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The Hare and The Tortoise

2014-02-27 13:34 281 查看
One day a hare was telling how fast he can run ,"I can beat anyone," he cried,"Will one of you try a race with me ?","I will !"  , said the tortoise."you!? "

laughed the hare "oh,oh,oh,how funny!"he laughed! "Save your laughing for the end of the race." said the tortoise.

So a starting line was made,and away they went,the hare run  fast and  was soon far ahead,so he sat down to  rest.By the time the tortoise came up ,the hare was sleeping.

On and on went the tortoise,and when the hare looked up at last,it was too late!

There sat the tortoise by the sign said : The End! 
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标签:  英语 背诵