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Learn Python The Hard Way-Ecercise11~15

2014-01-25 13:28 621 查看
Exercise11: 提问

print "How old are you?",
age = raw_input()
print "How tall are you?",
height = raw_input()
print "How much do you weight?",
weight = raw_input()

print "So, you're %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." %(age, height, weight)


$ python ex11.py

How old are you? 38

How tall are you? 6'2"

How much do you weight? 180lbs

So, you're '38' old, '6\'2"' tall and '180lbs' heavy.




age = raw_input("How old are you?")
height = raw_input("How tall are you?")
weight = raw_input("How much do you weight?")

print "So, you're %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." %(age, height, weight)


$ python ex12.py

How old are you? 38

How tall are you? 6'2"

How much do you weight? 180lbs

So, you're '38' old, '6\'2"' tall and '180lbs' heavy.




from sys import argv #argv是参数变量

script, first, second, third = argv #将参数变量解包,将所有的参数依次赋予左边的变量名

print "The script is called:", script
print "Your first variable is:", first
print "Your second variable is:", second
print "Your third variable is:", third

$ python ex13.py 1 2 3

The script is called: ex13.py

Your first variable is: 1

Your second variable is: 2

Your third variable is: 3

from sys import argv

script, user_name = argv
prompt = '>'

print "Hi %s, I'm the %s script." % (user_name, script)
print "I'd like to ask you a few questions."
print "Do you like me %s?" % user_name
likes = raw_input(prompt)

print "Where do you live %s?" % user_name
lives = raw_input(prompt)

print "What kind of computer do you have?"
computer = raw_input(prompt)

print """
Although, so you said %r about liking me.
You live in %r. No sure where that is.
And you have a %r computer. Nice
""" % (likes, lives, computer)

$ python ex14.py zed

Hi zed, I'm the ex14.py script.

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Do you like me zed?


Where do you live zed?

>San Francisco

What kind of computer do you have?

>Tandy 1000

Although, so you said 'Yes' about liking me.

You live in 'San Francisco'. No sure where that is.

And you have a 'Tandy 1000' computer. Nice


from sys import argv

script, filename = argv #读取想要打开的文件名filename

txt = open(filename)

print "Here's your file %r:" % filename
print txt.read()

print "Type the filename again:"
file_again = raw_input("> ")

txt_again = open(file_again)

print txt_again.read()


$ python ex15.py ex15_sample.txt

Here's your file 'ex15_sample.txt':

This is stuff I typed into a file.

It is really cool stuff.

Lots and lots of fun to have in here.

Type the filename again:

>  ex15_sample.txt

This is stuff I typed into a file.

It is really cool stuff.

Lots and lots of fun to have in here.


open( )--打开文件

.read( )--每次读取整个文件,它通常将读取到底文件内容放到一个字符串变量中,也就是说 .read() 生成文件内容是一个字符串类型
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