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Understanding and Investigating SSL Issues Support Pattern

2014-02-21 10:15 645 查看
Applies to:

Oracle WebLogic Server - Version 6.1 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document is asupport pattern describing the SSL implementation in WebLogic Server andprovides tips on how to troubleshoot related problems
Problem Description
Two communicating parties, using the SSL(Secure Socket Layer) protocol, cannot establish a connection due to an SSLfailure.


What is SSL and how does it work?
SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer. TheSSL protocol was developed by Netscape and is supported by all popular webbrowsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera.For
SSL to work, a SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Authority must beinstalled on the web server. SSL can then be used to encrypt the datatransmitted (secure SSL transactions) between a browser and web server (and viceversa). Browsers indicate a SSL-secured
session by changing the HTTP to HTTPSand displaying a small padlock. Web site visitors can click on the padlock toview the SSL certificate.
What is PKC and how does it work?
Public Key Cryptography (PKC) is a method forsecurely exchanging messages, based on assigning two complimentary keys (onepublic, one private) to the individuals involved in a transaction. Public
KeyCryptography is based on the science of encryption, the mathematical scramblingand unscrambling of messages.
Public key cryptography addresses several ofthe shortcomings of symmetric key cryptography. In public key cryptography, anindividual or organization has two complimentary keys, one called a
public key,and one called a private key. Any information encrypted using the private keycan only be decrypted using the public key. Conversely, any informationencrypted using the public key can only be decrypted using the private key. Forexample:
Bob has two complimentary keys
What one key encrypts on the other key can decrypt
Bob keeps one key private (Private Key)
Bob makes one key available to the public (Public Key)
If Alice needs to send Bob a message
Bob sends Alice a copy of his public key
Alice encrypts a message with Bob's public key
Bob decrypts the message with his private key
In Public Key Cryptography, if Alice wants tosend a secret message to Bob, she must obtain a copy of his public key. Beforedoing so, however, she needs to make sure that the public key really
belongs toBob.
Certificates (also called Digital IDs)address this problem. A certificate is an electronic document that binds apublic key to a particular individual or organization. Certificates are issuedby
a trusted third party, called a Certification Authority (CA). Before issuinga certificate, a good CA will go though a series of authentication proceduresto make sure that Bob is who he claims to be, and that the public key in thecertificate really belongs
to Bob.
What is a Certificate?
Technically, SSL Certificates, also known asdigital certificates, bind an identity to a pair of electronic keys that can beused to encrypt and sign digital information. An SSL Certificate makes
itpossible to verify someone's claim that they have the right to use a given key,helping to prevent people from using funny keys to impersonate other users.Used in conjunction with encryption, SSL Certificates provide a completesecurity solution, assuring
the identity of one or all parties involved in atransaction.
An SSL Certificate is issued by a trustedthird party called a Certification Authority (CA). A CA acts somewhat like apassport office. CAs must take steps to establish the identity of the people
ororganizations to whom they issue IDs. Once the CA establishes an organization'sidentity, it issues a certificate that contains the organization's public keyand signs it with the CA's private Key .
By using a SSL Certificate, you are enablingyour site to conduct authenticated, encrypted on-line commerce. Users visitingyour site will be able to submit credit card numbers or other personalinformation
to your site, with assurance that they are really doing businesswith you (and not an impostor) and that the information that they are sendingto you can not be intercepted or decrypted by anyone other than the intendedrecipient. Your SSL Certificate will contain
the following information:
Your organization's common name (e.g., www.oracle.com)
Additional identifying information (e.g., IP and physical address)
Your public key
Expiration date of the public key
Name of the CA that issued the ID (i.e., VeriSign)
A unique serial number
VeriSign's digital signature
What is a Certificate Authority?
A Certificate Authority is a trusted thirdparty similar to a passport office, or a Certified Public Accountant.Certificate Authorities are responsible for issuing, revoking, renewing, andproviding
directories of digital certificates. Certificate Authorities mustfollow rigorous procedures for authenticating the individuals and organizationsto whom they issue certificates. All digital certificates are"signed" with the Certificate Authority's private key
to ensureauthenticity. The Certificate Authority's Public Key is widely distributed.
What is a SSL handshake?
The SSL handshake is the term given to theprocess of the browser and web server setting up a SSL session. The SSLhandshake involves the browser receiving the SSL certificate and then sending"challenge"
data to the web server in order to cryptographicallyprove whether the web server holds the SSL key associated with the SSLcertificate. If the cryptographic challenge is successful then the SSLhandshake has completed and the web server will hold a SSL session
with the webbrowser. During a SSL session the data transmitted between the web server andweb browser will be encrypted.
Before you can understand how to troubleshoota handshake it is important to understand it. When you debug the handshakeusing debug options, each handshake phase needs to be analyzed so you candetermine
the problem. To understand what is going on in a handshake, refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v2r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.itame2.doc_5.1/ss7aumst18.htm

