquire} will increment the reference count, and the* wifi interface will receive multicast packets as long as the* reference count is above zero.** If this MulticastLock is not reference-counted, the first call to* {@code acquire} will turn on the multicast packets, but subsequent* calls will be ignored.  Only one call to {@link #release} will* be required, regardless of the number of times that {@code acquire}* is called.** Note that other applications may also lock Wifi Multicast on.* Only they can relinquish their lock.** Also note that applications cannot leave Multicast locked on.* When an app exits or crashes, any Multicast locks will be released.*/public void acquire() {synchronized (mBinder) {if (mRefCounted ? (++mRefCount == 1) : (!mHeld)) {try {mService.acquireMulticastLock(mBinder, mTag);synchronized (WifiManager.this) {if (mActiveLockCount >= MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS) {mService.releaseMulticastLock();throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Exceeded maximum number of wifi locks");}mActiveLockCount++;}} catch (RemoteException ignore) {}mHeld = true;}}}/*** Unlocks Wifi Multicast, restoring the filter of packets* not addressed specifically to this device and saving power.** If this MulticastLock is reference-counted, each call to* {@code release} will decrement the reference count, and the* multicast packets will only stop being received when the reference* count reaches zero.  If the reference count goes below zero (that* is, if {@code release} is called a greater number of times than* {@link #acquire}), an exception is thrown.** If this MulticastLock is not reference-counted, the first call to* {@code release} (after the radio was multicast locked using* {@link #acquire}) will unlock the multicast, and subsequent calls* will be ignored.** Note that if any other Wifi Multicast Locks are still outstanding* this {@code release} call will not have an immediate effect.  Only* when all applications have released all their Multicast Locks will* the Multicast filter be turned back on.** Also note that when an app exits or crashes all of its Multicast* Locks will be automatically released.*/public void release() {synchronized (mBinder) {if (mRefCounted ? (--mRefCount == 0) : (mHeld)) {try {mService.releaseMulticastLock();synchronized (WifiManager.this) {mActiveLockCount--;}} catch (RemoteException ignore) {}mHeld = false;}if (mRefCount < 0) {throw new RuntimeException("MulticastLock under-locked "+ mTag);}}}/*** Controls whether this is a reference-counted or non-reference-* counted MulticastLock.** Reference-counted MulticastLocks keep track of the number of calls* to {@link #acquire} and {@link #release}, and only stop the* reception of multicast packets when every call to {@link #acquire}* has been balanced with a call to {@link #release}.  Non-reference-* counted MulticastLocks allow the reception of multicast packets* whenever {@link #acquire} is called and stop accepting multicast* packets whenever {@link #release} is called.** @param refCounted true if this MulticastLock should keep a reference* count*/public void setReferenceCounted(boolean refCounted) {mRefCounted = refCounted;}/*** Checks whether this MulticastLock is currently held.** @return true if this MulticastLock is held, false otherwise*/public boolean isHeld() {synchronized (mBinder) {return mHeld;}}public String toString() {String s1, s2, s3;synchronized (mBinder) {s1 = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));s2 = mHeld ? "held; " : "";if (mRefCounted) {s3 = "refcounted: refcount = " + mRefCount;} else {s3 = "not refcounted";}return "MulticastLock{ " + s1 + "; " + s2 + s3 + " }";}}@Overrideprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {super.finalize();setReferenceCounted(false);release();}}/*** Check multicast filter status.** @return true if multicast packets are allowed.