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[ jimmyzhouj 翻译] Nehe iOS OpenGL ES 2.0教程

2014-03-01 14:36 537 查看


最近要学习iOS 上的OpenGL ES的内容,在互联网上找了一些教程来看。发现关于OpenGL ES2.0的教程不多。想起了知名的Nehe OpenGL 教程,就上nehe.gamedev.net上找了找,发现他们有一个用于移动设备的OpenGL ES教程,并且是基于OpenGL ES 2.0的。现在还只有两篇教程,我先把这两篇翻译出来,以供大家学习。有什么问题需要交流的,可以联系我: jimmyzhouj@gmail.com


IOS Lesson 01 – 设置GL ES


大家好,现在开始我们新的iOS OpenGL ES系列教程!



教程附带的代码可以在iOS4,iOS5上工作,所以就算是在iPhone 4S上也能正常运行。

我们准备使用XCode4,如果你还没有安装的话,请到MAC APPStore上下载并安装它。如果有人希望能够在Windows或者Linux机器上开发iPhone App,我只能遗憾的告诉你不能这么做。

我们知道,第一课看起来很恐怖,它可能是这一系列教程中最无聊的一课,到本节课结束也看不到什么很酷的东西… :( 不过,这节课包含了很多有价值的内容,并且理解程序框架的不同部分之间的交互是非常重要的。所以你需要把它通读一遍,你不需要理解所有的内容,当你之后想要知道细节的话,可以返回来再仔细看。按照 NeHe的的好习惯,我会尽量详细解释每一行代码!



和所有的C/C++程序一样,应用程序的起点是main方法。我们执行UIApplicationMain,用InterfaceBuilder配置一个包含了EAGLView的UIWindow,并且用Lesson01AppDelegate去处理所有的事件。Window是UIApplicationMain自动创建的,可以显示我们的view。View包含了我们的OpenGL conext,可以通过这个context访问到用OpenGL ES来绘画的canvas。

我们要钩到操作系统的run loop中去,尽可能频繁的重绘frame。在之后关于动画的课程中这是必须的。绘画动作是在Lesson对象中的draw方法中实现的,或者更精确的说,是在Lesson01对象中实现的,因为在类Lesson中,init()和draw()都是虚函数。


我们开始一步一步实现。你可以从这里(http://code.google.com/p/nehe/downloads/list) 获取代码,然后打开项目文件Lesson01.xcodeproj。

注意:你之后创建你自己的OpenGL ES 项目的时候,你可以使用project wizard。生成的项目的结构有一点复杂,不过总体构成是一样的。Draw方法会在yourProjectNameViewController:drawFrame()里。我们的代码只是简单的将他们都清除了,并且将我们的OpenGL代码和window隔离开了而已。

你会在项目左侧看到3个文件夹:Lesson01,Frameworks和Products。Lesson01还包含了2个子目录Supporting Files和Basecode,Lesson01包括了我们所有的代码。Frameworks包含了所有我们要用的或者项目需要使用的frameworks。从其他语言或者操作系统转过来的开发者可以叫它们是libraries。Products列出类所有要生成的applications,现在就只有一个Lesson01.app。

在我们之后的课程的代码中,我们主要和LessonXX 类打交道,每次AppDelegate都会生成一个当前课程的实例。在第一课,我们先详细看一看Basecode和Supporting Files。

让我们按照代码执行时的访问顺序来看看这些文件。就像我之前指出的一样,所有程序都是从main方法开始执行的。它在Lesson01/Supporting Files/main.m中。

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

//standard main method, looks like that for every iOS app..
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@"Running app");
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
[pool release];
return retVal;

这个方法在每个iPhone app里都差不多是一样的。NSAutoreleasePool是Objective-C的垃圾收集系统所需要的,我们打印一条log,然后是重要的部分:将应用程序的参数传给UIApplicationMain方法,然后将控制权也转给它。当最后程序的控制权转移回来的时候,我们释放garbage collection utility,用UIApplicationMain给出的返回值来结束程序。

就像它的名字一样,UIApplicationMain方法运行一个用户界面。在我们项目的设定中,选中Targets->Lesson01, 选Summary选项卡,MainInterface设置为MainWindow。这告诉App,程序启动的时候,我们要显示MainWindow.xib。这个文件也在Supporting Files目录下,可以在InterfaceBuilder中打开。