The client sends a ClientHello message towhich the server must respond with a ServerHello message, or else a fatal errorwill occur and the connection will fail. The client hello and server hello
areused to establish security enhancement capabilities between client and server.The client hello and server hello establish the following attributes: protocolversion, session ID, cipher suite, and compression method.
Following the hello messages, the server willsend its Certificate, if it is to be authenticated.
If the server is authenticated, it mayrequest for client authentication a certificate (CertificateRequest) from theclient, if that is appropriate to the cipher suite selected (Optional 2 way).
Now the server will send the ServerHelloDonemessage, indicating that the hello-message phase of the handshake is complete.The server will then wait for a client response.
If the server has sent a CertificateRequestmessage, the client must send either the Certificate message or a nocertificate alert (optional 2 way). The ClientKeyExchange message is now sent,and
the content of that message will depend on the public key algorithmselected between the ClientHello and the ServerHello. If the client has sent acertificate with signing ability, a digitally-signed CertificateVerify messageis sent to explicitly verify the
At this point, a ChangeCipherSpec message issent by the client, and the client copies the pending Cipher Spec into thecurrent Cipher Spec. The client then immediately sends the Finished messageunder
the new algorithms, keys, and secrets. In response, the server will sendits own ChangeCipherSpec message, transfer the pending to the current CipherSpec, and send its Finished message under the new Cipher Spec. At this point,the handshake is complete and the
client and server may begin to exchangeapplication layer data. (See flow chart below.)
Certificate Formats
The primary certificate types are:
Can contain all of private keys (RSA andDSA), public keys (RSA and DSA) and (x509) certificates. It stores data Base64encoded DER format, surrounded by ASCII headers, so is suitable for text
modetransfers between systems.













Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) cancontain all of private keys, public keys and certificates. It is the defaultformat for most browsers, and is stored according to the ASN1 DER format. It
isheaderless -- PEM is text header wrapped DER.
Public Key Cryptography Standards #12(PKCS#12) can contain all private keys, public keys, and certificates. Itstores in a binary format, and is also known as PFX files.
Generating Demo Certificates
To setup certificate configurations, ensurethat you have a set of the following certificates:
Step 1 - Create demo private keys
There are three ways to create a private key:You can use:
Certificate Servlet
keytool (from your jdk)
To generate the private key:
Usage; keytool-genkey      [-v] [-alias <alias>] [-keyalg<keyalg>]

            [-keysize <taille_cle>] [-sigalg <sigalg>]

            [-dname <nomd>] [-validity <joursval>]

            [-keypass <mot_passe_cle>] [-keystore <keystore>]

            [-storepass <mot_passe_store>] [-storetype <type_store>]

            [-provider <classe_fournisseur>] ...

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias mykey -keystore mykeystore.jks

Enter keystore password:  password

What is your first and last name?

  [Unknown]:  Colette Gotfried

What is the name of your organizational unit?

  [Unknown]:  Customer Service

What is the name of your organization?

  [Unknown]:  BEA

What is the name of your City or Locality?

  [Unknown]:  Liberty Corner

What is the name of your State or Province?

