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Oracle plsql递归统计所有节点下的子节点&内容个数——start with connect by prior用法

2014-01-13 01:05 966 查看

要想只统计某个或某几个层级节点下子节点+内容个数,就需要使用类似like ‘01%’的过滤条件即可。

例如select count(1) from test_category t where t.cid like '01%' or t.cid like '02%‘;











create table test_category(

cid varchar2(20), 

parentid varchar2(20)



create table test_category2content(

cateid varchar2(20),

contid varchar2(20),

record_date varchar(8)



insert into test_category values('1', '0');

insert into test_category values('11', '1');

insert into test_category values('12', '1');----叶子节点

insert into test_category values('111', '11');----叶子节点

insert into test_category values('112', '11');

insert into test_category2content values('1', 'X', '20170606');

insert into test_category2content values('1', 'X', '20170607');

insert into test_category2content values('11', 'X', '20170606');

insert into test_category2content values('11', 'X', '20170607');

insert into test_category2content values('12', 'X', '20170606');

insert into test_category2content values('12', 'X', '20170607');

insert into test_category2content values('111', 'X', '20170606');

insert into test_category2content values('111', 'X', '20170607');

insert into test_category2content values('111', 'X', '20170608');


--insert into test_category2content values('2', 'X', '20170606');

--insert into test_category2content values('21', 'X', '20170607');

--insert into test_category values('2', '0');

--insert into test_category values('21', '2');

--insert into test_category values('211', '21');----设为叶子节点









select x.cid

  , (

    select sum(nvl(t2.amount, 0))--t1.cid, nvl(t2.amount, 0) as amount

 from test_category t1 left join

         (select cateid, count(1) as amount from test_category2content group by cateid) t2

        on t1.cid = t2.cateid

    start with t1.cid = x.cid

    connect by prior t1.cid = t1.parentid

  ) as cc 

from test_category x




select x.cid

  , '20170606' as datet

  , (

    select sum(nvl(t2.amount, 0))--t1.cid, nvl(t2.amount, 0) as amount

    from test_category t1 left join 

        (select cateid

                 , record_date as datet

                 , count(1) as amount from test_category2content group by cateid, record_date) t2

        on t1.cid = t2.cateid

    where t2.datet = '20170606'-----added 

    start with t1.cid = x.cid

    connect by prior t1.cid = t1.parentid

  ) as cc

from test_category x


----//====稍微研究下connect by的作用


select t1.parentid, t1.cid, level

from test_category t1

start with t1.parentid = 1

connect by prior t1.parentid = t1.cid



select t1.parentid, t1.cid, level

from test_category t1

start with t1.cid = 1

connect by prior t1.parentid = t1.cid



select t1.cid, t1.parentid, level

from test_category t1

start with t1.parentid = 1

connect by t1.parentid = prior t1.cid



select t1.cid, t1.parentid, level

from test_category t1

start with t1.cid = 1

connect by t1.parentid = prior t1.cid


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