打开MainWindow.xib,在编辑器的左边栏,你可以看到Placeholder和Objects。在Objects下,有Lesson01AppDelegate和一个内嵌了View的Window。如果你没有做过任何GUI编程,你可以认为这个就像你最喜欢的Office软件(=window),打开了一个文档(=view)。现在你可以在这些文档(=views,包含了UI元素比如buttons,text fields或者OpenGL ES canvas)中切换,而不需要关闭整个程序。不过你需要有一个打开的文档(view)才能看到其中的内容。

当你control-click(或者右键)Lesson01AppDelegate的时候,你会看见2个定义好的outlets:glView和window,它们分别关联到InterfaceBuilder中的View和Window。一个Outlet可以让app delegate代码中的一个变量包含了它所关联的InterfaceBuilder中元素的引用。



#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

//we want to create variables of these classes, but don't need their implementation yet,
//so we just tell the compiler that they exist - called forward declaration
@class EAGLView;
class Lesson;

//This is our delegate class. It handles all messages from the device's operating system
@interface Lesson01AppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
//we store a pointer to our lesson so we can delete it at program shutdown
Lesson *lesson;

//we configure these variables in the interface builder (IB), thus they have to be declared as IBOutlet
//properties get accessor methods by synthesizing them in the source file (.mm)

//in this window we will embed a view which acts as OpenGL context
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;

//our main window, covering the whole screen
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet EAGLView *glView;


在Objective-C风格的类定义中,我们首先在头文件声明了interface,之后在相应的源文件(.mm)中使用implementation实现方法。从上面的代码中还可以看出,有一些成员变量,window, glView, lesson,这些变量会在AppDelegate初始化的时候被创建。要注意的是,properties定义为IBOutlet后,才能够被InterfaceBuilder使用。由于要处理窗口的事件,当程序开始运行的时候,会自动创建一个AppDelegate的对象实例。为了能处理窗口事件,AppDelegate实现了接口(或者叫protocol)


#import "Lesson01AppDelegate.h"

#import "EAGLView.h"
#include "Lesson01.h"

//now we implement all methods needed by our delegate
@implementation Lesson01AppDelegate

@synthesize window;
@synthesize glView;

//this method tells us, that our application has started and we can set up our OpenGL things,
//as the window is set up, and thus our glView is going to be displayed soon
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//for the first lesson we don't need a depth buffer as we're not drawing any geometry yet
[glView setDepthBufferNeeded:FALSE];

//we create our lesson which contains the OpenGL code
//(allocated with new -> has to be cleaned up with delete!)
lesson = new Lesson01();

//we tell our OpenGL view which lesson we want to use for rendering.
[glView setLesson:lesson];

return YES;



Lesson01AppDelegate.mm中的其余代码部分处理了窗口触发的其他的事件,这些事件都和应用变为可见,或者成为后台程序有关。当变为可见时,我们让view周期性的刷新。当应用被移到后台或者关闭后,停止刷新。最后,当AppDelegate被释放时,它的dealloc方法被调用,我们在这个方法里释放之前分配的内存。在Objective-C里用release释放,在 C++里,用new来创建,用delete来删除。

- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
//the app is going to be suspended to the background,
//so we should stop our render loop
[glView stopRenderLoop];

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
//we could do something here when the application entered the background

- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
//we could start preparing stuff for becoming active again

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
//we're on stage! so let's draw some nice stuff
[glView startRenderLoop];

- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
//before shutdown we stop the render loop
[glView stopRenderLoop];

//dealloc is the destructor in Objective-C, so clean up all allocated things
- (void)dealloc
[window release];
[glView release];
delete lesson;
[super dealloc];


现在让我们来看包含OpenGL context 的创建和负责绘画的类。



//forward declarations again
@class EAGLContext;
class Lesson;

// This class combines our OpenGL context (which is our access to all drawing functionality)
// with a UIView that can be displayed on the iOS device. It handles the creation and presentation
// of our drawing surface, as well as handling the render loop which allows for seamless animations.
@interface EAGLView : UIView {
// The pixel dimensions of the CAEAGLLayer.
GLint framebufferWidth;
GLint framebufferHeight;

// These are the buffers we render to: the colorRenderbuffer will contain the color that we will
// finaly see on the screen, the depth renderbuffer has to be used if we want to make sure, that
// we always see only the closest object and not just the one that has been drawn most recently.
// The framebuffer is a collection of buffers to use together while rendering, here it is either
// just the color buffer, or color and depth renderbuffer.
GLuint defaultFramebuffer, colorRenderbuffer, depthRenderbuffer;

// The display link is used to create a render loop
CADisplayLink* displayLink;

