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2014-02-25 16:43 369 查看
1,quest3Dhttp://www.quest3d.com/index.php?id=208 2,vvvv:主要是windows平台http://vvvv.org/ 3,Quartz Composer 主要是mac平台http://developer.apple.com/graphicsimaging/quartz/quartzcomposer.html 4,Harrisonhttp://www.harrisondigitalmedia.com/ 5,Blender也实现了结点组合式的可视化编程Nodes are a good tool that provide a user interactive, each node is a box with inputs and outputs that implement a function. Each node have interactive parameters that user can be set. Each node can be linked with others nodes linking outputs to inputsBlender的Composite Nodes 模块,在这里:http://www.blender.org/development/release-logs/blender-242/blender-composite-nodes/opencv和Blender结合,BlenderOCV:http://blog.damiles.com/2008/12/blenderocv-blender-can-be-good-and-powerful-tool-for-computer-vision-with-opencv/ 6, Harpia 基于OpenCV的可视化编程 开源http://s2i.das.ufsc.br/harpia/en/home.html 7,processing 基于opengl的可视化编程, 开源http://www.processing.org/ 8,community core vision 界面使用opengl绘制,缩写ccv,注意运行ccv必须安装quicktime开源http://ccv.nuigroup.com/ Code downloadn: http://nuicode.svnrepository.com/svn/tbeta/trunk/tbeta/Windows ccv是基于openframeworks开发的。OpenFrameworks和Cinder都是基于C++的开发框架/库,新媒体技术新势力。 功能上,可与Processing做类比。使用上,比起Processing的快速简洁,OF和Cinder要复杂一些,更偏向技术人员。豆瓣上的一个小组:http://www.douban.com/group/OpenFrameworks/ 9,sourceForge上面有一个简单的visual programming开源库:http://sourceforge.net/projects/svprog/ 10,Movid: modular open vision interactive demon
11,Autodesk‘ Node-based Interactive Creative Environment。 简称ICE ICE is a powerful platform for creating and sharing custom tools, dynamic effects, advanced character rigs,and procedual models without the need to script a line of code. The flexible, intuitive, visual programming interface helps artists to work more efficiently and easily explore new creative ideas, while a high-performance parallel processing engine helps increase interactivity and boost productivity. Artists can modify or extend effects using a standard editing workflow with the ICE FX Builder. ICE effects can be exported to Autodesk Maya software or Autodesk 3ds Max software.http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?siteID=123112&id=13571400商业的工业级产品。 12,NodeBox2http://beta.nodebox.net/
NodeBox 2 is an open-source application that generates visual output based on programming code, a node-based interface or natural language (i.e. English.) In the user interface you connect nodes (building blocks) together to create interesting visuals. Nodes can be opened to examine or edit the (Python) source code. AI techniques allow the system to evaluate written text and transform it into nodes using analogy and conceptual association.
13,SynapseSynapse is a node based compositorhttp://code.google.com/p/vexx/ 14,MindNode思维导向软件。http://www.mindnode.com/
各种软件综述:http://www.plastikwrap.com/news/vj-software-and-interactive-visual-programming/ 15,into 一个开源的 人工智能框架。http://intopii.com/into/
16,Visual Minds,基于flash开发http://www.visualminds.hu/en/tag/node-based-environment/

17,MeVisLab 强大的图像处理模块框架库,主要偏向医学图像的应用。
MeVisLab represents a powerful, modular framework for the development of image processing algorithms and visualization and interaction methods, with a special focus on medical imaging。

18. Voreen:体数据可视化软件。http://voreen.uni-muenster.de/?q=download
19. nodewerkhttp://nodewerk.com/
20. cinderhttp://libcinder.org/


add ccv - 2010/12/23 add ice - 2011/3/9 add boxnode ,add Synapse - 2011/9/28 add into - 2011-12-2 add MeVisLab - 2012-7-24 add Voreen -2012-10-12 add nodewerk-2012-12-27 add cinder 2013-04-26
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