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libsvm for MATLAB

2014-02-28 14:52 197 查看

Libsvm is a great tool for SVM as it is very easy to use and is documented well. The libsvm package webpage is maintained by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen
Lin of NTU. The webpage can be found here.
I made this tutorial as a reminder for myself when I need to use it again. All the credits go for the libsvm developers. Here is how you can cite
the libsvm.


In this short tutorial, the following topics will be discussed:

How to install the libsvm for MATLAB on Unix machine
Linear-kernel SVM for binary classification
kernel SVM for binary classification
cross validation for C and Gamma
multi-class SVM: one-vs-rest (OVR)
More ready-to-use matlab example
Available matlab codes to download

Here is how to install the toolbox

Just read the readme file in the package. It's very easy. You can do it in both terminal and in MATLAB workspace. On Ubuntu machine, just to make sure you have gcc in your machine. If not, you
need to install it using the command below:

sudo apt-get install build-essential g++

Basic SVM: Linear-kernel SVM for binary classification

Below is the first code to run. The code is for binary classification and use the variable c = 1, gamma (g) = 0.07 and '-b 1' denotes the probability output.

% This code just simply run the SVM on the example data set "heart_scale",

% which is scaled properly. The code divides the data into 2 parts

% train: 1 to 200

% test: 201:270

% Then plot the results vs their true class. In order to visualize the high

% dimensional data, we apply MDS to the 13D data and reduce the dimension

% to 2D



close all

% addpath to the libsvm toolbox


% addpath to the data

dirData = '../libsvm-3.12';


% read the data set

[heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst] = libsvmread(fullfile(dirData,'heart_scale'));

[N D] = size(heart_scale_inst);

% Determine the train and test index

trainIndex = zeros(N,1); trainIndex(1:200) = 1;

testIndex = zeros(N,1); testIndex(201:N) = 1;

trainData = heart_scale_inst(trainIndex==1,:);

trainLabel = heart_scale_label(trainIndex==1,:);

testData = heart_scale_inst(testIndex==1,:);

testLabel = heart_scale_label(testIndex==1,:);

% Train the SVM

model = svmtrain(trainLabel, trainData, '-c 1 -g 0.07 -b 1');

% Use the SVM model to classify the data

[predict_label, accuracy, prob_values] = svmpredict(testLabel, testData, model, '-b 1'); % run the SVM model on the test data

% ================================

% ===== Showing the results ======

% ================================

% Assign color for each class

% colorList = generateColorList(2);
% This is my own way to assign the color...don't worry about it

colorList = prism(100);

% true (ground truth) class

trueClassIndex = zeros(N,1);

trueClassIndex(heart_scale_label==1) = 1;

trueClassIndex(heart_scale_label==-1) = 2;

colorTrueClass = colorList(trueClassIndex,:);

% result Class

resultClassIndex = zeros(length(predict_label),1);

resultClassIndex(predict_label==1) = 1;

resultClassIndex(predict_label==-1) = 2;

colorResultClass = colorList(resultClassIndex,:);

% Reduce the dimension from 13D to 2D

distanceMatrix = pdist(heart_scale_inst,'euclidean');

newCoor = mdscale(distanceMatrix,2);

% Plot the whole data set

x = newCoor(:,1);

y = newCoor(:,2);

patchSize = 30; %max(prob_values,[],2);

colorTrueClassPlot = colorTrueClass;

figure; scatter(x,y,patchSize,colorTrueClassPlot,'filled');

title('whole data set');

% Plot the test data

x = newCoor(testIndex==1,1);

y = newCoor(testIndex==1,2);

patchSize = 80*max(prob_values,[],2);

colorTrueClassPlot = colorTrueClass(testIndex==1,:);

figure; hold on;



% Plot the training set

x = newCoor(trainIndex==1,1);

y = newCoor(trainIndex==1,2);

patchSize = 30;

colorTrueClassPlot = colorTrueClass(trainIndex==1,:);


title('classification results');

The result shows:

optimization finished, #iter = 137

nu = 0.457422

obj = -76.730867, rho = 0.435233

nSV = 104, nBSV = 81

Total nSV = 104

Accuracy = 81.4286% (57/70) (classification)

The whole data set is plotted:

The clustering results might look like this:

The unfilled markers represent data instance from the train set. The filled markers represent data instance from the test set, and filled color represents the class label assigned by SVM whereas
the edge color represents the true (ground-truth) label. The marker size of the test set represents the probability that the sample instance is assigned with its corresponding class label; the bigger, the more confidence.

