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Computer vision research groups






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This list encompasses both academic and industrial research groups working in computer vision and related areas. We believe it is the most comprehensive listing of this type anywhere in the world. But if we have somehow managed to omit your group, or the information we have is incorrect, please complete the following form and submit it to us. We'll then amend the page as necessary.

Group name:
Research groups are listed alphabetically by country: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Peru, Republic of Ireland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America. Within each country, groups are order alphabetically by institution.


Australian National University, Centre for Visual Sciences

Biorobotic Vision group


Visual Processing Research Group

Curtin University

University of Melbourne, Computer Science

Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence laboratory

Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

University of Technology, Sydney

Computer Vision and Cluster Computing Laboratory

University of Western Australia, Computer Science

Robotics and Vision research group


Graz University of Technology

Computer Graphics and Vision Group

Joanneum Research

Institute of Digital Image Processing

Technical University of Vienna

Pattern Recognition and Image Processing group

VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization

Research Center for Advanced Computer Vision


Jahangirnagar University

Human-Robot Symbiosis Group


Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk


Katholieke University Leuven

Medical Image Computing

Vision for Industry, Communication, and Services (VISICS)

Royal Military Academy

Signal and Image Processing Centre


Cyclops Project

Research on Computer Vision Applications in Medicine

University of Parana

Computer Vision and Image Processing Group

University of São Paulo

Computer Vision group

Creative Vision Group

LSI Division of Artificial Intelligence and Automation


University of British Columbia

Laboratory for Computational Intelligence

Laboratory for imagery, vision, and artificial intelligence

Laval University

Computer Vision and Systems laboratory

McGill University

Centre for Intelligent Machines

University of Montreal

Computer Vision & Geometric Modeling Lab

National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

Computational Video Group

Visual Information Technology Group

University of Ottawa

Video, Image, Vision and Audio Research Group

University of Saskatchewan

Computer Vision

Simon Fraser University

Computational Vision laboratory

University of Waterloo

Vision and Image Processing Lab

York University

Center For Vision Research

Vision, Graphics and Robotics


Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition

Institute for Image Recognition and Artifical Intelligence


University of Ningbo

College of Information

SouthEast University

Image Science and Technology


University of Zagreb

Image Processing Group


Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics, Centre of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Digital Signal Processing Group

Czech Republic

Czech Technical University, Department of Control Engineering

Center for Machine Perception


University of Aalborg

Computer Vision and Media Technology Laboratory (CVMT)

University of Copenhagen

Image Group

Luebeck University of Medicine

Institute for Signal Processing

Technical University of Denmark

Dept of Mathematical Modeling Section for Image Analysis

See also the list of Nordic groups in computer vision.



Integrated Machine Vision Cluster

University of Oulu

Computer Engineering Laboratory

Information Processing Laboratory

Machine Vision and Media Processing Group


French Ministry of Defense (DGA)

Geography, Imagery, and Perception Group


INRIA home page INRIA vision home page

CREATIS -- Centre for Research and Applications in Image and Signal Processing (Lyon)

CRIN/INRIA Lorraine Image Synthesis and Analysis group

Perception and Integration for Smart Spaces

Projet PRIMA

Surgery, Informatics and Robotics (Chirurgie, Informatique & Robotique)

Rhone-Alpes - Models for Computer Vision

Sophia Antipolis centre


Pattern Recognition and Vision

Institut National des Telecommunications (INT)

The ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and TEchniques for Multidimensional Imaging Systems) Project Unit


Aachen University of Technology - Department of Technical Computer Science

Specializes in human media technology and in knowledge based and trainable systems (computer vision and computational intelligence)

Aachen University of Technology - Language Processing and Pattern Recognition (Computer Science VI)

The object recognition group specializes in statistical image object recognition

Berlin Technical University, Computer Science

Computer Vision group

University of Bielfeld

Applied Computer Science Group

Neuroinformatics Group

University of Bonn

CSD III Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition group

Institute for Photogrammetry

University of Bremen

Center for Computing Technologies, Image Processing Group

Institute for Neurophysics

University of Cologne

Pattern Recognition group

DKFZ Heidelberg (German Cancer Research Centre)

Medical and Biological Informatics



DLR (German Aerospace Research Establishment), Institute of Robotics and System Dynamics

Robot Vision

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics

Multimedia Systems and Image Processing

University of Freiburg

Department of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing

Hamburg University

Cognitive Systems group IMA Research Group

University of Hannover

Institut für Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik und Informationsverarbeitung (TNT)

Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation

University of Heidelberg

Digital Image Processing Group

TU Munich

Image Understanding Group

Robot Vision Group

University of Jena

Digital Image Processing group

University of Koblenz

Active Vision Laboratory

Image Recognition laboratory

University of Paderborn, Electrical Engineering

GET Computer Vision laboratory


National Technical University of Athens

Computer Vision, Speech Communication and Signal Processing Group

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Computer Vision and Image Processing group


Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Image and Pattern Analysis Group


Hebrew University

Computer Vision Lab

Technion IIT

Center for Intelligent Systems

Signal and Image Processing Lab

Vision and Image Science Lab


C.N.R.-- Institute of Clinical Physiology

Computer Vision Group

University of Bologna

Biometric Systems Laboratory


Galileo Ferraris Computer Vision laboratory

University Genova


University of Messina

Vision Lab

Parma University

Computer Vision

University of Pavia

Vision Lab

Rovira i Virgili University

Intelligent Robotics and Computer Vision Group

University of Udine

Machine Vision laboratory


Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Biomedical Lab

Indian Statistical Institute, Machine Intelligence Unit

Image processing, Vision and Soft Computing Laboratory


Niigata University

Department of Information Engineering

Ritsumeikan University

Computer Vision Laboratory


See also the Korean research groups in Visual Information Processing.

Hanyang University


Jungang University

Artificial Intelligence Lab

Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Vision and Robotics Lab

Cognitive Systems Lab

Database and Multimedia Lab

Virtual Reality Group

Korea Institute of Geology Mining and Materials (KIGAM)

Seismic Data Processing Lab

Korea University

Image Processing Laboratory

Center for Artificial Vision Research

Multimedia Communication Lab and Image Processing Lab

Kyungpook National University

Image System Engineering Lab (Written only in Korean)

Signal Processing and System Engineering Lab (Written only in Korean)

Medison Co.

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and

Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST)

Image Processing Lab

Computer Vision Laboratory

Pusan National University

Computer Vision Lab

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Lab

Sung Kyun Kwan University

Geographic Information Systems Lab


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Multimedia group

The Netherlands

University of Amsterdam

Autonomous Systems group Intelligent Sensory Information Systems (ISIS)

Delft University

Pattern Recognition group

Leiden University

Imaging and Multimedia

New Zealand

Aukland University

Tamaki Campus, Computer Vision Unit at Tamaki

Industrial Research Ltd

Machine Vision group

University of Otago

Computer Vision Research Group


Norwegian University of Science and Technology Signal Processing

Høgskolen i Stavanger

Signal Processing group

See also the list of Nordic groups in computer vision.


International Islamic University, Islamabad



University of Algarve

Vision Laboratory

Institute of Systems and Robotics

Computer Vision Laboratory

Instituto Superior Tecnico

VisLab -- Computer Vision Lab

Universidade do Minho

Image & Microscopy Lab (BioPSE group)


AB Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics (KRINC)

The Laboratory for Neural Network Modeling in Vision Research

Minsk Image Processing and Recognition Laboratory


University San Martin De Porres

Digital Image Processing Group

Republic of Ireland

Dublin City University

Vision Systems group

Machine Vision Group

Trinity College Dublin

Computer Vision and Robotics Group

University College Dublin

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

South Africa

University of Cape Town

Image Processing laboratory


Institute for Industrial Automation

GPA Artificial Perception Group

University Autonònoma de Barcelona

Computer Vision Centre

University of Granada

Computer Vision Group

Visual Information Processing group

University Jaume I

Computer Vision Group

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Mathematical Analysis of Images

Universidad Politecnica Madrid

Vision research

University of Zaragoza

Aragon Institute of Engineering, Computer Vision Lab


Halmstad University

Signal Analysis Group

KTH (Royal Institute of Technology)

Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory

Linköping University

Division of Computer Vision

Lund University

Mathematical Imaging Group

See also the list of Nordic groups in computer vision.


University of Bern

Research Group on Computer Vision and AI

EFPL (Federal Institue of Technology)

Computer Vision laboratory

Computer Graphics laboratory

ETH Zürich

Perceptual Computing and Computer Vision Group

Image Science group

University of Geneva

Vision group


Academia Sinica

Laboratories of Intelligent Systems


Middle East Technical University

Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Laboratory

United Kingdom

University of Aberdeen

Parallel and Image Processing Research Group

Bangor University

Neural and Vision Research Laboratory

Queen's University of Belfast

Centre for Image and Vision Systems

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland

University of Birmingham

Digital Systems and Vision Processing Group

University of Brighton

Applied Image Processing Research Unit

University of Bristol

Image Processing and Computer Vision Group

Cardiff University

Vision and Geometry Research Group

University College London

Physics department, Image Processing group

University of Cambridge, Engineering

Speech, Vision and Robotics group

University of Edinburgh, Artificial Intelligence

Machine Vision group

University of Essex

Computer Science, Computer Vision Research

Electronic Systems Engineering

Vision and Synthetic Environments Laboratory

Multimedia Architectures Laboratory

University of Exeter

Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks Group

Heriot-Watt University, Computing and Electrical Engineering

Vision and Image Processing group

Image Systems Engineering Laboratory

University of Glasgow

3D-MATIC Research Laboratory

Kings College London

Image Processing group

Division of Imaging Sciences

Leeds University

Computer Vision Group

University of Manchester

Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering (ISBE)

