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mybatis整合spring的 泛型DAO接口

2014-03-06 17:12 253 查看

[java] view

package hwt.Utils;

import java.util.Map;

public class PageEntity {

private Integer page; //目前是第几页

private Integer size; //每页大小

private Map params; //传入的参数

private String orderColumn;

private String orderTurn = "ASC";

public String getOrderColumn() {

return orderColumn;


public void setOrderColumn(String orderColumn) {

this.orderColumn = orderColumn;


public String getOrderTurn() {

return orderTurn;


public void setOrderTurn(String orderTurn) {

this.orderTurn = orderTurn;


public Integer getPage() {

return page;


public void setPage(Integer page) {

this.page = page;


public Integer getSize() {

return size;


public void setSize(Integer size) {

this.size = size;


public Map getParams() {

return params;


public void setParams(Map params) {

this.params = params;




[java] view

package hwt.Utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;


* 分页结果

* @author hwt



public class PagingResult<T> {


private int currentPage;


private int totalSize;


private List<T> resultList = new ArrayList<T>();

public int getCurrentPage() {

return currentPage;


public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) {

this.currentPage = currentPage;


public int getTotalSize() {

return totalSize;


public void setTotalSize(int totalSize) {

this.totalSize = totalSize;


public List<T> getResultList() {

return resultList;


public void setResultList(List<T> resultList) {

this.resultList = resultList;




[java] view

package hwt.DAO;

import hwt.Utils.PageEntity;

import hwt.Utils.PagingResult;

import java.io.Serializable;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;


* baseDAO

* @author hwt



public interface BaseDAO<T,PK extends Serializable> {


* 新增实体

* @param entity

* @return 影响记录条数


public abstract int insert(T entity);


* 修改一个实体对象(UPDATE一条记录)

* @param entity 实体对象

* @return 修改的对象个数,正常情况=1


public abstract int update(T entity);


* 修改符合条件的记录

* <p>此方法特别适合于一次性把多条记录的某些字段值设置为新值(定值)的情况,比如修改符合条件的记录的状态字段</p>

* <p>此方法的另一个用途是把一条记录的个别字段的值修改为新值(定值),此时要把条件设置为该记录的主键</p>

* @param param 用于产生SQL的参数值,包括WHERE条件、目标字段和新值等

* @return 修改的记录个数,用于判断修改是否成功


public abstract int updateParam(Map param);


* 按主键删除记录

* @param primaryKey 主键对象

* @return 删除的对象个数,正常情况=1


public abstract int delete(PK primaryKey);


* 删除符合条件的记录

* <p><strong>此方法一定要慎用,如果条件设置不当,可能会删除有用的记录!</strong></p>

* @param param 用于产生SQL的参数值,包括WHERE条件(其他参数内容不起作用)

* @return


public abstract int deleteParam(Map param);


* 清空表,比delete具有更高的效率,而且是从数据库中物理删除(delete是逻辑删除,被删除的记录依然占有空间)

* <p><strong>此方法一定要慎用!</strong></p>

* @return


public abstract int truncate();


* 查询整表总记录数

* @return 整表总记录数


public abstract int count();


* 查询符合条件的记录数

* @param param 查询条件参数,包括WHERE条件(其他参数内容不起作用)。此参数设置为null,则相当于count()

* @return


public abstract int count(Object param);


* 按主键取记录

* @param primaryKey 主键值

* @return 记录实体对象,如果没有符合主键条件的记录,则返回null


public abstract T get(PK primaryKey);


* 取全部记录

* @return 全部记录实体对象的List


public abstract List<T> select();


* 按条件查询记录

* @param param 查询条件参数,包括WHERE条件、分页条件、排序条件

* @return 符合条件记录的实体对象的List


public abstract List<T> selectParam(Map param);


* 按条件查询记录,并处理成分页结果

* @param param 查询条件参数,包括WHERE条件、分页条件、排序条件

* @return PaginationResult对象,包括(符合条件的)总记录数、页实体对象List等


public abstract PagingResult<T> selectPagination(PageEntity param);


* 批量插入

* @param list


public abstract int insertBatch(final List<T> list);


* 批量修改

* @param list


public abstract int updateBatch(final List<T> list);


* 批量删除

* @param list


public abstract int deleteBatch(final List<PK> list);



