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快速部署RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

2014-01-09 14:28 274 查看
快速部署RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent

RDA Remote Diagnostic Agent远程诊断代理是Oracle Support售后服务使用的标准工具之一,当用户在Metalink上提交SR(TAR)时可能Oracle GCS(Global Customer Service)支持会需要让用户从MOS上下载RDA工具,通过RDA收集丰富的数据库环境信息(如包含OS、DB、CRS等),以便原厂售后直接从RDA report中抓取诊断信息,避免了因诊断信息不足 而反复信息交互所浪费的时间 ; 此外Oracle的一些ACS高级客户服务的现场服务过程中也会利用到RDA,例如当用户要求ACS到现场进行月度或季度巡检是RDA就是标准的检查工具。

说了这么多, 你可能还是不太了解RDA。 这不要紧,你可以把RDA看成一套由oracle定义了很多模块的脚本工具盒, 用它可以收集到诊断过程复杂的Oracle产品问题的各种信息。 可以从My Oracle Support(metalink)的《Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 – Getting Started [ID 314422.1]》专栏中下载到各个平台的最新版RDA。

虽然RDA是Oracle Support使用的工具 , 但是并不是说非原厂售后就看不懂RDA也不能利用到这款工具。 RDA从脚本、模块到最后生成的报告都是自然可读的。 譬如Maclean.Liu 我 在诊断较复杂的问题过程中也会用到RDA, 我甚至推荐在数据库巡检、健康检查过程中也使用RDA, 当然是配合其他工具一起使用。

在使用RDA之前我们需要完成配置工作,所谓配置就是选择我们要使用的RDA module和一些临时设置,先来认识一下有哪些module:

将下载到的rda zip包解压

[oracle@vrh8 ~]$ unzip /tmp/p9079828_418_LINUX.zip 

[oracle@vrh8 ~]$ cd rda

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -h

Usage: rda.pl [-bcdflntvwxy] [-ABCDEHIKLMPQRSTV] [-e list] [-m dir]

[-s name] [-o out] [-p prof] arg ...

-A Authentify user through the setup file

-B Start background collection

-C Collect diagnostic information

-D Delete specified modules from the setup

-E Explain specified error numbers

-H Halt background collection

-I Regenerate the index

-K Kill background collection

-L List the modules available

-M Display the related manual pages

-O Render output specifications from STDIN

-P Package the reports (tar or zip)

-Q Display the related setup questions

-R Generate specified reports

-S Setup specified modules

-T Execute test modules

-V Display component version numbers

-b Don't backup setup file before saving

-c Check the RDA installation and exit

-d Set debug mode

-e list Specify a list of alternate setting definitions (var=val,...)

-f Set force mode

-h Display the command usage and exit

-l Use a lock file to prevent concurrent usage of a setup file

-m dir Specify the module directory ('modules' by default)

-n Start a new data collection

-o out Specify the file for background collection output redirection

-p prof Specify the setup profile ('Default' by default)

-q Set quiet mode

-s name Specify the setup name ('setup' by default)

-t Set trace mode

-v Set verbose mode

-w Wait as long as the background collection daemon is active

-x Produce module cross reference

-y Accept all defaults and skip all pauses


[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L Module

Available data collection modules are:

ACFS Collects ASM Cluster File System Information

ACT Collects Oracle E-Business Suite Application Information

ADBA Collects ACS Oracle Database Assessment

ADX Collects AutoConfig and Rapid Clone Information

AGT Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information

APEX Collects APEX Information

ASAP Collects Oracle Communications ASAP Information

ASBR Collects Application Server Backup and Recovery Information

ASG Collects Application Server Guard Information

ASIT Collects Oracle Application Server Installation Information

ASM Collects Automatic Storage Management Information

B2B Collects Oracle Business to Business Information

BAM Collects Business Activity Monitoring Information

BEE Collects Beehive Information

BI Collects Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Info.