Neuro-image Analysis Centre (NIAC)

University of Northumbria

Institute for Image Data Research

University of Nottingham

Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group

Oxford Brookes University

Pattern Recognition Group

University of Oxford

Robotics Research group

Active Vision Laboratory

Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London

Vision research

University of Plymouth

Centre for Intelligent Systems

University of Reading

Department of Computer Science, Computational Vision Group

Sheffield Hallam University

Microsystems and Machine Vision Laboratory

University of Southampton

Image, Speech, and Intelligent Systems

University of Surrey, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing group

University of Sussex

COGS Vision Research

University of Ulster

Computer Vision and Image Processing research group

United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals

Vision Research

University of the West of England, Bristol

Machine Vision Group

University of York

Computer Science, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Electronic Engineering, Media Engineering Group

United States of America

Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc.

Boston University

Image and Video Computing Research group

University of California at Santa Barbara

Vision Research Lab

University of California at Berkeley

Computer Vision group

University of California at San Diego

Computer Vision & Robotics Research Laboratory

Visual Computing laboratory

University of California at Irvine

Computer Vision laboratory

University of California, Riverside

Visualization and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (VISLab)

University of California at Santa Cruz

Perceptual Science Laboratory

University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Computer Vision


Vision group

Carnegie Mellon University

Calibrated Imaging Laboratory

Digital Mapping Laboratory

Interactive Systems Laboratory

Vision and Autonomous Systems Center

University of Central Florida

Computer Vision laboratory


Vision Lab

University of Florida

Center for Computer Vision and Visualization

Colorado State University

Computer Vision group

Columbia University

Automated Vision Environment (CAVE)

Robotics group

Cornell University

Robotics and Vision group

Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM)

University of Georgia, Athens

Visual and Parallel Computing Laboratory

Harvard University

Robotics Laboratory

University of Illinois at Chicago

Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory

Vision Interfaces and Systems Laboratory (VISLab)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Robotics and Computer Vision

University of Iowa

Division of Physiologic Imaging

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Machine Vision and Tracking Sensors group

Khoral Research, Inc

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories

Imaging and Collaborative Computing Group

Imaging and Distributed Computing

Lehigh University

Image Processing and Pattern Analysis Lab

Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

University of Louisville

Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab

University of Maryland

Computer Vision Laboratory

University of Massachusetts

Computer Vision

Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics

University of Miami

Underwater Vision and Imaging Laboratory

University of Michigan

AI Laboratory

Michigan State University

Pattern Recognition and Image Processing laboratory

Microsoft Corporation


University of Missouri-Columbia

Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory


AI Laboratory Computer Vision group

Center for Biological and Computational Learning

Media Laboratory, Vision and Modelling Group

Perceptual Science group


Computer Vision and Image Processing

University of Nevada

Computer Vision Laboratory

Notre-Dame University

Vision-Based Robotics using Estimation

Ohio State University

Signal Analysis and Machine Perception Laboratory

University of Pennsylvania

GRASP laboratory

Medical Image Processing group

Vision Analysis and Simulation Technologies (VAST) Laboratory

Penn State University

Computer Vision

Precision Digital Images

Purdue University

Robot Vision laboratory

Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Computer Science Vision

University of Rochester

Center for Electronic Imaging Systems

Vision and Robotics laboratory

Rutgers University (The State University of New Jersey)

Image Understanding Lab

University of Southern California

Computer Vision

University of South Florida

Image Analysis Research group

Stanford Research Institute International (SRI)

RADIUS -- Research and Development for Image Understanding Systems

The Perception program at SRI's AI Center

Stanford University

Vision and Imaging Science and Technology

SUNY at Stony Brook

Computer Vision Lab

University of Tennessee

Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent Systems laboratory

University of Texas, Austin

Laboratory for Vision Systems

University of Utah

Center for Scientific Computing and Imaging

Robotics and Computer Vision

Virage, Inc.

University of Virginia

Computer Vision Research (CS)

University of Washington

Image Computing Systems Laboratory

Information Processing Laboratory

CVIA Laboratory

University of West Florida

Image Analysis/Robotics Research Laboratory

University of Wisconsin

Computer Vision group

Vanderbilt University

Center for Intelligent Systems

Washington State University

Imaging Research laboratory


Model-Based Vision laboratory

Wright State University

Intelligent Systems Laboratory

University of Wyoming

Wyoming Image and Signal Processing Research (WISPR)

Yale University

Computational Vision Group

School of Medicine, Image Processing and Analysis group

Last updated on 21-Nov-2006 by Adrian F. Clark. [Comment on this page]
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