[java] view

package hwt.DAO;

import hwt.Utils.PageEntity;

import hwt.Utils.PagingResult;

import java.io.Serializable;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql;

import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;

import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate;

import org.mybatis.spring.support.SqlSessionDaoSupport;


* baseDAO的实现基类


* @author hwt


* @param <T>

* @param <PK>


public class BaseDaoImpl<T, PK extends Serializable> extends

SqlSessionDaoSupport implements BaseDAO<T, PK> {

// mapper.xml中的namespace

private String namespace;

// sqlmap.xml定义文件中对应的sqlid

public static final String SQLID_INSERT = "insert";

public static final String SQLID_INSERT_BATCH = "insertBatch";

public static final String SQLID_UPDATE = "update";

public static final String SQLID_UPDATE_PARAM = "updateParam";

public static final String SQLID_UPDATE_BATCH = "updateBatch";

public static final String SQLID_DELETE = "delete";

public static final String SQLID_DELETE_PARAM = "deleteParam";

public static final String SQLID_DELETE_BATCH = "deleteBatch";

public static final String SQLID_TRUNCATE = "truncate";

public static final String SQLID_SELECT = "select";

public static final String SQLID_SELECT_PK = "selectPk";

public static final String SQLID_SELECT_PARAM = "selectParam";

public static final String SQLID_SELECT_FK = "selectFk";

public static final String SQLID_COUNT = "count";

public static final String SQLID_COUNT_PARAM = "countParam";

@Resource(name = "sqlSessionTemplate")

public void setSuperSqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionTemplate sqlSessionTemplate) {



public String getNamespace() {

return namespace;


public void setNamespace(String namespace) {

this.namespace = namespace;



public int insert(T entity) {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().insert(namespace + "." + SQLID_INSERT,


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int update(T entity) {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().update(namespace + "." + SQLID_UPDATE,


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int updateParam(Map param) {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().update(namespace + "." + SQLID_UPDATE_PARAM,


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int delete(PK primaryKey) {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().delete(namespace + "." + SQLID_DELETE,


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int deleteParam(Map param) {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().delete(namespace + "." + SQLID_DELETE_PARAM,


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int truncate() {

int rows = 0;

try {

rows = getSqlSession().delete(namespace + "." + SQLID_TRUNCATE);

} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int count() {

int result = 0;

try {

result = getSqlSession().selectOne(namespace + "." + SQLID_COUNT);

} catch (Exception e) {



return result;



public int count(Object param) {

int result = 0;

try {

result = getSqlSession().selectOne(namespace + "." + SQLID_COUNT_PARAM,param);

} catch (Exception e) {



return result;



public T get(PK primaryKey) {

try {

return getSqlSession().selectOne(namespace + "." + SQLID_SELECT_PK,primaryKey);

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




public List<T> select() {

try {

return getSqlSession().selectList(namespace + "." + SQLID_SELECT);

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




public List<T> selectParam(Map param) {

try {

return getSqlSession().selectList(namespace + "." + SQLID_SELECT_PARAM,param);

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




public PagingResult<T> selectPagination(PageEntity pageEntity) {

try {

int page = pageEntity.getPage() == null || "".equals(pageEntity.getPage()) ? 1 : pageEntity.getPage(); //默认为第一页

int size = pageEntity.getSize() == null || "".equals(pageEntity.getSize()) ? 15 : pageEntity.getSize();; //默认每页15个

RowBounds rowBounds = new RowBounds((page-1)*size, size);

Map param = pageEntity.getParams();

if (param != null) {

param.put("orderColumn", pageEntity.getOrderColumn());

param.put("orderTurn", pageEntity.getOrderTurn());

}else {

param = new HashMap();

param.put("orderColumn", pageEntity.getOrderColumn());

param.put("orderTurn", pageEntity.getOrderTurn());


List<T> resultList = getSqlSession().selectList(namespace + "." + SQLID_SELECT_PARAM,param,rowBounds);

int totalSize = count(pageEntity.getParams());

PagingResult<T> pagingResult = new PagingResult<T>();




return pagingResult;

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




public int insertBatch(List<T> list) {

try {

return getSqlSession().insert(namespace + "." + SQLID_INSERT_BATCH,list);