BPEL Collects Oracle BPEL Process Manager Information

BR Collects Database Backup and Recovery Information

BRM Collects Oracle Communications BRM Information

CCR Collects OCM Diagnostic Information

CFG Collects Key Configuration Information

COHR Collects Oracle Coherence Information

CONT Collects Oracle Content Services Information

CRID Collects Oracle Access Manager (COREid) Information

D2PC Collects Distributed Transaction Information

DB Controls RDBMS Data Collection

DBA Collects RDBMS Information

DBC Collects Database Control Information

DBM Collects RDBMS Memory Information

DEV Collects Oracle Developer Information

DG Collects Data Guard Information

DNFS Collects Direct NFS Information

DSCS Collects Discussions Information

DSCV Collects Oracle Discoverer Information

ECM Controls Oracle Enterprise Content Management 11g Data Collection

EM Collects Enterprise Manager OMS and Repository Info (Obsolete)

END Finalizes the Data Collection

EPMA Collects Enterprise Performance Management Architect Information

ESB Collects Enterprise Service Bus Information

ESS Collects Oracle Essbase Information

ESSO Collects Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Information

EXA Collects Exadata Information

FLTR Controls Report Content Filtering

GRDN Collects Oracle Guardian Information

GRID Controls Grid Control Data Collection

GTW Collects Transparent/Procedural Gateway Information

HFM Collects Oracle Hyperion Financial Management information

HPL Collects Oracle Hyperion Planning Information

IA Collects Intelligent Agent Information

IAS Collects Web Server Information

IFS Collects iFS (iFS, CMSDK, Files) Information

INI Initializes the Data Collection

INST Collects the Oracle Installation Information

IPSA Collects Oracle Communications IP Service Activator Information

J2EE Collects J2EE/OC4J Information

JDBC Collects Oracle Java DB Connectivity (JDBC) Information

JDEV Collects Oracle JDeveloper Information

JIVE Collects Jive Information

LANG Collects Oracle Language Information

LOAD Produces the External Collection Reports

LOG Collects Database Trace and Log Files

MAIL Collects Oracle Collaboration Suite Mail Information

MSLG Collects Microsoft Languages Information

ND Collects Oracle Communications Network Discovery Information

NET Collects Network Information

NM Collects Oracle Communications Network Mediation Information

NPRF Samples Performance Information (root not required)

OCAL Collects Oracle Calendar Information

OCFS Collects Oracle Cluster File System Information

OCM Setting up Configuration Manager Interface

OCS Controls Oracle Collaboration Suite Data Collection

ODI Collects Oracle Data Integrator Information

ODM Collects Oracle Data Mining Information

OES Collects Oracle Express Server Information

OID Collects Oracle Internet Directory Information

OIM Collects Oracle Identity Manager Information

OLAP Collects OLAP Information

OMM Collects Oracle Multimedia or Oracle interMedia Information

OMS Collects Oracle Management Server Information (obsolete)

ONET Collects Oracle Net Information

OS Collects the Operating System Information

OVD Collects Oracle Virtual Directory Information

OVMM Collects Oracle VM Manager Information

OVMS Collects Oracle VM Server Information

OWB Collects Oracle Warehouse Builder Information

OWSM Collects Oracle Web Services Manager Information

PDA Collects Oracle Portal Information

PDBA Collects PeopleSoft Information from an Oracle Database

PERF Collects Performance Information

PLNC Collects Oracle PL/SQL Native Compilation Information

PROF Collects the User Profile

PS Collects Oracle Communications Policy Services Information

PWEB Collects PeopleSoft Information from Web Application Server

RAC Collects Cluster Information

RACD Performs a Database Hang Analysis

RDSP Produces the Remote Data Collection Reports

RET Collects Oracle Retail Information

REXE Performs the Remote Data Collections

RPRF Samples Performance Information (root privileges required)

