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public class CMDExecute {

	public synchronized String run(String[] cmd, String workdirectory)
			throws IOException {
		String result = "";

		try {
			ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
			// set working directory
			if (workdirectory != null)
				builder.directory(new File(workdirectory));
			Process process = builder.start();
			InputStream in = process.getInputStream();
			byte[] re = new byte[1024];
			while (in.read(re) != -1) {
				result = result + new String(re);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
		return result;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "D:\\MyProject\\colimas\\axis_c");
		} catch (IOException ex) {

package com.eoemobile.infos_assistant.util;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo;
import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;

public class FetchData {
	private static StringBuffer buffer;

	public static String fetch_cpu_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/cat", "/proc/cpuinfo" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_disk_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/df" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_netstat_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/netstat" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_version_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/cat", "/proc/version" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_dmesg_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/dmesg" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_process_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/top", "-n", "1" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_netcfg_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/netcfg" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_mount_info() {
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/mount" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return result;

	public static String fetch_tel_status(Context cx) {
		String result = null;
		TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) cx
		String str = "";
		str += "DeviceId(IMEI) = " + tm.getDeviceId() + "\n";
		str += "DeviceSoftwareVersion = " + tm.getDeviceSoftwareVersion()
				+ "\n";
		str += "Line1Number = " + tm.getLine1Number() + "\n";
		str += "NetworkCountryIso = " + tm.getNetworkCountryIso() + "\n";
		str += "NetworkOperator = " + tm.getNetworkOperator() + "\n";
		str += "NetworkOperatorName = " + tm.getNetworkOperatorName() + "\n";
		str += "NetworkType = " + tm.getNetworkType() + "\n";
		str += "PhoneType = " + tm.getPhoneType() + "\n";
		str += "SimCountryIso = " + tm.getSimCountryIso() + "\n";
		str += "SimOperator = " + tm.getSimOperator() + "\n";
		str += "SimOperatorName = " + tm.getSimOperatorName() + "\n";
		str += "SimSerialNumber = " + tm.getSimSerialNumber() + "\n";
		str += "SimState = " + tm.getSimState() + "\n";
		str += "SubscriberId(IMSI) = " + tm.getSubscriberId() + "\n";
		str += "VoiceMailNumber = " + tm.getVoiceMailNumber() + "\n";
		int mcc = cx.getResources().getConfiguration().mcc;
		int mnc = cx.getResources().getConfiguration().mnc;
		str += "IMSI MCC (Mobile Country Code):" + String.valueOf(mcc) + "\n";
		str += "IMSI MNC (Mobile Network Code):" + String.valueOf(mnc) + "\n";
		result = str;
		return result;

	public static String getMemoryInfo(Context context) {
		StringBuffer memoryInfo = new StringBuffer();
		ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context
		ActivityManager.MemoryInfo outInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();
		memoryInfo.append("\nTotal Available Memory :")
				.append(outInfo.availMem >> 10).append("k");
		memoryInfo.append("\nTotal Available Memory :")
				.append(outInfo.availMem >> 20).append("M");
		memoryInfo.append("\nIn low memory situation:").append(
		String result = null;
		CMDExecute cmdexe = new CMDExecute();
		try {
			String[] args = { "/system/bin/cat", "/proc/meminfo" };
			result = cmdexe.run(args, "/system/bin/");
		} catch (IOException ex) {
		return memoryInfo.toString() + "\n\n" + result;

	public static String getSystemProperty() {
		buffer = new StringBuffer();
		initProperty("java.vendor.url", "java.vendor.url");
		initProperty("java.class.path", "java.class.path");
		initProperty("user.home", "user.home");
		initProperty("java.class.version", "java.class.version");
		initProperty("os.version", "os.version");
		initProperty("java.vendor", "java.vendor");
		initProperty("user.dir", "user.dir");
		initProperty("user.timezone", "user.timezone");
		initProperty("path.separator", "path.separator");
		initProperty(" os.name", " os.name");
		initProperty("os.arch", "os.arch");
		initProperty("line.separator", "line.separator");
		initProperty("file.separator", "file.separator");
		initProperty("user.name", "user.name");
		initProperty("java.version", "java.version");
		initProperty("java.home", "java.home");
		return buffer.toString();

	private static String initProperty(String description, String propertyStr) {
		if (buffer == null) {
			buffer = new StringBuffer();
		return buffer.toString();

	public static String getDisplayMetrics(Context cx) {
		String str = "";
		DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
		dm = cx.getApplicationContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
		int screenWidth = dm.widthPixels;
		int screenHeight = dm.heightPixels;
		float density = dm.density;
		float xdpi = dm.xdpi;
		float ydpi = dm.ydpi;
		str += "The absolute width:" + String.valueOf(screenWidth) + "pixels\n";
		str += "The absolute heightin:" + String.valueOf(screenHeight)
				+ "pixels\n";
		str += "The logical density of the display.:" + String.valueOf(density)
				+ "\n";
		str += "X dimension :" + String.valueOf(xdpi) + "pixels per inch\n";
		str += "Y dimension :" + String.valueOf(ydpi) + "pixels per inch\n";
		return str;

	public static String getRunningServicesInfo(Context context) {
		StringBuffer serviceInfo = new StringBuffer();
		ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context
		List<RunningServiceInfo> services = activityManager
		Iterator<RunningServiceInfo> l = services.iterator();
		while (l.hasNext()) {
			RunningServiceInfo si = (RunningServiceInfo) l.next();
			serviceInfo.append("pid: ").append(si.pid);
			serviceInfo.append("\nprocess: ").append(si.process);
			serviceInfo.append("\nservice: ").append(si.service);
			serviceInfo.append("\ncrashCount: ").append(si.crashCount);
			serviceInfo.append("\nclientCount: ").append(si.clientCount);
			serviceInfo.append("\nactiveSince: ").append(
			serviceInfo.append("\nlastActivityTime: ").append(
		return serviceInfo.toString();

	public static String getRunningTasksInfo(Context context) {
		StringBuffer sInfo = new StringBuffer();
		ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context
		List<RunningTaskInfo> tasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(100);
		Iterator<RunningTaskInfo> l = tasks.iterator();
		while (l.hasNext()) {
			RunningTaskInfo ti = (RunningTaskInfo) l.next();
			sInfo.append("id: ").append(ti.id);
			sInfo.append("\nbaseActivity: ").append(
			sInfo.append("\nnumActivities: ").append(ti.numActivities);
			sInfo.append("\nnumRunning: ").append(ti.numRunning);
			sInfo.append("\ndescription: ").append(ti.description);
		return sInfo.toString();

	// getPowerInfo
	// public static String getPowerInfo(Context context) {
	// StringBuffer sInfo = new StringBuffer();
	// PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context
	// .getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
	// PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(
	// PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, "My Tag");
	// wl.acquire();
	// // ..screen will stay on during this section..
	// wl.release();
	// return sInfo.toString();
	// }


public List fetch_installed_apps() {
		List<ApplicationInfo> packages = getPackageManager()
		list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(packages.size());
		Iterator<ApplicationInfo> l = packages.iterator();
		while (l.hasNext()) {
			Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
			ApplicationInfo app = (ApplicationInfo) l.next();
			String packageName = app.packageName;
			String label = "";
			try {
				label = getPackageManager().getApplicationLabel(app).toString();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Log.i("Exception", e.toString());
			map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
			map.put("name", label);
			map.put("desc", packageName);
		return list;
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