** @hide pending API council approval*/public boolean isMulticastEnabled() {try {return mService.isMulticastEnabled();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Initialize the multicast filtering to 'on'* @hide no intent to publish*/public boolean initializeMulticastFiltering() {try {mService.initializeMulticastFiltering();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/** @hide */public void captivePortalCheckComplete() {try {mService.captivePortalCheckComplete();} catch (RemoteException e) {}}protected void finalize() throws Throwable {Log.d(TAG, "Enter finalize, sThreadRefCount:" + sThreadRefCount);try {synchronized (sThreadRefLock) {if (--sThreadRefCount == 0 && sHandlerThread != null) {sHandlerThread.getLooper().quit();if (sAsyncChannel != null) {Log.d(TAG, "Disconnect sAsyncChannel for finalize!");sAsyncChannel.disconnect();sAsyncChannel = null;} else {Log.d(TAG, "sAsyncChannel is null when finalize!");}}}} finally {super.finalize();}}// M: Added functions/*** Get hotspot preferred channels* @return an String array of the hotspot perferred channels* @hide* @internal*/public String[] getAccessPointPreferredChannels() {try {return mService.getAccessPointPreferredChannels();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Enable CTIA test* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean doCtiaTestOn() {try {return mService.doCtiaTestOn();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Disable CTIA test* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean doCtiaTestOff() {try {return mService.doCtiaTestOff();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Set rate* @param rate The value to be set* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean doCtiaTestRate(int rate) {try {return mService.doCtiaTestRate(rate);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Set the TX power enable or disable* @param enabled {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean setTxPowerEnabled(boolean enabled) {try {return mService.setTxPowerEnabled(enabled);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Set the TX power offset* @param offset The offset value to be set* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean setTxPower(int offset) {try {return mService.setTxPower(offset);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Start hotspot WPS function* @param config WPS configuration* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean startApWps(WpsInfo config) {try {mService.startApWps(config);return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Return the hotspot clients* @return a list of hotspot client in the form of a list* of {@link HotspotClient} objects.* @hide* @internal*/public List<HotspotClient> getHotspotClients() {try {return mService.getHotspotClients();} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Return the IP address of the client* @param deviceAddress The mac address of the hotspot client* @hide* @internal*/public String getClientIp(String deviceAddress) {try {return mService.getClientIp(deviceAddress);} catch (RemoteException e) {return null;}}/*** Block the client* @param client The hotspot client to be blocked* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean blockClient(HotspotClient client) {try {return mService.blockClient(client);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Unblock the client* @param client The hotspot client to be unblocked* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean unblockClient(HotspotClient client) {try {return mService.unblockClient(client);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Set hotspot probe request enable or disable* @param enabled {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable.* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean setApProbeRequestEnabled(boolean enabled) {try {return mService.setApProbeRequestEnabled(enabled);} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Suspend the WiFi available notification* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean suspendNotification() {try {mService.suspendNotification();return true;} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Save the priority of access point* @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean saveApPriority() {try {return mService.saveApPriority();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}/*** Check if there is connectable AP exists* @return {@code true} if there is connectable AP exists else {@code false}* @hide* @internal*/public boolean hasConnectableAp() {try {return mService.hasConnectableAp();} catch (RemoteException e) {return false;}}}
/** Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/package android.net.wifi;import android.net.LinkProperties;import android.os.Parcelable;import android.os.Parcel;import com.mediatek.common.featureoption.FeatureOption;import java.util.BitSet;/*** A class representing a configured Wi-Fi network, including the* security configuration. Android will not necessarily support* all of these security schemes initially.*/public class WifiConfiguration implements Parcelable {/*** In old configurations, the "private_key" field was used. However, newer* configurations use the key_id field with the engine_id set to "keystore".* If this field is found in the configuration, the migration code is* triggered.* @hide*/public static final String OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME = "private_key";/*** String representing the keystore OpenSSL ENGINE's ID.* @hide*/public static final String KEYSTORE_ENGINE_ID = "keystore";/*** String representing the keystore URI used for wpa_supplicant.* @hide*/public static final String KEYSTORE_URI = "keystore://";/*** String to set the engine value to when it should be enabled.* @hide*/public static final String ENGINE_ENABLE = "1";/*** String to set the engine value to when it should be disabled.* @hide*/public static final String ENGINE_DISABLE = "0";/** {@hide} */public static final String ssidVarName = "ssid";/** {@hide} */public static final String bssidVarName = "bssid";/** {@hide} */public static final String pskVarName = "psk";/** {@hide} */public static final String[] wepKeyVarNames = { "wep_key0", "wep_key1", "wep_key2", "wep_key3" };/** {@hide} */public static final String wepTxKeyIdxVarName = "wep_tx_keyidx";/** {@hide} */public static final String priorityVarName = "priority";/** {@hide} */public static final String hiddenSSIDVarName = "scan_ssid";/** {@hide} */public static final int INVALID_NETWORK_ID = -1;/** {@hide} */public class EnterpriseField {private String varName;private String value;private EnterpriseField(String varName) {this.varName = varName;this.value = null;}public void setValue(String value) {this.value = value;}public String varName() {return varName;}public String value() {return value;}}/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField eap = new EnterpriseField("eap");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField phase2 = new EnterpriseField("phase2");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField identity = new EnterpriseField("identity");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField anonymous_identity = new EnterpriseField("anonymous_identity");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField password = new EnterpriseField("password");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField client_cert = new EnterpriseField("client_cert");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField engine = new EnterpriseField("engine");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField engine_id = new EnterpriseField("engine_id");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField key_id = new EnterpriseField("key_id");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField ca_cert = new EnterpriseField("ca_cert");/*** @hide* @internal*/public EnterpriseField ca_cert2 = new EnterpriseField("ca_cert2");/** {@hide} */public EnterpriseField[] enterpriseFields = {eap, phase2, identity, anonymous_identity, password, client_cert,engine, engine_id, key_id, ca_cert, ca_cert2 };/*** Recognized key management schemes.*/public static class KeyMgmt {private KeyMgmt() { }/** WPA is not used; plaintext or static WEP could be used. */public static final int NONE = 0;/** WPA pre-shared key (requires {@code preSharedKey} to be specified). */public static final int WPA_PSK = 1;/** WPA using EAP authentication. Generally used with an external authentication server. */public static final int WPA_EAP = 2;/** IEEE 802.1X using EAP authentication and (optionally) dynamically* generated WEP keys. */public static final int IEEE8021X = 3;/** WPA2 pre-shared key for use with soft access point* (requires {@code preSharedKey} to be specified).* @hide*/public static final int WPA2_PSK = 4;/*** WAPI with pre-shared key.* @hide* @internal*/public static final int WAPI_PSK = 5;/*** WAPI with certificate authentication.