// Do we need a depth buffer
BOOL useDepthBuffer;

// The pointer to the lesson which we're rendering
Lesson* lesson;

// Did we already initialize our lesson?
BOOL lessonIsInitialized;

// The OpenGL context as a property (has autogenerated getter and setter)
@property (nonatomic, retain) EAGLContext *context;

// Configuration setters
- (void) setDepthBufferNeeded:(BOOL)needed;
- (void) setLesson:(Lesson*)newLesson;

//if we want OpenGL to repaint with the screens refresh rate, we use this render loop
- (void) startRenderLoop;
- (void) stopRenderLoop;


注解:并不是强制必须用EAGLView这个名字,但在iOS GL ES程序中通常都用它,因为context被称为EAGLContext。EAGL可能代表”Embedded AGL”,AGL是APPLE的OPENGL扩展。

正如我们所见,EAGLView封装了OpenGL ES context。OpenGL context被认为是允许使用OpenGL调用来绘画的许可。它跟踪记录了我们设定的所有状态,比如说当前的颜色,当前哪一幅图片被用来做纹理。Context要和canvas(我们可以绘画的地方)配合起来使用。Canvas通过一种叫framebuffer的构造来实现。framebuffer由存储不同信息的多层buffer组成。我们常用到的两个层是color renderbuffer和depth renderbuffer。Color
renderbuffer里面存储了每个像素点的每个color channel,就像JPEG图像一样。这是最终显示在屏幕上的内容。The depth renderbuffer记录了color buffer中的每个像素点离屏幕的距离。如果我们画了一座距离屏幕10单位远的房子和一个距离屏幕5单位远的人,则不管先画的是房子还是人,人总是显示在房子的前面。这被称为是深度测试。Depth buffer内容不会被显示。




之前一直在说的context被保存为EAGLContext property.



#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

#import "EAGLView.h"
#include "Lesson.h"

//declare private methods, so they can be used everywhere in this file
@interface EAGLView (PrivateMethods)
- (void)createFramebuffer;
- (void)deleteFramebuffer;

//start the actual implementation of our view here
@implementation EAGLView

//generate getter and setter for the context
@synthesize context;

// We have to implement this method
+ (Class)layerClass
return [CAEAGLLayer class];


接下来我们开始实现EAGLView,合成(synthesize) context以自动生成getter和setter方法。然后需要重写UIView的layerClass方法,因为现在我们用的view不是标准的UI元素,而是要画到一个CAEAGL层上(CA指 CoreAnimation)。

//our EAGLView is the view in our MainWindow which will be automatically loaded to be displayed.
//when the EAGLView gets loaded, it will be initialized by calling this method.
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder
//call the init method of our parent view
self = [super initWithCoder:coder];

//now we create the core animation EAGL layer
if (!self) {
return nil;

CAEAGLLayer *eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer *)self.layer;

//we don't want a transparent surface
eaglLayer.opaque = TRUE;

//here we configure the properties of our canvas, most important is the color depth RGBA8 !
eaglLayer.drawableProperties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:FALSE], kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking,
kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8, kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat,

//create an OpenGL ES 2 context
context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2];

//if this failed or we cannot set the context for some reason, quit
if (!context || ![EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]) {
NSLog(@"Could not create context!");
[self release];
return nil;

//do we want to use a depth buffer?
//for 3D applications we usually do, so we'll set it to true by default
useDepthBuffer = FALSE;

//we did not initialize our lesson yet:
lessonIsInitialized = FALSE;

//default values for our OpenGL buffers
defaultFramebuffer = 0;
colorRenderbuffer = 0;
depthRenderbuffer = 0;

return self;



下一步是创建我们的OpenGL context,我们需要它是版本2的(从iPhone 3S和iPod Touch3起支持),通过调用initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2来实现。如果创建context成功,并且也可以将context设为当前context,我们接下来将成员变量设为缺省值。


//on iOS, all rendering goes into a renderbuffer,
//which is then copied to the window by "presenting" it.
//here we create it!
- (void)createFramebuffer
//this method assumes, that the context is valid and current, and that the default framebuffer has not been created yet!
//this works, because as soon as we call glGenFramebuffers the value will be > 0
assert(defaultFramebuffer == 0);

NSLog(@"EAGLView: creating Framebuffer");

// Create default framebuffer object and bind it
glGenFramebuffers(1, &defaultFramebuffer);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFramebuffer);

// Create color render buffer
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &colorRenderbuffer);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorRenderbuffer);