RSRC Collects Database Resource Manager Information

RTC Collects Real Time Communication Information

SEBL Collects Siebel Information

SES Collects Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Information

SMPL Controls Sampling

SOA Collects Oracle SOA Suite Information

SP Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information

SSO Collects Single Sign-On Information

STC Collects Streams Configuration Information

STM Collects Streams Monitoring Information

TOPL Collects Oracle TopLink Information

TTEN Collects Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Information

UCM Collects Oracle Universal Content Management Information

UOA Collects Oracle Universal Online Archive 11g Information

WAC Collects Web Access Client Information

WCI Collects Oracle WebCenter Information

WEBC Collects Oracle Web Cache Information

WKSP Collects Workspaces Information

WLS Collects Oracle WebLogic Server Information

WMC Collects Webmail Client Information

WRLS Collects Wireless Information

XDB Collects XDB Information

XSMP Samples User Defined Data

XTRA Collects User Defined Data

如以上列表中RAC模块用来Collects Cluster Information收集集群信息, 而RACD模块则负责收集RAC数据库挂起的相关信息Performs a Database Hang Analysis。

我们在配置RDA的时可以直接执行./rda.sh, 脚本会提示我们需要选择启用哪些Module,但是因为Module过

为了避免每配置一套新环境都要大费周章确认那么多模块, 所以在RDA中定义了很多典型场景使用的profile, 这些profile已经配好了固定的一些Module , 下面我们来看一下RDA profile:


[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -L profiles

Available profiles are:

9iAS Oracle Application Server 9i problems

AS10g Oracle Application Server 10g problems

AS10g_Identity Oracle Identity Management 10g problems

AS10g_MidTier Oracle Application Server 10g Middle Tier problems

AS10g_Repository Oracle Application Server 10g metadata repository problems

AS10g_WebTier Oracle Application Server 10g WebTier problems

AS_BackupRecovery Oracle Application Server backup/recovery problems

Act Oracle Application Overview

AppsCheck Equivalent to AppsCheck

AsmFileSystem Oracle ASM Cluster File System problems

Bam Business Activity Monitoring problems

Beehive Oracle Beehive problems

DB10g Oracle Database 10g problems

DB11g Oracle Database 11g problems

DB8i Oracle Database 8i problems

DB9i Oracle Database 9i problems

DB_Assessment Oracle Database assessment collections

DB_BackupRecovery Oracle Database backup and recovery problems

DB_Perf Oracle Database performance problems

DataGuard Data Guard problems

DirectNFS Direct NFS problems

Discoverer10g Oracle Discoverer 10g problems

Discoverer11g Oracle Discoverer 11g problems

EnterpriseSearch Oracle Secure Enterprise Search problems

Essbase Oracle Essbase problems

FM11g_Bi Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g problems

FM11g_Ecm Oracle Enterprise Content Management 11g problems

FM11g_Forms Oracle Forms 11g problems

FM11g_Identity Oracle Identity Management 11g problems

FM11g_Odi Oracle Data Integrator Standalone 11g problems

FM11g_Portal Oracle Portal 11g problems

FM11g_Reports Oracle Reports 11g problems

FM11g_Soa Oracle SOA Suite 11g problems

FM11g_WebTier Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Web Tier problems

FM11g_WlsBi Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g with WLS

FM11g_WlsForms Oracle Forms 11g with WLS problems

FM11g_WlsIdentity Oracle Identity Management 11g with WLS problems

FM11g_WlsOdi Oracle Data Integrator Suite 11g with WLS problems

FM11g_WlsPortal Oracle Portal 11g with WLS problems

FM11g_WlsReports Oracle Reports 11g with WLS problems

FM11g_WlsWebTier Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Web Tier with WLS problems

FinManagement Oracle Hyperion Financial Management problems

GridControl Grid Control problems

InterMedia Oracle interMedia problems

Linux Linux problems

LinuxPerf Linux performance problems

Maa_Assessment Maximum Availability Architecture assessment collections

Multimedia Oracle Multimedia problems

OSMonitor Operating System performance sampling

OVMManager Oracle VM Manager problems

Pda10g Portal 10g problems

Pda11g Portal 11g problems

Pda9i Portal 9i problems

PeopleSoft_DB PeopleSoft Oracle Database tier assessment collections

PeopleSoft_Web PeopleSoft Web application server assessment collections

Rac Real Application Cluster problems

Rac_AdvancedAsm Cluster with ASM problems (ASM advanced mode)