* @hide* @internal*/public static final int WAPI_CERT = 6;public static final String varName = "key_mgmt";public static final String[] strings = { "NONE", "WPA_PSK", "WPA_EAP", "IEEE8021X","WPA2_PSK", "WAPI_PSK", "WAPI_CERT" };}/*** Recognized security protocols.*/public static class Protocol {private Protocol() { }/** WPA/IEEE 802.11i/D3.0 */public static final int WPA = 0;/** WPA2/IEEE 802.11i */public static final int RSN = 1;/*** WAPI* @hide* @internal*/public static final int WAPI = 2;public static final String varName = "proto";public static final String[] strings = { "WPA", "RSN", "WAPI" };}/*** Recognized IEEE 802.11 authentication algorithms.*/public static class AuthAlgorithm {private AuthAlgorithm() { }/** Open System authentication (required for WPA/WPA2) */public static final int OPEN = 0;/** Shared Key authentication (requires static WEP keys) */public static final int SHARED = 1;/** LEAP/Network EAP (only used with LEAP) */public static final int LEAP = 2;public static final String varName = "auth_alg";public static final String[] strings = { "OPEN", "SHARED", "LEAP" };}/*** Recognized pairwise ciphers for WPA.*/public static class PairwiseCipher {private PairwiseCipher() { }/** Use only Group keys (deprecated) */public static final int NONE = 0;/** Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0] */public static final int TKIP = 1;/** AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0] */public static final int CCMP = 2;/*** SMS4, a block cipher of 128-bit block size and key size for WAPI.* @hide* @internal*/public static final int SMS4 = 3;public static final String varName = "pairwise";public static final String[] strings = { "NONE", "TKIP", "CCMP", "SMS4" };}/*** Recognized group ciphers.* <pre>* CCMP = AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]* TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]* WEP104 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 104-bit key* WEP40 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 40-bit key (original 802.11)* </pre>*/public static class GroupCipher {private GroupCipher() { }/** WEP40 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 40-bit key (original 802.11) */public static final int WEP40 = 0;/** WEP104 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 104-bit key */public static final int WEP104 = 1;/** Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0] */public static final int TKIP = 2;/** AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0] */public static final int CCMP = 3;/*** SMS4, a block cipher of 128-bit block size and key size for WAPI.* @hide* @internal*/public static final int SMS4 = 4;public static final String varName = "group";public static final String[] strings = { "WEP40", "WEP104", "TKIP", "CCMP", "SMS4" };}/** Possible status of a network configuration. */public static class Status {private Status() { }/** this is the network we are currently connected to */public static final int CURRENT = 0;/** supplicant will not attempt to use this network */public static final int DISABLED = 1;/** supplicant will consider this network available for association */public static final int ENABLED = 2;public static final String[] strings = { "current", "disabled", "enabled" };}/** @hide */public static final int DISABLED_UNKNOWN_REASON                         = 0;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLED_DNS_FAILURE                            = 1;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLED_DHCP_FAILURE                           = 2;/** @hide */public static final int DISABLED_AUTH_FAILURE                           = 3;/*** The ID number that the supplicant uses to identify this* network configuration entry. This must be passed as an argument* to most calls into the supplicant.*/public int networkId;/*** The current status of this network configuration entry.* @see Status*/public int status;/*** The code referring to a reason for disabling the network* Valid when {@link #status} == Status.DISABLED* @hide*/public int disableReason;/*** The network's SSID. Can either be an ASCII string,* which must be enclosed in double quotation marks* (e.g., {@code "MyNetwork"}, or a string of* hex digits,which are not enclosed in quotes* (e.g., {@code 01a243f405}).