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2014-02-08 09:53 274 查看

Journey to Tibet

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Source : HCPC 2005 FALL
Time limit : 1 secMemory limit : 32 M
Submitted : 410, Accepted : 162After having to reinstall your computer 42 times on the same day, you decided to take a short break -- you will spend the next 5 years (or more) in Tibet. The population of China is very unevenly distributed: in the eastern coastal areas the population density can be above 400 people per square kilometer, while in the western plateaus there are less then 10 people per square kilometer. However, Tibet, where 2.3 million people share 1.2 million square kilometers, is by far the most sparsely populated place in China. You hope that in the small villages and monasteries of Tibet, no one will ask you to fix their computer.But which village should you choose? Looking at the map of Tibet, you see a large number of interesting places. You want to go to a place where you can visit many monasteries. Each village has a number of monasteries. Your plan is that you go from village to village to visit as many monasteries as possible. However, you can only travel 30 kilometers a day, and it is not safe to spend the night in the wilderness. Thus, depending on your initial position, you can visit only some of the villages. Therefore, you have to choose your initial position (the village where you start your holiday) carefully, if you want to maximize the number of monasteries that can be visited.A final note: Tibet enjoys(or, say, suffers) an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, so don't forget your sun glasses and suntan cream!Input[/b]The input contains several blocks of test cases. Each case begins with a line containing an integer 1 ≤ n[/i] ≤ 1000, the number of villages. The next n[/i] lines contains three integers each: the two coordinates of the village (in kilometers), and the number of monasteries in the village. The villages are numbered from 1 to n[/i], in the order that they appear in the input. The coordinates are between 0 and 20000, and the number of monasteries in a village is at most l000. The input is terminated by a block with 0 villages.Output[/b]For each test case you have to output two integers on a line (separated by a single space). The first integer identifies the village where you want to go (this number is between 1 and n[/i]), and the second integer is the number of monasteries that can be visited starting from this location. If there is more than one village that maximizes the number of reachable monasteries, choose the one that has the smallest index (you know, we problemsetters hate to write any special judge).Input[/b]6
100 100 8
0 0 10
0 10 3
10 30 4
1000 1000 4
100 128 3
Sample Output[/b]
2 17

代码:#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<vector>#include<math.h>#include<cstdio>#include<string.h>#include<map>#include<cstring>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define eps 1e-6#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backconst int maxn = 1000+10;int n;
vector<int> son[maxn];int p[maxn];int num[maxn];
int find(int x){ if (x==p[x]) return x; return p[x] = find(p[x]);}
void Union(int rt1,int rt2){ int x = find(rt1); int y = find(rt2); if (x==y) return; if (x < y) p[y] = x; else p[x] = y;}
struct Node{ int x , y;}node[maxn];
void init(){ for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) { son[i].clear(); p[i] = i; }}
inline int sqr(int x){ return x*x;}
inline int cal_dis(int i,int j){ return sqr(node[i].x-node[j].x)+sqr(node[i].y-node[j].y);}
void input(){ for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i)  { scanf("%d%d%d",&node[i].x,&node[i].y,num+i); } for (int i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i) { for (int j = i+1 ; j <= n ; ++j) { int dis = cal_dis(i,j); if (dis > 900) continue; Union(i,j); } }}
void solve(){ for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) { int fa = find(i); son[fa].push_back(i); } int ans = 0 , sum , p; for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) { sum = 0; int pp = i; for (int j = 0 ; j < son[i].size() ; ++j) { pp = min(pp,son[i][j]); sum += num[son[i][j]]; } if (sum > ans) { ans = sum; p = pp; } else if (ans==sum && pp < p) p = pp; } printf("%d %d\n",p,ans);}
int main(){ while (scanf("%d",&n),n) { init(); input(); solve(); }}
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