首先检查是否还没有framebuffer。如果还没有,调用OpenGL的方法来产生一个framebuffer对应的ID,这样产生的ID可以确保是唯一的,并且ID总是大于0。得到ID后,我们将framebuffer和ID绑定。OpenGL会跟踪活动对象的大部分事情,比如活动的framebuffer,最后设定的颜色,活动的纹理或者活动着色器程序(shader program)等等。这导致下面所有关于framebuffer的API都影响当前绑定的framebuffer。

下面对color renderbuffer做同样的工作,产生一个ID并且绑定。

//get the storage from iOS so it can be displayed in the view
[context renderbufferStorage:GL_RENDERBUFFER fromDrawable:(CAEAGLLayer *)self.layer];
//get the frame's width and height
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH, &framebufferWidth);
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT, &framebufferHeight);

//attach this color buffer to our framebuffer
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorRenderbuffer);

这个color renderbuffer是特殊的。我们希望我们绘画的颜色可以被用于UIView的颜色,这就是为什么之前我们要创建 CAEAGLLayer。现在我们需要得到layer,将它用于renderbuffer存储。这样做,我们不需要再一次拷贝缓存中的内容就可以将设置的颜色显示在UIView上。

这要通过调用context的 renderbufferStorage方法来实现。函数实现的很精巧,可以自动得到一个和view的尺寸相适应的buffer。再下面两行用来查询framebuffer的宽度和高度。

glFramebufferRenderbuffer是非常重要的。一个framebuffer由多个layer组成,这些layer被称为attachments。这里我们告诉OpenGL,当前绑定的framebuffer要附加一个名字为colorrenderbuffer的color buffer。GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0表示一个framebuffer可以有几个color attachments,不过这个内容超过了本节课程的范围了。

//our lesson needs to know the size of the renderbuffer so it can work with the right aspect ratio
if(lesson != NULL)
lesson->setRenderbufferSize(framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight);


//create a depth renderbuffer
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &depthRenderbuffer);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthRenderbuffer);
//create the storage for the buffer, optimized for depth values, same size as the colorRenderbuffer
glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight);
//attach the depth buffer to our framebuffer
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthRenderbuffer);


//check that our configuration of the framebuffer is valid
NSLog(@"Failed to make complete framebuffer object %x", glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER));


//deleting the framebuffer and all the buffers it contains
- (void)deleteFramebuffer
//we need a valid and current context to access any OpenGL methods
if (context) {
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];

//if the default framebuffer has been set, delete it.
if (defaultFramebuffer) {
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &defaultFramebuffer);
defaultFramebuffer = 0;

//same for the renderbuffers, if they are set, delete them
if (colorRenderbuffer) {
glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &colorRenderbuffer);
colorRenderbuffer = 0;

if (depthRenderbuffer) {
glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &depthRenderbuffer);
depthRenderbuffer = 0;


//this is where all the magic happens!
- (void)drawFrame
//we need a context for rendering
if (context != nil)
//make it the current context for rendering
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];

//if our framebuffers have not been created yet, do that now!
if (!defaultFramebuffer)
[self createFramebuffer];

glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFramebuffer);

//we need a lesson to be able to render something
if(lesson != nil)
//check whether we have to initialize the lesson
if(lessonIsInitialized == FALSE)
lessonIsInitialized = TRUE;

//perform the actual drawing!

//finally, get the color buffer we rendered to, and pass it to iOS
//so it can display our awesome results!
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorRenderbuffer);
[context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];
NSLog(@"Context not set!");

现在是整个app中最关键的部分,drawFrame方法。当我们的display link触发,每次frame被渲染的时候,都会调用这个方法。首先我们要确保有一个context,framebuffer已经创建并且绑定了,lesson对象已经创建并且初始化了。如果前面几条都实现了,我们调用lesson->draw()方法,这个方法是后面的课程着力聚焦的地方。最后几行很有趣。调用完lesson->draw()后,renderbuffers已经有需要渲染的内容了。为了告诉系统有新内容要显示,需要绑定color buffer并且要求context将它呈现出来,调用的方法是[context

我们刚刚提到了display link。还记得我们从AppDelegate中调用startRenderLoop和stopRenderLoop,使得当应用在活动时,可以周期性的刷新。

//our render loop just tells the iOS device that we want to keep refreshing our view all the time
- (void)startRenderLoop
//check whether the loop is already running
if(displayLink == nil)
//the display link specifies what to do when the screen has to be redrawn,
//here we use the selector (method) drawFrame
displayLink = [self.window.screen displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(drawFrame)];