Rac_Asm Cluster with ASM problems

Rac_Assessment Real Application Cluster assessment collections

Rac_Perf Cluster performance problems

Retail Oracle Retail problems

Security Filter sensitive information from the reports

SupportInformer70 Oracle Communication BRM 7.0 problems

SupportInformer72 Oracle Communication BRM 7.2 problems

SupportInformer73 Oracle Communication BRM 7.3 problems

SupportInformer74 Oracle Communication BRM 7.4 problems

TimesTen Oracle TimesTen problems

TopLink10g Oracle TopLink 10g problems

WebCenter10g Oracle WebCenter 10g problems

WebCenter11g Oracle WebCenter 11g problems

WebCenterCont10g Oracle WebCenter 10g with Oracle Content Services problems

WebLogicServer Oracle WebLogic Server problems

上例列出了该版本RDA默认就有的Profile , 如DB11g这个profile是用来收集11g Database数据库的诊断信息的, 而DB10g 是收集10g Database诊断信息的, DB_Perf是收集数据库性能诊断信息的。

可以具体了解 这些profile 预设了哪些Module:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p DB11g


Profile DB11g - Oracle Database 11g problems


The DB11g profile uses the following modules:

OS Collects the Operating System Information

PROF Collects the User Profile

PERF Collects Performance Information

NET Collects Network Information

ONET Collects Oracle Net Information

INST Collects the Oracle Installation Information

DB Controls RDBMS Data Collection

DBA Collects RDBMS Information

DBM Collects RDBMS Memory Information

LOG Collects Database Trace and Log Files

DNFS Collects Direct NFS Information

SP Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information

GRID Controls Grid Control Data Collection

AGT Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information

DBC Collects Database Control Information

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -M -p DB10g


Profile DB10g - Oracle Database 10g problems


The DB10g profile uses the following modules:

OS Collects the Operating System Information

PROF Collects the User Profile

PERF Collects Performance Information

NET Collects Network Information

ONET Collects Oracle Net Information

INST Collects the Oracle Installation Information

DB Controls RDBMS Data Collection

DBA Collects RDBMS Information

DBM Collects RDBMS Memory Information

LOG Collects Database Trace and Log Files

SP Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information

GRID Controls Grid Control Data Collection

AGT Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information

DBC Collects Database Control Information

除了module之外profile可能还定义了一些临时变量如force_onet_tests 是否强制做oracle net网络测试等, 可以用-f( Set force mode)选项来列出这些temporary settings:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -fM -p DB10g


Profile DB10g - Oracle Database 10g problems


The DB10g profile uses the following modules:

OS Collects the Operating System Information

PROF Collects the User Profile

PERF Collects Performance Information

NET Collects Network Information

ONET Collects Oracle Net Information

INST Collects the Oracle Installation Information

DB Controls RDBMS Data Collection

DBA Collects RDBMS Information

DBM Collects RDBMS Memory Information

LOG Collects Database Trace and Log Files

SP Collects SQL*Plus/iSQL*Plus Information

GRID Controls Grid Control Data Collection

AGT Collects Enterprise Manager Agent Information

DBC Collects Database Control Information


The DB10g profile sets the following temporary settings:







[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -xv profiles

Treating profiles ...