  [Unknown]:  New Jersey

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

  [Unknown]:  NJ

Is CN=Colette, OU=Customer Service, O=BEA, L=Liberty Corner, ST=NJ, C=NJcorrect?

  [no]:  yes

Enter key password for <mykey>

        (RETURN if same as keystorepassword):
As a result you obtain a file:mykeystore.jks, containing a private key, and a self-signed public key. Formore details on the use of keytool, refer to

Keytool Manual.
Certificate Servlet from WebLogic(deprecated in 7.0)
The application is the file certificate.warwhen deployed. It is called as follows: http://hostname:port/certificate Step 2 - Sign the public key by atrusted CA
The next step is to have the public keysigned by a know CA. This is done by retrieving the CSR (Cert SignatureRequest) and sending it to one of the Certificate Authorities.
keytool -certreq-keystore

Enter keystore password :  password










You will need to copy and paste all this(including -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END NEW CERTIFICATEREQUEST-----) to the Certification Authority.
The following example uses the Verisign CA:
Go to the
Verisign site
Click on SSL Trial ID
Fill in all your details and copy and paste your generated CSR
Verisign will then send you an email with the PEM content of the public key. Save it under public.pem
A link to the Verisign CA root certificate is given -- save it under a new file such as CA.pem
Store the CA root in your keystore. If youhave an intermediate CA you will have to put it in there after the CA rootetc.:
keytool -import-alias verisignCA -file CA.pem -keystore mykeystore -trustcacerts

keytool -import -alias verisignIntermediateCA -file IntermediateCA.pem-keystore mykeystore -trustcacerts
Import the public key into your keystore. Itwill go on the same alias as the private key:
keytool -import-alias mykey -file public.pem -keystore mykeystore -trustcacerts
Converting Certificate Formats
OpenSSL is an open software tool that providessimilar functionality as keytool. Download OpenSSL from
To PKCS#12 (Mozilla, IE etc.) from PEM
openssl pkcs12 -export-in pem-certificate-and-key-file -out pkcs-12-certificate-and-key-file

openssl pkcs12 -export -in pem-certificate-file -inkey pem-key-file -outpkcs-12-certificate-and-key-file
From PKCS#12 to PEM
Extract the private key from the pkcs12 file
Open a command line from the openssl/bin directory
Run the following command to extract the private key from the pkcs12 file:
openssl pkcs12 -inkeyexport.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out keyexport.prv
Enter the password used to create the pkcs12 (.pfx) file
Extract the public key from the pkcs12 file
Run the following command to extract the public key from the pkcs12 file:
openssl pkcs12 -inkeyexport.pfx -nokeys -out keyexport.pub
Enter the password used to create the pkcs12 (.pfx) file
Enter PEM pass phrase and a confirmation
From PEM/DER to DER/PEM - RSA Keys
openssl rsa-inform PEM|DER -outform DER|PEM -in pem-file|der-file -out der-file|pem-file

A PEM key looks like:

...ascii stuff....

NOTE: A DER key is not readable in ascii.
Look into a Certificate
Private keys:

     openssl -rsa -inform DER -in demokey.der -text

Public keys, Certifications Authorities:

     openssl -x509 -inform PEM -in democert.pem -text

keytool -list -keystore mykeystore.jks -v

Enter keystore password: password

Keystore type: jks

Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: mykey

Creation date: Mar 30, 2013

Entry type: keyEntry

Certificate chain length: 1


Owner: CN=Colette, OU=Customer Service, O=BEA, L=Liberty Corner, ST=NJ, C=NJ

Issuer: CN=Colette, OU=Customer Service, O=BEA, L=Liberty Corner, ST=NJ, C=NJ

Serial number: 4069afc4

Valid from: Tue Mar 30 12:35:00 EST 2013 until: Mon Jun 28 13:35:00 EDT 2013

Certificate fingerprints:

