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2013-12-29 10:23 375 查看
一、GIT 学习与整理
1、 git log –stat 可以看到每次提交都修改了哪些文件
有时候查看的时候需要显示全路径 git log –stat-name-width=100
2、 git show 06b91520bc66715415315165b892d187c066659f filename 可以看到每次具体做了哪些修改
3、 merge操作一般从本地分枝merge到master分枝之后 再提交到远端master

git checkout master //先切回master分析
git merge 1.4.5 //再从1.4.5 merge到master分枝
12git checkout master//先切回master分析git merge1.4.5//再从1.4.5 merge到master分枝
4、在同一台机器可以直接pull对方的代码如 git pull /home/user/code master

二、关于 tcp_timestamps和tcp_tw_recycle 导致TCP连接有问题
An additional mechanism could be added tothe TCP,aper-host cache of the last timestamp received from any connection.Thisvalue could thenbe used inthe PAWS mechanism toreject old duplicate segments from earlier incarnations of the connection,ifthe timestamp clock can be guaranteed tohave ticked at least once since the old connection was open.Thiswould require that the TIME-WAIT delay plus the RTT together must be at least one tick of the sender’stimestamp clock.Such an extension isnotpart of the proposal of thisRFC.大概意思是说TCP有一种行为,可以缓存每个连接最新的时间戳,后续请求中如果时间戳小于缓存的时间戳,即视为无效,相应的数据包会被丢弃。

shell> netstat -s | grep timestamp
... packets rejects in established connections because of timestamp
12shell>netstat-s|grep timestamp...packets rejects inestablished connections because of timestamp
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