*/public String SSID;/*** When set, this network configuration entry should only be used when* associating with the AP having the specified BSSID. The value is* a string in the format of an Ethernet MAC address, e.g.,* <code>XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX</code> where each <code>X</code> is a hex digit.*/public String BSSID;/*** Pre-shared key for use with WPA-PSK.* <p/>* When the value of this key is read, the actual key is* not returned, just a "*" if the key has a value, or the null* string otherwise.*/public String preSharedKey;/*** Up to four WEP keys. Either an ASCII string enclosed in double* quotation marks (e.g., {@code "abcdef"} or a string* of hex digits (e.g., {@code 0102030405}).* <p/>* When the value of one of these keys is read, the actual key is* not returned, just a "*" if the key has a value, or the null* string otherwise.*/public String[] wepKeys;/** Default WEP key index, ranging from 0 to 3. */public int wepTxKeyIndex;/*** Priority determines the preference given to a network by {@code wpa_supplicant}* when choosing an access point with which to associate.*/public int priority;/*** This is a network that does not broadcast its SSID, so an* SSID-specific probe request must be used for scans.*/public boolean hiddenSSID;/*** The set of key management protocols supported by this configuration.* See {@link KeyMgmt} for descriptions of the values.* Defaults to WPA-PSK WPA-EAP.*/public BitSet allowedKeyManagement;/*** The set of security protocols supported by this configuration.* See {@link Protocol} for descriptions of the values.* Defaults to WPA RSN.*/public BitSet allowedProtocols;/*** The set of authentication protocols supported by this configuration.* See {@link AuthAlgorithm} for descriptions of the values.* Defaults to automatic selection.*/public BitSet allowedAuthAlgorithms;/*** The set of pairwise ciphers for WPA supported by this configuration.* See {@link PairwiseCipher} for descriptions of the values.* Defaults to CCMP TKIP.*/public BitSet allowedPairwiseCiphers;/*** The set of group ciphers supported by this configuration.* See {@link GroupCipher} for descriptions of the values.* Defaults to CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40.*/public BitSet allowedGroupCiphers;/*** @hide*/public enum IpAssignment {/* Use statically configured IP settings. Configuration can be accessed* with linkProperties */STATIC,/* Use dynamically configured IP settigns */DHCP,/* no IP details are assigned, this is used to indicate* that any existing IP settings should be retained */UNASSIGNED}/*** @hide*/public IpAssignment ipAssignment;/*** @hide*/public enum ProxySettings {/* No proxy is to be used. Any existing proxy settings* should be cleared. */NONE,/* Use statically configured proxy. Configuration can be accessed* with linkProperties */STATIC,/* no proxy details are assigned, this is used to indicate* that any existing proxy settings should be retained */UNASSIGNED}/*** @hide*/public ProxySettings proxySettings;/*** @hide*/public LinkProperties linkProperties;/*** Variable name used to set/get value from supplicant* @hide*/public static final String IMSI_VAR_NAME = "imsi";/*** Variable name used to set/get value from supplicant* @hide*/public static final String SIMSLOT_VAR_NAME = "sim_slot";/*** Variable name used to set/get value from supplicant* @hide*/public static final String PCSC_VAR_NAME = "pcsc";/*** IMSI for EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA* @hide* @internal*/public String imsi;/*** SIM slot for EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA* @hide* @internal*/public String simSlot;/*** PCSC for EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA* @hide* @internal*/public String pcsc;/*** The preferred channel for AP* @hide* @internal*/public int channel;/*** The channel bandwidth for AP. 0: 20MHz only 1: Auto 20/40 Mhz* @hide* @internal*/public int channelWidth;public WifiConfiguration() {networkId = INVALID_NETWORK_ID;SSID = null;BSSID = null;priority = 0;hiddenSSID = false;disableReason = DISABLED_UNKNOWN_REASON;allowedKeyManagement = new BitSet();allowedProtocols = new BitSet();allowedAuthAlgorithms = new BitSet();allowedPairwiseCiphers = new BitSet();allowedGroupCiphers = new