        MD5: 1D:D7:8F:82:19:6D:A6:BF:C9:B1:DA:E2:EB:B3:C1:93



Other commands:
Extract the private key from the pkcs12 file:
openssl pkcs12 -inkeyexport.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out keyexport.prv
Extract the public key from the pkcs12 file:
openssl pkcs12 -inkeyexport.pfx -nokeys -out keyexport.pub
For more information, refer to
http://www.techonline.com/community/ed_resource/feature_article/14364 Configure WLS to use your keystore (oneway SSL only)
From the Admin console, go to your serverpage, and in the Keystore&SSL tab choose:
Custom Identityand Custom Trust

Custom Identity

Custom Identity Key Store File Name:  mykeystore

Custom Identity Key Store Type: jks

Custom Identity Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Confirm Custom Identity Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Custom Trust

Custom Trust Key Store File Name: mykeystore

Custom Trust Key Store Type: jks

Custom Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Confirm Custom Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Private Key Alias: mykey

Passphrase: password

Confirm Passphrase: password
Ensure that SSL Listen Port Enabled isselected, then restart your server.
<19 dec. 2013 10h 39 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><SSLManager.getServerCertificate()>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Notice> <Security><BEA-090171> <Loading the identity certificate stored under the aliasmykey from the jks keystore file D:\_Wk\supportpattern\mydomain\demokeystore.>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000298> <Certificate expires in 14 days: [


  Version: V3

  Subject: CN=CertServer, OU=BEASystems, O=BEA, L=Paris, ST=Florida, C=FR

  Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

  Key:  com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.JSA_RSAPublicKey@1bf

  Validity: [From: Fri Dec 19 01:00:00 CET 2013,

              To: Sat Jan 03 00:59:59 CET 2014]

  Issuer: OU=For VeriSign authorized testing only. No assurances(C)VS1997, OU=www.verisign.com/repository/TestCPS Incorp. By Ref. Liab. LTD.,O="VeriSign, Inc"

  SerialNumber: [    0ed7bf9a 778fd148 175bac0b e1d3627d]

Certificate Extensions: 5

[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false

Extension unknown: DER encoded OCTET string =

0000: 04 3B 30 39 30 37 A0 35   A0 33 86 31 68 74 74 70 .;0907.5.3.1http

0010: 3A 2F 2F 63 72 6C 2E 76   65 72 69 73 69 67 6E 2E ://crl.verisign.

0020: 63 6F 6D 2F 53 65 63 75   72 65 53 65 72 76 65 72 com/SecureServer

0030: 54 65 73 74 69 6E 67 43   41 2E 63 72 6C          TestingCA.crl

[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false

ExtendedKeyUsages [


[3]: ObjectId: Criticality=false

CertificatePolicies [

  [CertificatePolicyId: [2.16.840.1.113733.1.7.21]

[PolicyQualifierInfo: [



0000: 16 2A 68 74 74 70 3A 2F   2F 77 77 77 2E 76 65 72 .*http://www.ver

0010: 69 73 69 67 6E 2E 63 6F   6D 2F 72 65 70 6F 73 69 isign.com/reposi

0020: 74 6F 72 79 2F 54 65 73   74 43 50 53             tory/TestCPS

]]  ]


[4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false

KeyUsage [




[5]: ObjectId: Criticality=false



PathLen: undefined



  Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]


0000: 08 3A F5 EC EE 10 AD 9C   3C D7 94 5A 84 9C 34 F2 .:......<..Z..4.

0010: 61 70 30 45 AF 99 03 79   AF 47 D9 A0 62 20 A6 D3 ap0E...y.G..b ..

0020: C1 21 98 59 A3 3D 6D 8F   E9 58 71 CE 87 FE AB 8A .!.Y.=m..Xq.....