Profile Cross Reference

Defined Profiles:

9iAS S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,

S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S350WEBC

AS10g S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,

S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S350WEBC

AS10g_Identity S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,

S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE, S330SSO, S340OID, S342OVD

AS10g_MidTier S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S249WRLS,

S290DEV, S300IAS, S310J2EE, S325PDA, S350WEBC, S390DSCV

AS10g_Repository S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,

S305ASBR, S306ASG, S310J2EE

AS10g_WebTier S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S130INST, S300IAS,

S310J2EE, S350WEBC, S410GRID

AS_BackupRecovery S100OS, S300IAS, S305ASBR

Act S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S130INST, S500ACT

AppsCheck S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S130INST, S500ACT

AsmFileSystem S100OS, S105PROF, S120NET, S122ONET, S130INST, S402ASM,


Bam S100OS, S105PROF, S110PERF, S120NET, S374BAM


使用-Q 选项可以更详细地列出profile相关的问题:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Q -p DB11g


S120NET - Collects Network Information



"Do you want RDA to perform the network ping tests (Y/N)?"


"Enter the name of the node the script is running on (used for ping



"Enter a remote node connecting to this server (used for ping tests)"


"Enter the node hosting the database instance (used for ping tests)"


"Enter the node where the Web Server/Forms server is on (used for ping




[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -S -p DB11g



[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh


RDA Data Collection Started 06-Feb-2012 01:23:22


Processing Initialization module ...

Enter the password for 'SYSTEM':

Please re-enter it to confirm:

Processing OCM module ...

Processing PERF module ...

Processing CFG module ...

Processing OS module ..

可能你还是觉得麻烦:”我使用oracle操作系统用户登录的,为啥每次还要输密码呢?直接sysdba不行吗?” 对于有些内部视图X$ View的查询也确实需要sysdba权限, 我们可以如下设置来使用sysdba身份:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh


RDA Data Collection Started 06-Feb-2012 01:27:37


Processing Initialization module ...

Processing OCM module ...

Processing PERF module ...

Processing CFG module ...

Processing OS module ...

除了单独使用某个profile外,我们还可以组合使用多个profile,使用-p profile1-profile2这样的语法即可,如:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g-DataGuard

使用-p profile1-profile2这样的模式即可


cat setup.cfg

# Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent - Setup Information



# Data Collection Overview


# S000INI=pending

# S010CFG=pending

# S020SMPL=pending

# S090OCM=pending

# S100OS=pending

# S105PROF=pending

# S110PERF=pending

# S120NET=pending

# S122ONET=pending

# S130INST=pending

# S200DB=skip

# S201DBA=pending

# S203DBM=pending

# S204LOG=pending

# S205BR=pending

# S212DNFS=skip

# S213SP=skip

# S400RAC=pending

# S400RACD=skip

# S401OCFS=skip

# S405DG=pending

# S410GRID=skip

# S420AGT=skip

# S430DBC=skip

# S909RDSP=skip

# S919LOAD=pending

# S990FLTR=skip



# S999END=pending


除了最常见的DB11g 、 DB10g外还有一些很有用的profile可以加速我们对问题的诊断, 在这里分享一下:

For 11g

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB11g

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DB11g




./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DB11g



./rda.sh -S -p DB10g

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB10g



./rda.sh -S -p DB9i

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB9i

DB_BackupRecovery 收集备份恢复信息

./rda.sh -S -p DB_BackupRecovery

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=0 -p DB_BackupRecovery


./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=1,RMAN_CATALOG=0 -p DB_BackupRecovery


./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,RMAN_IN_USE=1,RMAN_CATALOG=1,RMAN_SCHEMA=rman,RMAN_EXPORT_USER=rman@catlogdb -p DB_BackupRecovery

DB_Perf 收集数据库性能信息

./rda.sh -S -p DB_Perf

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DB_Perf

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,PERF_START_TIME=11-Mar-2010_12:00,PERF_END_TIME=11-Mar-2010_13:00 -p DB_Perf


DataGuard 收集dg 信息

./rda.sh -S -p DataGuard

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DataGuard

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ONET_IN_USE=1,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p DataGuard

