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Boston Key Party CTF 2014 Crypto : 200

2014-03-06 12:27 537 查看
Xorxes the Hash
Crypto : 200
Xorxes is a hash collision challenge. The goal is to find a second preimage for the input string "Klaatubaradanikto". Submit it as the flag. UPDATE: It has been pointed out that there are multiple solutions. The flag is the one with md5sum '7179926e4253a0b405090df67f62c543'. (Use `echo -n FLAG | md5sum'.) UPDATE THE SECOND: The solution is short. http://bostonkeyparty.net/challenges/xorxes-ad7b52380d3ec704b28954c80119789a.py[/code] 
xor的性质是可以结合的,所以compress()函数可以展开, 这样就解开了chaining。

展开后发现每个字节对最后hash结果的影响取决于当前字节之后的数据长度。比如"abcde", b对hash的影响就是迭代执行RROT len(“cde")次。

又发现RROT每迭代执行4次会产生相同的值。字符串s = ”Klaatubaradanikto“里距离间隔4的重复字符有s[3] = s[7] = s[1] = 'a'

随便替换两个为两外两个一样的就好, 比如'Klabtubbradanikto'
from xores_the_hash import *
import hashlib, struct, sys

def my_rrot(b, times):
for i in range(0, times):
b = RROT(b, 56, 224)
return b

dic = {}
def my_hash(m):
IV = ord('M') ^ ord('i') ^ ord('t') ^ ord('h') ^ ord('r') ^ ord('a')
IV = my_rrot(IV, len(m))

c = IV

for i in range(0, len(m)):
sha = SHA224(m[i])
tmp = my_rrot(sha, len(m) - i - 1)
if dic.get(tmp) != None:
print dic[tmp],
print (i, m[i], len(m) - i - 1)
dic[tmp] = (i, m[i], len(m) - i - 1)
c = c ^ tmp

out = c + ( len(m) % 24 )
return hex(out)[2:-1]

print my_hash(sys.argv[1])

def get_wraparound(m):
cnt = 0
dic = {}
sha = SHA224(m)
while cnt < 100:
cnt += 1
tmp = my_rrot(sha, cnt)
if dic.get(tmp) != None:
print dic[tmp],
print cnt
dic[tmp] = cnt

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