0030: 99 D8 F5 71 DE 44 55 2E   BB EB 86 15 C0 31 BF 25 ...q.DU......1.%


<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Info> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000307> <Exportable key maximum lifespan set to 500 uses.>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Info> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000308> <Using full strength (domestic) SSL.>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Notice> <Security><BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore fileD:\_Wk\supportpattern\mydomain\demokeystore.>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Trusted CA: [


  Version: V1

  Subject: OU=For VeriSign authorized testing only. No assurances(C)VS1997, OU=www.verisign.com/repository/TestCPS Incorp. By Ref. Liab. LTD.,O="VeriSign, Inc"

  Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4

  Key:  com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.JSA_RSAPublicKey@166

  Validity: [From: Sun Jun 07 02:00:00 CEST 2008,

              To: Wed Jun 07 01:59:59 CEST 2006]

  Issuer: OU=For VeriSign authorized testing only. No assurances(C)VS1997, OU=www.verisign.com/repository/TestCPS Incorp. By Ref. Liab. LTD.,O="VeriSign, Inc"

  SerialNumber: [    52a9f424 da674c9d af4f5378 52abef6e]


  Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]


0000: A5 A7 47 F2 8F 37 10 A0   96 94 CF E6 7C DB A3 E4 ..G..7..........

0010: 02 22 49 AC 08 F8 D3 08   C9 EF 9B B2 9C C0 32 60 ."I...........2`

0020: B9 A1 30 92 88 B5 80 14   98 F5 B8 89 A7 DA 0A F9 ..0.............

0030: CB F5 62 7D CA B9 53 3E   62 9B 5C 59 72 DF C7 12 ..b...S>b.\Yr...


<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><SSLManager: loaded 1 trusted CAs fromD:\_Wk\supportpattern\mydomain\demokeystore>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Info> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000307> <Exportable key maximum lifespan set to 500 uses.>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Info> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000300> <Certificate contents: 2 certificate(s):

  fingerprint = 68dd50d604d078d8da79c2b93a6d9886, not before = Fri Dec 1901:00:00 CET 2013, not after = Sat Jan 03 00:59:59 CET 2023, holder = C=FRSP=Florida L=Paris O=BEA OU=BEASystems CN=CertServer , issuer = O=VeriSign, IncOU=For Veri Sign authorized testing
only. No assurances (C)VS1997 , key = modulus length=12 9 exponent length=3

  fingerprint = 40065311fdb33e880a6f7dd14e229187, not before = Sun Jun 0702:00:

00 CEST 2013, not after = Wed Jun 07 01:59:59 CEST 2023, holder = O=VeriSign,Inc OU=For VeriSign authorized testing only. No assurances (C)VS1997 , issuer =O=VeriSign, Inc OU=For VeriSign authorized testing only. No assurances(C)VS1997 , key =  modulus length=65
exponent length=3>

<19 dec. 2013 10 h 39 CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer><BEA-000355> <Thread "SSLListenThread.Default" listening onport 7002, ip address *.*>
You are done. WebLogic is now configuredsuccessfully to do one-way SSL (no client authentication).
Problem Troubleshooting
A problem can originate in the SSLconfiguration of one of the parties, in the certificates used for SSLcommunication, or in the SSL software being used. The first step is to identifythe exact
SSL failure experienced by the parties.
1. Know the failure: Enable the SSLDebug Flags to track SSL issues
To diagnose an SSL issue, add the followingto the java command line:


The flag -Dweblogic.security.SSL.debugEaten=truecan also be added to the server. It is recommended that this be added at thevery last minute as it may be too wordy to be helpful.
Debug flags can also be enabled in the AdminConsole: see
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/apirefs.1111/e13952/taskhelp/task_runtimes/DefineDebugSettings.htmlfor instructions. For our purposes, enable the weblogic.security.ssl tree ofdebug flags.
This should be done for the server and theclient, if both are using the WebLogic SSL package, otherwise, only for theWebLogic party of the handshake.
2. What does a correct handshake looklike?
NOTE: For more information refer to

What is a SSL Handshake?
First SSL Handshake
If you grep an SSL log, a good handshakeshould show the following:
Server Side
type mylogserver |grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientHelloV2>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange RSA>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>

type mylogserver | grep "CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><write CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC offset = 0 length = 1>
Client Side
type mylogclient |grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHelloDone>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>
SSL resuming a session
This is what occurs when a handshake resumesa session on a second request:

Image from FreeSSL.com. SSL Jargon Buster!.n.d. <http://www.freessl.com/ssl-certificate/ssl-terms.html>(May
19, 2004).
Server Side
typemylogserver  | grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientHelloV2>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange RSA>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>



