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nginx+php+awstats+jawstats 分析网站access日志

2014-03-12 20:00 555 查看
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
'"$upstream_addr" "$upstream_cache_status"'
'"$upstream_status" "$upstream_response_time" "$cookie_jsessionid" "$request_time" "$host"';
下载最新版本的 awstats 包,下载地址请见文章最后的参考资料。把下载后的 tar 包解压到任意目录中,例: /usr/local/awstats 。然后执行 tools 目录中的 awstats_configure.pl 配置向导,创建一个新的统计。
-----> Check for web server install

Enter full config file path of your Web server.
Example: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
Example: /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
Example: c:\Program files\apache group\apache\conf\httpd.conf
Config file path ('none' to skip web server setup):
#> none  #因为我们这里用的是 Nginx,所以写 none,跳过。
Your web server config file(s) could not be found.
You will need to setup your web server manually to declare AWStats
script as a CGI, if you want to build reports dynamically.
See AWStats setup documentation (file docs/index.html)

-----> Update model config file '/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf'
File awstats.model.conf updated.

-----> Need to create a new config file ?
Do you want me to build a new AWStats config/profile
file (required if first install) [y/N] ?
#> y	#y 创建一个新的统计配置
-----> Define config file name to create
What is the name of your web site or profile analysis ?
Example: www.mysite.com
Example: demo
Your web site, virtual server or profile name:
#> www.moabc.net		#统计网站的域名 例:[code]www.moabc.net
-----> Define config file path
In which directory do you plan to store your config file(s) ?
Default: /etc/awstats
Directory path to store config file(s) (Enter for default):
----> Add update process inside a scheduler
Sorry, configure.pl does not support automatic add to cron yet.
You can do it manually by adding the following command to your cron:
/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -update -config=www.moabc.net
#回头把该命令填入crontab 按指定时间执行
Or if you have several config files and prefer having only one command:
/usr/local/awstats/tools/awstats_updateall.pl now
Press ENTER to continue...		回车继续

A SIMPLE config file has been created: /etc/awstats/awstats.www.moabc.net.conf
You should have a look inside to check and change manually main parameters.
You can then manually update your statistics for 'www.moabc.net' with command:
> perl awstats.pl -update -config=www.moabc.net
You can also build static report pages for 'www.moabc.net' with command:
> perl awstats.pl -output=pagetype -config=www.moabc.net

Press ENTER to finish...
回车完成向导,接下来修改 www.moabc.net 的统计配置#vi /etc/awstats/awstats.www.moabc.net.conf找到统计的日志文件的路径LogFile="/var/log/httpd/mylog.log"改为LogFile="/opt/nginx/logs/access_%YYYY-0%MM-0%DD-0.log对应上边 Nginx 日志切割程序的所生成的目录存放结构,要注意 Awstats 的年月日格式的跟 Nginx 的写法有所不同。我们现在执行统计的顺序是:Nginx 产生日志 –> 日志切割 –> Nginx 继续产生日志 –> 另存切割日志 –> 交由Awstats统计 –> 生成结果jawstats部署:
下载jawstats http://www.jawstats.com/download 直接将包解压到nginx对应的工程目录下;cp config.dist.php config.php修改config.php
$aConfig["site1"] = array(
"statspath"   => "/path/to/data/",
"updatepath"  => "/path/to/awstats.pl/",
"siteurl"     => "http://www.my-1st-domain.com",
"sitename"    => "My 1st Domain",
"theme"       => "default",
"fadespeed"   => 250,
"password"    => "my-1st-password",
"includes"    => "",
"language"    => "en-gb"
下载汉化补丁包,解压覆盖到工程目录中的languages 即可;
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