Kernel SVM for binary classification

Now let's apply some kernel to the SVM. We use almost the same code as before, the only exception is the train data set, trainData, is replaced by the kernelized version
and the test data, testData, is replaced by its kernelized version
[(1:70)' testData*trainData']
appeared below.

% Train the SVM

model = svmtrain(trainLabel, [(1:200)' trainData*trainData'], '-c 1 -g 0.07 -b 1 -t 4');

% Use the SVM model to classify the data

[predict_label, accuracy, prob_values] = svmpredict(testLabel, [(1:70)' testData*trainData'],
 model, '-b 1');
% run the SVM model on the test data

The complete code can be found here.
The resulting clusters are shown in the figure below.

'Linear' kernel

optimization finished, #iter = 403796

nu = 0.335720

obj = -67.042781, rho = -1.252604

nSV = 74, nBSV = 60

Total nSV = 74

Accuracy = 85.7143% (60/70) (classification)

'polynomial' kernel

optimization finished, #iter = 102385

nu = 0.000001

obj = -0.000086, rho = -0.465342

nSV = 69, nBSV = 0

Total nSV = 69

Accuracy = 72.8571% (51/70) (classification)

'RBF' kernel

optimization finished, #iter = 372

nu = 0.890000

obj = -97.594730, rho = 0.194414

nSV = 200, nBSV = 90

Total nSV = 200

Accuracy = 57.1429% (40/70) (classification)

'Sigmoid' kernel

optimization finished, #iter = 90

nu = 0.870000

obj = -195.417169, rho = 0.999993

nSV = 174, nBSV = 174

Total nSV = 174

Accuracy = 60% (42/70) (classification)

'MLP' kernel

optimization finished, #iter = 1247

nu = 0.352616

obj = -68.842421, rho = -0.552693

nSV = 77, nBSV = 63

Total nSV = 77

Accuracy = 82.8571% (58/70) (classification)

Linear-kernel SVM: 85.7% accuracy

Polynomial-kernel SVM: 72.86% accuracy

RBF-kernel SVM: 57.14% accuracy

Sigmoid-kernel SVM: 60% accuracy

MLP-kernel SVM: 82.86% accuracy

Cross validation of C and Gamma

The option for svmtrain

n-fold cross validation: n must >= 2

Usage: model = svmtrain(training_label_vector, training_instance_matrix, 'libsvm_options');


-s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0)

0 -- C-SVC

1 -- nu-SVC

2 -- one-class SVM

3 -- epsilon-SVR

4 -- nu-SVR

-t kernel_type : set type of kernel function (default 2)

0 -- linear: u'*v

1 -- polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree

2 -- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)

3 -- sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)

4 -- precomputed kernel (kernel values in training_instance_matrix)

-d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3)

-g gamma : set gamma in kernel function (default 1/num_features)

-r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0)

-c cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1)

-n nu : set the parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5)

-p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1)

-m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default 100)

-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001)

-h shrinking : whether to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1)

-b probability_estimates : whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0)

-wi weight : set the parameter C of class i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1)

-v n : n-fold cross validation mode

-q : quiet mode (no outputs)

In this example, we will use the option enforcing n-fold cross validation in svmtrain, which is simply put the '-v n' in the parameter section, where n denote n-fold cross validation. Here is
the example of using 3-fold cross validation:

param = ['-q -v 3 -c ', num2str(c), ' -g ', num2str(g)];

cv = svmtrain(trainLabel, trainData, param);

In the example below, I will show the nested cross validation. First, we search for the optimal parameters (c and gamma) in the big scale, then the searching space is narrowed down until satisfied.
The results are compared with the first experiment which does not use the optimal parameters. The full code can be found here.

Big scale parameters searching

Medium scale parameters searching

Small scale parameters searching

Accuracy = 84.29% which is better than using the non-really-optimal parameter c=1 and gamma=0.07 in the previous experiment which gives 81.43% accuracy.

Multi-class SVM

Naturally, SVM is a binary classification model, how can we use SVM in the multi-class scenario? In this example, we will show you how to do multi-class classification using libsvm. A simple
strategy is to do binary classification 1 pair at a time. Here we will use one-versus-rest approach. In fact, we can just use the original codes (svmtrain and svmpredict) from the libsvm package to do the job by making a "wrapper code" to call the original
code one pair at a time. The good news is that libsvm tutorial page provides a wrapper code to do so already. Yes, we will just use it properly.

Just download the demo code from the end of this URL,
which says

[code][trainY trainX] = libsvmread('./dna.scale');
[testY testX] = libsvmread('./dna.scale.t');
model = ovrtrain(trainY, trainX, '-c 8 -g 4');
[pred ac decv] = ovrpredict(testY, testX, model);
fprintf('Accuracy = %g%%\n', ac * 100);

The codes ovrtrain and ovrpredict are the wrapper. You can also do the cross validation from the demo code below, where get_cv_ac is again the wrapper code.