//by adding the display link to the run loop our draw method will be called 60 times per second
[displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
NSLog(@"Starting Render Loop");

为了开始周期性的更新屏幕,当确定没有设置好displayLink时,创建一个屏幕的CADisplayLink,并且告诉它重绘屏幕的时候它需要做什么。我们将target设为self,选择selector drawFrame传递给方法displayLinkWithTarget。为了得到大约每秒60次左右的刷新率,需要将displayLink添加到系统的runloop里去。代码的下一行实现这个功能,我们调用NSRunLoop 的静态方法currentRunloop来的到系统的runLoop,然后将它传递给displayLink的addToRunLoop方法。


//we have to be able to stop the render loop
- (void)stopRenderLoop
if (displayLink != nil) {
//if the display link is present, we invalidate it (so the loop stops)
[displayLink invalidate];
displayLink = nil;
NSLog(@"Stopping Render Loop");



//setter methods, should be straightforward
- (void) setDepthBufferNeeded:(BOOL)needed
useDepthBuffer = needed;

- (void) setLesson:(Lesson*)newLesson
lesson = newLesson;
//if we set a new lesson, it is not yet initialized!
lessonIsInitialized = FALSE;

//As soon as the view is resized or new subviews are added, this method is called,
//apparently the framebuffers are invalid in this case so we delete them
//and have them recreated the next time we draw to them
- (void)layoutSubviews
[self deleteFramebuffer];

//cleanup our view
- (void)dealloc
[self deleteFramebuffer];
[context release];
[super dealloc];


Dealloc方法清除我们创建的一切,即framebuffers和context。我们调用deleteFramebuffer来清除framebuffer。我们用release方法来释放context,因为它是通过garbage collection来管理的。最后我们调用父类的dealloc方法,在这里父类是UIView。在Objective-C里需要手动调用父类的dealloc方法,而在C++里父类的析构函数会被自动调用。



#include <OpenGLES/ES2/gl.h>
#include <OpenGLES/ES2/glext.h>

//this is our general lesson class, providing the two most important methods init and draw
//which will be invoked by our EAGLView
class Lesson
//the destructor has always to virtual!
virtual ~Lesson();

//abstract methods init and draw have to be defined in derived classes
virtual void init() = 0;
virtual void draw() = 0;

//we need to know the size of our drawing canvas (called renderbuffer here),
//so this method just saves the parameters in the member variables
virtual void setRenderbufferSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);

//all protected stuff will be visible within derived classes, but from nowhere else
//fields for the renderbuffer size
unsigned int m_renderbufferWidth, m_renderbufferHeight;





#include "Lesson.h"

//Lesson constructor, set default values


//Lesson destructor
//cleanup here

//save the renderbuffer size in the member variables
void Lesson::setRenderbufferSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
m_renderbufferWidth = width;
m_renderbufferHeight = height;

glViewport(0, 0, m_renderbufferWidth, m_renderbufferHeight);

在setRenderbuffSize函数里有了一个有趣的OpenGL函数调用。在把宽度和高度保存到成员变量后,我们调用了glViewport(int left, int bottom, int width, int height)。通过这个函数,我们告诉OpenGL我们打算绘制到屏幕的哪一部分。通过把起始点设为左下角,使用全部的宽度和高度,我们指明了需要用到整个屏幕。



//We derive our current lesson class from the general lesson class
class Lesson01 : public Lesson
//overwrite all important methods
virtual ~Lesson01();

virtual void init();
virtual void draw();



#include "Lesson01.h"

//lesson constructor
//initialize values

//lesson destructor
//do cleanup


(图片来源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_farbwuerfel.jpg)

//initializing all OpenGL related things
void Lesson01::init()

//set the color we use for clearing our colorRenderbuffer to red
glClearColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

看到没,要传递4个参数给glClearColor?最后一个参数指明了alpha值(RGBA颜色),alpha值定义了opacity,这个值在绝大部分面上都设为1。alpha值可用于每一个像素点混合当前的颜色和新的颜色(称为blending),因为在这里我们将每个像素的值设为RGBA-tupel,不使用 blending,所以实际上alpha值是无关紧要的。

下面我们告诉OpenGL我们希望清除color buffer。这可以用glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)命令来实现。因为我们在每一帧的开始都要用这个命令,所以把它放到draw()方法中。

//drawing a frame
void Lesson01::draw()
//clear the color buffer

//everything should be red now! yay :)



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