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2014-01-13 15:58 232 查看

0. git init: to create a git repository as a central server


> mkdir myrepo.git && cd myrepo.git

> git init --bare

1. git clone: to check out the src


> cd /my/working/area

> git clone /path/to/myrepo.git

#此处假设myrepo.git夜是在当前这台机器上。如果是在另一台机器上,则需要git clone ssh://the.server.address/path/to/myrepo.git

2. do your work: creating files, editing, etc.


> cd myrepo # swb_pcie is called your working dir

> echo “Hello, world” > test.txt

3. git diff: to review your work


> git status # will show which files were modified


> git diff # will show your modification as a patch;

# but untracked files are not listed

4. git add: to register your change to git


> git add test.txt

5. git commit: to record your change in your LOCAL working directory


> git commit # your’ll be prompted to write a comment for this commit


> git commit -m “your brief comment” # this way is quicker

6. git log: to review the commit histories


> git log # you will see all the commits

7. git fetch/pull: to sync with remote git repos


> git pull origin # will get updates others push

# onto the central git repo and merge


> git fetch origin # will get updates, but not merge

> git merge origin/master # now merge.

# This 2-step approach allows

# you to examine the update before merging

# with sth like “git log origin/master”

#推荐用先git fetch再git merge的方法,建议不要直接git pull

8. git push: to push your work to remote git repos


> git push origin


[1]即cheat sheet,老美的说法,借用考试小抄的意思,指特别简单的入门指南

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