<18 dec. 2013 13 h 27 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientHello>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 27 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>

type mylogserver  | grep "CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 27 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><write CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC offset = 0 length = 1>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 27 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><126795 received CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC>
Client Side
type mylogclient |grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHelloDone>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>


<18 dec. 2013 13 h 26 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>

<18 dec. 2013 13 h 27 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>
Handshake doing client authentication(2-way SSL)
This is what occurs when a handshake doesclient authentication (2-way SSL):

Image from FreeSSL.com. SSL Jargon Buster!.n.d. <http://www.freessl.com/ssl-certificate/ssl-terms.html>(May
19, 2004).
Server Side
typemylogserver  | grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientHello>

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange>

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ClientKeyExchange RSA>

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: CertificateVerify>

<19 dec. 2013 11 h 07 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>
Client Side
type mylogclient |grep "HANDSHAKEMESSAGE"

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: CertificateRequest>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHelloDone>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>

type mylogclient | grep "CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC"

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 59 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000> <writeCHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC offs
3. Analyze logs - determine the failure
By looking into your logs, you should be ableto locate the first SSL exception being thrown by the server, or the client.All possible failures are:






















The most common failures and troubleshootingmethods are:
General Certificate
Failed hostname verification
signed properly causing SSL handshake failure)
General Certificate
Before you start looking or reproducing aproblem you need to check all the certificates.
openssl x509 -inca.pem -text



        Version: 3 (0x2)

        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)

        Signature Algorithm:md5WithRSAEncryption

        Issuer: C=US, ST=California,L=San Francisco, O=BEA WebLogic, OU=Security, CN=Demo CertificateAuthority/Email=support@bea.com


            Not Before: May30 21:37:44 2010 GMT

            Not After : May14 21:37:44 2020 GMT

        Subject: C=US, ST=California,L=San Francisco, O=BEA WebLogic, OU=Security, CN=Demo CertificateAuthority/Email=support@bea.com

        Subject Public Key Info:

            Public KeyAlgorithm: rsaEncryption

            RSA PublicKey: (512 bit)

               Modulus (512 bit):






               Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)

    Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption



















Validate all the certificates and ensure thatthe expiration dates are correct.
Failed hostname verification check
Client Side
[Security:090504]Certificatechain received from localhost - failed hostname verification check.Certificate contained CertServer but check expected localhostjavax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException:
[Security:090504]Certificate chain received fromlocalhost - failed hostname verification check. Certificate containedCertServer but check expected localhost

        atcom.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.fireException(Unknown Source)

        atcom.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.fireAlertSent(Unknown Source)

        at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(UnknownSource)..
Use the switch -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true.This means that in the certificate, the CN for the server certificate isCertServer and it was not used in the URL being
connected to. If t3://CertServer:7001was used, the HostnameVerification switch would not be needed.
Another solution could be to set

NulledHostnameVerifier is published as anexample part of WLS.
Client Side
<23 dec. 201315 h 26 CET> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090542><Certificate chain received from localhost - was not trustedcausing SSL handshake failure. Check the certificate chain
to determine if itshould be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the clienttrusted CA configuration to trust the CA certificate that signed the peercertificate chain. If you are connecting to a WLS server that is using democertificates (the
default WLS server behavior), and you want this client totrust demo certificates, then specify-Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust on the command line for thisclient.>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 31 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Validation error = 16>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 31 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Certificate chain is untrusted>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 31 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><SSLTrustValidator returns: 16>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 31 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Trust status (16):   CERT_CHAIN_UNTRUSTED>
The chain that the server is sending is nottrusted by the client. Add

with all the trusted CAs that the serversends (CAs of the public key).
The logs should also show the trustedcertificates that the client loads at startup (or the server, if the server isacting as a client for SSL), before any SSL handshake is attempted. It shouldlook
like the following:
<Mar 22, 201311:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000> <SSLManager,getting trusted CAs from default key store:/web/bea/weblogic700/server/lib/cacerts>

