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【性能优化】 之AWR 报告分析

2014-01-23 14:02 337 查看








DB Name DB Id Instance Inst num Startup Time Release RAC

EMSTA 433507400 emsta2 2 14-Aug-12 22:08 YES

Host Name Platform CPUs Cores Sockets Memory (GB)

emsta2 Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) 64 32 8 128.00

Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session

Begin Snap: 6023 07-Sep-12 14:00:09 1363 3.0

End Snap: 6026 07-Sep-12 17:00:06 1378 3.0

Elapsed: 179.94 (mins)

DB Time: 136.61 (mins)

AWR 报表前面可以看出,这是一个RAC 环境,数据库名称: emsta 节点为:emsta1,emsta2


操作系统: 64位 solaris,

CPU: 物理:64颗 (32*2 双核)

MEM: 128G

Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session

Begin Snap: 6023 07-Sep-12 14:00:09 1788 2.8

End Snap: 6026 07-Sep-12 17:00:06 1793 2.9

Elapsed: 179.94 (mins)

DB Time: 79.25 (mins)

报表统计开始日期:07-Sep-12 14:00:09 结束日期07-Sep-12 17:00:06

开始SNAP 6023,结束SNAP: 6026;

EMSTA1 节点的会话数从: 1788 到1793,

EMSTA2 节点的会话数从: 1363 到1378,

EMSTA1 节点 Cache Sizes

Begin End

Buffer Cache: 15,360M 15,360M Std Block Size: 8K

Shared Pool Size: 6,272M 6,272M Log Buffer: 111,456K


共享池 6,272M

redo log 缓冲区 111,456K


EMSTA2 节点 Cache Sizes

Begin End

Buffer Cache: 13,696M 13,696M Std Block Size: 8K

Shared Pool Size: 6,144M 6,144M Log Buffer: 111,456K

数据库缓冲区13596 M


redo log 缓冲区 111.456M


EMSTA1 节点 Load Profile

Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call

DB Time(s): 0.4 0.3 0.01 0.00

DB CPU(s): 0.4 0.2 0.01 0.00

Redo size: 15,275.9 8,983.0

Logical reads: 13,716.1 8,065.8

Block changes: 79.2 46.6

Physical reads: 365.3 214.8

Physical writes: 4.5 2.7

User calls: 232.7 136.8

Parses: 11.4 6.7

Hard parses: 0.3 0.2

W/A MB processed: 2.7 1.6

Logons: 0.0 0.0

Executes: 54.3 32.0

Rollbacks: 0.0 0.0

Transactions: 1.7

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)

Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00

Buffer Hit %: 99.68 In-memory Sort %: 100.00

Library Hit %: 99.36 Soft Parse %: 97.68

Execute to Parse %: 79.06 Latch Hit %: 99.96

Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 90.29 % Non-Parse CPU: 99.46

Shared Pool Statistics

EMSTA2 节点 Load Profile

Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call

DB Time(s): 0.8 0.1 0.00 0.00

DB CPU(s): 0.4 0.1 0.00 0.00

Redo size: 102,788.5 11,594.5

Logical reads: 4,287.6 483.6

Block changes: 436.4 49.2

Physical reads: 100.5 11.3

Physical writes: 40.6 4.6

User calls: 261.7 29.5

Parses: 108.9 12.3

Hard parses: 0.1 0.0

W/A MB processed: 0.9 0.1

Logons: 3.1 0.4

Executes: 263.1 29.7

Rollbacks: 0.0 0.0

Transactions: 8.9

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)

Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00

Buffer Hit %: 99.86 In-memory Sort %: 100.00

Library Hit %: 99.63 Soft Parse %: 99.92

Execute to Parse %: 58.61 Latch Hit %: 99.90

Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 3.12 % Non-Parse CPU: 98.36

Shared Pool Statistics

从load Profile 看到,

节点1 读多些,Logical reads:13,716.1;Physical reads:365.3

节点2 写多些 Block changes: 436.4;Physical writes:40.6;Executes:263.1;



Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class

DB CPU 3,919 82.41

SQL*Net message from dblink 42,752 266 6 5.59 Network

direct path read 24,606 211 9 4.43 User I/O

db file scattered read 18,913 65 3 1.37 User I/O

log file sync 18,131 52 3 1.09 Commit


Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class

DB CPU 4,446 54.24

SQL*Net more data from client 395,909 2,438 6 29.74 Network

SQL*Net break/reset to client 106,466 766 7 9.34 Application

db file sequential read 59,886 473 8 5.77 User I/O

log file sync 172,878 459 3 5.59 Commit

从两个节点中的 log file sync 也可以看到,节点1比节点2少很多。也可以认证


节点2 的后台等待事件中 Network 等待占了29.74%

节点1 的后台等待事件中 Network 等待占了5.59%

而NETWORK 等待都是第一位,说明有可能网络状况有改善的空间。

EMSTA1 Foreground Wait Class

Wait Class Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) %DB time

DB CPU 3,919 82.41

User I/O 54,051 0 313 6 6.59

Network 2,764,596 0 288 0 6.05

Commit 18,131 0 52 3 1.09

Cluster 73,832 0 52 1 1.09

Application 2,526 0 6 2 0.13

System I/O 6,580 0 4 1 0.09

Other 536,299 100 4 0 0.08

Concurrency 13,059 0 1 0 0.03

Administrative 1 100 0 100 0.00

Configuration 0 0 0.00

EMSTA2 Foreground Wait Class

Wait Class Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) %DB time

DB CPU 4,446 54.24

Network 3,226,353 0 2,479 1 30.24

Application 106,633 0 781 7 9.53

User I/O 148,589 0 544 4 6.63

Commit 172,878 0 459 3 5.59

Other 1,196,388 53 122 0 1.49

Cluster 166,036 0 110 1 1.35

System I/O 6,580 0 4 1 0.05

Concurrency 3,705 1 4 1 0.04

Configuration 3 0 0 40 0.00


Network 等待是在节点2 第一位,节点1 是第二位;在节点2写数据时,尤其突出。

Foreground Wait Events

节点1:SQL*Net message from dblink 42,752 5.59% (bg time)

节点2:SQL*Net message from dblink 395,909 29.74% (bg time)

log file parallel write 174,063 22.46% (bg time)

db file parallel write 230,431 14.00% (bg time)


Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class

DB CPU 3,919 82.41

SQL*Net message from dblink 42,752 266 6 5.59 Network

direct path read 24,606 211 9 4.43 User I/O

db file scattered read 18,913 65 3 1.37 User I/O

log file sync 18,131 52 3 1.09 Commit


Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Event Waits Time(s) Avg wait (ms) % DB time Wait Class

DB CPU 4,446 54.24

SQL*Net more data from client 395,909 2,438 6 29.74 Network

SQL*Net break/reset to client 106,466 766 7 9.34 Application

db file sequential read 59,886 473 8 5.77 User I/O

log file sync 172,878 459 3 5.59 Commit

从两个节点的前台等待事件中看到,第一位的都是DB CPU,而USER I/O 相对都比较少。

应该是一个OLTP 类的数据库。


这是一个OLTP 类的 RAC 数据库,并且做了读写业务分离,节点2 进行写,节点1 负责数据读;




生成ASH 报告


ASH 创建:sqlplusTEST1/TEST1 @创建脚本

[oracle@TEST1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

@ /opt/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/rdbms/admin/ashrpt.sql

选择开始日期为 23-Dec-13 07:00:00 ,结束日期为当前时间

输出文件名: ashrpt_racdb1_0102.txt


ORACLE 环境: 这是一个RAC环境,节点名:RAC1


CPU: 24颗;

SGA: 31,857M

ASH Report For RACDB/racdb1

DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release RAC Host

------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------

RACDB 809919918 racdb1 1 YES rac1

CPUs SGA Size Buffer Cache Shared Pool ASH Buffer Size

---- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------

24 31,857M (100%) 15,936M (50.0%) 4,186M (13.1%) 61.0M (0.2%)

Analysis Begin Time: 23-Dec-13 07:00:00

Analysis End Time: 02-Jan-14 17:11:46

Elapsed Time: 15,011.8 (mins)


in AWR snapshot 33147


in AWR snapshot 34472


Sample Count: 226,734

Average Active Sessions: 2.52

Avg. Active Session per CPU: 0.10

Report Target: None specified

Top User Events DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

Avg Active

Event Event Class % Event Sessions

----------------------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------

CPU + Wait for CPU CPU 43.89 1.10

log file sync Commit 16.39 0.41

db file sequential read User I/O 13.69 0.34

null event Other 3.94 0.10

direct path read User I/O 2.87 0.07


前5个用户等待事件中,CPU 等待第一位,CPU还是很高的。

第二位为log file sync,环境为RAC+DATAGUARD,可能也有影响。但总的来说还是很高的,

比后面的USER I/O还高。


Top Background Events DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

Avg Active

Event Event Class % Activity Sessions

----------------------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------

LNS wait on SENDREQ Network 2.73 0.07

CPU + Wait for CPU CPU 2.67 0.07

log file parallel write System I/O 2.09 0.05

LGWR-LNS wait on channel Other 2.01 0.05

db file parallel write System I/O 1.57 0.04


后台等待事件中第一位的是 LNS wait on SENDREQ,NETWORK等待事件,

还有第4位也是 LGWR-LNS 这可能也和DATAGUARD有关。

Top Cluster Events DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

No data exists for this section of the report.


Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

Event % Event P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity

------------------------------ ------- ----------------------------- ----------

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3

-------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

log file sync 16.39 "27704","1055995623","0" 0.00

buffer# sync scn NOT DEFINED

db file sequential read 13.77 "8","72729","1" 0.00

file# block# blocks

direct path read 2.87 "46","631424","128" 0.00

file number first dba block cnt

log file parallel write 2.09 "2","8","2" 0.45

files blocks requests

db file parallel write 1.57 "1","0","2147483647" 1.55

requests interrupt timeout



Top Service/Module DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

Service Module % Activity Action % Action

-------------- ------------------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------

racdb httpd@SERVER_WEB03 (TNS 24.55 UNNAMED 24.55

httpd@SERVER_WEB02 (TNS 17.06 UNNAMED 17.06

httpd@SERVER_WEB04 (TNS 14.21 UNNAMED 14.21

httpd@SERVER_WEB01 (TNS 13.39 UNNAMED 13.39



前5 位服务,列出了登录的几台服务器,(PHP WEB SERVER).

Distinct Avg Active

SQL Command Type SQLIDs % Activity Sessions

---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

UPSERT 12 32.94 0.83

SELECT 641 17.70 0.45

INSERT 212 10.38 0.26

UPDATE 123 1.38 0.03


Top Phases of Execution DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

几种DML 的处理所占比率,可以看到,UPSERT占多数(merget insert),也就是更新插入处理;

Top SQL with Top Events DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

Sampled #

SQL ID Planhash of Executions % Activity

----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------

Event % Event Top Row Source % RwSrc

------------------------------ ------- --------------------------------- -------

az95ftjvyfryk 3487005615 67877 32.65

CPU + Wait for CPU 29.47 TABLE ACCESS - BY INDEX ROWID 22.89

为前几位的SQL 这里不再列出。

Top DB Files

Top DB Files DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

-> With respect to Cluster and User I/O events only.

File ID % Activity Event % Event

--------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----------

File Name Tablespace

----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

15 1.47 db file sequential read 1.35

+DATA/racdb/datafile/idx_tbs_01.dbf IDX_TBS

16 1.36 db file sequential read 1.25

+DATA/racdb/datafile/idx_tbs_02.dbf IDX_TBS

17 1.28 db file sequential read 1.17

+DATA/racdb/datafile/idx_tbs_03.dbf IDX_TBS

24 1.25 read by other session 0.81

+DATA/racdb/datafile/users_06.dbf USERS

22 1.17 db file sequential read 0.69

+DATA/racdb/datafile/card_tbs_04.dbf CARD_TBS


Top Latches DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

No data exists for this section of the report.


Activity Over Time DB/Inst: RACDB/racdb1 (Dec 23 07:00 to 17:11)

-> Analysis period is divided into smaller time slots

-> Top 3 events are reported in each of those slots

-> 'Slot Count' shows the number of ASH samples in that slot

-> 'Event Count' shows the number of ASH samples waiting for

that event in that slot

-> '% Event' is 'Event Count' over all ASH samples in the analysis period

Slot Event

Slot Time (Duration) Count Event Count % Event

-------------------- -------- ------------------------------ -------- -------

07:00:00 (300.0 min) 4,947 CPU + Wait for CPU 2,564 1.13

log file sync 742 0.33

db file sequential read 702 0.31

12:00:00 (1,500.0 mi 20,128 CPU + Wait for CPU 10,891 4.80

log file sync 2,759 1.22

db file sequential read 2,505 1.10

13:00:00 (1,500.0 mi 19,875 CPU + Wait for CPU 11,262 4.97

log file sync 2,729 1.20

db file sequential read 2,132 0.94

14:00:00 (1,500.0 mi 23,296 CPU + Wait for CPU 11,101 4.90

db file sequential read 4,033 1.78

log file sync 3,459 1.53

15:00:00 (1,500.0 mi 21,380 CPU + Wait for CPU 10,545 4.65

LATCH 情况,从表中可以看到,更多的还是db file sequential read,及日志同步。



ASH 报告是基于SESSION 级别,每秒采样一次,记录活动会话的等待事件,不活动的会话不会采样,它能提供更为详细的统计信息。



AWR 报告是一种数据库的全局性能诊断报告,它是对系统整体进行动态采样收集快照信息,的一个分析表。

所以AWR 报告更加全面,能从各个环节反映数据库性能问题;


ASH 能从会话层面,更详细的反映会话问题。

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