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2014-02-14 13:17 441 查看
目前网络上常规的 PHP 数组转 HTML 代码的方法都是通过循环 for 或者 foreach 来遍历数组,然后通过字符替换、正则表达式替换或者字符拼接等方法来生成 HTML 代码,为了避免使用循环而发明此方法,搜了一下目前网络上没有人尝试过这种方法,属于一次新的尝试,我把它命名为array2html。

Methods at present on the network PHP array of conventional HTML code is through for or foreach loop to iterate through the array, and then through the character replacement, regular expression replacement or character stitching method to generate HTML code,
in order to avoid the use of the array loop and invented this method, search the Internet and no one tried this approach, is a new attempt, I named it array2html.

PHP 函数 array2html 的代码:

The source code of function 'array2html' is:

* Replace PHP Array to HTML Code directly
* @param array  $arr ref of input array data
* @param string $mainTag top html tag name of output html code
* @param string $listTag html tag name of each element
* @author csdn_do_net_id:hpchn
* @link http://blog.csdn.net/hpchn
function array2html(array &$arr, $mainTag='ul', $listTag='li')
return  strtr(var_export($arr,TRUE)
"'," => "</$listTag>",
" => '" => '>',
'  ' => "<$listTag id=",
'array (' => "<$mainTag>",
"\n)" => "\n</$mainTag>")
echo array2html($_SERVER);


The result of output like:

<li id='SERVER_PROTOCOL'>HTTP/1.1</li>
<li id='GATEWAY_INTERFACE'>CGI/1.1</li>
<li id='SERVER_SOFTWARE'>nginx/1.5.9</li>
<li id='REMOTE_ADDR'></li>
<li id='REMOTE_PORT'>53937</li>
<li id='SERVER_ADDR'></li>
<li id='SERVER_PORT'>80</li>
<li id='SERVER_NAME'>localhost</li>
<li id='REDIRECT_STATUS'>200</li>
<li id='HTTP_ACCEPT'>text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*</li>
<li id='HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'>zh-CN</li>
<li id='HTTP_USER_AGENT'>Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)</li>
<li id='HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'>gzip, deflate</li>
<li id='HTTP_HOST'>localhost</li>
<li id='HTTP_CONNECTION'>Keep-Alive</li>

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