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linux 网络监控命令 netstat

2014-01-19 12:27 344 查看


一个是Active Internet connections,称为有源TCP连接,其中"Recv-Q"和"Send-Q"指%0A的是接收队列和发送队列。这些数字一般都应该是0。如果不是则表示软件包正在队列中堆积。这种情况只能在非常少的情况见到。

另一个是Active UNIX domain sockets,称为有源Unix域套接口(和网络套接字一样,但是只能用于本机通信,性能可以提高一倍)。



-a (all)显示所有选项,默认不显示LISTEN相关

-t (tcp)仅显示tcp相关选项

-u (udp)仅显示udp相关选项

-n 拒绝显示别名,能显示数字的全部转化成数字。

-l 仅列出有在 Listen (监听) 的服務状态

-p 显示建立相关链接的程序名

-r 显示路由信息,路由表

-e 显示扩展信息,例如uid等

-s 按各个协议进行统计

-c 每隔一个固定时间,执行该netstat命令。



1. List All Ports (both listening and non listening ports)

List all ports using netstat -a

List all tcp ports using netstat -at

List all udp ports using netstat -au

2. List Sockets which are in Listening State

List only listening ports using netstat -l

List only listening TCP Ports using netstat -lt

List only listening UDP Ports using netstat -lu

List only the listening UNIX Ports using netstat -lx

3. Show the statistics for each protocol

Show statistics for all ports using netstat -s

Show statistics for TCP (or) UDP ports using netstat -st (or) -su

4. Display PID and program names in netstat output using netstat -p

netstat -pt shows all the programs that is connected by tcp protocol

5. Don’t resolve host, port and user name in netstat output

This will display in numbers, instead of resolving the host name, port name, user name.

Find out on which port a program is running

netstat -ap | grep ssh

nestat -an | grep ':8000'

6. Print netstat information continuously

netstat -c

7. Find the non supportive Address families in your system

netstat --verbose

8. Display the kernel routing information using netstat -r

Use netstat -rn to display routes in numeric format without resolving for host-names.

9. Show the list of network interfaces

netstat -i

10.analyze the result

netstat -nat | grep "" |awk '{print $5}'|awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -20

netstat -nat |awk '{print $6}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn



awk '{print $1}' access.log |sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -10
http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/03/netstat-command-examples/ http://www.cnblogs.com/ggjucheng/archive/2012/01/08/2316661.html
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