} catch (Exception e) {


return 0;




public int updateBatch(List<T> list) {

int rows = 0;

try {

for (T t : list) {

rows = rows + getSqlSession().update(namespace + "." + SQLID_UPDATE, t);


} catch (Exception e) {



return rows;



public int deleteBatch(List<PK> list) {

try {

return getSqlSession().delete(namespace + "." + SQLID_DELETE_BATCH,list);

} catch (Exception e) {


return 0;




* 日志打印

* @param sqlId

* @param param


public void printLog(String sqlId,Object param){

Configuration configuration = getSqlSession().getConfiguration();


MappedStatement mappedStatement = configuration.getMappedStatement(sqlId);


BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(param);


String sql = boundSql.getSql().trim();

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

System.out.println("info-sql: "+sdf.format(new Date())+" "+sql);




[html] view

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper

PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"


<mapper namespace="hwt.Mapper.EmpMapper">

<!-- 结果集 -->

<resultMap id="empResult" type="Emp">

<id property="empid" column="empid" />

<result property="empname" column="empname"/>

<!-- 多对一的关系,注意resultMap的名字为 引用的namespace+resultMap的Id -->

<association property="dep" column="depid" javaType="Dep" resultMap="hwt.Mapper.DepMapper.depResult"/>


<!-- 新增emp实体类 -->

<insert id="insert" parameterType="Emp">

insert into emp(empid,empname,depid) values(#{empid,jdbcType=INTEGER},#{empname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},#{dep.depid,jdbcType=INTEGER})


<!-- 更新对象 -->

<update id="update" parameterType="Emp">

update emp


<if test="empname != null">empname=#{empname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if>

<if test="dep != null">depid=#{dep.depid,jdbcType=INTEGER},</if>



<if test="empid != null">

empid = #{empid,jdbcType=INTEGER}




<!-- 更新对象(参数) -->

<update id="updateParam" parameterType="java.util.Map">

update emp


<if test="empname != null">empname=#{empname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if>

<if test="dep != null">depid=#{depid,jdbcType=INTEGER},</if>



<if test="empid != null">

empid = #{empid,jdbcType=INTEGER}




<!-- 批量更新 -->

<update id="updateBatch" parameterType="Emp">

<!-- collection可以是List对于list,数组对于array,Map对应ids -->

<foreach collection="list" item="emp" separator=";">

update emp


<if test="emp.empname != null">empname= #{emp.empname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},</if>

<if test="emp.dep != null">depid= #{emp.dep.depid,jdbcType=INTEGER},</if>



<if test="emp.empid != null">

empid = #{emp.empid,jdbcType=INTEGER}





<!-- 根据主键删除 -->

<delete id="deletePK" parameterType="int">

delete from emp where empid = #{empid}


<!-- 根据参数删除 -->

<delete id="deleteParam" parameterType="java.util.Map">

delete from emp


<if test="empname != null">empname = #{empname}</if>

<if test="depid != null"> and depid = #{depid}</if>

<if test="empid != null"> and empid = #{empid}</if>



<!-- 批量删除 -->

<delete id="deleteBatch">

delete from emp where empid in

<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">

<foreach collection="list" item="pk" separator=",">





<!-- 批量插入 -->

<insert id="insertBatch" parameterType="arraylist">

insert into emp(empid,empname,depid)

<!-- collection可以是List对于list,数组对于array,Map对应ids -->

<foreach collection="list" item="emp" index="index" separator="union all">

select #{emp.empid,jdbcType=NUMERIC},#{emp.empname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},#{emp.dep.depid,jdbcType=NUMERIC} from dual



<!-- count -->

<select id="count" resultType="int">

select count(*) from emp e


<select id="countParam" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="int">

select count(*) from emp e


<if test="empname != null">empname = #{empname}</if>

<if test="depid != null"> and depid = #{depid}</if>

<if test="empid != null"> and empid = #{empid}</if>



<!-- 查询(参数) -->

<select id="selectParam" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="Emp">

select * from emp


<if test="empname != null">empname = #{empname}</if>

<if test="depid != null"> and depid = #{depid}</if>

<if test="empid != null"> and empid = #{empid}</if>


<if test="orderColumn != null">

order by ${orderColumn}

<if test="orderTurn != null">





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