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2014-01-16 14:20 375 查看

▲图片一 Galleriffic图片画廊插件

  · Smart image preloading after the page is loaded

  · Thumbnail navigation (with pagination)

  · jQuery.history plugin integration to support bookmark-friendly URLs per-image

  · Slideshow (with optional auto-updating url bookmarks)

  · Keyboard navigation

  · Events that allow for adding your own custom transition effects

  · API for controlling the gallery with custom controls

  · Support for image captions

  · Flexible configuration

  · Graceful degradation when javascript is not available

  · Support for multiple galleries per page


  1. 下载最新版本的Galleriffic与jQuery。jQuery在1.3.2以上。

  2. 在目标HTML代码中引入jQuery库与Galleriffic插件。两者的实现方式均为javascript。



<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript"

<!-- Optionally include jquery.history.js
for history support

<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript"



3. 添加容器元素Div。值得注意的是,这里所有的Div都是可选的。用户可以根据自己的实际情况做出取舍。

<div id="controls"></div>

<div id="loading"></div>

<div id="slideshow"></div>

<div id="caption"></div>

<div id="thumbs">

... 这里用来放图片清单…(见步骤4)


4. 建立图片清单列表

<div id="thumbs">

<ul class="thumbs noscript">


<a class="thumb"
name="optionalCustomIdentifier" href="path/to/slide"
title="your image title">

<img src="path/to/thumbnail"
alt="your image title again for graceful degradation"


<div class="caption">




... (接下的就是类似上面的li代码,一个li元素包含一张图片)



 5. 初始化插件

var gallery = $('#gallery').galleriffic('#thumbs', {

delay: 3000
// 动画播放间隔时间

numThumbs: 20
// 所要显示的图片数目

preloadAhead: 40
// 设置为-1时预加载所有图片

enableTopPager: false,

enableBottomPager: true,

imageContainerSel: '', // 接下来的三个属性是作为容器的css名

controlsContainerSel: '', // The CSS selector for the element within which the slideshow controls should be rendered

captionContainerSel: '', // The CSS selector for the element within which the captions should be rendered

loadingContainerSel: '', // The CSS selector for the element within which should be shown when an image is loading

renderSSControls: true,
// 是否显示播放与暂停按钮

renderNavControls: true,
// 是否显示前进后退按钮

playLinkText: 'Play',

pauseLinkText: 'Pause',

prevLinkText: 'Previous',

nextLinkText: 'Next',

nextPageLinkText: 'Next ›',

prevPageLinkText: '‹ Prev',

enableHistory: false,
// Specifies whether the url's hash and the browser's history cache should update when the current slideshow image changes

autoStart: false,
// 是否自动播放

onChange: undefined, // 接下来是插件的回调函数

onTransitionOut: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such:
function(callback) { ... }

onTransitionIn: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such:
function() { ... }

onPageTransitionOut: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such:
function(callback) { ... }

onPageTransitionIn: undefined // accepts a delegate like such:
function() { ... }

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