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About Spring

2013-12-27 11:21 253 查看

For simplify Java development:

In 1996, Sun published the JavaBeans 1.0 specification which define a set of coding policies that enable simple Java objects to be reusable and easily composed into more complex application.

In 1998, Sun published the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0 specification which providing much-needed enterprise service, but fail to continue simplicity of the original JavaBeans specification

Today, Java component development has returned to its root. New programming techniques, including DI and AOP are giving JavaBeans much power previously reserved for EJBs. And Spring employs four key strategies for this:

1. Lightweight and minimally invasive development with plain old Java objects(POJOs).

2. Loose coupling through Dependency injection and Interface orientation.

3. Declarative  programming through aspects and common conventions.

4. Boilerplate reduction through templates.

About Spring container:

In a Spring-base application, all application objects will live within the Spring container. Spring comes with several container implementations that can be categorized into two distinct types: Bean factories and Application contexts. And there are three
regular Application contexts:

ClassPathXmlApplicationContext -- Loads a context definition from an XML file located in the classpath

FileSystemXmlApplicationContext -- Loads a context definition f
rom an XML file located in the file system

XmlWebApplicationContext -- Loads a context definition from an XML file within a web application

obviously you can manipulate Spring container through the XML files.

About Spring modules:

Aboub wiring beans:

when declaring beans in XML file, there are several namespace(root element) you can choose, but the <beans> is the most important one and it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd"> 
<!-- Bean declarations go here-->


declaring a simple bean:

package com.myspring.example;
public class SimpleBean{
private int i = 1;
public void f(){
System.out.println("hello world");

<bean id="simple" class="com.myspring.example.SimpleBean" />

wiring beans for constructor:

<constructor-arg /> element indicate the constructor's arguments, the "value" define base type data and "ref" define reference type data

<bean id="xxx" class="xxx">
<constructor-arg value="1" />
<constructor-arg ref="simple" />

wiring beans for method:

"factory-method" attribute indicate a static method, "init-method" specifies a method that is to be called on the bean immediately instantiation and "destroy-method" specifies a method that is called just before a bean is removed from the container

<bean id="xxx" class="xxx" factory-method="staticMethod" />
<bean id="xxx" class="xxx" init-method="afterInsert" />
<bean id="xxx" class="xxx" destroy-method="beforeRemove" />

wiring beans for feild:

<bean id="xxx" class="xxx" >
<property name="xxx" value="xxx" /> <!--simple field-->
<property name="xxx" ref="xxx" /> <!--object field-->
<property name="xxx">
<bean class="xxx" />
<property name="xxx"> <!--List field-->
<ref bean="xxx">
<property name="xxx"> <!--Map field-->
<entry key="xxx" value="xxx">
<entry key-ref="xxx" value-ref="xxx">
<property name="xxx"> <!--Map<String> field-->
<prop key="xxx">value</prop>
<property name="xxx"> <!--null value for the field-->
<null />

wiring with expressions:

Spring 3 introduced the Spring Expression Language(SpEL) which a powerful yet succinct way of wiring, the #{ } markers are a clue to Spring that the content is a SpEL expression

<bean id="xxx" class="xxx" >
<property name="xxx" value="#{exp}" /> <!--the basic form-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{BeanID}" /> <!--equals ref="BeanID"-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{BeanID.field}" /> <!--access the Bean's field-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{BeanID.method()}" /> <!--access the Bean's method-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{BeanID.methodA()?.methodB()}" />
<!-- ?. indicate a null judgement, if methodA()==null then stop the step-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{T(xxx.class).method()}" />
<!--T(Class) indicate a specify Class, generally be used for invoke static method-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{exp match 'xxx'}" />
<!--xxx indicate a regular expression-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID[index]}" />
<!--access the value of the collection, index begins with 0-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID[value]}" />
<!--access straightly the value of the collection-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID.?[exp]}" />
<!-- .? for searching the collection with a filter expression then return the result-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID.^[exp]}" />
<!-- .^ for searching the first matching items from a collection-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID.$[exp]}" />
<!-- .$ for searching the last matching items from a collection-->
<property name="xxx" value="#{CollectID.![property]}" />
<!-- .! for searching the specify property of collection-->

About annotation

Spring supports two types of annotation, one is spring's and another comes from JavaEE
Annotation was based on the autowiring, there are four kinds auto wiring: byName/byType/contructor/autodetect(first try constructor, if failure then try byType)

you need to explicit <context:annotation-config> in the XML file before use the annotation in the java source, or instead of <context:component-scan>

annotation within spring

@Autowired(required=true/false) // maybe can auto wire anything(field/method/constructor)
@Qualifier("xxx") // narrow the selection of matching beans with the bean's name
@Value("SpEL exp") // using expression for injection

to create a custom qualifier annotation, you need to define an annotation that's itself annotated with @Qualifier:

public @interface MyQualifier{

annotation within JavaEE

@Inject // just like @Autowired
@Name("xxx") // just like @Qualifier

annotating for autodiscovery

by default, <context:component-scan> looks for four annotation:

@Component and any custom annotation which be annotated with @Component




filtering component-scan: <context:include-filter type="" expression=""> / <context:exclude-filter type="" expression="">

there are five type for the filter: annotation/assignable(be seemed as byType)/aspectj/custom/regex

using Java-base configuration(which against with XML-base configuration)

@Configuration // as a clue to Spring that this class will contain one or more Spring bean declarations, just like what the XML file to do
@Bean // declare a bean, equals to <bean> tag in the XML file

About aspect

some key words need to know: 

advice: define the what and when of aspects, Spring aspects can work with five kinds of advice: Before/After/Around/After-returning/After-throwing

join points: a point in the execution of the application where an aspect can be plugged in

pointcuts: define the where of aspects, pointcuts help narrow down the join point advised by an aspect

aspect: the merger of advice and pointcuts--what it does and where and when it does it

introduction: allows to add new methods to existing classes

weaving: the process of applying aspects to a target object to create a new proxied object, the weaving can take place at several points: CompileTime/ClassLoadTime/Runtime

Spring's AOP support:

spring advice is written in Java

spring advice objects at runtime

spring only supports method join points

writing pointcuts

excution(* com.myspring.example.BeCuttedClass.beCuttedMethod(..))
&& within(com.myspring.example.*) // narrow the selection scope
&& bean(BeanId) // designate the bean in the spring container
annotation aspect

you must import the <aop> namespace before use the annotation and define <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> in correspond XML file, or alternately a explicit definition <bean:theAspectClass>

@Aspect // a clue to spring this class is a aspect class
public class CutDown{

@Pointcut("excution (* com.myspring.example.BeCuttedClass.beCuttedMethod(..))")
public void cut(){}; // a blank method which just only means a mark

public void beforeStart(){
System.out.println("invoke beforeStart() before cut()");

public void afterEnd(){
System.out.println("invoke beforeStart() before cut() return");

public void correctEnd(){
System.out.println("invoke correctEnd() after cut() return");

public void wrongEnd(){
System.out.println("invoke wrongEnd() when cut() throw exception");
annotation introduction

public class IntroductionClass{

@DeclareParents( // a clue to spring this need introduction
value = "com.myspring.example.BeCuttedClass+", // target classes
dafaultImpl = NewInterfaceImpl.class // addition class which implements the interface
public static NewInterface newInterface; // specify the interface which add the function


to be continue...
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