--同时也收集Oracle Net Services信息

RAC 收集Real Application Cluster CRS信息

./rda.sh -S -p Rac

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac

RAC ASM 收集 Rac + Clusterware + Asm 信息

./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Asm

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_Asm

Rac_AdvancedAsm 收集更详细的Rac + Clusterware + Asm 信息

./rda.sh -S -p Rac_AdvancedAsm

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_AdvancedAsm

Rac_Perf 收集RAC数据库性能信息

./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Perf

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Perf

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,PERF_START_TIME=11-Mar-2010_12:00,PERF_END_TIME=11-Mar-2010_13:00 -p Rac_Perf


./rda.sh -S -p DirectNFS

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p DirectNFS


./rda.sh -S -p AsmFileSystem

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p AsmFileSystem


./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Assessment


./rda.sh -S -p Rac_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Rac_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Rac_Assessment


./rda.sh -S -p Maa_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/ -p Maa_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ASM_ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 -p Maa_Assessment


./rda.sh -S -p Exadata_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Exadata_Assessment

./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1,EXA_COLLECT_CELL=0 -p Exadata_Assessment

./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Exadata_Assessment


./rda.sh -S -p Maa_Exa_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment

./rda.sh -Sy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1,EXA_COLLECT_CELL=0 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment

./rda.sh -vSCRPfy -e SQL_SYSDBA=1,SQL_LOGIN=/,ALERT_TEXT=1 -p Maa_Exa_Assessment

还可以利用rda对OS做数据库软件安装前的预检查,如将需要安装11.2g,则执行 ./rda.sh -T hcve:

[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -T hcve

Processing HCVE tests ...

Available Pre-Installation Rule Sets:

1. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)

2. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)

3. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (IA-64 Linux)

4. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)

5. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (IA-64 Linux)

6. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)

7. Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1.0) Preinstall (Linux AMD64)

8. Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)

9. Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0) Preinstall (Linux-x86)


====== ==================== ======= ==========================================

A00010 OS Certified? PASSED Adequate

A00050 Enter ORACLE_HOME RECORD /s01/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

A00060 ORACLE_HOME Valid? PASSED OHexists

A00070 O_H Permissions OK? PASSED CorrectPerms

A00080 oraInventory Permiss PASSED oraInventoryOK

A00090 Got ld,nm,ar,make? PASSED ld_nm_ar_make_found

A00100 Umask Set to 022? PASSED UmaskOK

A00120 Limit Processes PASSED Adequate

A00130 Limit Descriptors PASSED Adequate


A00180 JAVA_HOME Unset? PASSED UnSet

A00190 Enter JDK Home RECORD

A00200 JDK Version FAILED JDK home is missing

A00210 Other O_Hs in PATH? FAILED OratabEntryInPath

A00220 Other OUI Up? PASSED NoOtherOUI

A00230 /tmp Adequate? PASSED TempSpaceOK

A00240 Disk Space OK? PASSED DiskSpaceOK

A00250 Swap (in MB) RECORD 5951

A00260 RAM (in MB) PASSED 3955

A00270 Swap OK? PASSED SwapToRAMOK

A00280 Network PASSED Connected

A00290 IP Address RECORD

A00300 Domain Name RECORD oracle.com

A00310 DNS Lookup FAILED nslookup host.domain

A00320 /etc/hosts Format FAILED Missing host.domain

A00330 Kernel Parameters OK PASSED KernelOK

A00380 Tainted Kernel? PASSED NotVerifiable

A00400 ip_local_port_range PASSED RangeOK


A00490 EL5 RPMs OK? FAILED [kernel-headers(i386)] not installed ..>





Result file: /home/oracle/rda/output/RDA_HCVE_A200DB11R2_lnx_res.htm

上例对OS做了Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0) Preinstall的预安装检查 ,并给出了检查结果。


[oracle@vrh8 rda]$ ./rda.sh -cv

Loading the file list ...

Checking the directory '.' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Handle' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Library' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Library/Remote' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Local' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Object' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Operator' ...

Checking the directory 'RDA/Value' ...

Checking the directory 'hcve' ...

Checking the directory 'modules' ...

No issues found


Maclean Liu

Oracle Database Administrator

Oracle Certified 10g/11g Master     

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