[code]bestcv = 0;
for log2c = -1:2:3,
  for log2g = -4:2:1,
    cmd = ['-q -c ', num2str(2^log2c), ' -g ', num2str(2^log2g)];
    cv = get_cv_ac(trainY, trainX, cmd, 3);
    if (cv >= bestcv),
      bestcv = cv; bestc = 2^log2c; bestg = 2^log2g;
    fprintf('%g %g %g (best c=%g, g=%g, rate=%g)\n', log2c, log2g, cv, bestc, bestg, bestcv);

The full-implemented code can be found here.
Results show that

row 1-2000: training set.

The one-vs-rest multiclass SVM results. Here we do parameter selection on the train set yielding the accuracy for each class:

class1: Accuracy = 94.3508% (1119/1186) (classification)

class2: Accuracy = 95.4469% (1132/1186) (classification)

class3: Accuracy = 94.1821% (1117/1186) (classification)

overall class: Accuracy = 94.0135%

The best parameters are c=8 and gamma=0.0625.

Note when the parameters are not select properly, say c=8, gamma=4, the accuracy is as low as 60%. So, parameter selection is really important!!!!

More examples

You may find the following examples useful. Each code is built for some specific application, which might be useful to the reader to download and tweak just to save your developing time.

Big picture: In this scenario, I compiled an easy example to illustrate how to use svm in full
process. The code contains:

data generation
determining train and test data set
parameter selection using n-fold cross validation, both semi-manual and the automatic approach
train the svm model using one-versus-rest (OVR) approach
use the svm model to classify the test set in OVR mode
make confusion matrix to evaluate the results
show the results in an informative way
display the decision boundary on the feature space

Reporting a results using n-fold cross validation: In case you have only 1 data set (i.e., there is no explicit train or test set), n-fold cross validation is a conventional way to assess a classifier. The overall accuracy is obtained
by averaging the accuracy per each of the n-fold cross validation. The observations are separated into n folds equally, the code use n-1 folds to train the svm model which will be used to classify the remaining 1 fold according to standard OVR. The code can
be found here.
Using multiclass ovr-svm with kernel: So far I haven't shown the usage of ovr-svm with kernel specific ('-t x'). In fact, you can add the kernel to any ovr code, they will work. The complete code can be found here.

For parameter selection using cross validation, we use the code below to calculate the average accuracy cv. You can just add
'-t x'
to the code.

cmd = ['-q -c ', num2str(2^log2c), ' -g ', num2str(2^log2g),' -t 0'];

cv = get_cv_ac(trainLabel, [(1:NTrain)' trainData*trainData'], cmd, Ncv);

Training: just add
'-t x'
to the training code

bestParam = ['-q -c ', num2str(bestc), ', -g ', num2str(bestg),' -t 0'];

model = ovrtrainBot(trainLabel, [(1:NTrain)' trainData*trainData'], bestParam);

Classification: the
'-t x'
is included in the variable
already, so you don't need to specify
'-t x'
again when classifying.

[predict_label, accuracy, decis_values] = ovrpredictBot(testLabel, [(1:NTest)' testData*trainData'], model);

[decis_value_winner, label_out] = max(decis_values,[],2);

However, I found that the code can be very slow in parameter selection routine when the number of class and the number of cross validation are big (e.g., Nclass = 10, Ncv=3). I think the slow part might be caused by
which can be huge. Personally I like to use the default kernel (RBF), which we don't need to make the kernel matrix X*X', which might contribute to a pretty quick speed.

Complete example for classification using n-fold cross validation: This code works on the single data where the train and test set are combined within one single set. More details can be found here.
Complete example for classification using train and test data set separately: This code works on the data set where the train and test set are separated, that is, train the model using train set and use the model to classify the
test set. More details can be found here.
How to obtain the SVM weight vector w: Please see the example code and discussion from StackOverflow.

List of available matlab codes

codebinary/multiclass parameter selectionclassification separated/n-fold kerneldata setdescription
demo_libsvm_test1.mbinaryno, manually separateddefault (RBF) heart_scale This code shows the simple (perhaps simplest) usage of the svmlib package to train and classify. Very easy to understand.