BitSet();wepKeys = new String[4];for (int i = 0; i < wepKeys.length; i++)wepKeys[i] = null;for (EnterpriseField field : enterpriseFields) {field.setValue(null);}ipAssignment = IpAssignment.UNASSIGNED;proxySettings = ProxySettings.UNASSIGNED;linkProperties = new LinkProperties();if (FeatureOption.MTK_EAP_SIM_AKA) {imsi = null;simSlot = null;pcsc = null;}channel = 0;channelWidth = 1;}@Overridepublic String toString() {StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder();if (this.status == WifiConfiguration.Status.CURRENT) {sbuf.append("* ");} else if (this.status == WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED) {sbuf.append("- DSBLE: ").append(this.disableReason).append(" ");}sbuf.append("ID: ").append(this.networkId).append(" SSID: ").append(this.SSID).append(" BSSID: ").append(this.BSSID).append(" PRIO: ").append(this.priority).append('\n');sbuf.append(" KeyMgmt:");for (int k = 0; k < this.allowedKeyManagement.size(); k++) {if (this.allowedKeyManagement.get(k)) {sbuf.append(" ");if (k < KeyMgmt.strings.length) {sbuf.append(KeyMgmt.strings[k]);} else {sbuf.append("??");}}}sbuf.append(" Protocols:");for (int p = 0; p < this.allowedProtocols.size(); p++) {if (this.allowedProtocols.get(p)) {sbuf.append(" ");if (p < Protocol.strings.length) {sbuf.append(Protocol.strings[p]);} else {sbuf.append("??");}}}sbuf.append('\n');sbuf.append(" AuthAlgorithms:");for (int a = 0; a < this.allowedAuthAlgorithms.size(); a++) {if (this.allowedAuthAlgorithms.get(a)) {sbuf.append(" ");if (a < AuthAlgorithm.strings.length) {sbuf.append(AuthAlgorithm.strings[a]);} else {sbuf.append("??");}}}sbuf.append('\n');sbuf.append(" PairwiseCiphers:");for (int pc = 0; pc < this.allowedPairwiseCiphers.size(); pc++) {if (this.allowedPairwiseCiphers.get(pc)) {sbuf.append(" ");if (pc < PairwiseCipher.strings.length) {sbuf.append(PairwiseCipher.strings[pc]);} else {sbuf.append("??");}}}sbuf.append('\n');sbuf.append(" GroupCiphers:");for (int gc = 0; gc < this.allowedGroupCiphers.size(); gc++) {if (this.allowedGroupCiphers.get(gc)) {sbuf.append(" ");if (gc < GroupCipher.strings.length) {sbuf.append(GroupCipher.strings[gc]);} else {sbuf.append("??");}}}sbuf.append('\n').append(" PSK: ");if (this.preSharedKey != null) {sbuf.append('*');}for (EnterpriseField field : enterpriseFields) {sbuf.append('\n').append(" " + field.varName() + ": ");String value = field.value();if (value != null) sbuf.append(value);}sbuf.append('\n');sbuf.append("IP assignment: " + ipAssignment.toString());sbuf.append("\n");sbuf.append("Proxy settings: " + proxySettings.toString());sbuf.append("\n");sbuf.append(linkProperties.toString());sbuf.append("\n");if (FeatureOption.MTK_EAP_SIM_AKA) {sbuf.append(" imsi: ").append(this.imsi);sbuf.append(" simSlot: ").append(this.simSlot);sbuf.append(" pcsc: ").append(this.pcsc).append('\n');}sbuf.append("Channel: ").append(this.channel).append(" ChannelWidth: ").append(this.channelWidth).append('\n');return sbuf.toString();}/*** Construct a WifiConfiguration from a scanned network* @param scannedAP the scan result used to construct the config entry* TODO: figure out whether this is a useful way to construct a new entry.*public WifiConfiguration(ScanResult scannedAP) {networkId = -1;SSID = scannedAP.SSID;BSSID = scannedAP.BSSID;}*//** {@hide} */public String getPrintableSsid() {if (SSID == null) return "";final int length = SSID.length();if (length > 2 && (SSID.charAt(0) == '"') && SSID.charAt(length - 1) == '"') {return SSID.substring(1, length - 1);}/** The ascii-encoded string format is P"<ascii-encoded-string>"* The decoding is implemented in the supplicant for a newly configured* network.