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每天学点English Email(商务性结尾2)

2013-12-30 10:32 393 查看
(一)期待我们的成功与繁荣在未来几年能持续下去. [word] success n.成功 ; [word] prosperity n.繁荣,成功 ;

I look forward to our continued success and prosperity in the years to come.

(二)我们保证会让您满意,我们也会非常欢迎您的意见反馈. [word] guarantee v. 保证

Your satisfaction is guaranteed and your feedback is encouraged.

(三)若您有任何问题或是想下单订购,都非常欢迎您来电.[phrase] place an order 下单[订购]

[phrase]: more than+形容词 是一种强调用法,如more than welcome 即指[非常欢迎],另外, I am more than happy to help you.则指[我非常乐意帮助你];

You are more than welcome to call me with any questions you may have, or if you would like to place your order.

(四)希望您喜欢我们的新服务并期盼您继续惠顾. [word] patronage n 赞助,光顾;任免权.

We hope you appreciate our new services and look forward to your continued patronage.


Once again, thank you so much for your continued patronage.

(五)如果一切顺利的,我们期望往后每个月都能向您订购产品. [phrase] look to 期盼

on a(time) basis 指[以...为基础;按时间] monthly [每月] ,weekly[每周],quarterly[每季]等.

If everything goes well, I will be looking to order products from you on a monthly basis.


I need to contact the regional office in Hong Kong on a weekly basis.


Working on a part-time basis can prepare the students for a future career.


if you have any questions regarding these changes ,please don't hesitate to contact us.


We welcome your questions regrading these changes.


We will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding these changes.
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