This code just simply run the SVM on the example data set "heart_scale", which is scaled properly. The code divides the data into 2 parts train: 1 to 200 and test: 201:270

Then plot the results vs their true class. In order to visualize the high dimensional data, we apply MDS to the 13D data and reduce the dimension to 2D
demo_libsvm_test2.mbinary no, manually separated Specifiedheart_scale Identical to _test1 except that it shows how to specify the kernel (e.g., '-t 4') in the code.
demo_libsvm_test3.mbinary semi-automatic, but the code is still not compactseparated defaultheart_scale Identical to _test1 except that it include a routine searching for good parameters c and gamma
demo_libsvm_test4.mmulticlass, OVR semi-automaticseparateddefaultdna_scaleThis code shows how to use the libsvm for the multiclass, more specifically one-vs-rest (OVR), scenario. For both training and classifying, we adopt the OVR wrapper codes posted in the libsvm website:

ovrtrain.m and

demo_libsvm_test5.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic but not perfectseparateddefault10-class spiralHere both the train and test set are generated from 10-class spiral made available here.
The data set is very intuitive.

In this code, we also make a routine to determine the optimal parameters automatically. The user can guess an initial parameter, the routine will keep improving it.

Here we also modify the original train and classify function a bit:

ovrtrainBot.m <-- ovrtrain.m

ovrpredictBot.m <-- ovrpredict.m

Furthermore, the confusion matrix is shown in the results. We also plot the decision values in the feature space just to give an idea how the decision boundary looks like.

demo_libsvm_test6.mmulticlass, OVRno, manuallyleave-one-out n-fold cross validationdefault10-class spiralIn this code we want to illustrate how to perform classification using n-fold cross validation, which is a common methodology to use when the data set does not have explicit training and test set separately.
Such data sets usually come as a single set and we will need to separate them into n equal parts/folds. The leave-one-out n-fold cross validation is to classify observations in a fold k by using the model trained from {all}-{k} models, and repeat the process
for all k.

The user is required to separate the data into n folds by assigning "run" label for each observation. The observations with identical run number will be grouped together into a fold. It is a preference to have observations from all the classes within a certain
fold. In fact, assigning the run number to each observation randomly is fine as well.
demo_libsvm_test7.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic, quite perfectseparateddefault and specific are fine here10-class spiralThis code is developed based on _test5. What we add are:

better automatic cross validation routine than _test5.m
kernel-specific code snippet

We found that having kernel-specific is much slower than using the default (without '-t x'). At this point, I prefer using the default kernel.

demo_libsvm_test8.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic, quite perfectseparateddefault and specific are fine here10-class spiralThe code is developed based on _test7. The improvement is that the automatic cross validation for parameter selection is made into a function, which is much more convenient. The function is


demo_libsvm_test9.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic, quite perfectleave-one-out n-fold cross validationdefault10-class spiralThis code is an excellent example complete code for classification using n-fold cross validation and automatic parameters selection.

The code is developed based on _test8. The difference is we put the n-fold classification (from _test6) into a function:

demo_libsvm_test10.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic, quite perfectseparateddefault10-class spiralThis code is an excellent example complete code for classification on strain-test_separated data set and automatic parameters selection.

The code is developed based on _test8 and _test9.
demo_libsvm_test11.mmulticlass, OVRmulti-scale automatic, quite perfect separateddefault and specific are fine here 3-class ring This code is developed based on -test10, except that the code is made to work for any kernel. However, the results are not good at all. Moreover, the run time is not good either. We found a better way using multiclass pair-wise
SVM, which is the default multiclass SVM approach in the libsvm package. In the next version (_test12), we will test the pair-wise SVM.
demo_libsvm_test12.m multiclass, pair-wise (default method for multiclass in the libsvm package)multi-scale automatic, quite perfect separateddefault and specific kernel are fine here.4-class spiralThe code is developed based on _test11. I figure that the function svmtrain and svmpredict, originally implemented in libsvm, support multiclass pair-wise SVM. We don't even need to make the kernel matrix ourself, we you need
to do is just pick your kernel '-t x', parameters '-c y -g z', and you will get the results. With this regard, I make another version of parameter selection routine using cross validation:

automaticParameterSelection2.m <only slightly different from automaticParameterSelection.m>

which call the n-fold cross validation classification routine:


I would say this is the best so-far code to run on separated data set as it provides parameter selection routine and the train and classification routines. Very easy to follow.

demo_libsvm_test13.m multiclass, pair-wise multi-scale automatic, quite perfect leave-one-out n-fold cross validation default and specific kernel are fine here. 4-class ring The code is developed based on _test12. The only difference is that this code use n-fold cross validation when classifying the "single" data set, i.e., the data set where both train and test set are combine together--often found
when the number of observations is limited.

This is the best code to use to run on the single data set using n-fold cross validation classification.
All the code can be found in the zip file here.
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