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flowplayer 播放视频, 自动调整上下左右黑边大小

2014-03-13 19:20 561 查看
<!doctype html>

<title>Basic pseudo-streaming : Flowplayer</title>

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://flash.flowplayer.org/favicon.ico">
<!-- standalone page styling. can be removed -->


<!-- flowplayer javascript component -->
<script src="http://releases.flowplayer.org/js/flowplayer-3.2.12.min.js"></script>


<!-- player container-->
<a href="http://pseudo01.hddn.com/vod/demo.flowplayervod/flowplayer-700.flv"    class="player"
<input type="button" value="animate" onclick="reset()"/>
<div id="log">a</div>
<!-- this script block will install Flowplayer inside previous A tag -->
function reset() {
animate(player, {
bottom : 31
var player = flowplayer(
// this will enable pseudostreaming support
plugins : {
pseudo : {
url : "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer.pseudostreaming-3.2.12.swf"

controls : {
autoHide : {
fullscreenOnly : true,
hideDelay : 2000
height : 30,
scrubber : true,
buttonColor : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)',
buttonOverColor : '#000000',
backgroundGradient : 'medium',
backgroundColor : '#D7D7D7',

sliderColor : '#2c2c2c',
bufferColor : '#606060',
progressColor : '#056e9f',

sliderBorder : '1px solid #808080',
sliderHeight : 20,
volumeSliderColor : '#FFFFFF',
volumeBorder : '1px solid #808080',

timeColor : '#000000',
durationColor : '#535353',
tooltips : {
buttons : true,
play : '播放',
fullscreen : '全屏',
fullscreenExit : '退出全屏',
pause : '暂停',
mute : '静音',
unmute : '取消静音'

// clip properties
clip : {
url : '/flv/flowplayer-700.flv',

// make this clip use pseudostreaming plugin with "provider" property
provider : 'pseudo'

onStart : function(clip) {
animate(this, {
bottom : 31
// 底部 31 像素的进度条
onFullscreen : function() {
// 如果全屏自适应的话,由于 flash 处理的延迟,会造成退出全屏是画面位置不正确
// 为了保证正确,可以隔大约 1 秒后调用 animate 函数
animate(this, {
height : screen.height,
width : screen.width
onFullscreenExit : function() {
animate(this, {
bottom : 31
onBegin : function() {


function animate(player, container) {
function copy(from, to) {
for (key in from) {
to[key] = from[key];

var clip = player.getClip();
var defaultContainer = {
height : clip.height,
width : clip.width,
bottom : 0,
top : 0,
left : 0,
right : 0,
getRatio : function() {
return (this.height - this.top - this.bottom)
/ (this.width - this.left - this.right);
copy(container, defaultContainer);

var metadata = clip.metaData;
var layout = {
height : metadata.height,
width : metadata.width,
bottom : 0,
top : 0,
left : 0,
right : 0

// 视频正确的显示比例
var layoutRatio = layout.height / layout.width;

if (layoutRatio > defaultContainer.getRatio()) {
// 视频画面实际比容器要高,应该在容器左右留出黑边。
// 原始配置中的上下配置是有效的。
layout.bottom = defaultContainer.bottom;
layout.top = defaultContainer.top;
layout.height = defaultContainer.height - layout.bottom - layout.top;

layout.width = layout.height / layoutRatio;
layout.left = defaultContainer.left
+ (defaultContainer.width - layout.width
- defaultContainer.left - defaultContainer.right) / 2;
layout.right = defaultContainer.width - layout.width - layout.left;
} else {
// 视频画面实际比容器要宽,应该在容器上下留黑边
// 原始配置中,左右大小是有效的。
layout.width = defaultContainer.width - defaultContainer.left
- defaultContainer.right;
layout.left = defaultContainer.left;
layout.right = defaultContainer.right;

layout.height = layoutRatio * layout.width;
layout.bottom = defaultContainer.bottom
+ (defaultContainer.height - layout.height
- defaultContainer.bottom - defaultContainer.top) / 2;
layout.top = defaultContainer.height - layout.height - layout.bottom;

player.getScreen().animate(layout, 1000);
html = "";
for(key in layout) {
html += key + ":" + layout[key] + ";";
AppBefore("log", html);
// */

function AppBefore(nodeId, str) {
var node = document.getElementById(nodeId);
var newNode = CreateNode(str);
if (node.parentNode) {
//insertBefore(newchild,refchild)  说明:newchild(插入的新结点) refchild(将新结点插入到此结点前)
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node);

function CreateNode(str) {
var NewDiv = document.createElement("div");
//对div设置 id属性
NewDiv.id = "dd";
var NewText = document.createTextNode(str);
return NewDiv;


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