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linux mint下的各种环境配置及软件安装

2013-12-26 10:18 417 查看
[.NET开发; 编程思想] .NET开发人员,对于动态语言(Dynamic Languages)应该持什么样的态度 #
Are you sure you want to be mainstream? 这是让任何技术开发人员和技术投资者头痛和非常容易引起思考的一个问题。如果用这个问题结束有关动态语言和静态语言的争执,我想,最后的问题也许是-你要否能够坚持你自己的选择?

[.NET开发; LINQ; 数据库技术] LINQ May CTP supports Datasets, DLINQ Desginer #
The new LINQ supports LINQ over Datasets. Also, in this rev, VB and C# language versions of LINQ are available in a single download. Other major additions in this release are the DLINQ Designer, Data Binding, better support for stored procedures and ASP.NET LINQ project templates.

[ajax] XmlHttpRequest Debugging for IE #
Since I wrote the original XMLHttpRequest Debugging user script for Firefox (screenshot), almost a year ago, it has received a lot of positive feedback and a number of you expressed interest in having the tool support IE, to ease your AJAX development.

[ajax] Ajax Frameworks #
These pages contain links, summaries, and licensing details of various Ajax-related frameworks. The definition of 'Ajax' extends beyond remoting/XMLHttpRequest to any form of rich browser applications, so you'll find libraries for widgets, visual effects, server-side code generation, and so on. Contributions are welcome - see below for details. Thanks to everyone who's been adding framework info so far. Due to rapid growth - almost one new framework per day - I split the page into 15 new pages, on December 1, 2005.

[搜索技术; Lucene] Solr 企业级搜索引擎简介 #
Solr 使用的是Lucene包,并对其进行了扩展

[开源] Opensourcecms:优秀web开源代码的展示网站 #
Opensourcecms是一个介绍优秀PHP MYSQL开源代码的网站,它最大的特色就是所有推荐的开源代码都建立了演示站点,而且在未安装之前,你可以使用它提供的帐号彻彻底底的去感受一下。

[搜索技术; Google; spider] On Bots(中文翻译) #
关于搜索引擎的大规模试验在持续了一年之后于2006-4-13结束。该试验的目的是分析搜索引擎行为模式,共使用了基于二叉查找树结构- Binary Search Tree 2 -而组织的20亿页面。在一年的时间内,三个主要搜索引擎向超过十万个不同的URL提交了超过一百万次页面请求。由于显示在页面上的访问记录和留言的增长,drunkmenworkhere.org的主页也从最初的1.6kB增长到了4MB。本文即为这次试验的结果。

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息