*/if (length > 3 && (SSID.charAt(0) == 'P') && (SSID.charAt(1) == '"') &&(SSID.charAt(length-1) == '"')) {WifiSsid wifiSsid = WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(SSID.substring(2, length - 1));return wifiSsid.toString();}return SSID;}private static BitSet readBitSet(Parcel src) {int cardinality = src.readInt();BitSet set = new BitSet();for (int i = 0; i < cardinality; i++)set.set(src.readInt());return set;}private static void writeBitSet(Parcel dest, BitSet set) {int nextSetBit = -1;dest.writeInt(set.cardinality());while ((nextSetBit = set.nextSetBit(nextSetBit + 1)) != -1)dest.writeInt(nextSetBit);}/** @hide */public int getAuthType() {if (allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)) {return KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK;} else if (allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA2_PSK)) {return KeyMgmt.WPA2_PSK;} else if (allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP)) {return KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP;} else if (allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.IEEE8021X)) {return KeyMgmt.IEEE8021X;}return KeyMgmt.NONE;}/** Implement the Parcelable interface {@hide} */public int describeContents() {return 0;}/** copy constructor {@hide} */public WifiConfiguration(WifiConfiguration source) {if (source != null) {networkId = source.networkId;status = source.status;disableReason = source.disableReason;SSID = source.SSID;BSSID = source.BSSID;preSharedKey = source.preSharedKey;wepKeys = new String[4];for (int i = 0; i < wepKeys.length; i++)wepKeys[i] = source.wepKeys[i];wepTxKeyIndex = source.wepTxKeyIndex;priority = source.priority;hiddenSSID = source.hiddenSSID;allowedKeyManagement   = (BitSet) source.allowedKeyManagement.clone();allowedProtocols       = (BitSet) source.allowedProtocols.clone();allowedAuthAlgorithms  = (BitSet) source.allowedAuthAlgorithms.clone();allowedPairwiseCiphers = (BitSet) source.allowedPairwiseCiphers.clone();allowedGroupCiphers    = (BitSet) source.allowedGroupCiphers.clone();for (int i = 0; i < source.enterpriseFields.length; i++) {enterpriseFields[i].setValue(source.enterpriseFields[i].value());}ipAssignment = source.ipAssignment;proxySettings = source.proxySettings;linkProperties = new LinkProperties(source.linkProperties);if (FeatureOption.MTK_EAP_SIM_AKA) {imsi = source.imsi;simSlot = source.simSlot;pcsc = source.pcsc;}channel = source.channel;channelWidth = source.channelWidth;}}/** Implement the Parcelable interface {@hide} */public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {dest.writeInt(networkId);dest.writeInt(status);dest.writeInt(disableReason);dest.writeString(SSID);dest.writeString(BSSID);dest.writeString(preSharedKey);for (String wepKey : wepKeys)dest.writeString(wepKey);dest.writeInt(wepTxKeyIndex);dest.writeInt(priority);dest.writeInt(hiddenSSID ? 1 : 0);writeBitSet(dest, allowedKeyManagement);writeBitSet(dest, allowedProtocols);writeBitSet(dest, allowedAuthAlgorithms);writeBitSet(dest, allowedPairwiseCiphers);writeBitSet(dest, allowedGroupCiphers);for (EnterpriseField field : enterpriseFields) {dest.writeString(field.value());}dest.writeString(ipAssignment.name());dest.writeString(proxySettings.name());dest.writeParcelable(linkProperties, flags);if (FeatureOption.MTK_EAP_SIM_AKA) {dest.writeString(imsi);dest.writeString(simSlot);dest.writeString(pcsc);}dest.writeInt(channel);dest.writeInt(channelWidth);}/** Implement the Parcelable interface {@hide} */public static final Creator<WifiConfiguration> CREATOR =new Creator<WifiConfiguration>() {public WifiConfiguration createFromParcel(Parcel in) {WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();config.networkId = in.readInt();config.status = in.readInt();config.disableReason = in.readInt();config.SSID = in.readString();config.BSSID = in.readString();config.preSharedKey = in.readString();for (int i = 0; i < config.wepKeys.length; i++)config.wepKeys[i] = in.readString();config.wepTxKeyIndex = in.readInt();config.priority = in.readInt();config.hiddenSSID = in.readInt() != 0;config.allowedKeyManagement   = readBitSet(in);config.allowedProtocols       = readBitSet(in);config.allowedAuthAlgorithms  = readBitSet(in);config.allowedPairwiseCiphers = readBitSet(in);config.allowedGroupCiphers    = readBitSet(in);for (EnterpriseField field : config.enterpriseFields) {field.setValue(in.readString());}config.ipAssignment = IpAssignment.valueOf(in.readString());config.proxySettings = ProxySettings.valueOf(in.readString());config.linkProperties = in.readParcelable(null);if (FeatureOption.MTK_EAP_SIM_AKA) {config.imsi = in.readString();config.simSlot = in.readString();config.pcsc = in.readString();}config.channel = in.readInt();config.channelWidth = in.readInt();return config;}public WifiConfiguration[] newArray(int size) {return new WifiConfiguration[size];}};}
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