<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Trusted CA: Serial number: 69042098805081595651034369680212310004

Issuer:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,CN=CACERT

Subject:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,CN=CACERT

Not Valid Before:Thu Mar 21 15:12:27 EST 2002

Not Valid After:Tue Mar 22 15:12:27 EST 2022

Signature Algorithm:MD5withRSA


<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Trusted CA: Serial number: 46914133237969612308202465797198785159

Issuer:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,CN=CertGenCAB

Subject:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,CN=CertGenCAB

Not Valid Before:Thu Oct 24 11:54:45 EDT 2002

Not Valid After:Tue Oct 25 11:54:45 EDT 2022

Signature Algorithm:MD5withRSA


<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Trusted CA: Serial number: 11374952449

Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 4 Public Primary CertificationAuthority

Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 4 Public Primary CertificationAuthority

Not Valid Before:Sun Jan 28 19:00:00 EST 2013

Not Valid After:Fri Dec 31 18:59:59 EST 2014

Signature Algorithm:MD2withRSA
When the server sends its certificate duringthe SSL handshake, the log should look like the following:
<Mar 22, 201311:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>

<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>

<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:43 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><Performing hostname validation checks: secure.authorize.net>

<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:44 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><validationCallback: validateErr = 0>

<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:44 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><  cert[0] = Serial number: 61240024771365919750260051707246880350

Issuer:O=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign InternationalServer CA - Class 3, OU=www.verisign.com/CPS Incorp.by Ref. LIABILITY LTD.(c)97VeriSign

Subject:C=US, ST=Washington, L=Bellevue, O=InfoSpace, OU=Authorize.Net,OU=Terms of use at www.verisign.com/RPA (c)01, CN=secure.authorize.net

Not Valid Before:Mon Apr 21 20:00:00 EDT 2013

Not Valid After:Thu Apr 21 19:59:59 EDT 2018

Signature Algorithm:MD5withRSA


<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:44 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><  cert[1] = Serial number: 49573667635714834907930444256359116452

Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 3 Public Primary CertificationAuthority

Subject:O=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign InternationalServer CA - Class 3, OU=www.verisign.com/CPS Incorp.by Ref. LIABILITY LTD.(c)97VeriSign

Not Valid Before:Wed Apr 16 20:00:00 EDT 2007

Not Valid After:Mon Oct 24 19:59:59 EDT 2017

Signature Algorithm:SHAwithRSA


<Mar 22, 2013 11:54:44 AM EST> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><  cert[2] = Serial number: 149843929435818692848040365716851702463

Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 3 Public Primary CertificationAuthority

Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 3 Public Primary CertificationAuthority

Not Valid Before:Sun Jan 28 19:00:00 EST 2008

Not Valid After:Tue Aug 01 19:59:59 EDT 2028

Signature Algorithm:MD2withRSA
Compare both lists and try to determine whichcertificate is missing and why. Some possible reasons are:
The certificate is trusted but it has expired.
Your client does not load the cacerts certificates
Your server uses a self-signed certificate, which your client must be configured to trust
BAD_CERTIFICATE (not signed properlycausing SSL handshake failure)
Client Side
<23 dec. 201315 h 36 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000> <Alert receivedfrom peer, notifying peer we received it:com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert@1b34126>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 36 CET> <Warning> <Security><BEA-090482> <BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from localhost - Check the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain(trusted CA configuration, hostname verification). SSL debug tracing
may berequired to determine the exact reason the certificate was rejected.>

<23 dec. 2013 15 h 36 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <000000><close(): 6386542>

[Security:090482]BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from localhost - the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain(trusted CA configuration, hostname verification). SSL debug tracing may berequired to determine the exact reason
the certificate was rejected.


[Security:090482]BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from localhost - the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain (trusted CAconfiguration, hostname verification). SSL debug tracing may be required todetermine the exact reason
the certificate was rejected.
Server Side
<23 dec. 201315 h 38 CET> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090478><Certificate chain received from - was not signedproperly causing SSL handshake failure.>
It could be that the CA certificates sent tothe server are being shown in the wrong order for the chain. Review the CAs andsee if the order such as Public, Intermediate, Root CA is respected.
The alert for CLOSE_NOTIFY is normal andexpected to occur; the tracing is not treating it specially. An ALERT severity1 type means that the connection was closed. However, check that all theHandshake
messages before that show completion of the handshake. The followingis an example of expected CLOSE_NOTIFY ALERT:
<Jun 18, 20027:15:27 AM EDT> <Debug> <TLS> <000000> <NEW ALERT:com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert@2241f8 Severity: 1 Type: 0


Stack trace

at weblogic.security.utils.SSLSetup.debug(SSLSetup.java:290)

at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)

at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.closeWriteHandler(UnknownSource)

at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.close(Unknown Source)

at javax.net.ssl.impl.SSLSocketImpl.close(Unknown Source)

at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.cleanup(NTSocketMuxer.java:500)

at weblogic.rjvm.t3.T3JVMConnection.close(T3JVMConnection.java:692)

at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManager.removeConnection(ConnectionManager.java:982)

at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManager.shutdown(ConnectionManager.java:573)


at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.peerGone(RJVMImpl.java:937)

at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.gotExceptionReceiving(RJVMImpl.java:615)


at weblogic.rjvm.t3.T3JVMConnection.hasException(T3JVMConnection.java:634)

at weblogic.socket.SSLFilter.hasException(SSLFilter.java:302)

at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.processSockets(NTSocketMuxer.java:537)

at weblogic.socket.SocketReaderRequest.execute(SocketReaderRequest.java:23)

at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:141)

at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:122
This may happen when the WebLogic serverconnects a remote Microsoft server.
Server Side
####<18.feb.2013kl 16.09 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <zkb1b74v><raitnow-server> <ExecuteThread: '14' for queue:'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <system> <> <000000><26572483 received ALERT>

####<18.feb.2013 kl 16.09 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <zkb1b74v><raitnow-server> <ExecuteThread: '14' for queue:'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <system> <> <000000> <NEWALERT: com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert@75ca3e Severity: 2 Type: 40

java.lang.Throwable: Stack trace

at weblogic.security.utils.SSLSetup.debug(SSLSetup.java:265)

at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)

at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.AlertHandler.handleAlertMessages(UnknownSource)

at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.interpretContent(Unknown Source)

at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source)

at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readUntilHandshakeComplete(UnknownSource)

at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.completeHandshake(UnknownSource)

at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)

at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:69)

at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:127)

at java.io.FilterOutputStream.flush(FilterOutputStream.java:123)

at weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection.writeRequests(HttpURLConnection.java:99)


at java.net.URLConnection.getContent(URLConnection.java:582)



at no.nordea.safe.raitnow.ejb.impl.HTTPRARequester.sendRequest(HTTPRARequester.java:138)



at no.nordea.safe.raitnow.ejb.EndUserRegistrationAuthorityBean_mzdjm5_EOImpl.order(EndUserRegistrationAuthorityBean_mzdjm5_EOImpl.java:532)


at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:477)


at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$1.run(BasicServerRef.java:420)

at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:353)

at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:144)

at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:415)

at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(BasicExecuteRequest.java:30)

at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:197)

at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:170)


####<18.feb.2013 kl 16.09 CET> <Debug> <TLS> <zkb1b74v><raitnow-server> <ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'><system> <> <000000> <Alert received from peer, notifyingpeer we received it: com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert@75ca3e>

####<18.feb.2013 kl 16.09 CET> <Warning> <Security><zkb1b74v> <raitnow-server> <ExecuteThread: '14' for queue:'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <system> <> <BEA-090497><HANDSHAKE_FAILURE alert received from - both sides of the SSL
configuration for mismatches in supported ciphers,supported protocol versions, trusted CAs, and hostname verificationsettings.>
This happened before the client got theServerHello message. The Microsoft Server was refusing the handshake becausethe cipher suites given to the remote server were not 128 bits - the remoteserver
wasn't allowing anything lower. If the client license is changed on theWebLogic Server side, it will then work.
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